My first CBversary!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My first CBversary!!

My first CBversary!!

Wow, I've been on the CB for one whole year now! Time sure flies. I think that I really first discovered the Chatterbox on the 9'th or something, but it took me a couple of days to figure out how to actually post a comment (Haha, CAPTCHAs were an extremely new experience for me), but my intro thread was created on this day a year ago, so I'll stick with that. 

But anywho... *throws confetti* Yay! Celebration time!!

I'm not going to write out this long post thanking everybody because, let's face it, I never have the patience to go through and read everyone else's long CBversary posts (no offense, of course!!), so I won't force you to do the same. ;)

So, here's to a wild, wonderful year, and many more in our snug little CB community!! :)

Ah, and let's give a toast to the Admins for surviving a year of reviewing and posting all my crazy, er, posts, and just 'cuz they're awesome!! *glasses of cider appear out of nowhere* Huzzah!

Oh, but while we're, we might as well talk! What was your one highlight of the summer? How has everyone's school year been so far? What's your favorite subject?  

submitted by Vyolette
(September 11, 2018 - 7:28 am)

Happy CBversary, Vyolette! Mine's in perfectly *pauses for calculation* six months and twenty days (that makes March 31, right?) !! Wow. Time does move quickly. For your CBversary I shall give you a rock dragon. They are sweet and gentle, a bit like Great Danes in steryotypical personality. I'll probably post the picture really late today because my day today is HECTIC but who cares about that anyway? XP

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(September 11, 2018 - 9:58 am)

Thank you, Rogue!! And aw, thanks for the rock dragon! I don't believe I've ever heard of those before. XD

submitted by VyoTOPPE
(September 11, 2018 - 11:42 am)

Happy CBversary Vyolette!! Mine is next month, and I'm still trying to fathom it. My highlight of the year (it wasn't really the summer) was getting my library card, which allowed me to read 40 books this summer!! It's been a great year so far, and you've played a part in that. I consider you my first CB friend. You're always kind, imaginative, and never too big to appreciate the little things in life. I really admire that. Oh, and I made you cupcakes... without throwing them!! So you can actually EAT them this time!!! We have here chocolate, strawberry, and cheese-



YES CHEESE. With peanut butter frosting. Such things exist on the CB you know. (they're delicious btw) 

Aaaand I also made some to throw *does said throwing*. It isn't a party without flying cupcakes :D

To an amazing year, Vyolette, and to the amazing one to come. <3



submitted by Jwyn, age 13, Huzzah!!!
(September 11, 2018 - 2:16 pm)

*sniffle* Awwww, Jwyn, you made my dayyyyyyyyyy. :') *hugs* Thank you so much. For your kind words, and the cupcakes, yummy! *dodges flying cupcake*

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 7:49 am)


submitted by Jwyn, age 13, Huzzah!!!
(September 12, 2018 - 10:17 pm)

Happy CBversary!!!!!!! It's so great to have you here, you're definitely a big part of the community! *throws more confetti and glitter* Now you all can sneeze glitter for a few weeks.

School's been pretty good, my favorite subject, as always, is either ELA or Choir. What about you? How's your school year going? 

submitted by Quill
(September 11, 2018 - 2:25 pm)

Thank you, Quill!!! XD And my school year's been pretty good so far, actually. I'm technically not homeschooled anymore (eek), I'm taking high school classes online through my local district, so that's definitely a change. I think it's going well, though. My favorite subject is probably, also as always, English. XD Anything having to do with writing, haha. 

submitted by Vyolette, *sneezes glitter*
(September 12, 2018 - 7:51 am)

Happy CBversary, Vyo!

submitted by Arrietty
(September 11, 2018 - 5:01 pm)

Thank you, Arrietty! And I don't believe we've met before? Are you new? XD Either way, nice to meet you!! 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 7:52 am)


...sorry about that.  Um, so now I answer your questions? Right. Right.

1. I went to Norway for most of my summer, and at one point we went to a cabin in the woods and stayed there for a few days. It was really fun exploring, swimming in the fjord, and going no-tech. So that’s my highlight.

2. Great? I switched schools, so that was a little awkward being the new kid. I’ve made a few friends and people, I don’t know, sort of know me now? I’ve figured out the groups I hang out in and sit with and so far there has been no Middle School Drama. Well, I had to go through the tiring process of two friends not speaking. (‘Sureika, tell Isaac that we finished our stuff! Sureika, tell Estefania to move her binder!’ Yeah, not the best.) Lockers are hard, homework is harder, but overall it’s pretty cool.

3. One of my electives, S.T.E.M. I also like Language Arts though. 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(September 11, 2018 - 6:53 pm)

YES MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY, BLUE!!!! *wails* I'm so oldddddd. ;) Oh wow, lucky!! I've always wanted to go to Norway. And that's good! I'm happy for you, I hope things continue to go smoothly. :) What language are you learning? (That's what Language Arts means, right? That you learn a language?) 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 7:57 am)

Thanks! Language Arts means like writing and reading and stuff. I do speak Norwegian and am working on Hindi, though!

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(September 12, 2018 - 10:29 am)

Ah. See, I knew I'd probably get it wrong. XD But wow!! Are those hard languages to master? 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 13, 2018 - 7:49 am)

Happy CBversery! It's cool that you're a year old. Mine's in 169 days. I didn't count that myself...

submitted by Alizarine
(September 11, 2018 - 6:55 pm)

Thanks, Alizarine!! And yeah, haha, that's an interesting way to put it. I guess it kinda means that I'm only a CB infant, haha. XD

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 7:58 am)