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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Here's our chat

Here's our chat thread! I'm so glad we're having this conversation :)

My least favorite subject would be chemistry, I think; it's a little difficult when you're homeschooling, because lots of experiments are impossible to actually do (I can imagine what the landlord would say if we blew up the kitchen) and so you have to basically learn from textbooks and from video demonstrations. Aside from that, though, I don't find it that interesting. There's not much scope for imagination in it :/ Sometimes math is my least favorite, though; it depends on what branch of math I'm studying. Some of it is actually kind of fun once I get the hang of it, but there are some kinds, like geometry and graphs of functions, which I very much dislike. I'm sorry about your math classes; I think our current educational system is a little uninspiring when it comes to math (from the little I know of it lol). Anyway, I'm definitely more of a creative/interested-in-the-arts type of girl... I'll probably not end up in any careers that involve science or technology. (At least I hope not.) Do you know yet what kind of career you'd like to have?

How's your rock climbing camp going? I can never find the courage to go very far up any type of rock, unfortunately, but it's cool that you do :)


submitted by Poinsettia@pangolin, age ageless?, a sea of crystal waters
(July 24, 2023 - 8:12 pm)

ack it took me too long to respond, sorry--

Aah, I can imagine how difficult chemistry can be when you're homeschooling!! That's certainly a very valid reason for disliking a subject.

(and yeah our current education system lowkey sucks :/)

I definitely get the part about being a creative/interested-in-the-arts person. I'd like to be some sort of a writer, of course - either a novelist, or a poet, or someone in the filmmaking/theater industry (director, screenwriter/playwriter). Or all three. If I do something involving science, it'd definitely be something like a biologist/botanist or an archeologist or something. Nothing involving technology, bascially. Do you have any idea about what career you'd like to have?

My rock climbing finished last week (it was only two weeks) but it was really fun! It was indoors (because yay cities :/) and there was no AC but other than that, it was pretty fun. There were a few people I knew, so that was cool. My arms (and the rest of my body--) were really sore, but it was worth it. :)

Are you following the women's world cup? Is there any team in particular you're rooting for? 

Also, sorry I haven't responded to your post on the AE Dance Party yet! I'll do it after I submit this comment :) Also...we do need a ship name for Kaspar and Arum. uhhh Kasparum? Karum? Arasper? uhhh we'll workshop it :)  

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(July 26, 2023 - 4:45 pm)

Oh, don't worry about taking a while to reply :)

I used to have only a vague idea of what career I'd like to have, but lately I've narrowed it down a lot more. I've been reading a book about a farm in Montana that lets troubled and drug-addicted teens work there for the summer (among other community-beneficial projects) and it's fascinating - and very hopeful - to see how even a few months in a friendly, down-to-earth atmosphere, where everyone's working together to do something positive, helps the teens pick up their lives and become happy again. I'd like to do something like that, helping people overcome their problems. If I don't end up in that field, though, I'd love to be an author or a screenwriter. It would be so cool if we ended up working on a movie together! As a matter of fact, Kyngdom could probably be made into an interesting movie - imagine if we could someday collaborate on a Kyngdom-inspired project!! It would be fun to create something based on a story that has its roots in the CB :) While we're on the topic of movies, do you have any favorite films or plays?

I'm actually not following the World Cup too closely this year, partly because I've been caught up doing all sorts of outdoor summer activities and partly because I like watching the men's soccer games better for some reason?? I'm more familiar with the men players, and somehow the atmosphere is more intense in those games. But I am rooting for the American team :) They won the last Women's World Cup and the players are definitely really good, plus the team has a really nice friendly vibe, so I hope they win again this year! Have you been watching it? Do you watch soccer in general a lot?

