Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Yep, I'm just as surprised as you are. It's my seventeenth birthday! (Goodness, I'm old. Way too old for this website, in any case.) I know it looks like I haven't been very active recently — the school year is wrapping up and the summer's always busy for me. I have been lurking, however, in disguise. You see, I-

Bakerloo, shut up.

Orson?! You're up?

Yes, and I want you to shut up.


This could be the subject of my next great film. Listen: "By day he's a normal seventeen-year-old (oh, happy birthday i guess) but by night... he's a—"


Hi, Lucinda. What are you doing up?


Aw, you're so sweet. But you have no arms, how will you




Will not.


I'm heading back into my office. Shout if you need me, Bakerloo.




Since it's still not really safe to socialize where I live, let's have a party here, people! The theme: Seventeen! We'll have seventeen cakes, seventeen candles, seventeen dances, seventeen balloons, seventeen presents, seventeen mysterious figures, anything you can think of, we have seventeen of it!

I've noticed that there's been a lot of new CBers since I last posted, so if you don't already know me, hi! I'm Bakerloo, and I've been around the CB, off and on, since 2016. My AE is Orson—

No, no, hold the applause.

—and my CAPTCHA is Lucinda, a dust bunny.


It's great to meet you all! Let's get this party started!

submitted by Bakerloo, age 17!!!, he, him, his
(May 6, 2021 - 7:08 am)

Happy birthday Bakerloo!! I hope you had an amazing day :) *throws confetti everywhere*

(yes, I know I'm like a week late XD) 

submitted by Starchaser, age 13, Pyrrhia, (she/her)
(May 13, 2021 - 5:21 am)