Blind AE Dates!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Blind AE Dates!

Blind AE Dates!

Okay so the original is on the *gasps* 7th page so I thought I'd revive it!

So if anyone would like to sign their AE up, fill out the form:





Basic Personality:

Genders You Would Like To Go Out With: 

Dietary Needs (optional):  



Important: As stated in the original, the romance in this should stay at a middle-schoolish level. So nothing too serious, and make sure anything you post is CB appropriate. 

Alright I think that's it!

The Matchmaker 

submitted by The Matchmaker
(April 28, 2021 - 10:23 am)

If @The Matchmaker is okay with this, you can go on a date with my new AE Ginger! 

Name: Ginger

CBer: Pangolin

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Appearance: long brown hair, orange eyes, lots of freckles, black t shirt with blue jeans, white tennis shoes

Basic Personality: Very brave, gets angry easily, never afraid to speak her mind. 

Genders You Would Like To Go Out With: Any!

Dietary Needs (optional):  Nope!

Other: Nope! 

I suppose this isn't really a blind date since I'm asking...but I hope we can do this! :)  

submitted by pangolin
(May 3, 2021 - 5:15 pm)

>Oh, look. A coffee shop! *reads Vix's form* Oh. Oh... *turns bright red* I am very excited to meet you, Vix.<

submitted by Koi, Writing's AE
(May 3, 2021 - 4:59 pm)

*stunned silence*


You signed ME up for a date!


Fable, I'm sorry, I thought-

dreamiing told me it would be fine-



...We better go with it, I guess.


[End Post -- {YA CHMMWSSS YUDDIYADDPFDD SSSOYAN means 'I can't believe this'}] 


submitted by vix & fable, severe contrast
(May 3, 2021 - 5:03 pm)

(Koti)..Erm, I suppose that-

(Cali) He wanted to go with Puck. Anyways, that's pretty fun! Beach time! *grins* Ell3, help me pick out my outfit? 

*signs* No. I have a little something called homework to do. 

(Cali) Aww, okay then! *skips away* 

submitted by Koti&Cali
(May 3, 2021 - 5:03 pm)

*blushes* Koti wanted to go with ME? 

*blushes again* *says kind of shyly but also a little quickly* Hey Koti-would you maybe, umm... wouldyoumaybewanttogoonadatewithmeafterthisone? *blushes again*

*smiles mischeviously* We could go prank someone if you want...  

submitted by Puck
(May 3, 2021 - 5:45 pm)

Koti screamed after reading this (in a good way. He has a. very. big. crush. on. you.) and locked himself in his room and screamed in Spanish, "YESSS PUCK ASKED ME ON A DATE!" 

Luckily, I'm the only one who speaks Irish. Except for th3mysticw0lf. They're omnisceicnt...very sadly. th3mysticw0lf can also screech in..I think it's Wolven? Idek. 

ANYWAYS! You could always prank one of the CBers! Just please, not me. I've been pranked enough. 

If you prank Koti, he'll probably go rambling about how good the prank was. 

*sighs* *calls in spanish to Koti* KOTI, DO YOU WANT TO ADD ANYTHING TO THE POST?

*calls back in spanish* IM TOO SCARED TO! WHAT IF SHE-


*Koti comes down*

Kote: Uhm, sure, I would love to go on a date wiht you!

Cali: See, you didn't even stutter! 

th3mysticw0lf: XIAO SHENG! shut it, you two. 

Cali: Sorry!


xiao sheng means quiet in chinese. :>


~Koti and Cali~ (and 3ll3) 

submitted by Cali@Puck
(May 3, 2021 - 9:14 pm)

Ooooh sounds cool!

*Hmm. Didn't he say he was a robot, so he can't eat? What's the point of going to a cafe then?*

Come on, give it a try, Opal.

*I guess it's worth a shot*



submitted by Silver Crystal&co., age Infinity, Milky Way
(May 3, 2021 - 9:36 pm)

Please wear something else than those stupid suits. You're gonna look like a nerd.

Oh shut up. Ladies like guys in daper suits. Right?