Ooh I kind of like the name Araspar, it sounds so unusual. But Karum could work too :) this is basically unrelated but do you have a favorite fictional ship??

submitted by Poinsettia, age ageless, a sea of crystal waters
(July 28, 2023 - 11:56 am)

Wow, that farm sounds really cool - and, like you said, very hopeful. That would definitely be a really awesome field to have a career in! Ooh, a Kyngdom-inspired movie (or TV series?) would be epic. Maybe one day a bunch of CBers could meet up and collaborate on something like that... Hmm, favorite movie is always a really difficult question - The Princess Bride, maybe? It has so many iconic lines and scenes. The Greatest Show is fun. And Steven Spielberg movies are generally very good. And I love Studio Ghibli movies - my favorite is probably When Marnie was There, but My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wild, and many others are also really good - the animation is beautiful and in some of them the storyline's pretty light. I haven't really seen many plays, but I love musicals - Hamilton, In the Heights, and Heathers are some of my favorites. What about you? What are your favorite movies/plays?

Hmm, I honestly prefer watching the women's soccer matches - I find the actual games just as intense as the men's, though the atmosphere surrounding the games is certainly much less intense because the women's games are just advertised less and people don't really care about it as much. That's my opinion, at least. I've been kind of watching it - it's difficult, because since it's in Australia/New Zealand, it's on at like 3 am where I live plus we don't have any of the channels it's being aired on. The only game I watched was Canada v. Ireland because my dad and I were able to go to a nearby pub that was open at 8 am and was showing the game. It was really exciting (even though Ireland lost :/). So I guess now I'm rooting for the American team :) I don't really watch a ton of soccer outside of the world cup - I don't watch any sports, really. But occasionally I'll watch a soccer match if there's nothing else on TV. Do you watch a lot of soccer in general? 

Yeah, either Arasper or Karum works...I don't really have a preference, do you?

Favorite fictional ship that's tough - maybe Kanej (Kaz x Inej) from Six of Crows (and the other ships from Six of Crows--)? Both of the characters are amazing on their own and the ship is just - *chef's kiss* What about you? And do you have a least favorite fictional ship (or just one you really dislike)?

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, finally lol
(July 31, 2023 - 5:56 pm)

It's kind of hard to choose just one favorite movie, for me at least! I really like Frozen II - the plot is really exciting, and the animation is gorgeous - but I also enjoy lighthearted movies like romcoms. While You Were Sleeping is one of my favorites in that category. It's quite funny and overall very sweet :) For plays, I've only been able to see Macbeth and The Merry Wives of Windsor, but those were really interesting. I've also read Los árboles mueren de pié, by Alejandro Casona (a Spanish playwright) and it immediately became my favorite play. The characters and dialogue are wonderful, as well as the plot in itself. 

Yeah, I can imagine the time difference would make it hard to watch the games... What I often do is look online for the highlights of games that I haven't been able to watch. It's not as good as seeing the whole thing, but you get to see the goals and the fouls and all the other important parts :) Oh, that's one thing that's really nice about the women's games, there are fewer fouls for some reason. Some of the men's games are nothing but one long stretch of the referee blowing his whistle and giving out yellow cards left and right (if you're lucky. Lately the referees never give yellow cards, even for awful fouls :/) but with the women's games, it's different, which makes for better soccer, I think. I don't watch that much soccer, but on Friday nights my sister and I like to see highlights of interesting games. And if there's going to be a game with a national team that we like, such as Mexico or England, we usually watch the full game. And, of course, we always watch the World Cups :) Do you have a favorite player or team?

Hmm, maybe we should go with Karum if that's okay with you :)

Least favorite fictional ship would be Sokeefe, I think. Keefe just seems kind of rude and arrogant to me (Not that I'm that big a fan of Fitzphie either. Maybe Sophie should've ended up with Dax or whatever his name was??) I'm none too fond of Kristoff x Anna (Frozen and Frozen II) which would I suppose be called Kranna? or Astoff? Oddly enough, I always imagine Keefe looking a lot like Kristoff for some reason. For favorite ships, Faige (Fitz x Paige) from One Way or Another is supreme forever. Also Rina (Ren x Lina) from Love and Gelato they're just so cute together... (I've been reading a lot of romcoms this summer, in case you couldn't tell!) What's your least favorite ship?

