Chatterbox: Down to Earth



AHHHHHHHHHH omigosh, so I just saw it yesterday and my. Goodness. *fangirls* I am still freaking out. Ahhh. I still haven’t finished processing it. Now I’m going to spew some thoughts about it in no particular order.


It was an incredible movie—I loved every second (well almost). First of all, the sheer scale of the movie was really impressive. All the time travel stuff and different groups of characters doing different things at the same time kind of scrambled my brain, but it was super cool. 

I totally wasn’t expecting past-Thanos to find out about their plan! That was such a crazy plot twist, especially since I thought we were done with Thanos after Thor chopped his head off.

Oh, hah, and Thor. I wasn’t sure whether to be amused or horrified by his midlife-crisis-resembling-thing. XD

It was a surprisingly funny movie for being so dire. I was expecting it to be more, I don’t know, dark and desperate, I guess, but I loved all the comedic relief. Despite that though, it was quite the emotional rollercoaster of a movie. The stakes were so high and I was on edge for probably half of the movie. Near the end my heart was pounding, I was on the edge of my seat, and I was shaking slightly. XD 

I think my favorite part of the entire movie was when T’Challa came through the time portal and then all the other portals opened up and people started coming out and everyone who was dusted came back and it was just—ah it was so amazing and powerful. Before that I had had this sort of sense of hopelessness and then as soon as that first portal opened I suddenly got this feeling that everything would turn out okay and it was amazing. I was so so happy to see all my beloved characters returning, the ones I had so feared we had lost forever.

Another awesome part was when Cap was in the elevator with the Hydra guys and he goes ‘hail Hydra’ and they just hand over the case. After that the entire theater started clapping, it was awesome.  

Okay, now let’s all just take a moment now to mourn the loss of two beloved characters who won’t be returning. R.I.P. Natasha and Tony...*sobs* I’m still not over it, honestly, I think it’ll be awhile...

Okay—but Steve and Peggy though! That might have been my favorite part, actually. It was just so satisfying. That was the thing that had probably haunted me the most in the MCU, the fact that they had never gotten together. But then they did, and they finally had their dance and ahhhhhh.

And also! There’s going to be a Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3!!! AHHHHHH I’m so excited for that even though it’s going to be next year (how will I wait ah). And I was so happy that they brought Gamora back—if in a strange roundabout way. Quillmora has another chance!

I didn’t cry though. Not once. I almost cried several times, and I can remember nearly tearing up when Nat died, and Clint’s face...AGHHH it was just heart wrenching. D,X Honestly I’m disappointed in myself for not shedding a single tear.

The fact that they didn’t have an end credit scene though! That was just so disappointing! About a third of the audience stayed until the end, just to be disappointed. There were a lot of audible ‘NO’s and ‘Whaaaat!’s (some of them my own).

I could go on, but those are my thoughts off the top of my head, and that is also a wall of text. If you made it through that rant of me barfing all my Endgame-fangirl-feels all over the page I applaud you. Who else has seen it? What are your thoughts?  Please tell me I’m not the only one—I NEED to people to fangirl (and mourn) with. 


submitted by Leeli
(April 27, 2019 - 11:11 am)

I'm going to walk through all my thoughts about each of the original Avengers's story arcs, what I thought, and some questions/food for thought for everybody. :))

Tony Stark: (Yes, this man started it all for the world, so I'm sorry Cap my man, but Tony deserves it.) His arc was perfect. It was so much him to have the life which he always wanted, even if he didn't realize it and then have to make a better choice. This was fitting, and I also loved the end when Doctor Strange couldn't have told Tony how it was all going to end if they won. And Strange was right. If he had told Tony, Tony would have made the selfish choice. The choice for his family, not for the world choice. Yes, I cried when he died. I used to hate him. Now I respect him. I don't want to be him, but I understand him. What was your favorite Iron Man moment in this movie? What about saddest?