{Of course! But preferbaly when they are acutally worn by something biotic.}


^Ribbit. Ha Ha. Now I must go get ready for my date. Bye bye. Ribbit.^

Oh, I probably should as well. Can't wait to utterly charm Dallas. 


I'm meeting Opal at a cafe, so off I go. Adios Bertha. 

{Bye 7506! Have fun! And give her those cookies I made, will you?} 


I arrive at the cafe a couple minutes early, and soon Opal walks in. I immediatly rush over, and pull out a seat for her. 

Here you go m'lady. Anything else I can do for you? I say.

I sure know how to charm, don't I. 

submitted by Lazerbat
(May 4, 2021 - 5:13 am)

*Oh, thank you, I say, smiling and ajusting my dress. I like your suit, I add*

*I sit down. It's nice to meet you, 7506! I say. Your name is very unique, is there some sort of story behind it? Is there a nickname I can call you? 75, or '06, perhaps?*

submitted by Silver Crystal&co., age Infinity, Milky Way
(May 4, 2021 - 10:48 am)

Hi! You put Bean's name twice, do you want to switch one?

submitted by Quill@Matchmaker
(May 4, 2021 - 1:22 pm)
submitted by @Matchmaker
(May 5, 2021 - 4:12 pm)

Joan: Well Puck? 

Puck: *sighs* I guess so..... *looks toward Koti longingly* What if he likes Basil better? What if, what if....

Joan: You said you never would get over Dev remember?

Puck: True... but still... Dakota looks so cute! And seems like we would totally get along!

Joan: Maybe next time. Maybe Dakota will think you're pretty cute too, and ask you on a date after this blind date with Basil.

Puck: *bites lip* Doubtful.

Joan: Let's just go get you ready with your date with Fable, ok?

Puck: Please, please, can't it just be a 'hangout?' I refuse to call it a date, especially since you KNOW I'm into guys....

Joan: Puck! Don't be rude. Besides, it said her ship wasn't going to be a full time thing because she's already shipped with another AE. And even if Koti doesn't ask you out, you can always ask him out.

Puck: Ok.... well then. I guess I better go get ready for the hangout. Who knows? *perks up* It will probably be fun going to a festival!

Oh, and Fable? Apologies in advance for any kind of offense I give if I call you she or her, or anything other than they. I don't have many experince at all with calling someone 'they' and it really confuses me... so apologies in advance. *skips away to get ready for the hangout* 

submitted by Puck
(May 3, 2021 - 4:53 pm)

Kaeya: You'll be fine- It’s not that big of a deal.

^Basil^ ^But I’ve never been to a fancy restaurant, and I don’t know what to wear and I don’t know how to act and I should and I-^

You’re turning into Thorn, Basil. 

^*blushes* Oof- I guess you’re right. *sigh* I just can’t wait to see him...^

Sooomebody has a crush on Dakotaaaaa

^*turns red* M-maybe.^

Well. That’s a first.


You stuttered. You never do that. You leaderly types. 

^*sigh* Well, I’ve got to go or I’ll be late. *deep breath* Bye!^


Now to get ready for my date... 


submitted by Nite and the Crew
(May 3, 2021 - 8:40 pm)

Hey Basil. 

Sorry to break this news to you..but apparently Dakota's heart belongs to Puck now. 


He would be okay with a date, like one date. 

Just maybe like a hangout sort of thing?

You two could definitely be friends.

But I think....Koti would be better off with Puck. He's extremely dangerous- and he's more troublesome than smart. 

*coughs awkwardly*

3ll3 made me do this, because Koti's in his room screaming about life being confusing in spanish.

3ll3's in their room yelling out curses in chinese and wolven, as well as screeching the lyrics to this is me at the top of their lungs. 



submitted by Cali@Basil
(May 3, 2021 - 9:17 pm)


I feel like the world is crashing down on me. Mistakes are never made. Everyone is paired for a reason. No. What’s happening?

As I realize tears are steaming down my face,  I turn bright red, turn back around and slam the door to me and Kaeya’s room. She jumps, and before she can ask a question, I run to my bed and start having a nervous breakdown.

submitted by Basil@Cali
(May 4, 2021 - 2:32 pm)