New questions XD: do you have a favorite animal? do you have any pets? any siblings (if you're comfortable sharing)? If you could meet one of your own fictional characters, which would it be?

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(August 2, 2023 - 10:20 am)

I liked Frozen II - better than the original, I think. And you're right, the animation is beautiful! I'm reading Macbeth right now, actually, and it's really good! I haven't seen the other movie/read the other plays, but I'll check them out.

Oh, I've also noticed the women's games have fewer fouls - and I agree, it's nice. I'm not sure about a favorite player/team because I don't really follow soccer outside of the World Cups - but I suppose I like the women's team from Ireland and the women's US team. I'm not sure about the men's, though. What about you?

Yeah, Karum works! :D

I haven't read KotLC (that is what Sokeefe's from, right??) so I wouldn't know, but from your description, yeah it doesn't sound great. My least favorite ship - uhh maybe Harry x Ginny? It just felt forced, I guess? I don’t like many ships from Harry Potter, to be honest. 

My favorite animals are — you guessed it — pangolins, but beyond that, I’m very fond of cats, because I’ve grown up with them, and I also like frogs and toads because they’re juust so freaking cute — there isn’t an animal I dislike, really. What about you? 

Yep, I have two cats — they’re three years old and brothers, and one is very sweet, while the other is very grumpy. I also have a wide array of house plants, if those count — including Planty, Bob Jr., and Aragog. Do you have any pets? 

I have a younger sister, but I don’t really feel comfortable sharing anything beyond that. :) what about you? 

Ooh that’s a tough question. Umm maybe Azar Devoy (an ex-convict who’s now the bodyguard for one of my other OCs who’s an oracle)? She’s kind of scary, but I do think I’d get along with her if I met her irl. wbu?

New questions, I guess!: Do you have any favorite words? Favorite colors? Any pet peeves?

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(August 3, 2023 - 6:14 pm)

I'm late again :/ sorryy. My mom's computer, which I use for all internet-related stuff, has been kind of going on the fritz lately, so my mom had to finish the stuff she needed to do on it before it crashed or whatever, so I didn't get much of a chance to get on the CB.

I'm listening to Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al" right now :) It's become one of my favorite songs even though I originally heard it by accident. I've actually discovered I like '70s and '80s rock, which I would never have thought I would've enjoyed. I've also discovered this summer that I like shopping and reading rom-coms :0 weird how one's tastes change. I used to hate shopping.

Hmm, Alex Morgan's one of my favorite women players - she's really good and seems like a nice, friendly person :) As for the more famous men players, I guess Mbappé and Cristiano Ronaldo? And for teams, I like Barcelona.

Yay, now the ship has an official name! :D

Yeah, Sokeefe's from KotLC, of which I've only read the first book. I don't think you're missing much if you haven't read it. For my part, I actually haven't read any Harry Potter, so I have no opinions on Ginny x Harry :/

I'm a big fan of horses because they're so pretty and friendly and - *rambles about horses for about fifty hours*  And I love guinea pigs! I actually had a dream the other night about some guinea pigs who sang when I fed them... maybe my brain was using my love of music to persuade me to get another pet guinea pig XD Ooh, I love your house plant names! What species are they? I have a couple of house plants, but they are unfortunately nameless. One of them has been steadiiy growing smaller ever since it started getting old - it used to have stems and leaves all over the place, but now it's just a tiny little plant with a few forlorn leaves :/

I have a younger sister too! I often wish I had more siblings, but she's literally the best :) And I have several cousins, too. Apparently in India your cousins are considered to be basically your brothers and sisters...

