AE Clarification 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Clarification 

AE Clarification 

Hi, so, stuff is happening and I think something really wasn't clear. It's been brought to my attention that there are some different ideas about what AEs are, and I wanted to talk about that. Let's begin.

Both of my AEs are based off of different aspects of myself. I did this because of a description I saw once of AEs being characters created to show different sides of their CBer. I took it to mean that if a CBer wanted to express something like insanity or shyness which didn't fit with the way they usually acted, they would make an AE to embody themselves when that aspect was showing.

I thought this was a great idea. I often talked to myself as though I were multiple people, and so I decided to take one of the louder voices, try to pin most of it down, and shape it into an AE. The result was Nymph, a highly volatile person who was snarky and scared me and had this feeling that I always associate with forests and myself when I was several years younger, and whose shape altered with every tiny change in her mood without her even trying. It actually felt like she made herself; she simply burst in one day and demanded I make her a thread. I love her and think of her as an exaggerated and rather highly altered hidden face of me.

A while after Nymph's arrival, I noticed that another of the voices in my head was saying things that I wanted other people to hear, but it wasn't quite me and it wasn't quite Nymph. I debated with myself for a long time over what to do about this, and there slowly began to emerge someone new. I named this part of myself Sea Glass and observed xyr for a while before introducing her as an AE. Xe was an amplified manifestation of my loneliness and sorrow and contemplative patience, my listening ear and social awkwardness/anxiety, all of which felt as if it wouldn't fit into a girl or a boy. There's a lot to xyr that distinguishes us, but xe is still partly me when I'm feeling drifty. 

At the time, I thought this was a fairly normal thing to do--perhaps no one had ever done it quite the way I had, but it helped give them depth and color, so why not? However, I'm not sure this is true anymore. I think it might actually be more common to just come up with a set of traits out of owhere, a character unrelated to their CBer at all, existing simply to fill a role, provide a different tone of voice or fun interactions, drawing details from the things they do; beings who are changeable and disposable and not at all real. But I'm not sure about this, so I want to hear it from you.

How did your AEs come into being, and where do they fall on the scale between easily manipulable and meaningless creations to existent even without the CB?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 3, 2018 - 1:13 am)

Both my AEs are characterized aspects of my personality. Brynn is my optimistic/extraverted/crazy side, and Skye is my thoughtful/broody/more reserved side. That's why I took so long to introduce them after having the initial idea. I took time developing them (and I still am).

I wanted AEs that were actually alter egos instead of OCs created for messing around with. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course- I just wanted mine to be genuine. 

The difference between mine and Viola?'s is mine are less voices of my personality and more chunks of my personality. I talk to myself but as for different voices... there's me, me beating myself up, and me being like "Woo! You did a good!". That voice thing was my initial idea of what an AE was too, but since everyone else's were so interesting, complex, and character-y, I figured that a more accurate definition was "personality chunk". Because of that, that's what I went for when I created my AEs.

I think a main distiction is: is it a "side" of one's personality, or a "voice" of one's personality? If it's "voice", I don't think I have any actual AEs.

Without the Chatterbox, I definintly wouldn't have developed my AEs to this extent. A) I would never in a hundred years think of that on my own, and B) I wouldn't know what to do with them. I'm glad I did, though, since I think true Alter Egos are a great way to really get to know someone through a keyboard.

Another topic that's come up recently is AE stereotypes, such as the insane AE or the shy introvert AE. If AEs are personified personality chunks, though, it makes total sense that categories like that would pop up. Lots of people have a crazy side. If you have a crazy AE, then that AE is reflecting that.

So, here's the unofficial list of AE types:

- Voice

- Chunk

- Separate character 

And if I want to be fancy:

- Vocal

- Facet

- Separatum Facium

(This is written by the part of my personality that inspired Skye.) 

submitted by Alizarine
(August 3, 2018 - 11:14 am)


Hmm... I think it might be both a voice and a side, because the side has a voice. That's about how it started for me. Nymph and Sea Glass are growing away from me most of the time... The breaks in the lines between them and me allows a whole lot of complexity to go through; Sea Glass doesn't always feel achingly sad or lonely, and Nymph can be calm and wise once in a while. But I'm getting away from the point.

