AE Chat Thread

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Chat Thread

AE Chat Thread


-Heyo, everybuggy!-

Since there's been a bit of a dip in AE conversation lately, we figured a chat thread would be nice to start it up again!

Do you have to? You've got to admit it's been a nice, quiet few weeks...

#You mean a BORING few weeks.#

-But that's all behind us! Here is a great place to form new friendships outside of your CBers other AEs, and maybe meet someone special... *wink wink*-

Oh my glob, gag.

-Yes, of course. I'm sure you would be DISCUSSED if you saw that cute barista again...-

*flushes bright red*

#*cackles* Anyway, there's no form to sign up! Just introduce yourself with your name, pronouns, and shipping status if you'd like, and get chatting!#

>There are a few rules and regulations though. *clears throat*<

- No CBers allowed!!

- Don't put pressure on yourself to respond. This is just for fun, so don't feel bad if you can't respond, or if someone doesn't respond to you. 

- Please try to keep this in the usual Chat Thread format! (IE- as if you're just talking in a post, not RP! No need to put the AEs name before you write or write as if it's a book. A simple asterisk will do to show their physical movements, as shown above!)

- This will be set in a place that's basically just a big AE hang out spot. There will be snacks, video games, a library, etc... I'm not sure how to describe it, but just imagine the BEST place for AEs to hang out and this is it. Think of it as, if you want a room with something in it, it'll be there.

- ... Though all explosives are banned. So don't get any ideas. I belive the last AE chat thread ended by it being blown up and I don't want a repeat of that.

-*claps hands* Alright, I think we're all set! Feel free to start posting whenever you would like!-

submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 3, 2023 - 5:39 pm)
Um. *looks in between Callum and Zara* *is flustered because of Callum and overwhelmed because of Zara* (quietly) I didn't sign up for thisss... *pulls his hoodie tight and plays with the strings, trying to get himself to think logically again* Um. Callum. You can stay. Please stay. And Zara. Hi. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I love music. I don't really like that kind of music much though? And I don't know much about painting. That's more of Cassidy's thing. Also, sorry if I sound weird, I just get like this when I'm overwhelmed... Or something... *scoots a little bit closer to Callum absentmindedly*
@Echo, yeah! That sounds great. I love the idea of Eryx and Ronin having a rivalry just to see who's "more emo", it sound hilarious. like immature little kids XD And I'm sorry if this part sounds weird, I get overwhelmed myself if multiple people start talking to my AEs at once, and this seemed like the most in-character way to show it :]
:DD SAME! IT'S BEEN SOOOO BORING! And candy! *throws candy up into the air like confetti*

>*looks exasperated, then sighs and laughs* I missed you a lot too, Chai.<

#*looks around and shifts slightly, giving himself ram horns, longer hair, and a more feminine form* *doesn't see anyone he really recognises* *walks over slowly to the only person he kind of DOES recognise* Hey... you're Quinn, right? Peri's AE? *thinks about how embarrassing this is* *realizes they don't really have any friends* *wonders if there's a reason why* *shakes their head to stop thinking about it* I'm Tempest, Writing's AE. You used to be friends with Aliza?#
-*turns around to see Layia and Stromi* Oh, hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Cassidy :] Are you headed to the library?-
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 4, 2023 - 9:48 pm)

Wait- SHIPPING? Ack- um- *intense blushing* *notices Ronin* Hey, are you okay? *grabs Ronin's hand without really stopping to think* don't worry, okay? I'm here. Just take a breath. 

*looks up at Zara* hey, Zara, sorry, I think Ronin's a bit overwhelmed. More than one person at once can be hard for us. Do you mind maybe coming back in a few minutes, once he calms down? And uh, by the way, my sister, Indy, over there, likes painting. Maybe you could talk with her and… Whoever that person she's talking to is? Thanks. You seem cool. Sorry.
@Echo and Writing: hope this is okay! I, as well as some of my AEs, get "sensory overloads" (which is probably not the correct name for it, but what I call it because I lack a better term), where I get too overwhelmed if there are many loud noises or big crowds, so I figured Callum was used to that and would know how to calm Ronin down. And Zara seems really cool and I do not want Callum to be the reason she can't get to know Ronin! Maybe she could talk to Indy (or any other AE, idrc I'm just trying to give you some options), who's also currently talking to Ariella, first? I'm not great at AE conversations with more than one other AE but I've been trying to practice so…
*~Okay, I need to talk to someone. *deep breath* *walks over to Ariella* hi, I'm Indy. What's your name?~*
@Pointsettia, is this okay? I'd love to have Indy get to know your AEs and you mentioned wanting my AEs to talk to Ariella or Layia (which are really pretty names, btw-)
/Yay, best friends! *happy dance* I brought you guys something too! It couldn't fit in my pockets, so I put it in this bag. *pulls cookies-pies out of the bag* Cookie-pies! I was remembering when we first met, Dawn, and I realized Oliver had yet to experience the awesomeness of the cookie-pie. Here! *hands them each a cookie pie* Cookie-pie partyyy!!\
*Oh, ah, yeah, I'm Quinn. Tempest… Yeah, I know you! Oh… Yeah. I was friends with Aliza. *smiles sadly* I miss her. She was a really special kid. Actually, I think we first met at your family's spring party this time last year! We played a prank on this shapeshifter guy… I think he was an AE of Starli's. Speaking of shapeshifters, you're a shapeshifter, too, right? I think that's really cool. There's not any shapeshifters in my family, but Peri says I might as well be one with how often I decide to just completely redo my hair. *laughs**
submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Infinity??, Here and now
(April 5, 2023 - 6:29 am)

Yeg: *walks in* *looks in confusion at utter chaos* *hides in a corner*

Also Yeg: Yegggg.... yeggity yeg? Yeg yeg.

