AE Clarification 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Clarification 

AE Clarification 

Hi, so, stuff is happening and I think something really wasn't clear. It's been brought to my attention that there are some different ideas about what AEs are, and I wanted to talk about that. Let's begin.

Both of my AEs are based off of different aspects of myself. I did this because of a description I saw once of AEs being characters created to show different sides of their CBer. I took it to mean that if a CBer wanted to express something like insanity or shyness which didn't fit with the way they usually acted, they would make an AE to embody themselves when that aspect was showing.

I thought this was a great idea. I often talked to myself as though I were multiple people, and so I decided to take one of the louder voices, try to pin most of it down, and shape it into an AE. The result was Nymph, a highly volatile person who was snarky and scared me and had this feeling that I always associate with forests and myself when I was several years younger, and whose shape altered with every tiny change in her mood without her even trying. It actually felt like she made herself; she simply burst in one day and demanded I make her a thread. I love her and think of her as an exaggerated and rather highly altered hidden face of me.

A while after Nymph's arrival, I noticed that another of the voices in my head was saying things that I wanted other people to hear, but it wasn't quite me and it wasn't quite Nymph. I debated with myself for a long time over what to do about this, and there slowly began to emerge someone new. I named this part of myself Sea Glass and observed xyr for a while before introducing her as an AE. Xe was an amplified manifestation of my loneliness and sorrow and contemplative patience, my listening ear and social awkwardness/anxiety, all of which felt as if it wouldn't fit into a girl or a boy. There's a lot to xyr that distinguishes us, but xe is still partly me when I'm feeling drifty. 

At the time, I thought this was a fairly normal thing to do--perhaps no one had ever done it quite the way I had, but it helped give them depth and color, so why not? However, I'm not sure this is true anymore. I think it might actually be more common to just come up with a set of traits out of owhere, a character unrelated to their CBer at all, existing simply to fill a role, provide a different tone of voice or fun interactions, drawing details from the things they do; beings who are changeable and disposable and not at all real. But I'm not sure about this, so I want to hear it from you.

How did your AEs come into being, and where do they fall on the scale between easily manipulable and meaningless creations to existent even without the CB?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 3, 2018 - 1:13 am)

My AEs are more, as Alizarine said, ‘chunks’ of my personality, than voices, though it’s a bit more complicated than that. They’re chunks of my personality, mixed with other little parts of me that are thrown in. I don’t think that made sense, but whatever.

When I made my first AE, I was pretty new, and I didn't really understand what AEs were. His name was Alfred, and I’m not gonna go into the details, but let’s just say he was underdeveloped and not really what and AE is supposed to be. That’s why I got rid of him.

Shortly after that, I made Evil Devin. I still didn’t really understand AEs, and I really just copied the insane, slightly evil AE stereotype and gave him stuff that I thought was cool (dragon wings, the ability to shape shift, etc.). He didn’t really have a personality, and wasn’t developed at all. But, over time, he morphed into a real person with a real personality that is actually an aspect of myself. He’s not the same AE I first created. In fact, you could say that they’re two entirely different characters.

Devin is my crazy, fun-loving, reckless, adventurous, immature side. He’s the part of me that would rather procrastinate and play video games all day than get anything done. He’s the part of me that speaks and acts without thinking. He’s the part of me that loves annoying people and playing pranks. He’s the crazy part of me that sometimes only shows up really really late at night. 

After awhile, I decided to make another AE. This time, I did it better. I took aspects of myself and used that to create a character who had a real personality. And thus Wren was born. Wren is another side of me. She’s my quiet, shy, socially awkward/anxious side. She’s the part of me that’s too self-conscious, cares too much about what other people think, and has a hard time talking to new people. She’s my sensitive side, the side that gets upset easily.

And then, awhile after I got rid of Alfred, I thought I’d make one more AE. That was Far. Far is slightly different. I feel like he’s less of a chunk of my personality, and more of a mixture of certain parts of me. I suppose he represents the part of me that’s living inside my head among my fantasies. The part that’s constantly dreaming of other worlds and things of that sort. He’s also the part that feels connected to nature, the woods and fields. So I took those feelings and thoughts, and they became Far. He’s sort of an embodiment of my imagination, and more. It seems natural that he would be an elf. 

But of course, being complex characters, my AEs aren’t confined to just one side of me. Sometimes Devin is serious and sincere. Sometimes Wren is energetic and fierce. Sometimes Far is reckless and adventurous.