Is it weird that the fancy terminology makes more sense to me? 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 4, 2018 - 12:49 am)
submitted by AlizaTop!
(August 3, 2018 - 11:23 am)
submitted by top
(August 3, 2018 - 7:42 pm)

Pretty much the same way yours did. I have more to say, but I'll do it later. I just wanted to show you my support and that my AEs are kind of like yours in that way, so yes, someone's are.

submitted by Applejaguar, New York
(August 3, 2018 - 8:56 pm)

Thank you.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 4, 2018 - 12:49 am)

My AEs were created pretty much the same way as yours were. Callie represents the sort of shy, stressed, socially awkward part of me that always takes control in the most inconvenient of situations. Jett is the more controlling, sensible and chilled voice in my head. So, yeah, what I'm trying to say is you're not alone in the creation of your AEs. 

When I created Gem, Amber and Sapphire, I didn't understand what an AE was and was just making them for the sake of having an AE. That's why I got rid of them.

submitted by LilyPad
(August 4, 2018 - 2:37 am)

Thanks. That's good to hear.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:10 pm)

Well, when Levana arrived in my head, I looked at her like I was seeing the me that I showed to certain people; the people I don't trust, that I don't want near me, afraid I might say something stupid or embarrassing. We were a great team... but we were missing something. Or someone. Someone like Dewy, who would add color and boldness to our lives. 

But of course, I realized that life isn't perfect. I want to punch a wall, or scream, or hurt someone, and I think Tric is how I went out my anger. Weather it's at my awful teacher who shows favoritism or a bunch of people I thought were my friends acting like I don't exist... Tric lets me express it. 

And Midnight... what would we do without Midnight. He's the part of me that wants world Peace. He's the part of me that hates using plastic straws. He's the part of me that still appreciates science. He's the part of me that wants to see the world.

All of my AEs are unique and special. I need all of them. They represent parts of me- sure, I don't really act like Tric often- I keep those words in my head. And sure, Dewy may be more outgoing then me, but when I'm with my friends, I'm just a weirder version of her. I'm glad you brought this to our attention. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(August 4, 2018 - 7:27 am)

You're welcome. It was just something I wanted to know.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:11 pm)

WHy she’s When I first created Maki, I didn’t really understand what an AE was. However, I started to create some people like AEs in my spare time. They were the voices in my head, and by giving them names I could help control my feelings. So...

Neko, as in who I am on the CB is the true, artistic form of myself. And then Maki has grown to represent who I am on the outside, hard to get along with and...not very fun.

Everstorm is my CAPTCHA, but she shares her name with what keeps all the parts of me in check. However, she has grown small and weak, and that is why she’s not an AE.

Of course, then there’s the hopeful side of me, and the romantic, emotional side of me and the one who screams and doesn’t know who they are and what they’re going to do. Those will probably be created soon. 

submitted by Neko Tornletters
(August 4, 2018 - 9:53 am)

Well, I'd love to meet them!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:12 pm)

Mine are sort of... i guess bits of myself? Starlight is supposed to represent the part of me that would rather grow down than up with a fondness for video games and laziness, while 360 is the part that slaps me on the wrist for slacking off, who values loyalty and dignity over personal comfort, the side that will skip eating and sleeping to create something beautiful. I suppose both of those sides come into play at different times in my real life. So, of course, they are my AEs who I treat like family. I suppose it isn't 100% accurate to say we're a bunch of brothers, but then again, isn't one technically related to themself?

I guess that means that an AE can be an extension of oneself, that, like an imaginary friend, can be talked to to work things out. Or just to have fun with. I will compare this situation with my instance of hallucinating a girl who can only say "nanika" while I try to work out my own troubles of not being able to express my emotions. So I use this hallucination to talk out my own problems in hopes that she will be able to say complete sentences, or even just s few phrases. Like that, I suppose AEs are always extensions of ourselves.

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(August 4, 2018 - 2:12 pm)

Your AEs' relationships with you can be whatever you want them to be.

Ooh, cool! That's beautiful, and fascinating, and it sounds like an incredible story. The girl who said "nanika"... Also, yes. That seems to be the case.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:15 pm)

My AEs are really simple: I'm ambivert. Cloud is me if I was introverted and Pzun is me if I was extroverted. Most of their littler traits I made up but are also traits I have mildly. Pzun's personality also evolved with the different things the CAPTCHA said when he used to be a CAPTCHA. Sqrl and Drae turned into him liking animals, and blue, his first word, is his favourite colour. Cloud I created when I was younger, and she used to express all my uncertainties. However, as I grew into myself, she grew up and out, becoming something more then just my fears 

I'm not sure if I should be interested or creeped out by this. 


submitted by Blue Moon and co., age 11, Here
(August 5, 2018 - 4:40 am)