Let's play house. 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Let's play house. 

Let's play house. 

There are AE balls and AE chat threads, but Nymph and Sea Glass never like to go out, not where there are people (as do I). So this is a thread about what they do all day, maybe a sort of diary or log of their introverted/antisocial activities.

There might be RPing. They might talk. They might ramble on for entire posts directed at no one about whatever it is they're thinking. I don't know, but feel free to join.

Try to stay away from shipping and drama; this is about your AEs as beings with complex characters doing stuff in their spare time. Or what they do in the time that isn't spare. That might include social interactions, or it might not. Post the name of the AE of focus at the beginning of each comment, and develop. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(February 5, 2018 - 10:37 am)

*Sees the other posts* Oh. You got yourself other friends. *Shrugs* I guess my services aren't needed here then. *Turns and walks off, smiling dreamily*

submitted by The Rogues
(June 2, 2019 - 4:08 pm)


I glare out the window of my bedroom. I don't often glare, but right now I am feeling like the world deserves a glare. WILD CARD has been mean to me all day. I am not sure what I did wrong-- she's being nice to Fleet and Taay. Just not me. She also completely trashed the living room while Fleet and I were out of the house last night. She still has not told us why. I assume she was hosting a party, since she probably has a hundred friends by now. 

Why am I so bad at making friends? 

I redirect my glare to my phone, which has completely run out of battery. Listening to music is one of the few things that soothes me, but of course my phone had to die right when I was about to turn the music on. 

After about a minute of glaring at the mirror on the wall in front of me, I stand up, grab my sneakers, and storm out the door, tugging my sneakers on as I walk down the stairs and outside. Fleet seems to be deep in an art project in her study, so she doesn't notice me as I stomp out the door. 

Taking walks is one of the other few things that calms me when I am feeling angry like I am now, so I start walking around the block. It is almost unbearably hot outside today, so I am wearing a black tank top with black jeans instead of my usual sweater. I feel a little uncomfortable wearing something that exposes my arms, because it is harder to be inconspicous when I am not wearing long sleeves. But I can live with it. 

Once I reach the cul de sac that the street turns into, I cross my arms and stop walking. Reaching the cul de sac means that my walk is almost over, and I am still not calm. So I decide to keep walking. This time I take the path towards the lake. 

As I walk down the winding path to the lake, I begin to feel calmer. I almost think about turning around, but before I can make the decision, a structure in the distance catches my eye. It's some kind of tower. 

I am usually not as adventurous as my sister, but something makes me want to go to the tower and possibly see if anyone lives there. So I walk up to what looks like its front door. And somehow, I get the courage to knock. 


@spiffycat, would you like to write Emerald Frost meeting Enigma? I think they'd be good friends. 

submitted by Fleet's Punks
(June 1, 2019 - 7:42 am)

Right, what does Enigma look like?

submitted by spiffycat
(June 1, 2019 - 1:05 pm)

Enigma has longish black hair with streaks of blue in it, and almost always wears black, or other dark colors. Here's a personality, if you want it: She's very calm, unlike her sister WILD CARD. She's a little bit shy and self-conscious, and she can sometimes come across as intimidating even though she doesn't know it. She's mysterious, and enjoys being mysterious. She's a little socially awkward and struggles with anxiety like me. 

submitted by Fleet, dominatingthegreylandsXD
(June 1, 2019 - 3:09 pm)

I drew Enigma listening to music and sketching (two of her favorite things to do)! I'm not sure how well it turned out, but here it is...

submitted by Fleet, evading K-Sec
(June 2, 2019 - 7:56 am)

And I drew WILD CARD:

submitted by Fleet, Noah’s Lair
(June 2, 2019 - 8:02 am)
submitted by June-a-topping
(June 4, 2019 - 8:16 am)

Emerald Frost~

I open the door to see a person about my age, hiding behind her black hair.


"Oh, hi. I just wondered if anybody lived here."

"Yes, I do. I am an AE of Spiffycat, along with Beverly. Haven't we met before . . . on you introduction thread . . ."

She nods. "Uh, yeah. But I'm afraid I don't remember your name."