So, I suppose that’s the story of how my AEs came to be. I don’t feel like they’re as developed as they could be, but I’m getting there. I used to sort of think that AEs were just a bunch of traits put into a random character that you used for fun, but I’ve developed mine past that now.

submitted by Leeli
(August 7, 2018 - 9:44 am)

Character development! *throws confetti* I feel like that happened to me, like I'm a completely different person than I used to be. I'm scared of forgetting her. I hope Nymph remembers. That probably doesn't make a lot of sense.

That's so cool. It sounds like you've got a handle on this. *laughs* That's more than I'd say for myself. 

Heh, well, what fun would it be if they couldn't grow anymore?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:49 pm)

Well, let's see.

My AEs have always been more of their own separate characters to me. They all have aspects of myself in them, of course. But if I only take bits and pieces of myself and put them into a person, I might have enough material for their head. They need original material for the rest of their body. I don't have a strange affinity with veggie blasters, for example. xD

Let's start with my first AE - or, technically, my first two AEs. I created Devil Owl and Saint Owl at the same time. I was still a new CBer (ahh, all those years ago, I'm an old woman now) and didn't really have any idea what AEs were. But there was an AE RP going on and I wanted to join. Thus, I banged out some insane characters (that's what AEs were then, they were all insane, the variety came later) and stuck them in the story.

Dev is everything I dislike about myself. My insecurity is embodied in him. My childishness, impulsiveness, thoughtlessness, all a part of him. He is me when I lose control of myself and act like a five year old, laugh too loudly and too long, make jokes that aren't funny, the things that I look back on with embarrassment. We also both really like purple. And hate Brussels sprouts. 

The only part of me not in Dev is my temper. That's the part of me that honestly scares me. It feels so much hate, all the time. For that, I had Saint Owl. But I got rid of her a long time ago, because she was too violent for the CB.

Feather is the character of mine that has undergone the most transformation, I think. At first, she was the classic shy AE, mostly there to be bullied by Dev and Saint Owl. She was supposed to be my nerdy, bookish side. But, to be honest, that's my CB self!

So I can still remember this - I was scootering, and brainstorming, and Feather changed. She's still nerdy and still loves to read and still memorizes the dictionary for fun. But now, she can fight back. She's a black belt in karate (haha, I can't fight, that's part of her original content), and she has a HUGE temper, taken from Saint Owl (by that point removed) and, of course, myself. She's sassy and sarcastic (like I wish I could be) and altogether a much better character.

Then there was Cú. She's my newest gal. I made her because, while Feather and Dev exchanged their usual banter, I noticed there was something missing. I was making them say things they would never actually say. There was something missing in their banter. I needed a third AE.

That was on my mind when I went on my trip to Ireland. Then I went to a hurling match, and she struck, all at once. A sporty Irish lass! I've always been obsessed with Ireland. Since I was little, I've begged my parents to let me go. So I  took some classic Irish stereotypes, a bit of myself, and made Cú. I did like hurling, and I like soccer - I just escalated my enjoyment of them for her. I wanted to play violin (now I actually do), so she plays violin (the way I wish I could play). She has a temper, just like Feather. And she's just as quick, if not more, to violence, though I'm not really that violent myself. But one thing I gave her that I didn't give anyone else was how awkward I am around people I don't know very well. She yells and jokes around with her siblings, but she would NEVER do that with another AE. She gets very stiff and polite and even stuttery, just like I do.

So, yeah! My AEs definitely have aspects of my personality in them. But in the end, they're their own people, and I'm happy with them that way. 

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(August 7, 2018 - 11:11 am)

That's so cool! But Saint Owl is your username, right? Or does St. stand for Street? Did you have a different name when you first joined?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 7, 2018 - 9:54 pm)

Well, St. doesn't really stand for anything. It's a bit of a long story, but it doesn't mean Saint Owl (even if that's how we pronounce it). So St.Owl and Saint Owl are separate names.

And yeah, I've always had the same name. :) 

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(August 8, 2018 - 4:12 pm)

Oh, cool!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 8, 2018 - 9:25 pm)

Oh jeez. Ok, um..................................... 

I hear lots of different voices inside my head. I heard this certain one that seemed to have attitude. From that I developed Ann. At first, she was kind. I kept hearing that snarky voice though, and decided Ann's character wasen't going to be that kind. Instead, she became a snarky prankster with a serious attitude. A little while after Ann was released, I got lonely and heard this new voice. A much kinder one, but a little witty, I liked that voice. From that came Brooke. Brooke is kind and witty, but is somehow friends with Ann. I'm thinking about making a new AE, one to even out Ann and Brooke. 

