Does anyone here

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Does anyone here

Does anyone here have any advice about love???

submitted by E. W., age 12, Colorado
(August 2, 2009 - 5:17 pm)

Haha, and this is me. :):)

submitted by Kenzie/[name here]
(August 29, 2009 - 5:16 pm)

Yeah, if he's four years older, I think you should definately wait.  To try to get your mind off him, get involved with other boys that are your age. (And that doesn't have to be romantically either) That way you get more comfortable around boys, and when you are old enough to be dating you won't feel as awkward. People will like you more if you are yourself (I've made a few poor innocent people fall for me by doing exactly that :() But chances are you'll feel better about yourself around all boys, and you won't feel awkward from trying to be someone you aren't. I'll end my ramble right


PS:And there is nothing wrong with bright nail polish! Mine are bright orange right now, because I love that color and don't have green :D And I'm actually not that girly! Just ask any of my guy friends!! Honestly! I'm rather offended now...

submitted by Koffee
(August 31, 2009 - 12:09 am)