Let's play house. 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Let's play house. 

Let's play house. 

There are AE balls and AE chat threads, but Nymph and Sea Glass never like to go out, not where there are people (as do I). So this is a thread about what they do all day, maybe a sort of diary or log of their introverted/antisocial activities.

There might be RPing. They might talk. They might ramble on for entire posts directed at no one about whatever it is they're thinking. I don't know, but feel free to join.

Try to stay away from shipping and drama; this is about your AEs as beings with complex characters doing stuff in their spare time. Or what they do in the time that isn't spare. That might include social interactions, or it might not. Post the name of the AE of focus at the beginning of each comment, and develop. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 5, 2018 - 10:37 am)

The Phantom of the Opera?

The Phantom of the Opera?! :D

What is that?

I have no idea. Well, I do--a play, I think, about some guy who lurks in operas and winds up stalking this one girl who's a performer. He wears an iconic mask, and I think there's a big reveal scene at some point. That's about all I know. Can you tell us more, or would that be spoilers? 

Mexi says wyet! Ooh, like Wyit and Sidna!

There have, I think, been several films of The Phantom of the Opera, beginning in the late 1920s or '30s, a silent film. More recently ('80s?) it was produced as a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Weber. It's one of the longest running Broadway shows.


submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 31, 2018 - 9:17 pm)


I decide I want to feel the wind beneath my wings, and so I feather out of the house early in the morning. It is cold. I fluff up my layer of down for insulation. Warmer muscles are more flexible.

The dawn is more modest than usual. I warble to it anyway. Other birds join me in a chorus, and we sing up the sun. 

I spend the hours between six and nine at a creek, standing still as a stone in the form of an egret. Silvery fish glimmer beneath the surface. I deliberate for a long time before choosing my breakfast. Making off with it, I flap into a thermal and angle my wings to ride up into the blue. 

The trees below me are a patchwork of green and orange, yellow, red and pink. I do not especially care for the view from above, but I let its colors ripple through my feathers anyway.

In a secret glen of Elysium is the best and the brightest sight of changing leaves. I skim over a lilypad-dotted pond and watch insects from the reeds while I wait for it to be afternoon. When the sun is at its golden angle and the sky is bluer than ever, I wing away to see. 

The air is fresh and smells of fall. A golden rain tumbles slowly into drifts that carpet my path. I nearly float, draped in white and emerald. I breathe for hours. Never blink.

By the time purple enters the horizon, I have ceased to think in words. They return when I drift home, and I ease their transition with music. Sea Glass and Viola? embrace this gratefully. I have the best ideas.  

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 30, 2018 - 3:20 pm)


I'm beginning to feel lonely in this vast infinity of possibility that is Rogue's mind. Ponderance is not always the most cheerful of pasttimes. Maybe I could drop in on one of the other AEs. At the very wave of my hand, stationary appears, floating nonchalantly to my hands. I write to the very first AE I think of. Hmm... Someone who would offer a powerful alliance as well as be willing to accept one... Someone a bit like me... Someone who won't follow me around... I make a mental note that I will not me forced to walk behind another AE. Hmmm. Someone powerful, quiet, and strong. Nymph comes to mind, but everybody wants to be her friend, pining after her good favor. Pathetic. I will not join them. If Nymph wants to be my friend, so be it, but I will not join the scared and huddling masses begging for her. I decide not to write to anybody. I lay back into the sweet-smelling grasses of Personal Meadow. Come on, Rogue. Could've been a little more creative. I decide to rename it... Nonamors. Not from death. Fitting. I stand, the sea wind whipping in my white hair, and making my wings billow. I stare into the cold breeze, defying its laughter. A cloud twists and whirls in the air, occasionally forming into... No. Not... NO! I half-sprint, half-run to the edge of the cliff. Snapping my wings open, I pursue the phantom. A white Valyan, with scars all over her beautiful wings. She turns in the air, the grim, lonely, and sad look on her face nearly knocking me out of the sky.

"Go. You are not wanted here." I growl. Her face becomes even more sad.

"But you know what I am, right? I am what you could become. You need to find someone who will let you be yourself and will know you for what you are." She fades away, and I am left to ponder. I float slowly down to the shore. For a while, I stare at the water lapping at my feet. Quietly, footsteps approach. I turn. Rogue walks almost impercibly, not only here but in real life as well, so I easily know it's my CBer and not some AE who's come to call. Not that anybody would, but if I did have friends... Then I realize who it is and I gasp. It's an AE, not Rogue.


Would anybody like to have called on Cap? 

submitted by Captain X
(October 31, 2018 - 12:27 am)

How... military...

Does she expect an attack? It appears to delineate preparations for a power struggle.

I don't know, I've never heard of AEs being at all organized in groups. It does seem unusual, though, to pursue friendship so... strategically. Unless she's looking for a romantic partner? But that usually arises out of people naturally gravitating towards each other too, doesn't it?

Our views have changed with time. Perhaps there is something she sees that we are not aware of. 

Yeah, probably. 

By the way, this isn't meant as criticism, I just find it interesting. And for some reason I have decided to write out my thoughts like this. ...Ignore me. 

