QSA Thread!Q

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

QSA Thread!Q

QSA Thread!

QSA stands for Queer Straight Alliance. A thread for both queer and straight people to support each other!

Many schools have a QSA (or GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), but we like QSA better because we think 'queer' is a better umbrella term than 'gay'), and it would be fun to do one on CB too!

Share stories, talk, & do whatever.

Heh, we've noticed the CB had a large queer community and were thinking it needed a thread like this. While we were thinking about it, we had all kinds of ideas for what to say in the post, but now we can't remember any of them...

submitted by Chaser & Jay, age pRiDe, Over the Rainbow!
(March 13, 2023 - 1:28 pm)

Hi. I've mostly grown up in a smallish rural town with very "traditional" ideas, and before coming to the CB I didn't know very much about different gender identities. Here I've gotten to know lots of people, both binary and nonbinary, and so I just want to say thanks, I guess? You've all given me a respect for a diversity of genders that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. Does that make sense?  

submitted by Flamarestii, she/her
(March 16, 2023 - 2:56 pm)

Aww, you're welcome! It absolutely makes sense!

submitted by Chaser & Jay
(March 17, 2023 - 6:45 am)

I think I might be ace, but I'm not sure? 

submitted by anon, possibly ace?
(March 16, 2023 - 8:48 pm)

As both of us are asexual (a-spec gang!) we can give you some advice. Frankly, the best thing to do is instead of trying to decide right now, wait for a while until you're a little bit older, and your feelings have a way of sorting themselves out. Don't rule out being ace, and don't rule out being not-ace. Just keep an open mind and see what happens.

We're fully aware that that's a bit of a frustrating answer, especially since I'm sure you'd much rather have the answer now, but to be honest it's the best one we can give.

submitted by Chaser & Jay
(March 17, 2023 - 6:48 am)


me too

idk how everyone seems so sure. maybe im just too young?

still. best of luckkkk :) 

submitted by Hex
(March 17, 2023 - 5:09 pm)

I'm pansexual


☺️.My parents are very supportive of me but I worry other family members won't be.I also am not a 100 percent sure that I'm pan or that I'm something else

submitted by Luna silvermoon
(March 17, 2023 - 5:38 pm)

Hey there! I'm Peri (she/her pronouns) and I'm an ally, and right now I'm exploring the idea that I might be bi. I've definitely had a crush on a girl before, and definitely on at least one boy, and there's something about femininity that I just find particularly attractive? But I'm not sure yet! I'm not using labels right now, except for maybe unlabeled (haha) or questioning? Anyways, regardless of whether or not I'm actually queer, I'm always here to support anyone who is, and would like to spend my life fighting for equality and LGBTQIA+ rights.

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(March 17, 2023 - 6:34 pm)

hi, I'm pretty sure I'm bi :D

(such is the curse of bisexuality that everytime I like a girl I'm like, maybe I'm just a lesbian in denial and everytime I like a guy I'm like, am I just a confused straight girl? siiiighh....)

so guys, today was my crush's birthday and I baked her a cake but I got too scared to give to her so I just ate it myself TT

I kind of hate myself for doing that but ugh O_o

it was really good and I put it on a really pretty plate with light pink frosting and I piped sworls on the top but it's so weird to just give someone a cake lol


and she and her best friend were doing a hunger games simulator in english when we were supposed to be working on our essays, and she kept looking over at me and being like, "ally, you just killed *my best friend* and *that one boy who everyone says walks like a fairy godmother*"

and then one time her best friend was like, "*my crush* just died of heartbreak after being friendzoned by ally"

and I was like, "gack"

anyway there's that ridiculously long and pointless rant on my nonexistant love life (: 

submitted by Phoenix Tears, age 14 she/her, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(March 17, 2023 - 9:42 pm)

That's rough. Anyways, good luck with your nonexistant love life.

Chaser says hi.

submitted by Interrobang
(March 21, 2023 - 6:36 am)
submitted by top
(March 20, 2023 - 7:47 pm)

Hiya! I'm Writing, he/they pronouns, though I'm thinking about adding another set of either neos or nounself ones! Gender is weird. I'm also omiromantic and apothisexual, which is under the ace umbrella! My parents are luckily very accepting, and I've been out for about twoish years now. I'll probably be ghosting around here a bit!!

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 13, uh
(March 20, 2023 - 9:20 pm)

Ooh, if you want any help finding or trying out neos let me know! Like, you could give me a theme for nounself, or a letter/sound for nonthemed, and I'd find some that fit. Or you could ask for a written picturing with those neos. I'd find it really fun, but no pressure of course :)

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(March 23, 2023 - 1:10 pm)

I use they/fae pronouns now, by the way ^^

submitted by Sterling, age they/fae, lost in a fantasy world
(March 21, 2023 - 6:23 am)

Hey! I'm bi. But actually I'm commenting on this thread because it's quite touching how much the CB has changed since I was first here and the time before that. In 2018, this thread would probably have as many comments saying this kind of thing should not exist as there are positive comments now. It's nice to see some positive change, even on a small scale.

And guys, remember that you have your whole life to figure yourself out and you don't owe it to anyone to come out or explain yourself. <3

submitted by Azalea, age 16, she/her
(March 21, 2023 - 11:21 am)

First off AZALEA!!!! HI!!!! How have you been? I doubt you remember me much, but I've always thought you were awesome :D

And even though I've definitely seen improvement in my time here, I don't know if I was ever on the CB when anyone was really queerphobic. I always find it fascinating that the most accepting place I've ever known, that's actually where I learned that queer people exist, didn't used to be that way. Do you remember what it was like back then? If you'd be willing to share anything about the past, even if it's not necessarily related to this thread, that would be really interesting. Preserve it for younger CB generations, I guess? (Although I personally am kind of an older CBer now XD)  

submitted by @Azalea, Blackfooted Bobcat
(March 27, 2023 - 7:41 pm)