Problems Thread 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Problems Thread 

Problems Thread 

So all of us have problems emotional, or relational. This is the thread to talk about them all and encourage all of the other CBers with how to deal with their own.

Anonymous names are allowed 

So anyway I have a couple problems that I just need to pour out somewhere and you know that's why I made this thread:

I just started school last year and I had been a homeschooler since then so this was very new. I have always had mental issues with interacting with other kids since I had a TBI a few years ago and I tried to keep it a secret. But because of that, I had to cover up most of my feelings and keep all my troubling secrets balled up inside me. I only made it through because of the help of another new girl who actually recognized me because of the TBI so I didn't have to keep it a secret and she listened to all that was going on. But the fact that I still try to hide it from the rest of my classmates still bothers me, because I can read it on their faces 'I know somethings not right with you' and it really hurts because they either treat me like a helpless baby or they think I am like some sort of weird alien from outer space. I don't want to face that same problem this year, but I am scared to tell everyone. So any advice

This next one is quite stupid but I don't know how to face it:

So anyway like I said before, I have always had trouble expressing myself towards other kids, and I am quite scared that they will learn who I am and think I am even more helpless or alienish. So I  just don't really get involved in the dating drama, but there is one guy in my class that I can tell has a crush on me. I had all of my classes with him last year so he started calling me his best friend because we had to do a dissection together. Thankfully my best friend (same as before) and I came up with the question "what is ...'s favorite book" and we said he couldn't call me "best friend" until he found it. He endlessly asked me throughout the whole year if (__) was my favorite book. He actually got it once because I mentioned it in my English essay but it was surprisingly easy to lie.  So he did a lot of other weird things but that's all you need to know for my question. The thing is all last year his "crush" on me really annoyed me to where I can't even think of being regular friends with him. I hope that the summer has ended this but if it hasn't and he asks me out or something how do I say "no" without getting carried away and being a complete bully because I know hate is a strong word but let's face it I hate this guy! Please help me find a way to say no without hurting him I guess.

So yeah please help  

submitted by ..., age ..., ...
(August 16, 2018 - 2:54 pm)

Hey, Scared. Even though I don’t understand the entirety of your situation because I’m not in it, I can understand the rest of it. I deal with those kinds of thoughts a lot too, whether they’re from social anxiety or from depression, i’m not sure, but either way, i understand what you’re feeling. 

One thing that you really do need to do is to tell someone like the Admins said. You can’t keep dealing with it alone. It could lead to a lot of other problems which can end up with you in the hospital even.

Secondly, I need you to take a deep breath and realize that people do care about and love you. Everyone in the world has at least one person who loves you. As for the siblings calling you stupid, ask them to stop. Explain that it makes you feel bad about yourself and chances are they’ll stop.

Thirdly, comparing yourself to someone else is never going to come up fruitful. You only see what your sibling lets you see, and i know for a fact that they feel bad about themselves to some point as well. You and your sibling are two different people and will have different accomplishments. The amount that one has over the other does not make one better than the other.  

Forthly, I want to make sure that although these thoughts are bad and horrible, they are valid. They are your thoughts and your feelings, and you are not bad for thinking them. These thoughts don’t mean that you’re broken or that you’re a mess. Everyone has these kinds of thoughts to some point.

I know it’s hard, but you can get through this, and soon, you’re going to look back on this time and you’re going to see it as the time you grew stronger from pushing through your struggles. But you can’t do this alone. I tried, and I ended up in a really bad place, so please, reach out to a trusted adult, whether it’s a parent, another relative, or even a trusted teacher or friend’s parent. There are people who want to help you. So please, reach out and let them help. 

I hope things get better for you, and I’ll pray for you. If you need to talk more about it or vent, please go ahead and do so. I’ve found that venting can be quite useful to get the feelings out.

Have a good day/night :)


submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Sadly not Asleep
(September 19, 2018 - 9:04 am)
submitted by Top!
(September 19, 2018 - 6:55 am)

Yikes. Tramatic brain injury? I can't imagine what that would be like. I think it would be great for you to find an outlet. Whether this be writing, sing, drawing, or maybe some kind of sport, pour all of your emotion into it. Make this something in which you feel free.

submitted by Spring Flower, 春乌艾
(September 19, 2018 - 8:12 am)


submitted by Top
(September 23, 2018 - 7:43 am)
submitted by tOP
(October 4, 2018 - 6:40 pm)