My first CBversary!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My first CBversary!!

My first CBversary!!

Wow, I've been on the CB for one whole year now! Time sure flies. I think that I really first discovered the Chatterbox on the 9'th or something, but it took me a couple of days to figure out how to actually post a comment (Haha, CAPTCHAs were an extremely new experience for me), but my intro thread was created on this day a year ago, so I'll stick with that. 

But anywho... *throws confetti* Yay! Celebration time!!

I'm not going to write out this long post thanking everybody because, let's face it, I never have the patience to go through and read everyone else's long CBversary posts (no offense, of course!!), so I won't force you to do the same. ;)

So, here's to a wild, wonderful year, and many more in our snug little CB community!! :)

Ah, and let's give a toast to the Admins for surviving a year of reviewing and posting all my crazy, er, posts, and just 'cuz they're awesome!! *glasses of cider appear out of nowhere* Huzzah!

Oh, but while we're, we might as well talk! What was your one highlight of the summer? How has everyone's school year been so far? What's your favorite subject?  

submitted by Vyolette
(September 11, 2018 - 7:28 am) name didn't show up in the "Last Post by" column, so here we go again.

Vy, you are such an integral part of this community and the YWP NaNo forums. Your wisdom, humor and motivation are essential and wonderful. Thank you so much!  

submitted by Licensed Bookworm
(September 11, 2018 - 7:15 pm)

Aw, thanks, Booky. :') *huggles* 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 7:59 am)

Happy CBversary, Vyolette! Yay, cider! Haha, I believe my CBversary posts usually fall under the 'too long; didn't read' category, sorry about that. Your's is sweet and to the point, which is probably better. One highlight of summer was going white water rafting on my birthday! It was super awesome and I got to jump off this twenty foot high rock into the water! My school year's been both stressful and boring, somehow. I'm procrastinating on French homework right now! My favorite subject is art, but I didn't get to take it this year, so I'll have to fall back on science.

Eevee says ouha! Ohana? I think they're trying to say you're an important part of our CB family, Vyolette.

submitted by Cockleburr
(September 11, 2018 - 10:25 pm)

Yeah, no worries, haha. Ooh, white water rafting is awesome!!! I went white water rafting this summer also, and I got catapulted off while we were racing down 6-feet of rapids. XD It's definitely quite the experience. Oof, yes, I get what you mean. Stressful when you keep thinking to yourself, "Ahh, I need to do this and this and that!" But boring when you're actually doing those things. XD Thank you, Eevee and Burr!!!! 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 12, 2018 - 8:05 am)

Happy CBversary, Vyolette! :> One year on chatterbox, and many more to come! Sadly I am homeschooled so no favorite subject (Everything's so dull uck) but I've been having fun doing arts and crafts, so I suppose that counts? And learning guitar? What about you?

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(September 12, 2018 - 11:25 am)

Thanks!! And ah, yes, I feel you. ;) Guitar is fun! I'm more of a piano person myself, but it's a beautiful instrument. I love English this year a lot, as well as math? Maybe?? Like, I've never ever been a math person, and now I'm just starting to like it??? XD Idk. But yeah. Summer was a lot of fun, it went by way, way too quickly. 

submitted by Vyolette
(September 13, 2018 - 8:06 am)

Happy CBerversary!!! *struggles under the weight off a huge box* here! I got you a li’l something...*heavy breathing* puff...puff...*walks over with sweat breaking out on face* *puts it down* *wipes sweat off* whoooooh...*beams*  *opens the box revealing a HUGELY HUGEST HUGE tub off coconut bliss ice cream* Sorry, I’m Vegan. Welp, not completely Vegan, but mostly—Sorry I’m ranting. Anyway...*throws arms out and confetti goes everywhere* ENJ-*confetti lands in mouth* *starts sputtering* pffflllllll...ppfflllllll....*spits it out*  CURSE YOU EVIL CONFETTI! Anyway, I was going to say; ENJOY!! *hugs Vyolette* 

submitted by June, :3
(September 13, 2018 - 6:50 pm)

Aw, thank you, June!! And yummyyyyy! *starts eating ice cream*

submitted by Vyolette
(September 16, 2018 - 9:42 am)

And, I’ll post a long rant on here when I have time, so prepare yourself!!!

submitted by June
(September 13, 2018 - 6:52 pm)