Hola Amigos. 

This isen't Spain, Brooke. 

But Secret speaks Spanish! 

Thats true. Como estas? Muy Bien? 

Gracias! Tengo Ambre. 

Raid the fridge, Brooke. 

Yay! Gracias! 

De nada. 

submitted by Secret
(August 11, 2018 - 5:56 pm)

That sounds nice! I salute your ability to write so much wit and snark. *salutes*

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 13, 2018 - 12:42 pm)

This thread made me realize that Tric is not, truly, an AE. I got rid of him.

There's another huge side of me that might need to be expressed... we will see. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(August 8, 2018 - 8:07 am)

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Tric was, well, Ann's crush. I. Will. Get. You. SECRET!!! 

Gotta Run! 

submitted by Secret
(August 14, 2018 - 7:13 pm)

I won't tell you which parts come from me, but I shaped Ocean to be helpful, kind, starry-eyed, funny, smart, the slightest bit eccentric, friendly, dare-devilish, and entirely lovable. But I also wanted her to be a warrior, stubborn, cold, calculating, calm, unreadable, and commanding. I wanted her to be the character who could be seen with a sword tucked under her occupied gun belt, laughing at an encyclopedic passage in a fantasy book but still has a deep, cold, sad look in her eyes. Wow. That came out of nowhere, but it explains her perfectly. I gotta write that down somewhere! XD But anyways, that is what I wanted Ocean Song to be.

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(August 9, 2018 - 1:38 am)

My Æs are the embodiment of all the things I don’t show, I suppose. The voices in my head, that I never voice. Raven, who started out as a Captcha, I soon realized, was absolutely not a Captcha. She took one of the quieter voices in my head, and embodied it. My anxious, socially awkward, skittish, extremely introverted, self conscious,side. She is the logical voice in my head, that questions what I do, in a anxiety filled way. She is the voice that encourages me to read a book in a quiet corner, instead of going on stage, to voice my opinions. She is the voice, who can have long, beautifully worded conversations with nobody, but when she is speaking to sobody, the words get stuck in her throat. She is the part of me who is scared to try new things, for fear of failing. She exists out of the CB as well, as, what I have many times said, a voice in my head. 

Max, my second Æ, is the embodiment of a louder voice in my head. He is the voice that try’s to convince me to try EVERYTHING, or everything that seems fun. He is the fun loving part of me, who will jump up at the slightest mention of fun. He is the side of me who, is always ready to jump on his surfboard and catch a wave, the part of me who doesn’t think through anything before doing. His motto is: ‘Do, Don’t Think’ though he might not know it. He is fun-loving, and can come across as to put it...Energy filled? Hmm, that’s one way to put it I suppose. He thinks he’s super awesome, and doesn’t take time to doubt himself. He’s the part of me who is like ‘you go, June! You can do anything!’. He has a...Colorful? Personality, that is often reflected in his clothing choices: Tye-Dye shirts, rainbow sweaters, etc. 


My newest Æ, Silvern, embodies a very quiet voice in my head. They are the part of me that I absolutely never voice, the secretive, mysterious, dark, part of me I don’t even really under-stand. If we where to say each of my Æ where a part of me, besides a voice in my head, Raven would be the brain, Max would be the heart, and Silvern would be the soul. It’s hard for me to describe Silvern, I suppose, probably because of my lack of understanding them. 


Something I am not proud of, is how, I have been moving away from who my Æs are, all but Max, I’ve been pretending Raven is more social, which she can be social-ish, but not at the level she has been. I’ve pretended Silvern wasn’t who they are, and I’m not proud of it. My Æs will probably be moving closer to who they really are soon. I’ll start actually listening to the voices in my head, instead of making what they say, more of what characters I’ve made up would say. 


If you make it through all of this, then, have some gluten-free, vegan pie! [}

submitted by June, age Secret, Secret
(August 9, 2018 - 9:18 am)

*takes pie* *tries not to talk too much with her mouth full*

That's really interesting... Inspiring. I wonder how Nymph and Max will get along? And I'm excited to learn more about Silvern. Will I see you again on the Let's play house thread?

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 9, 2018 - 7:54 pm)

Yes, I’m planning on making another post on the let’s play house thread soon. 

submitted by June
(August 10, 2018 - 7:26 am)


submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 11, 2018 - 12:21 am)