Captain America: IT'S LIKE MARVEL JUST GAVE ME INSTANT WISH FULFILLMENT ON A PLATTER, OKAY? OKAY COOL. HE FREAKING GOT MARRIED TO PEGGYYYYYYYYY Okay, I'll focus. That's the one thing that I really demanded to happen, ever since I heard rumors that they would be time traveling. It almost broke my heart when he happened into her office and then she didn't look up. AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN HE GOT TO USE THOR'S HAMMERRRRRR--Dude, I have stood by my opinion that he could pick it up in Age of Ultron (recently found out he can in the comics) only he was too decent not to do it because "you'll be ruler of Asgard, yes." AND THEN SAM BECAME CAP @Soren, I really disagree, because I loved it. There were two choices for the next Captain America: Bucky, and Sam. I love Bucky to pieces (not as much as Steve, but he's Steve) but he wouldn't make a good Captain America. Stop and think about it for a second--can you imagine that ball of angst becoming this icon who is supposed to embody freedom and justice and ... yeah no. Both have been Captain America in the comics, and I was rooting for Sam to pick up the title, but I really thought that they would have Steve pass it on to his first BFF. So I was happy that my Cap got everything he deserved. :') He's always been my favorite, and always will. @Everyone, are most of you upset that Bucky didn't become Cap? What reasons do you have?

The Hulk: I was happy with his resolution! It surprised me, but I liked the combination of the geek who everyone made fun of and the brute strength. He obviously feels more comfortable, and I say good on him. But apparently the fanbase is pretty evenly split over that. How about you guys? Did you love his new look (with tacos)? Or did you hate it? (With tacos, lol)

Natasha: ... I cried again. Did anyone else catch that the positioned her fall to look like Gamora's? I felt that her arc ended satisfyingly too, if albeit in a very tragic manner. When she was talking about making the right choice, it made me think about Winter Soldier, when she's talking to Steve. Something about how she thought she was on the right track, and then she found out that Hydra was behind it all ... @Everyone, what do you think about the obviously conscious desicion that the Black Widow movie has been slated after her death in universe? Do you think that they will have Hawkeye in her movie?

Hawkeye: I was super stoked to find out that he was in Japan! Until his family got hit by the snap. And then he was killing people. Does anyone know about Ronin/Barton from the comics? B/c I can't find anything about him, and I'd love to. I was slightly disappointed that I couldn't understand anything other than 'help' in Japanese, but that's just me, lol. I thought that it was beautiful that he reunited with his family, even at a cost. @Everyone, do you prefer his Hawkeye look, or his Ronin look?

Thor: I thought it was hilarious how became the 'teenager living in his parents's basement' in a way. I loved it even more how he stepped in with the player annoying his friends, lol. I wasn't 100% satisfied with his arc ... I think because he wasn't so much him, but at the same time, I was happy, because I thought that it was natural that he would feel guilty over half the universe's/Thano's death. And that he needs it eat a salad. @Everyone, what was your favorite Thor moment in this movie?


And now on to all the others who I think are worth mentioning.

Starlord: POOR GUY. He thinks his girlfriend is back ... but it's not exactly her ... I loved when we got to see him singing again. <3

Nebula: I think she was more fully realized at this point, and I liked it. I think/hope she and Gamora will be closer sisters in the future.

Ant-Man: Dude, he got beat up so much. He's been the underdog of the Avengers since Civil War, and it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon. "Hank said to never trust a Stark." "I'm sorry, who are you?"

I need to go ... Thank you for listening! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(April 29, 2019 - 6:30 am)

*sighs* I was wondering when this thread would pop up. It feels like its been a million years since I first stepped in that Avengers theatre. So! First of all, I would like to say.


Tony, Tony, Tony. The man, the myth, the legend. I absolutely love his development through the last few movies. He's stopped being such a playboy, a little more humble, but still has that quick wit and starkiness. Get it? I said Starkiness instead of snarkiness! Im such a comedian. Anyway, I really believe that even if Strange told him this was how it was going to end. Sure, in his first movie he wouldnt have willingly sacrificed his life, but in the last few movies he has been completely ready to die to protect those he loves. And for the people he doesnt even know! He's been the real hero throughout the whole Marvel universe. *Squeels* AND OMG HIS CHILD IS SO CUTE! I was like, wait whos this kid? Then it clicked and I was like AWWWW. He's such a good father. *Sighs again* Poor Pepper! I LOVE HER SO MUCH TOO. They are the cutest most awesome couple in the universe. To answer your question, Cho, I loved all of them. He's so real and relatable. The saddest? When he died. That broke my heart. Im still not over it. But at least RDJ is not gone! He's still boss. 