I'd be happy to meet any of my characters, but if I had to choose, maybe I'd choose Sabrina (the inspiration for my AE Oriole) - I feel like we'd understand each other really well. Or maybe a minor character in my latest novel, the friend of my main character, since she's super warm-hearted and friendly. Or maybe Liliana, a very spunky and witty character whom I've never actually written anything about, but whom I've managed to develop quite a lot :) She's amazingly argumentative but very charismatic and intelligent, and interesting overall, at least to me. I can't actually choose, though! I love all my characters so much, except for the villains, whom I dislike extremely. I don't think I'd want to meet Albine or the (as yet unnamed :/) woman who's partially in charge of NO...

Ooh, I have lots of favorite words but I'm always forgetting the ones I don't come across as often. Some of the ones I like are roseate, spruce, cinnamon, Zanzibar, cocky, bronzed, ebony, mist, and rosewood. And my favorite colors are dark purple, turqoise, sea-green, and bright yellow, among others. I like vibrant colors :) You?

I have quite a few pet peeves (at first I spelled it as "peaves" lol). Polyester clothing is one of them, unless it's a polartec, because it's just so hot and impractical. Also people being killjoys; baggy pants; rap or techno music; constant typos in books; being around those types of teenage girls (or boys, come to think of it) who are just plain snooty and difficult; and being interrupted when I'm writing. What about you?

Question time :) Favorite poets? If you could live in the setting of any book or movie, which would you choose? Do you have a favorite among your AEs?

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(August 7, 2023 - 7:37 pm)

aah don't worry about it! i'm also late because i had a family reunion and a birthday party and a tennis summer camp. But I'm back now!

Ooh, I'll be sure check out that song. And yeah - I definitely relate to that; for instance, I've discovered I like rock music, even though a year or so ago I only listened to soft indie music. And I've been preferring writing poetry to prose lately. ...But I still don't like shopping. (It's way too overstimulating :P)

About the not-having-read-Harry-Potter thing - yeah I honestly don't blame you. My stance on Harry Potter kind of complicated, and I don't want to bore you with a three-page-long rant, so I'll leave it at that, but yeah I have some Very Mixed Feelings about that series.

Aw, horses and guinea pigs are both lovely <3 And that's an awesome dream XD Thanks! We have a snake plant (Steve), two spider plants (Spidey and Aragog), a money tree (unnamed, sadly), a couple of succulents (idk the exact species) (Bob Jr., Bob III, Bob IV, and Robert), a...I believe it's called a dracena? Dracaena? Something like that? (Planty). And a few others, but I'm too lazy to figure out their species rn. 

Ah, that's cool! I have several cousins as well (many, actually, who are for the most part either much older or much younger than me, but it is what it is).

Those characters all seem very cool :D I actually like a lot of my villains — I don’t approve of their actions, ofc, but their backstory and POVs are always fun to write. And I like writing their dynamics with other characters. Though come to think of it, most of my villains are more morally gray than straight up villainous… hmm.

Ooh, those are all great words! :D Some of my favorites are origami, opalescent, solivagant, austere, and abyss. And my favorite colors are blue-gray, dark purple, dark blue, and olive. :)

Yeah, I share a lot of your pet peeves. Some of mine are pocketless clothing; summer homework; annoying noises (whispering, tapping, scraping, mouth noises, etc), especially when I’m reading or writing; and “you’ll understand when you’re older,” “you’re too young to be tired,” and other such sayings.

Hmm, for favorite poets I’ll have to say Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, and Edna St Vincent Millay. It’s strange — I write a lot of free verse, modern-ish poetry, but I prefer to read older, more traditional poetry, with a constant rhyme scheme. Who are your favorite poets? And what are your favorite poems by them?

Ooh, I’d want to live in the setting of The Raven Cycle, I think. I love the world building so much <333 What about you?