"I'm Emerald," I say, ushering her in. "Or, to be exact, Emerald Frost. I llke being exact, you see."

"Yes, OK." She looks at me curiously. "How old are you? I can't tell - you seem as if you might be twelve or fourteen or eight or twenty or forty . . ."

I smile, but say nothing. "Come upstairs to the kitchen. You're . . . Enigma, right?"

"Yes, I am Enigma."

"Interesting. And are you an enigma?"

She only smiles, and says nothing.

We stand together in the elevator quietly, watching the floor numbers change. 


submitted by spiffycat and Co.
(June 4, 2019 - 10:39 am)


As I stand (a little awkwardly) in the elevator with Emerald, I start thinking about what an insane, stupid idea this was. What had I been thinking, randomly wandering off into the woods? And more to the poing, what had I been thinking, deciding to just pay a visit to a random tower to see who lived there? What kind of an idiot am I, anyway?

I sigh. I was getting angry again, and wasn't calming down the whole point of being here? Doing something crazy for no reason at all is like something my sister WILD CARD would do. 

And I am NOTHING like my sister.

The elevator door opens, and Emerald and I step out into what has to be a kitchen. There is a table in the center of the room. I am not sure whether I should sit down, or follow Emerald around until she tells me where to go. 

Before I can make the desicion, Emerald makes it for me. "Have a seat," she says. I sit down awkwardly at the table. Whatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoing, my mind screams at me. I almost want to give in to my mind and leave, but I decide to stay. I can't just walk out of the house of someone who seems to want me to be here. 

"So... Emerald," I say, clearing my throat. "Would you like to tell me a little bit about yourself?"


Enigma is as bad at making friends as I am lol... hopefully this works out!

submitted by Fleet's Punks
(June 6, 2019 - 8:30 am)
submitted by Top!
(June 6, 2019 - 11:47 pm)


Punch, kick, derange, annihilate, repeat. I spend most of my time in the training rooms, fighting with CPUs. I'm nowhere near the fighter I'd like to be. My reflexes are great, and I'm strong, but something holds me back. The cold, heartless, predatory indifference that would allow me to fight without holding back is not yet mine. There is something there, blocking it. As I shove my opponent away with my foot, it hits me. Compassion. These computers, they look human. The part in me that is a protecter, it withholds my potential. I need something else to protect. Lux can fend for himself. He's pretty good, but he dodges most of the time.

I growl. With a command, I switch off the training session. The CPU I've been fighting disappears. I look around. This place is so empty. I feel for it, as the empty stillness reflects how I feel on a regular basis. I shudder and close my eyes tightly, consumed by thoughts. I hate my mind. All the knowledge I've stored, the bits of knowledge I hide behind... It's a mask. A dam. Something to keep My darkness hidden away. Hidden away so it doesn't hurt anybody. So it doesn't hurt me. Suddenly, I fall onto all fours, and my features become blurry. When the blur clears, I loom as an Undershade Canine, the most powerful of creatures. Bolting through the halls, I quickly find a door to the outside world. I hurl myself into open air, neglecting to open my wings. I plummet towards the ground, but I still do not fly.

I... Don't care enough... I don't care enough to fly. Not right now. I've still got a good thirty minutes of falling to do... I guess I'll enjoy the ride for the moment.

submitted by The Rogues
(June 7, 2019 - 2:00 am)
submitted by June-A-Topping
(June 11, 2019 - 6:23 am)


Raven cringes, turning red.

"Oh, I... I was going to cook the bread... have you ever heard of coating bread with mayonnaise and then pan frying it? It tastes rather good, in my opinion at least."

She demonstrates. I shake my heads. 

"I've never even heard of mayonnaise."

~I have no idea how Raven's going to react to that. I probably wouldn't keep mayonnaise in my CB house, though (and I've never heard of frying it, is that true?), so I think it would make enough sense that Nymph wouldn't have known or cared about it before.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 12, 2019 - 10:02 pm)
submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 21, 2019 - 2:36 pm)

how has Nymph never heard of mayonnaise?

Nymph is missing out.  

submitted by Artimerrx
(June 29, 2019 - 8:47 am)