Still Yeg because Yeg is Scuttles' only AE: *pulls explosives out of pockets* *stares at explosives for a moment* *startes eating explosives like candy*

Yeg again: Yeg. Yeggity yeg yeg yeg!

submitted by Yeg, Scuttles's Ae
(April 5, 2023 - 8:36 am)

(Dragonfire): *... *points to Yeg's candy-explosives* can I have some?*

(Starbright): ~*drags Dragonfire away* NO YOU MAY NOT~ 

(Honeylocust, a new AE): /naww, let Dragon eat the explosives!/

~no, Darkvine told me to make sure Dragonfire dosen't do anything stupid.~

*seriously, I want to try some!*

(Milkweed, another new AE): /uh... that might not be the best idea.../ 


(I'm currently testing out Honeylocust and Milkweed :D ) 

submitted by Vine's AEs
(April 5, 2023 - 1:09 pm)

Yeg: *looks up at Dragonfire*

Yeg: (tentatively) Yeg? Yeg yeg?

Yeg: *pulls out more explosives* *offers them to Dragonfire* *suddenly Yeg's arm extends to ten times its previous length, to where Dragonfire is standing* *drops explosives into Dragonfire's arms* *retracts arm and goes back to hiding in a corner*

submitted by Yeg, Walmart
(April 7, 2023 - 6:52 am)

Xx Oh! Um... I was trying somehtign new..and I baked brownies. Would you like to try one? xX *takes Eryx's hand, walks over to the table. Picks up brownie* Xx Here. xX 


$ Hmmm...what should I do...there's the libary...what about trying some of the snacks *looks around* Ok..soo..Rin's riding the chair, Kam's talking to Eryx..where did Lore go? Ah...oh..Crawaline looks lonely....I'm sure Xe will find someone to talk to! ... WAIT! * gasp!* OLIVER! CHAI! *Runs over to Oliver and Chai* $ 



submitted by Reuby's AEs
(April 5, 2023 - 5:10 pm)
*looks at his hand for a moment, blushes, then relaxes and takes a few breaths* Yeah, I'm sorry, Zara... I just- I can't- My brain isn't... Working right at the moment, I guess.  I'm really sorry... *pulls his hands into his hoodie sleeves and takes more deep breaths*
>Oh, yeah, I remember these! *laughs, and says awkwardly but excitedly* Cookie-pie party!<
YES! COOKIE-PIE-ARTY! These look amazing- *looks over to where Strawberry is running over from* *gasps and waves* Hi! Hi Strawberry! You want some cookie-pie?
>*waves shyly*<
#*laughs* Yeah, my sister does that a lot too... And yep! Tempest In_the_Dark, shapeshifter extraordinaire, at your service. *jumps, simultaneously shifting into dozens of forms, lands on a masculine form with dark skin and curly hair*  *laughs again* So, uh... you said you played a prank on someone with Aliza a while ago? You like pranks? *smiles devilishly*#
I don't think Tempest's, or any of my other AEs for that matter, last name is actually In_the_Dark, but I feel like he'd use it sometimes for dramatic flair, lol :] 
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 5, 2023 - 8:27 pm)
submitted by pls dont die on me, age ill do cpr, if i need to
(April 6, 2023 - 9:47 pm)

Hi! I'm Cora. I'm 13 and I use she/they pronouns. I'm a little hesitant to ship, but I'd be open to ship with anyone.

Hi. I'm Leotea, age 15, she/her. I'm also hesitant to ship, but I would prefer to ship with boys.

submitted by Avara's AEs
(April 7, 2023 - 6:14 pm)

Nice to meet you, Cassidy! You're one of Writing's AEs, right? I'm not headed to the library, but I think Layia is...

/Yeah, I'm going to see if I can find any books to read... um, bye? *awkwardly waves and disappears in the direction of the library*

*sigh* That's Layia for you. She never wants to talk. Anyway, speaking of books, do you like to read?

~*whispering* ooh yay someone's coming to talk to me! *waves* Hi, I'm Ariella! So nice to meet you!  I think your name is really pretty, by the way. *laughs* It's really nice to finally get to know other AEs! This is my first social event, since I'm kind of new, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I was dying of boredom with no one but Layia and Stormi and Sapphire... I guess it's 'cause I know them so well. *pauses* Well, that was a pretty long answer, probably too long, sorry! So, do you have any special interests? What music do you like?