*gasps* That’s like asking someone to choose a favorite child! I love all my AEs equally. I find Mirage the easiest to write, and Arum’s my most developed, I think (mainly because I planned her for months before introducing her, while I kind of just shoved my other AEs into existence…). Barnacle’s my oldest AE, so I’m very attached to him. And Fir’s very dear to me as well. And I have two AEs who have yet to be introduced to the CB, but I already love them both. *has successfullu avoided any of my AEs hating me for all eternity* Now what about you, do you have a favorite among your AEs?

More questions :D favorite time period? somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel? favorite mythical creature?

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(August 9, 2023 - 2:28 pm)
submitted by top
(July 26, 2023 - 7:45 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, top
(August 7, 2023 - 9:06 pm)

Oh wow, happy birthday!! *conjures up confetti and birthday cakes and piñatas and other festive things* :) How was your party?

Huh, the reason I used to dislike shopping was because it was too understimulating. I would just trudge along behind my mom and get really bored, walking around in these huge windowless spaces full of stuff I didn't care about :/ The difference is that now I'm a bit more interested in the stuff being bought, especially if it has to do with clothes :)

Yikes, I always dislike annoying noises too. And summer homework?! I've escaped it so far (phew).

Nice plant names :) What are your cats called??

I have a loooot of favorite poets! Hmm, honestly one of my favorites is peppermint (the CBer); I especially love the one that ends "everything is poetry,/if the right person is paying attention to it at the right time." Actually I really enjoy most poetry by CBers in general :) As for actual published poets, I love e e cummings - he's so evocative - and Rudyard Kipling, especially "The Road Through the Woods" or whatever it's called. I think one of my absolute favorites of all time, though, is Juan Ramon Jimenez. His poetry is just - *struggles for words* I really like the poem "El viaje definitivo," which is about leaving one's home; it's very vivid and descriptive, even though it's so simple, and it portrays the emotion of leaving your home really well. It's one of those poems where you stare at it and wonder how the poet managed to come up with the exact combination of words to capture the exact right feeling...

I agree that more traditional poetry is really nice to read; sometimes free verse can end up feeling too choppy, ig? I did a unit in literature class last year on the poetry of the British poets who fought in the Spanish Civil War - and while what they were saying was sometimes interesting, a lot of times the poems were just really incomprehensible or boring :/ If it's well done, though, it can be really nice.

Ooh, I'd want to go to Narnia. It just sounds so beautiful and fascinating <3 And if I had the chance, I would love to go to Beecher Prep, the school August goes to in Wonder - homeschooling's great but that school just sounds like it's full of really fun people, which homeschooling definitely lacks.

My favorite AE would definitely be Oriole, although I like all the others too, especially now that I've worked more on their development (although I think Kaspar still needs some work). I feel like she'd be the one I'd most enjoy meeting, and the one who's most interesting as a character.

\See, you guys? I am The Best--\

NO FAIR!! What about ME?

~And meeee?~

Yes yes, I love all of you too. And Layia and Kaspar also. Now shoo, I want to talk to pangolin.

Favorite time period...ancient Greece and Rome have always seemed really interesting to me, especially Rome. Its history is full of so many fascinating characters like Julius Caesar and Augustus. I've also gotten interested in Islamic history, especially the period when the Moors had conquered Spain :) What's your favorite time period?

Well, in theory I'd love to go basically anywhere, as long as it wasn't somewhere like a jungle with poisonous spiders or something, but my top destinations would be: Paris, because it's Paris and full of amazing places like the Louvre museum; Spain, because I'd love to see the Moorish architecture there, like the Alhambra, and because I'd enjoy just experiencing the culture; and somewhere in the Middle East or North Africa, to experience a culture that's more different from what I'm used to. There are also lots of places that I'd like to revisit, like Portugal; it's the only place I've been to outside of North America, and it's sooo pretty and interesting. The cities are a nice mix of modernity and tradition, and the villages are beautiful - look up some pictures of Evora, it's super gorgeous :) Montreal is also fascinating - I'd like to go there again, except NOT in summer, because it gets so hot :/ And of course I love love love Mexico (I was born there and most of the trips my family has taken have been for the purpose of revisiting it :) ) What about you?

