AE Chat Thread

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Chat Thread

AE Chat Thread


-Heyo, everybuggy!-

Since there's been a bit of a dip in AE conversation lately, we figured a chat thread would be nice to start it up again!

Do you have to? You've got to admit it's been a nice, quiet few weeks...

#You mean a BORING few weeks.#

-But that's all behind us! Here is a great place to form new friendships outside of your CBers other AEs, and maybe meet someone special... *wink wink*-

Oh my glob, gag.

-Yes, of course. I'm sure you would be DISCUSSED if you saw that cute barista again...-

*flushes bright red*

#*cackles* Anyway, there's no form to sign up! Just introduce yourself with your name, pronouns, and shipping status if you'd like, and get chatting!#

>There are a few rules and regulations though. *clears throat*<

- No CBers allowed!!

- Don't put pressure on yourself to respond. This is just for fun, so don't feel bad if you can't respond, or if someone doesn't respond to you. 

- Please try to keep this in the usual Chat Thread format! (IE- as if you're just talking in a post, not RP! No need to put the AEs name before you write or write as if it's a book. A simple asterisk will do to show their physical movements, as shown above!)

- This will be set in a place that's basically just a big AE hang out spot. There will be snacks, video games, a library, etc... I'm not sure how to describe it, but just imagine the BEST place for AEs to hang out and this is it. Think of it as, if you want a room with something in it, it'll be there.

- ... Though all explosives are banned. So don't get any ideas. I belive the last AE chat thread ended by it being blown up and I don't want a repeat of that.

-*claps hands* Alright, I think we're all set! Feel free to start posting whenever you would like!-

submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 3, 2023 - 5:39 pm)

~Weeeell....I really like the planetarium. And much. writing. Also eating food! Because its just awesome. Right now I am soooo tired. Movie night is fun but Hamilton is really really long. Oh!!! I forgot to mention! I LOVE Hamilton. Like,.low-key obsessed with it. Heh. What do you like to do? ~

submitted by Shyla
(May 4, 2023 - 9:07 pm)

@Peri, oh okay! I'm still not sure, but maybe we could test it out?


*nods and starts walking through the library* Yeah, I used to do it a lot when I was younger… It’s been a while though. *considers asking Callum if he wants to stargaze with him sometime* *decides to think about it longer before saying it* Do you have a favorite constellation or planet?... Or something?


>*blushes* Um- sure! Yeah! That sounds great. *smiles awkwardly* I’m… Not the best at painting, that’s more of my sister’s thing, but I’d love to hang out with you. Whenever.<


-Maybe, like… *hears C&J’s AEs* *pulls the other two towards them* Let’s do Midsummer Night’s Dream! You guys wanna help us?-

Ah, Cassidy, the eternal extrovert. 
submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, CHAT THREAD!!
(April 28, 2023 - 10:39 am)

My very favorites are the Rosette Nebula and the Heart Nebula, but you can't really see those just by looking up at the stars - you'd need a really nice telescope, I think. I've got a simple telescope, but not good enough to see either of those nebulas. I can still see pictures online, though, and I actually did get to see the Rosette Nebula through a nice telescope once, at a museum. It was so beautiful… *smiles, remembering, and pauses for a moment* And I love Cassiopeia, and Orion. You can see those in the sky any clear night, really. The Andromeda Galaxy, too. It's lovely. *sighs* sometimes, when life gets hard, I imagine I could just go float around in space for a while. *laughs nervously and blushes, as he's never told anyone this before* I know that's ridiculous. I've been doing it since I was young. Guess it's always been hard for me to stay optimistic. Although… *looks at Ronin* … I haven't been having quite as much trouble lately.


I did some actual research for that response TAT and the Rosette Nebula and the Heart Nebula are so gorgeous, please look them up right now

also no we don't have to ship them it's fine I don't want you to be uncomfortable, your feelings come first, mon ami~

submitted by Peri’s AEs, age Infinity??, Here and now
(April 28, 2023 - 3:58 pm)

They taste like fish, huh? Interesting... WhOa -- you can see ghosts? Really? That's sooo cool! I wish I had some sort of power like that...well, I GUESS I can kind of do magic -- like spells and things, because I'm half witch on my dad's side, but I'm not very good at it. Anyway, yeah, let's go outside! *runs outside into the forest* *finds a pretty large stick on the ground and offers it to Rin* Is this stick good?


~Oh, I love A Midsummer Night's Dream! Let's do that one! Er, if everyone's okay with that, of course. *smiles awkwardly*~

submitted by pangolin's AEs
(April 29, 2023 - 10:28 am)

/*\ Oh ho ho! This stick is....perflection. LLLLEEEETTTTTTT'''SSSS GGGOOOO OOOOOUTTSIDE! *runs through the door*/*\

(Rin mispronounces her words) 

submitted by Reuby's AEs
(April 30, 2023 - 3:47 pm)

~*starts playing song, softly so it won't bother the other AEs* Ohmigosh yes I love it! If I were going to be a singer, maybe I'd sing that type of music... I'm going to be a fashion designer, though. Or an actress. *pauses* What about you?~

Okay, sure! Except I haven't read it, but that's ok. How about we try the actual version? I mean, Shakespeare's language is kinda one of the best things about his plays. Unless everyone else wants to do the modern version, of course!

submitted by Poinsettia's AEs, age immortal, a sea of crystal waters
(April 30, 2023 - 4:11 pm)