What's this about huddling masses pining for my favor? Is that true? It sounds like lies. There's not nearly enough people doing that to count as masses.

What would you do if there were?

I don't know...

I guess you could hypothetically play them off of each other for drama or profit, setting up circumstances to suit you, but that sounds really complicated and kind of villainous.

Eh. Too much work. I'm going to my woods. 

*murmurs to self* So Nymph is oblivious...? Or I am, or there's nothing to not notice. Or some combination of the three.

It's not a crime to like someone that other people like...

Yeah, mainstream can be fun! Like surfing. I've never been surfing, but it sounds like a good metaphor. Anyway. Stuff gets popular for a reason. I really haven't seen much admiration for Nymph, though, have you? Apart from how she keeps attracting suitors. 

*blushes* I don't know.  

I think maybe that has something to do with her confidence. Like the Breath, uh... class? Oh, Aspect. Right.

Unintentional leaders...

Doing their own thing. Yeah, that sounds like Nymph.  

Mexi says vuen! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 31, 2018 - 9:09 pm)

Cap inherited the way I search for friends. It's really sad sometimes, but oh well. Ehehehe... But yes, it definitely is unusual. And she also has my overly sharp opinion of what we deem as 'weak'... Actually more like what we deem as 'weakness'.

To add to that, I have no social skills whatsoever-

Sounds familiar.

-But I do value quality time alone or with others, although both for extended periods of time are extremely taxing... Does anybody agree? *Silence* Urgh I need somebody to listen to...

*Points to Cap* That last sentence revised: She probably wants someone who will have deep, meaningful conversations with her (while she is listening silently and intently) and is strong of heart. As a friend. Well actually that depends... XP

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(November 1, 2018 - 1:17 am)

Onyx stretches out on the floor and flips the page, apparently unaware of the kid at the computer chronicling her activities. Absently tapping her foot, she glances to her phone and raises the voulme a bit. Onyx is reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho for the second time and is listening to the album hopeless fountain kingdom by Halsey. Today had been a good day.

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 31, 2018 - 7:55 pm)

Well, The Phantom of the Opera is this play ab--

Let me explain it!

O-okay then. I'll... just leave then... leave you to your... ...explaining.

Wow, that was a lot of elipses.

Anyway. So, the Phantom of the Opera is a love story, actually. It's about this beatiful soprano in an opera, Christine Daäe (there's a little thingie over the second a. An umblat, I think it's called. So anyway... yes, sorry, leaving now). And in this opera house, there's this legend, this ghost story almost, about this man with a face so ugly he hides behind that iconic mask you heard about, and haunts the opera house. And so he sort of does this thing where his theme-- this really dramatic dun-dun-dun-dunduunnn type thing plays and all of the lights go out (seriously-- google the overture-- so intense). And this famous opera singer gets spooked, and is like, 'I quit!' so Christine gets thrown into the lead. Oh and also the old manager retired, so these new guys are running the place, and they keep breaking the Phantom's rules and he's mad about it. So anyway, she sings this song called Remember Me (not the Coco song) and her old childhood friend recognizes her and they meet and catch up and it seems like they're gonna go on a date, but the guy leaves to go get his hat or something, and it turns out that the reason she's good enough to be in the lead is that she's been taking lessons with the Phantom, partly because her dead father promised her an Angel of Music once he died. So there's this cool scene where he pulls her through the mirror and then sings a song with her as he tours her around his secret underground lair in a dramatic-looking boat, and then basically proposes to her, and tells her to spend the rest of her life with him and "turn her head away from the garish light of day" in this really famous song called The Music of the Night. Christine eventually asks to see his face, and he gets mad and kicks her back to the aboveground. Meanwhile the other guy, Raul, comes back and wants to know where she went, so there's this scene where he meets with the new managers and the Phantom keeps leaving them spooky notes.Whilst in a meeting to discuss said spooky notes, they manage to convince the famous opera singer to come back, although the Phantom warns them to keep Christine in the lead. Christine returns, and they eventually put on the opera. The new producers end up breaking all of the Phantom's rules, including keeping the famous singer in the lead, and Christine in the silent role, thinking it will make them more money. The Phantom gets mad, and so he shows up, plays his theme, turns out the light, messes with the show, and sort of-- zaps the famous opera singer so she can't sing anymore. Frightened, Christine and Raul escape to the roof, where they sing a really, really cute love song that's like "love me, that's all I ask of you". It seems like they're going to get a happy ending, and I think they even make plans to leave the opera house and the Phantom behind forever. Happy and in love, they go back down into the opera house. But it's revealed that the Phantom was hiding behind a large statue on the roof and heard the whole conversation. Because he also loves Christine and kind of detests humanity for rejecting and dehumanizing him because of his disfigurement, he gets REALLY mad. He says something like 'You will rue the day that you/did not do all the Phantom asked of you' and goes back into the opera house. SPOILER ALERT. Now this whole time, there's been this really cool looking chandelier hanging above the opera house. Now, the Phantom brings it crashing down. People run from the stage as the chandelier falls to the loud Phantom's theme and flashing lights.