Favorite mythical creature hmm. Phoenixes are really cool. And for some reason, I guess because I love horses, I've always been drawn to unicorns and winged horses. And mermaids, for some reason :) What's your favorite? And do you have a least favorite?

New questions!! :D favorite artist or work of art? do you prefer writing on paper, or on a computer? if you suddenly had the opportunity to design and live in your dream house, what would it look like?

submitted by Poinsettia, age ageless?, a sea of crystal waters
(August 12, 2023 - 6:45 pm)

Sorry for the late reply! :/

Aah, my bad, I should've clarified - it wasn't my birthday party; it was my sisters. but thanks anyway XD I'll pass the message along to her :) her party was less of a party and more of a birthday dinner sort of thing - just us, our parents, and our grandmother. but it was fun :) 

Yeah, I can understand that about shopping. I just find it kind of overstimulating because it's very much like "Try this on! Try this! Wait, this one's half off, let's get this one. Which pair of pants do you like better? Neither of them have pockets, who needs those???" But it's cool you're interested in that sort of stuff! How would you describe your clothing style? 

The summer homework isn't ~that~ bad. I just have to read some book and write a page or so on it. It's annoying, but not too hard. I mean, I've been procrastinating doing it for like a month already so as soon as I can actually bring myself to do it, it shouldn't be too hard. But yay summer homework :/ 

My cats are named Pepper (kind of generic, but he's white and grayish black so it suits him, I guess) and Tayto (which is a brand of potato chips - I don't even remember why we decided to call him that, but it fits). 

Oh my goodness, I love peppermint's poetry! It's so vivid, and the words are just - right, I guess. And you're right; I really love reading poetry by other CBers! I've read a bit of e e cummings and Rudyard Kipling, and I'll see if I can find an English translation of the other poem (probably won't be as good as the original Spanish though). 

Those are all cool time periods! I probably know the most about the late 1800s and the rise of the New Unionism Movement, but idk if that's my favorite. Ancient Greece and Rome were also really cool! I've been doing some reading on Ireland in the 1700s-1800s, and it's pretty interesting. Golden Age of Piracy's cool too, as is the Jazz Age. I just really like history in general, I guess!

Oh, those all sound like cool places to visit! And I looked up pictures of Evora - you're right, it's gorgeous! I've always wanted to go somewhere in France - Paris, maybe, like you said, or Mont Saint-Michel (it looks so cool! look it up if you can :) ) I've been to Prague when I was younger, and I don't really remember it, so I'd love to go back there. Spain and Portugal sound cool as well. Japan, maybe, because I'll be learning Japanese in high school. And I'd love to revisit Ireland and the Netherlands (I have family in both places, plus they're both beautiful). 

My favorite mythical creature - selkies, probably. They're pretty cool, but not very well known, so they haven't been played out. All the stories about them are kind of tragic love stories, but I'm actually writing a kind of happier novel-ish thing about them. :) I don't know if I have a least favorite - I generally dislike mythical creatures that are overused and unoriginal. Dragons are fine, but once you've seen them in fiction ten thousand times, they aren't really exciting anymore. Of course, if it's well done, that's different. Do you have a least favorite? 

Favorite artist, hmm. I suppose I like Vincent van Gogh, and he's quite popular, but for a good reason - there's just a very distinct vibe and texture to them, I guess? Anyway, my favorite of his is probably Cafe Terrace at Night, I think - it just looks cool? Art Nouveau stuff is cool too - I like the natural aspects. There are probably more artists and artworks that I'm just forgetting, but that's what I can name off the top of my head :P What about you? 

