Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Okay this thread is ALL about PETS!!  I have two dogs named Miley and Cassidy, and also a snail named Gregory! YAY PETS!  Please comment about what kind of pets because I am going to do a whole percentage thing on animal popularity. Ugh work! Oh well!

submitted by Kirsten, age 11, Europe
(November 19, 2009 - 5:12 pm)

We are calling the kitten Oberon.

submitted by Kendra, age 14, The Woods betwe
(November 22, 2009 - 7:31 pm)
I've got two cats, Casey (girl) and JoJo (boy), and one Netherland Dwarf rabbit, Hazel (also girl).  :)  And I love them all dearly.
JoJo is a lovable monster, he'll be all cute and snugly one second, and the next be clawing and biting you the next.  But he's so cute that you can't help but get over it pretty quickly!  :D :D :D
Casey is round.  We've had her on a different diets over the years, but none have worked so far, except, she does seems to be kinda squishy now, rather than (very sadly) drum-like.  The weirdest part is, we never really fed her that much, we were always careful about it.  We think maybe a neighbor was feeding her.  She doesn't have a collar, so maybe they thought she was a stray or something...
Hazel is cute, but not very friendly.  She doesn't like to be held, and only lets me approach her if there are bars between us, but oh well.  I've had her since I was eight, always was gentle, I don't get it!  I guess you can't make everyone like you, huh?
See ya 'round.  :) >^.^<
submitted by Laura
(November 21, 2009 - 10:38 pm)

lets see...

One hermit crab (does anyone else have one?), his/her (it is impossible to tell the gender of hermit crabs) anyway, his/her name is Sandy. I used to have others, but *sniff* the rest died.

Nine cats, Tiger, Pepper, Cuddles, Shadow, Mac, Peaches, Cream, Midnight, and Fluff.

Tiger and Pepper live indoors with us, and the rest live outside. We usually have more outside, but two years ago most of them died due to Distemper.

One dog, Honey is a golden lab/ retriever.

One horse, Carmen is my sisters horse actually, but I still ride her sometimes. She is a quarter horse.

My sister also used to have a REALLY fluffy hampster, but sadly he died a few years back.

Ok, and this probably dosen't count, but my grandparents have this Black Lab/ Great Dane, ( she is kinda big:)), I train her though and she LOVES me! She is really really excited whenever I come over.

submitted by Nighthawlk, age 13
(November 22, 2009 - 1:08 pm)

WOW!  Everybuggy 'as some awesome pets!  Oh Emily I 'ave a pet rock too!!  Haha!  Actually it is a girl and I ave a tutu for her!!!

submitted by Kirsten, age 11, Europe
(November 23, 2009 - 6:17 pm)

I have bad news!  Gregory, my snail, DIED!!  *cries very hard*  *randomly throws a pillow because she is mad*  Atleast I can get a Gregory JR.  :-(

submitted by Kirsten, age 11, Europe
(November 28, 2009 - 8:38 am)

Awwww. :( Me is sorry... *sniffles*

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(November 30, 2009 - 8:55 am)

I have two (family) dogs named Pippin and Oscar, and one parakeet named Herbie who I can finally sorta take out of his cage!! Yay!!

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(November 30, 2009 - 2:07 pm)

I have a guinea pig named Nimble C. Starr. We call her Nimmy for short. My sister has another guinea pig, Nightwing I. Starr, and my brother has a fish named Dinostar. Or is it Treestar? Or Waterstar? I dunno, he's always changing it. Poor fishy, it doesn't even have a permanent name. I used to have two beta fish named Gill and Betty but they died. Sniffle. I buried them at my old house. My mom said I could either flush them down the toilet or bury them, and I wanted them to have an honorable death ceremony, so... yeah. Nimmy isn't much of a people person. I've met butterflies, though, who land on people and won't come off.... they're what I call "people butterflies". So. Hi. Bye.

submitted by Mango
(December 14, 2009 - 4:52 pm)

Well, I don't think I've ever mentioned pets on this site, and, flicking to a random page, I saw PETS!!!! So, now, I will say something.

Fridge- We didn't name her. But, she was found in a fridge. She is the most lovable thing in our house except Brandy and maybe Calvin. She's gray, long-haired, green-blue eyed, and sleeps on my bed every night. Fridge looks like a kitten, but really she's full grown. She is tiny, and eats ALL THE TIME!!! This is her story: Me, Horse Lover (she won't let me call her a name) and her mom were riding home from town. Her mom said we needed to go pick up a cat. They already had a cat. But, be picked up Fridge, and on the way home, Her mom said that Horse Lover's uncle was leaving, and couldn't take Fridge with him. And that she needed a new home. We had just lost one of our cats, Princess, and I hoped we were going to get a new one. Well, we got one!

Calvin- Oh wow. You want to know about Calvin? I'll say it in 4 words. Big Fat Cuddly Cat. And thats all true. Being the biggest of our cats, he's 20 pounds. But, we love him! He's gray, with darker points, and blue eyes. He looks like a mountain Lion! I was reading Calvin and Hobbs when I names him. Tee-he.. Once we were taking care of a kitten and he looked like Calvin, but we didn't have calvin at the time. We called him Mittens. We gave him to a friend, and she said that Mittens got REALLY big, and then he ran off. You see where I'm going with this? Oh yeah, We found him in our crawl-space.

And, I'll do the rest later. While I'm here... TOP! Mat says wvmo

submitted by Jean Rein
(March 11, 2010 - 12:51 pm)