Freaky thing, guys.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Freaky thing, guys.

Freaky thing, guys. I dream about the future. I AM DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!!  I have dreamt about what school assignments I'll be getting, what trivial things will happen during the day, and even bigger things!!! It is so weirding me out. Plus, I can sorta seem to change the weather.  For example, one time it was sunny, and I was thinking about rain (my freind put me up to this...testing my theory) and it seriously started to pour! Then I thought about sunlight, and dry stuff, and it stopped. And just yesterday there was lightning, and my friend and I were chanting some random word that popped into our heads (sounded like parseltongue, lol) and EACH TIME WE SPOKE A LIGHTNING LIT UP THE SKY!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! I am in control of your fate. *laughs evily* But I am serious about everything on here. I know, weird.....

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 19, 2009 - 11:54 am)

That's happened to me too! If it's something trivial and unimportant I dream it almost exactly as it is. If it's something important, the dream isn't so acccurate.

submitted by Cara C.
(August 19, 2009 - 2:33 pm)

2 thee top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by A happy person, age IDK , HMMM...........
(August 22, 2009 - 9:35 am)

Could you dream about me winning a million dollars and getting a book published??? Cool JK

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12, Colorado, Home
(August 22, 2009 - 2:43 pm)

Lol, E.W. Can you include me in that dream, Kit Kat? ;)

No, in all seriousness I do know what you mean. Actually I think a few years back it was proven that sometimes dreams do hold tiny hints to the future. *shrug* So, never know I s'pose...

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 23, 2009 - 4:44 pm)

Oooh! And me? ;)

submitted by Lena
(August 24, 2009 - 9:00 am)

Hmmm...I would, but what if in my dream people become incredibly jealous of your success and set out to assasinate you? is that okay? Just kidding.

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 24, 2009 - 2:06 pm)

No, don't dream about that for me. I was joking. :)

submitted by Lena
(August 25, 2009 - 4:48 pm)

Oh! And dream about me being a bestseller! yeah! haha That's awesome! Wish I could control the weather... WOULDN'T THINK ABOUT TORNADOS, EARTHQUAKES, OR HURRICANES IF I WERE YOU!

submitted by Maggie , age 13, MN
(August 23, 2009 - 7:45 pm)

Interestingly enough, I was once outside with my friend, and we  were talking about tornados (for some odd reason) and all of the sudden we turned around and there was this dark gray, almost black, cloud coming toward us, and the wind started picking up!

Plus, around June 23rd, I was working on a new story. In it, there was a character named Michael who was a musician, and in my story, he died. TWO DAYS LATER MICHAEL JACKSON DIED!!!!! And also in my story, this plague was threatening humanity, and a day later news came about that disease threatening wheat, Ug99, or whatever its called. I'm thinking I won't name a character after anyone i know and then kill that character off. 

You know what? I think from now on I should record all my dreams and see if anything comes true!

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 24, 2009 - 8:33 am)

Yikes! That's strange! :)

submitted by Lena
(August 24, 2009 - 8:59 am)

Gosh, that is really strange. I've heard of people

who have that kind of ability before. And I think it

would be a neat idea to record your dreams, because

I have this "dream book" (a book I found that tells about

dream patterns and why you dream about certain things)

and it say that if you start writing your dreams down you'll

gradually be able to remember them better. *shrugs* It

couldn't hurt, I guess...

submitted by Megan M., age 14 today, Ohio
(August 24, 2009 - 3:05 pm)

*sniff* I hate when the comment gets chopped up

like that... My mistake. :\

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(August 25, 2009 - 1:32 pm)


submitted by Kit Kat
(August 24, 2009 - 8:28 am)

How strange. Once my sister and I had one fortune cookie between us, and when we split it there were TWO FORTUNES in it!

submitted by Emily L.
(August 23, 2009 - 4:29 pm)

SWEET EMILY! That would be awesome! Once, I had a fortune cookie and it said "You will be an acomplished writer" NO KIDDING!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, MN
(August 24, 2009 - 3:10 pm)