That depends, I think. I like to write first drafts and random ideas on paper, because I go slower and think about it more, I guess, and I remember what's happening better. But if I want something to be more polished, I prefer to write on a computer. Most of the stuff I write for the CB I do on a computer because it's easier than having to rewrite it. So I guess I do a bit of both. What about you? 

Ooh that's a good question! I can’t decide between a cozy cottage nestled in the forest with a small garden, or a manor with many secret passageways because I read too many books featuring those, or a lighthouse. Either way, it’d be away from modern society and have lots of quiet places to read/write. What about you?

Questions! Do you know/are you learning/do you want to learn any other languages? Favorite season? Favorite holiday?

submitted by pangolin, age *panic*, IT'S BEEN 5 DAYS ALREADY?
(August 18, 2023 - 4:04 pm)

Ah, I see. Well, I hope she had a great time. It sounds like a wonderful event!

Oh my goodness yes, I agree about the tiring trying-on and obsessing over trying to find the Perfect Pair of Pants or whatever. Your description of it actually made me laugh, because it's exactly my own experience! But I just enjoy looking at the clothes :) And it's really nice when every once in a while I find something that's both pretty and practical! Hmm, well, I would be happy to wear long sparkly evening dresses every day, but that would definitely not be practical; I've never gotten the chance to do it :/ For everyday wear, I like slim and skinny jeans and tops with details that make them more stylish, like V-necks. Halter tops, tie-fronts, stuff like that. I definitely don't tend to wear flowy or drapy clothes. Idk what you would call my preferred style; maybe leaning toward minimalist? (I'm not very experienced in fashion jargon...) I guess I just like clothes that are teenage girl-y but still ~elegant~. (And this looks suspiciously like me going off on a tangent, but I really dislike the modern trend toward immodest or too-flashy clothes.) Do you have a preferred style?

I looked up Mont Saint-Michel. You're right, it's gorgeous! Like somewhere in a fantasy novel. And wow, you've been to Prague?? That's amazing.

Oh yes, selkies are fascinating. I actually wrote a short story myself about one, based off a folktale I had read about a selkie who married a human and then returned to the ocean. Except in my story she returned because she had to in order to save her husband from a curse, so it was another tragic tale... What's your novel about (if you'd like to share)? It sounds really interesting :)

I think my least favorite mythical creature would be vampires (if they count as mythical?) They're too spooky for my taste :/

I really like Winslow Homer's paintings, because they're realistic and artistic at the same time, and they always show quite attractive landscapes or scenes. I like Claude Monet too. And Jacques-Louis David's paintings are somehow always interesting to look at. I especially like his paintings of Napoleon, because I've gotten kind of interested in Napoleon's life and the paintings are almost as good as photographs for letting you see how he really looked. (Unless David touched him up a bit in the painting. The old-fashioned version of Photoshop.)

Hmm, if I'm already inspired for a story, I much prefer paper. You don't have to worry about typing mistakes, and you don't have to stop writing to click on the italics button if you want to emphasize something, and it's just simpler... But for some reason if I can't seem to get going on a piece of writing, a blank screen seems more inspiring than a blank piece of paper. It also has the advantage of allowing you to write a lot more quickly. And yeah, like you, a lot of my CB writing is done directly on a computer. But still, I prefer notebooks :)

I would love a beautiful old house with elegantly furnished bedrooms, and fireplaces everywhere, and large gardens, both formal and wild :) Preferably with a cupola, and a stable where I could keep a horse, and an orchard... *sigh* I'm getting wistful now. I must say a little cottage sounds lovely too, though :)

Well, I speak Spanish, and I may start learning French, which I'm kind of excited about! I've never before had the experience of being able to understand a language that used to sound like random sounds strung together. And there are some songs in French that I like to listen to even though I don't understand them, like the Fred Pellerin one that I put into my solo write, so it should be nice to finally get what they're saying! It's impressive that you'll be learning Japanese; from what I've seen of it, it looks really complicated. Do you speak/want to speak any other languages?

