Okay, I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Okay, I

Okay, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. The person I am when I'm on the CB isn't really anything like the real me.  I mean, I haven't lied about anything really, except for my happiness.  Here, I've always posted as a super happy and optimistic girl who can't make a comment without smiley faces.  But in RL, I'm just the typical girl suffering from depression.  I struggle with my faith, have lost almost of my friends, and have had my heart broken.  I'm an expert at hiding my emotions, and no one (like, not even my own family) knows when I'm upset.  But as soon as I go to my room at night, the tears start to fall.  I just wanted to say I'm sorry to all of you who think I'm the super happy smiley girl.  If you're mad, I can leave (lol, that is, as soon as I finish the ten days of Christmas).


pkenzie, I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling sad. Everybuggy here in Cricket Country and on the Chatterbox loves you. The comments you’ve sent have introduced us to a caring, friendly, fun-loving girl. Even if we haven’t met in person, we are all your real friends who care about you deeply. I’ve always thought of you as the hostess of the Chatterbox, how you welcome newcomers and help them learn their way around.

We love your quizzes! Keep attending activities you enjoy and be on the lookout for others who enjoy the same things. Didn’t you and others from your church just go on a weekend concert trip that you enjoyed?

It is very common for people of any age to struggle with their faith sometimes. Questioning and thinking can make you stronger.

I hope by the time you read this that you’re feeling better. But anytime you’re feeling bad, please talk to a parent or someone at church. They love you and would do anything to help you, but you have to tell them how you feel.

Please reply and let us know how you’re doing! We care very much.

--Old Cricket



submitted by Kenzie
(December 19, 2009 - 12:27 am)

LOLOLOLOL I wonder wheeeeere? BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY, MY FRIEND! HAPPYYYYYYY! Oka, must calm downnnnnn..

LOL. Post-Xmas hyperness. 

submitted by Jen, age 13
(December 26, 2009 - 9:29 am)

Yaaaaaay!  Oh, and btw, ninja smiley beats all other! (ninja)

submitted by KeNzIe
(December 26, 2009 - 10:11 pm)

Ok, so I never have understood the backwards name thing... was it something before I came on?

submitted by Laura☆
(January 11, 2010 - 3:09 pm)

Haha, idk how it started really...  But Refinnej always calls me (and other people) by our backwards names, so that's what I call her. <3

submitted by Egiap
(January 21, 2010 - 7:00 pm)

Mm... ok.  :)

submitted by Laura❀
(February 2, 2010 - 8:30 pm)

Oh, Kenzie, I could never be mad at you!!!!!  I seem different on Chatterbox then I do in the touch and feel thingie.  Everyone does, I'm guessing.  Please don't leave!!!!!!  Us on Chatterbox are your friends, arn't we?  maybe we oculd help you feel happier.  I wish that I could be your friend off of Chatterbox and get to really REALLY  hug you.  Please, Paige, don't leave, and don't be afraid to show your emotions.  Even my anti-spam thing doesn't want you to leave.


submitted by Meadow
(December 22, 2009 - 9:57 am)

Awwns thanks Meadow and anti-spam box! (*giggles*) I feel a little better now. (:

submitted by Kenzie
(December 22, 2009 - 4:48 pm)

Why on earth would we be mad at you?  On Chatterbox, we're here to support you, not just to demand smileys!  Don't be afraid to let us know when you need a pick-me-up or are feeling down, because we're not afraid to help.  You may also find it helpful to talk to your family or other people you trust about how you feel.  No one is expected to be perfect, and talking to someone could help you feel better.  So don't leave, Paige!

submitted by Allison P., age 13, Florida
(December 22, 2009 - 11:27 am)

Hahaha, thanks, Allison! Good to know I don't always need to do smileys, lol...  Oh, and btw, I'm going to FL again in January to see a Magic game (*sniff* one of the last games ever to be played in the Amway arena...)!  I think we're only staying two nights, but hey, I'll take any amount of time in my sunshine state that I can get.

submitted by Kenzie
(December 22, 2009 - 4:52 pm)

*back pats* Adolescence is a hard time of life, a time when we began to see the world, broaden our horizons, and question everything. It's also a time when your emotions start running willy-nilly and you begin to look for and want another side of life, the side where you dedicate yourself body and soul to another person. It's confusing - I've gone through a good deal of it myself.

However confused and depressed you are, though, the thing to do is not hide it from the world. Well, in a sense you should - don't walk around moaning and complaining all day - but you need to seek out the experience and wisdom of an older person, someone who can mentor and guide you. 

And, in the meanwhile, turn cartwheels and such. And smile and do jumping jacks. Read Patrick McManus and eat your grandma's fudge. And however impersonal we by necessity seem over the internet, we're real people who sit here at our computers and cry for you, laugh for you, try as hard as we can to be your friends. And sound sappy and cheesy (sorry).  

