So, I just

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

So, I just

So, I just got back from the dentist... blech...

Turns out that, a) I have to have my wisdom teeth out (three of them, as I don't have a fourth, oddly enough) which I knew already, and b) I have to have a root canal because the tooth that I have a Big Huge Filling in has an abscess and the nerve is slowly dying.

Plus there may be something wrong with my jaw 'cause it pops every time I open my mouth.

Done whingeing.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 24, 2009 - 2:13 pm)

EH!!!  Yuck.  :)  Hopefully she stopped drinking out of it after that.  :)

My mom promised to get me something really good for that one, but she never actually did.  I think I'll save it for the next time I really need some money.  :P 

submitted by Laura
(August 27, 2009 - 8:39 pm)

Ughhhhhh! THat sounds terrible! The most stupid dental work I've ever heard of is when people pull baby teeth instead of letting them come out in their own time. One of my family's friends had to have all her baby teeth pulled "to prevent the adult set coming in wrong." It's SUPPOSED to be better for you that way, but it's not natural, and the traumatic side effects would cause more problems than slightly crooked teeth, in my opinion.

submitted by Emily L.
(August 26, 2009 - 2:37 pm)

Oh I know!!!  *glares at dentists*

submitted by Laura
(August 27, 2009 - 8:41 pm)

As someone who detests having to go to the dentist, I pity you! That sounds absolutely horrible!

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12, Colorado, Home
(August 26, 2009 - 11:16 am)

*applaudes Laura* Thank you for filling me with self-confidence for the next time we go to the dentist office!

No. Joking. ;) What I mean is, ouch. You have my sympathy.

Here's a tip from an old Admin who's endured years of dental work: thinking about it beforehand is much worse than actually going through the procedure. Dental procedures and tools are so much better and faster now than they were years ago. You'll do fine!


 P.S. I'm having a crown replaced next week on Thursday. Just something that needs to be done because I plan to keep using my teeth for a long, long time!

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 26, 2009 - 4:15 pm)

To be honest I'm *almost* excited.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 26, 2009 - 11:18 pm)

Um... excited?

@ Admin: That is good advice. :)

...thing is, there's never time to think about it anyway because Mom springs it on us like a day before the appointment is... :/

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 27, 2009 - 3:47 pm)

I dunno. But I was. *shrug*

Anyways. It was all right. It didn't hurt, anyway. But it smelled funny. And one of the drill/file thingies made a squeaky sound.

And I was reminded why I HATE anesthetic. Thpbt. Worse part of the entire procedure was the numbness.

Anway, yeah, the actual filling (which ultimately caused the infection/abscess/root canal) hurt worse. The nerve was apparently dead by the time they took it out, so between that and the anesthetic... 

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 27, 2009 - 5:19 pm)

Well, I'm glad it went well.  :)

And yes, I agree, anesthetic is the worst, unless your stupid dentist forgets to pierce you gums with it.  *glares in general direction of dentist office*  *realizes he wouldn't be there at 12:12 and stops glaring*   :)

submitted by Laura
(August 29, 2009 - 2:12 am)

Good for you.  I wish I felt the same.  :)  Thankfully, if I end up getting braces, I'll be getting them from Dr. Pane.  Not that that's much better.  Yah, actually, his name kinda freaks me out.  At least it's not actually spelled 'pain'.  But at least I've heard from a lot of girls around here that he's really nice and actually gentle... so....

But you want to know something odd?  When I was little, the doctor who worked on my jaw was named Dr. Chin.  Yup.  I seem to have a lot of doctors who have names that fit them.  (well, sort of) I think there was another, but I can't remember at the moment, and mom isn't home, and dad never remembers names.  :)

 Sorry, babbling.

So yah, stay excited.  Read a really good book before hand, but don't finnish it so you can dwell on what you think is going to happen, just in case it hurts.  :P 


In our town there's a Dr. Sickley!


submitted by Laura
(August 27, 2009 - 8:48 pm)

Heehee, we have a Dr. Savage in our town! I think my grandparents were talking about this guy who was named Dr. Slaughter, or something that sounded like that, but I'm not sure. TNO, congrats since your root canal is done! I always feel so great (exept for a numb and disgusting tasting mouth) when I come out of the dentist because I know I don't have to dread it anymore!

submitted by Julia, Oregon
(August 28, 2009 - 6:44 pm)

Oh, I'm glad I don't have either of those as my doctors!!!

submitted by Laura
(August 31, 2009 - 9:23 pm)

Oh man, that's the best one I've heard yet!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Laura
(August 29, 2009 - 2:13 am)

Heh.  Sorry Mary.  :)  Forgive me?  *hopeful smile*

submitted by Laura
(August 27, 2009 - 8:42 pm)

Pane? Chin? SICKLEY? o.O We have... um... I don't even know how to spell it... it's pronounced ROUSCH-werger. Yeees...

@ Laura: Forgiven. ;)

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 28, 2009 - 3:42 pm)