As for Cap, the part where he weilds the hammer. IT MADE THE WHOLE MOVIE. Like, everyone in the theatre clapped and whistled and such. It was totally awesome. Also, where he got old... It psyched me out. Im pretty much upset about that. I didnt really care about either Bucky or Sam. They were not in my mind at that moment lol

And NAT OMG I WAS DEAD. D': She really had nothing to lose though. Clint had a family and such, but Nat had no relations. I really wasnt expecting that at all. I mean, why couldnt they ahve like brought an animal and been like, "I love this thing" and pushes it off the cliff. It would be better than a human dying, right? But yeah, that part really killed me. Poor Clint... *Blows nose while crying*

Personally, I love Clint in his Ronan costume. It's so cool. It also gave him more depth than before. His character was very well preserved in this last movie. Nooo im running out of time!!

Ok, this is gonna be short. I laughed the first time we met Thor again. He was comedic and such, and had a wicked beard and a beer belly but after the first meeting, I was waitng for him to turn back into normal Thor. Like, he was pretty wimpy! AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON CAPTAIN MARVEL. She was such a jerk! She leaves for like all of the movie, and is like, "I hate being part of a team, Im gonna go save other galaxys first" Like... what? I liked her in her movie but in Endgame she as a real jerk. Also, I just dont like Brie Larson in general so... yeet. 

Hulk has always been kind of annoying after Ragnarok (Which, btw was really weird... my friends are like "its so funny and different!" I thought it sucked.) It also totally weirded me out when he was like in between the Hulk and Bruce. 

As for The Gaurdians? I like them, but im not as emotionally attached to them than any of the OG avengers. Although Antman played a great comedic relief part. We needed you Paul Rudd! 

Anyway.... uhh

What 2 characters are you most like? Personally I took a quiz and got Spiderman, but also I'm like a fuse of Scott Lang (I dont know if im that brave tho lol)


submitted by Tuxedo Kitten, Mourning with Hawkeye
(April 29, 2019 - 1:32 pm)

Ah, Thor's mom is so wise and fearless. Just casually accepting her death and telling people that they fail at who they're supposed to be... just focus on who you're meant to be. Wow.

@Tux, oh, I agree that Bucky would make a terrible Captain America- it was just that how they did that it made it look like Sam was taking over as Steve best friend, which, ha, no. I just want Falcon to be Falcon and Steve to be retired Captain America.

Also, did anyone else realize that Tony is a better dad than Harry Potter is in cursed child? I mean, Tony gets three thousand love while Harry gets to look for his runaway kid. Though Albus was a teen and Morgan was only three.

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons , BeaconTown
(April 30, 2019 - 7:09 am)

Ok, so, I know I'm a little late but I just saw the movie yesterday and I AM DEAD!!!!! The movie was so good but also so sad and I've been ranting to anyone who's seen it.


First, NAT DIED! WHY DID NAT HAVE TO DIE? SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE, BUT THEY CHANGED IT LAST MINUTE AND EVEN HAD TO CALL THEM BACK ONTO SET TO DO THE DEATH SCENE!!! But, yeah, I'm not cool with this, partially because she is/was my favorite chracter and partially because her death made no sense. I get that she didn't really have anyone to lose, but still. Why did the producers bother to set up that whole ship with her and Bruce? And what was up with that whole sacrifice part? HER LAST WORDS WERE "Let me go. It's gonna be okay." I WAS CRYING SO HARD AT THAT PART AND I'M STILL DYING. 


Also, WHAT HAPPENED IN BUDAPEST?!!! Literally, though, the entire fandom is going crazy about this. 

Fourth, TONY'S DEATH. I can't even with this scene. The whole "I love you 3000" and Peter's face when Tony died. I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN.

I'll have to get back to this later because I am just too, like, sad, to keep writing. Also, it's dinner time. XD 

submitted by MarvelFan
(May 5, 2019 - 5:46 pm)