Er, so yeah, that's Act One. I think maybe the rest would be spoilers? I guess you could just Wikipedia it or something.... Stardust saw the Broadway musical with me last spring, so that's what I'm describing. It's really cool! 

Sorry for the wall of text...

Hey! I just... got a little carried away.

Yep. Oh, you missed a lot of details, like Meg--

Oh, hush! You just complained about the wall of text!


Ooh, if you go as the Phantom, perhaps I could go as Christine! 

submitted by Stardust & Celeste, Ubiquitous
(November 2, 2018 - 5:32 pm)

An amazing movie/play; better as the book though. Have you read it?

submitted by Captain X
(November 2, 2018 - 5:52 pm)

I have not.

Me neither. 

Mexi says yrxd! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2018 - 7:31 pm)


Oh, my. That sounds... incredible.

Oh my Claaws yes! *runs off to find a suitable mask*

Ah--c-certainly. *blushes*

*laughs* I'm very excited, in case you couldn't tell. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2018 - 7:30 pm)

Wait, we're doing a masquerade? I think I'll refrain...

submitted by Captain X
(November 4, 2018 - 10:33 am)

Masquerade! Paper faces on paraaade! Masqu-erade. Hide your face so the wooorld can ne-ver find you! Masquerade! Every face a different shade, masquerade!

I'd apologize, but I have no regrets except for my unfortunate singing voice. But I love The Phantom of the Opera. I saw it in New York last spring on Broadway and it was one of the most incredible experiences I'll ever had. There's no feeling comparable to the chandelier rising while the overture booms all around. It's awe inspiring. 

Now I'll stop interrupting the AE stuff. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(November 4, 2018 - 3:57 pm)


I roped myself into another ball. I would rather stay home to watch the leaves fall in my woods, but I know Max is going and I know he likes me. We'll see how that goes. Ugh, Viola? is going to be shipping us the entire time... At least she won't actually be there.

The dress I'll be wearing is soft and plain, aside from a single pocket. It's also not a part of me, so I'll have to work around it if I want to shift. I might go for some really big, back-facing horns with my hair draped all over them, maybe add some ribbons and jewels, metal loops... Maybe not. I don't feel like it. Another time.

Max. I don't know much about him. His sister is interesting. She keeps coming to balls even though it seems like they upset her. I don't know that much about him, though. He likes rainbows, I think?

Ooh, I know, I'll have iridescent eyes! Wait, but I also have fins... Eh, I can alternate. 

The ball's going to start soon. I wonder if Sea Glass could predict what will happen. Heh, that's something I don't have, prophecy. I guess I don't technically have healing, either. I might be able to--hmm. I'll think, or forget, about it later.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 9, 2018 - 4:51 pm)

Death is like a shadow, watching, waiting in the dark corners of the world.
You can’t escape it.
Many are scared of death, but it comes for all of us, at one point in time. Wether we welcome it with open arms, or fight with all our might is our choice.
Death comes for everybody.
Will I find death?
What is death for a Æ, such as myself?
Is it when you are forgotten by your CBer? When the CB and all the creatures in it become just a childish thing In the mind of the CBer.
Will I be forgotten?
I dread the day, when I will find out.
But dread, as many have learned, does not keep death away.
Will I ever be completely forgotten?
Will I cease to exist the day June forgets me?
Or shall I live on as a lasting memory, an imprint on the CB?
Immortal? An imprint? Does that make me immortal?
Darkness has a way of finding creatures, squeezing into the holes in there hearts when someone is lost.
If you do not fight it, soon it will consume you.
Sometimes I feel as if I’m slipping away into darkness, and then there are flickers of light.
They seem to light my way in the fear and darkness of the world.
Hugh, oh Hugh, has found his way into my heart.
Nymph, on the other hand. Well, there is something about her...something I can’t quite place.
“So, people suck, but shapeshifters are ok?”
I still think about those words. Are they true? Is that what about her I am drawn too?
Something different.
She seems...approachable? She had an energy about that I seem too be drawn too.
We will see.
Yes, we will see.
Time will tell what about her is so, different? Decent? No.
She is easy to talk too. That night, at the ball, I found words to come easily when talking too her. I had too hold myself back not too let everything just come out.
Perhaps it was that she was in the form of a harmless, adorable moth.
Or perhaps not.
(Sorry this is so short....)

submitted by June &Co
(November 14, 2018 - 11:49 am)


*sighs* There she goes again. 

Too cute!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What is it?

I don't know, I didn't read it.


*puts a hand to xyr mouth* *murmurs* She never uses all caps...

She's probably shipping us again.

Oh, no! I mean, maybe. Well.

She is. *turns away, sprouting feathery scales*

Are you quite c-certain...?

Well it's not you, don't worry. Shoo, go look for starfish or something. Oh, but take my coat, it's cold out.

Okay... *follows Nymph outside*

*continues to roll around and mentally speculate* Gvvzt! Fvv. Gyiiiiii, kz! Ks. Jmmmm...

An AE friendship. Could it be? I have no experience in this at all. How exciting! 

Mexi says guzu! So much yes, Mexi.  

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 16, 2018 - 8:12 am)