Favorite season would be... well, not winter, because it's cold and dreary... okay, maybe not fall either... I guess a tie between spring and summer. If I absolutely had to choose, maybe summer. (Unless it's going to keep being smoky all the time like it's been this year *GRUMBLE* in which case definitely spring.) And my favorite holiday is Christmas, definitely. You get to receive presents, but you also get to give them, which is always really fun; and then there are all the traditions of trees and wreaths and general festivity. It also has religious significance for me, although that's not the main reason I like it best. What about you?

And for new questions, what are some of your favorite names? What song would you say describes you best? Most beautiful place you've ever seen?

submitted by Poinsettia, age ageless?, a sea of crystal waters
(August 20, 2023 - 8:58 pm)
submitted by top
(August 18, 2023 - 9:19 am)
submitted by top
(August 18, 2023 - 2:27 pm)

I'm so so sorry for the late response! I didn't forget about it or anything - I was traveling and didn't have access to a computer, and it's very tedious to type out lengthy posts on mobile :/ I won't be traveling anymore this summer though, so I'll be able to respond much more quickly now. Again, I'm so sorry for the wait!

Ugh yes I dislike most modern clothing trends too!! (I mean if someone likes that kind of thing, good for them but personally I'd never wear that sort of immodest/flashy clothing like you said.) I tend to prefer comfortable yet still nice-ish clothing - jeans, graphic t-shirts, button-downs, sweaters, flannel, and so on. And stuff with pockets. :)

Yep, I traveled to Prague when I was eight - at the time, my family belonged to a gymnastics organization; every summer, we'd travel to different gyms around the country to compete, and every six years we'd travel to Prague (where the organization originated). It was really fun, and I mostly remember the architecture - it was so old and beautiful. I hope I can travel there again someday :) What's your favorite place that you've traveled to?

Ooh, your selkie short story sounds cool! I'd love to read it, if you'd like to share. I always love your writing :) My novel is still in the (very) rough draft phase - but basically, it takes place in modern day and features a love story between the selkie and the girl who rescues her from poachers, and some thinly-veiled environmentalism (the selkie population is dwindling because of climate change, overfishing, and pollution, etc). I might share it on the CB when I'm finished, we'll see :)

Homer's, Monet's, and David's paintings are all really beautiful! They're really cool to look at - they're just so detailed!

Oh, that house sounds lovely! :D

Spanish and French, that's so cool! I know basic Irish and am learning more (though I haven't had that much time this summer), and I'd like to learn Dutch and Indonesian (I have relatives who speak those languages, so it'd be cool to talk to them in a language other than English!). Spanish  would also be cool :) I really want to learn many languages because of the opportunities it creates - even something as small as being able to listen to and understand a song in a different language makes it worthwhile, I think :)

My favorite season's autumn! The colors, the atmosphere, the food, the holidays... I just love it :) Christmas is a great holiday (I completely agree with all the reasons you listed), but I think my favorite's either Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July, which are less about the holiday itself and more about how I get to see my relatives and the family traditions we have surrounding them. Halloween's fun too, though. 

Favorite names - I have several lists of favorites, but I'll just name a few off the top of my head. Rowan, Sequoia, Lux, Venus, Willow, Mavi, Ruby, Maeve, Opal. All of those except for Willow and Sequoia are characters of mine :) What about you?

Oh, that's tough - it's hard to pick just one song because there's many that describe different aspects of me but off the top of my head maybe Night Bus by Gabrielle Aplin? I can kind of relate to the lyrics but the entire mood and sound of the song just feels very me, y'know? What about you? 

The most beautiful place I've ever seen has got to be the Burren in Ireland - it's a vast landscape of limestone bedrock, spotted with moss and grass and wildflowers. It's absolutely gorgeous. What about you?

New questions~ What's your favorite TV show? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Favorite cuisine? 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(August 29, 2023 - 2:28 pm)