Artificial Intelligence

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

A thread about Artificial intelligence (AI)! It's changing everything and doing things that would have been unimaginable a few decades ago, with, naturally, unimaginable consequences. I thought maybe we should have an actual thread where we can discuss it and what it means for the future. So, what do you guys think about it? What should AI be used for? Will it change our ability to work as writers and artists? What about misinformation: since AI can create images that look identical to photographs (I've seen some of them), and also spread misinterpretations or outright lies, how should we change reporting and news coverage? Here we can talk about these questions! I'll post my own thoughts once this goes up.

submitted by Poinsettia, age immortal, just as usual
(March 6, 2023 - 8:43 pm)

@Lupine and Silver Crystal, I completely agree! AI is really useful; I hadn't thought much about how we use it in more mundane ways. Although - I do think that when we use it for things like social media or other digital tools, the effect isn't always good (let's just pretend I'm not saying this on a website that is a form of social media :/) GPS, for instance, isn't really necessary to our lives (we can always use maps). Fundamentally, though, I agree that it just has to be regulated (*cough cough* *looking at you, federal government*). Another important thing is to educate students about its effects and about how it really works - otherwise it might cause harm even if it is regulated. Someone might, for instance, use it (illegally) to spread misinformation on social media. @Golden Lion Tamarin, I'm afraid ChatGPT may be said to be trustworthy, but it really isn't, sadly - it could perfectly well bring up something from the internet that happens to be untrue, because no matter how well-programmed it is, it can't tell whether something is true or not.

As for robots... I'm not sure it would be a good idea to use them to help the police. On the one hand, it could save policemen's lives, but on the other hand, suppose the policemen are unethical and set the robots on somebody innocent? I'd say it's an iffy issue. In my opinion, robots should only be used to work in mines, or warehouses, or in other extremely hard/dangerous jobs. It would take away jobs that could be given to humans, but what kind of jobs are they? No one should be asked to spend all day in a dark underground mine, just to get some jewels that will go to extremely rich people who don't even need them. To replace those jobs, governments could create dignified, well-paid jobs (on construction sites, doing ecological work, etc.) or provide incentives for millionaires to set up new companies that try to improve society and the environment, while employing people who need jobs.

submitted by Poinsettia, age immortal, gone adventuring
(March 31, 2023 - 4:11 pm)

@Poinsettia, ChatGPT cannot access the is trained on data that may come from the internet but (I’m guessing) is checked by OpenAI employees.

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(April 1, 2023 - 8:37 pm)