Freaky thing, guys.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Freaky thing, guys.

Freaky thing, guys. I dream about the future. I AM DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!!  I have dreamt about what school assignments I'll be getting, what trivial things will happen during the day, and even bigger things!!! It is so weirding me out. Plus, I can sorta seem to change the weather.  For example, one time it was sunny, and I was thinking about rain (my freind put me up to this...testing my theory) and it seriously started to pour! Then I thought about sunlight, and dry stuff, and it stopped. And just yesterday there was lightning, and my friend and I were chanting some random word that popped into our heads (sounded like parseltongue, lol) and EACH TIME WE SPOKE A LIGHTNING LIT UP THE SKY!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! I am in control of your fate. *laughs evily* But I am serious about everything on here. I know, weird.....

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 19, 2009 - 11:54 am)

*creepy, mysterious face* Bizarre...

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 24, 2009 - 3:52 pm)

Same happened with my brother and me!

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(August 24, 2009 - 5:07 pm)

One time I was reading my Reader's Digest (yes, I actually asked to get that for Christmas-I'm probably the only kid in the world who's done that) and I found a funny true story. So there was this family in a Chinese restaurant, and one of the guys opened his fortune cookie. The fortune read, 'Your fortune is in another cookie.' I am not kidding! Cool

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12, Colorado, Home
(August 26, 2009 - 11:19 am)

Same with two people in my block. A little boy dreamed that there was going to be a plane crash, so did my friend's mom. And Then a plane crashed about 1/2 a block away! 

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(August 24, 2009 - 5:09 pm)

But dreams don't come true. (I mean, not like that kind of dream) It was probably a coincidence.

submitted by Lena
(August 25, 2009 - 8:00 am)

Ahh! Kit kat, were your dreaming about thunderstorms? I woke up this morning to go to the bathroom, and suddenly BOOM! and I couldn't go back to sleep. :( *sigh* I don't think I'm going to be a happy camper today.

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, MN
(August 25, 2009 - 8:10 am)

*gets dressed up in gypsy costume* Bizarre. I was hoping for a good storm yesterday.

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 26, 2009 - 6:27 pm)

When my dad was a kid he dreamed that a rocket was exploding. The next day one did. He's dreamed about a couple of things that ended up real.

Also, he thinks I might be like that too, and is very empathetic. I don't think I am.... He said it because I dreamed about house, and then a couple of months later, I went to house with rooms almost exactly like it.

submitted by Laura
(August 25, 2009 - 4:13 pm)

Ooh, I've done rain chants on sunny days and clouds appear and it starts sprinkling!!!! A fellow rain bringer!! YAY!!! :)

submitted by Laura
(August 25, 2009 - 4:15 pm)

I hope my dreams don't predict the future. For instance, the other day, I dreamed our house was on fire! Aaaaaaaah!  But once, I dreamed that our next door neighbor's big brother had died, and I think it was the next year he ran off and became a juvenile delinquent. I have a hard time beleiving there is any connection there, though, because he didn't die, and in the dream someone else had died too.

submitted by Emily L., age 14, WA
(August 25, 2009 - 8:19 pm)

I don't think I've ever had future dreams before, but I've had dreams where my mom was having a conversation with one of her friends about either my cousin R or my friend T. Then I will say, "Oh yeah! I should call T!" or "We should visit R's family again soon!" and then, depending on which dream it is, my mom will look at me and say something like, "Don't you know? R/T died a week ago!" Those are really scary. Thankfully I've only had them a few times.

submitted by Brynne, age 14, Flying away on
(August 26, 2009 - 2:06 pm)

@ Brynne: Whoa. Creepy. o.O

Speaking of rain... wish it would rain in NJ. There's been too much sun the past two weeks. I do not like sun. *is looked at strangely*

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 26, 2009 - 4:17 pm)

Yah, here too.  Today we had dark low clouds, and when inside the house, it looked like it was going to be freezing outside, but the moment you step out the door, you are slammed in the face by horrid heat!!!!  It was about 95 today!!!!!  Ugh, and it was humid.  BLEH BLEH BLECH!!!!!!!!!  I really despise weather like that, what with it pretending to be rainy and all.  *glares at sky*  At least we had a GORGEOUS and I mean GORGEOUS sunset!!!!!!!!  :)

submitted by Laura
(August 29, 2009 - 2:29 am)

Wait, are you Sophie Kit Kat or somebuggy else?? :):) Anyway, yeah, I've begun to notice that lately, when I have a realistic dream (like with real people I know and real places I go), it normally becomes true within the next day or two.  It's kind of freaky... :):) BUT FUN!!! :D

submitted by Kenzie
(August 29, 2009 - 4:57 pm)

Um I'm Sophia P. from waaaaaaaayyy back whenever, like, a year ago.

submitted by Kit Kat
(August 31, 2009 - 7:59 pm)