(@Peri, sure, I'd love to have Ariella and Indy interact! And thanks for the compliment about Ariella and Layia's names :) Your AEs have really great names too, as Ariella said!)

submitted by Poinsettia, age immortal, gone adventuring
(April 7, 2023 - 7:00 pm)

Are you okay? Do you need me to give you some space, or do you want me to stay? 

/Eeee! Hi Strawberry! It's so good to see you again! I brought you a cookie-pie! *hands cookie-pie*\
/*turns to Dawn* Dawn, this is Strawberry. Strawberry, this is Dawn. And now you know each other so you can be BEST FRIENDS!! *happy dance*\
/*social skills and basic understanding of other people kicks in* *quiter* Is this okay, Dawn? I know a whoooole lotta people can be kinda stressful for you, and I don't want my favorite to be stressed by my other favorites. Hmm. That last part didn't make sense. What I mean is, because you are my best friend, I understand if you are going to get stressed out by our OTHER best friends and am using what little social skills I have to attempt to communicate that that's fine with me and if you need me to slow down just let me know.\
/*deep breath* Well, I think that was good. Quinn has been trying to teach me the "respect of others' emotions." I didn't get distracted halfway through my sentence like AT ALL!!\
I thought it'd be funny if Chai tried to acknowledge Dawn's emotions and attempted to understand them, bc Chai is so outgoing and loud and Dawn is so… Not XD but it's also kinda cute even though it's probably just gonna get Dawn more stressed and confused, at least she's trying I guess
*~U-um okay that was a looot to process. I- uh - oh. Oh, thank you! Your name's really pretty too. Special interests… Well, I really like art. And u-um, music is, uh, I like alternative music a lot. Indie and stuff.~*
**eyes widen as Tempest shifts* Epic.*
*Oh, yeah. I like playing pranks on people a lot. Practical jokes, of course, and revenge, mostly. Aliza and I pranked the shapeshifter because he was a jerk, and I just so happened to have some sliders, and we just so happened to be able to get in the perfect position to… Ah… "Drop" some sliders on him… Ask anyone, it was a horrible mistake. It's not like we were planning it or anything- *winks** 
*I prank my brother, Callum, sometimes, too. That's the one over there, talking to his boyfriend. Oh, look, he didn't screw it up after all! But anyway, yeah. I like playing pranks. Why? Got one in mind?*
submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Infinity??, Here and now
(April 7, 2023 - 8:33 pm)
-*smiles* Yeah, I guess I like to read. I don't do it often, but I have fun when I do. I'm mostly an artist, to be honest. What about you?-
*slowly nods* You can stay. I want you to stay. *looks over to Callum and smiles* Thank you. *squeezes his hand slightly*
>*is amused by Chai's attempt to comfort aer* You did great. I think I'll be fine for now, with you and Oliver here as well. *clears throat* Now that that's all sorted out, let us have cookie pie! *laughs in a dorky way, making it clear that ae don't have much anxiety at the moment, with aer favorite people around*<
#Ohh, I dunno... It really would be a shame if something were to happen to that little group of our siblings over there... *gestures to Dawn, Oliver, Chai, and Strawberry* Wouldn't it? *smirks*#
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 10, 2023 - 8:30 pm)

*blushes* Okay. Yeah. Anytime. 

Sorry that's short but I kinda thought Callum would want to let Ronin start a conversation when he was ready rather than start one on his own (also idk what they should talk about so)
/Yay!! Cookie-pie-arty! *cookie-pie dance* I made these all by myself! I've been trying to learn to bake, but I usually burn everything. I was DETERMINED to make you all cookie-pies, though, so I practiced and practiced and practiced… And I didn't burn these! …That much!\ 
**raises an eyebrow* Ooh, yeah. Chai likes pranks. She doesn't usually understand that they're pranks, though. Once, someone threw a pie in her face, and her reaction was literally "/Mmm, is this cherry?\" And it looks like she's giving her friends… What'd she call it? Cookie-pie. Apparently that's how she met one of her best friends. Dawn? Yeah, Dawn. You guys are siblings, right? So you'd know aer. Are ae okay with pranks? Once, I tried pranking Indy, and she had a sensory overload, and I felt really bad, so now I make it a point to check. I know it's kind of a buzzkill, but so are sensory overloads.*
submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Infinity??, Here and now
(April 12, 2023 - 3:07 pm)

*scrambles into thread from the infinite void i entered when I fell off the face of the Earth*


*shoves AEs into thread*

AH ok I'm Ever! He/him, shipped with Quinn!

:Name, pronouns and shipping? Got it. Ellerie, she/they, shipped with Tempest:

Of course the first thread I'm forced on after about a bazillion years is a chat thread when I'm Starli's least social AE. I'm Meg, she/her, not shipped.

submitted by Starli&Co., age back, casually posting
(April 13, 2023 - 4:08 pm)

$What about Five? Is Five here?! I miss Five.....Five?$

Calm down. You'll live if he isn't. 

submitted by Reuby's AEs
(April 13, 2023 - 6:42 pm)