Life is a strange thing. Look for things to laugh about, look for things to smile about, look for things to love. Do you know what a beautiful thing it is to stand under a grey sky and tilt your face up to feel the snow? Do you know what a beautiful thing it is to lie under a tree on a spring day, with the thriving community of a grass plot underneath you, a pale breeze whisking away the heat of the sun? Do you know what a beautiful thing it is to stand at the top of a high hill, with a stretch of boulders around you, laughing a fierce triumph at the sky, sure that life is yours and all the world is before you? Do you know what a beautiful thing it is to feel a puppy, excitement and life incarnate, snuggle against you in a sweet, trusting sleep? Do you know what a beautiful thing it is to work, to struggle, against a worthy opponent, to fight in ardent friendship against someone who can be defeated only by all the exertion you can muster? Do you know what a beautiful thing it is when a tiny child sings in a chirpy little voice? When she runs to you instead of someone else when she is afraid? Do you remember bright blue socks with penguins? hot pink and neon green shoelaces? quilts with every color built into a delightful hodgepodge? Maybe you don't know them all, but they are there. Look for them and for things like them. You will not be wasting your time, I promise. 

Above all, look for the Creator of those things, the God who shows Himself to us in everything - His power in a rushing wind, His gentleness in a spring rain shower, His wisdom in the intricate design of a cell. Look for Him, see Him, and soon you will not be able to keep yourself from trusting Him. 




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Idaho Falls, ID
(December 22, 2009 - 3:23 pm)

Thank you so so so much EH!!  Wow, that really helps...  Thank you SO much!  You know, having virtual friends can be a pretty good thing...  <3

submitted by Kenzzzzie
(December 22, 2009 - 4:56 pm)

Nicely said, Emily.  Kenzie, you are not the only one going through this stage in life, I would like to point out.  Reading through this thread, I realize how much I feel the same as you!  Especially with having four other siblings in my family, I feel left out.  Everyone else is constantly running around, and I feel like I haven't moved.  Being homeschooled, having proper parental guidance, and without a cell phone, people ignore me.  I don't know where I'm going with this... :)  I just have lots of troubles, too.  I'll randomly point out some "downers".


~When I have to say "I'm not allowed to watch that movie" or whatever, it is so embarrassing and depressing.


~I cry a lot lately,  I said in one of your quizzes.  My coach pulled me aside to give me some pointers and I started crying.  Don't know why.


~Faith... I feel like...... I don't know!!  That's the problem.  I'm not taking it seriously.  I don't focus in church and I forget to pray.  I keep saying, oh, next Sunday, I'll do this or that, and I'll pray tonight, etc, but it never happens.  


Really, where I'm I going with this???????  Just pointing out stuff, I guess.  Maybe I'm looking for comfort, too.  This should be a comforting thread, because I really need some right now, too.  Thanks for reading this rambley post of mine.  :(  

And, another pointer, if your heart was broken by a boy, just stay away from love this young.  It is so stressful.  You're too young to marry, too even THINK about it, too old to "just be friends" and it's just awfully stressful.  If you find the "right" boy, what are you going to do, date him until you're old enough to marry?  Thanks.  :)   

submitted by R~D~
(December 22, 2009 - 5:34 pm)


- First of all, not having a cell phone and not being allowed to watch certain movies isn't anything to be upset about!  Remember, your friends respect and like you for you: not your possesions or what you can watch!


- Sometimes it's good to cry, especially when you need to let a lot of feelings out.  But don't let it bog up your life too much.  Instead, when you're feeling upset, call a friend or relative.  Go walk the dog or play outside.  Put on some music and dance.  Write in a journal.  Getting involved in other things can really help you feel better, even if you feel like you just want to sit on your bed and sob (which I do sometimes too).


- It's normal to feel confused about your faith.  With two religions going on in my family, I can relate.  Just remember that to be a "good person", you don't have to pray all the time or do everything right.  Treat others kindly, look to God for help, try your best, and that's all anyone can ask.


submitted by Allison
(December 23, 2009 - 9:34 am)

Oh R~D~ *hugs*  Your first paragraph sounds so much like me that it's unnatural!  Although, I only have one sibling.  :)

You know what's even worse than saying "I'm not allowed to watch that"?  Admitting to all your cousins that you put up your own barriers on movies, because they freak the heck out of you, ending up crying, having them pick out a new movie for you, and feeling like they're all glaring at your back because they wanted to watch something else.  Not to mention, you said no to some of the movies they recommended, because you didn't want to watch those either.  I tried to say they should just watch the one they picked out, but they wouldn't....  I was so embarrassed!

Don't feel bad R~D~, be happy that you have parents who love you and want to protect you.  :)  (My parents are like that too, don't get me wrong!!) 

And these are the cousins that I already feel apart from... the ones I feel I want to belong with, but just don't feel like I fit in.  Why is it so easy for my brother?  I actually turned down a trip to the ice cream store with almost all my cousins my age, including ones that I see less than once a year, because I was so worn out from trying to fit in that I was about to burst into tears, and had to hold myself together (very painfully) until they left.  After that, there was no stopping me.  I sobbed and sobbed, and my very outgoing aunt Judy came and sat with me and hugged me, and told me much to my surprise that she always felt the same way, because she, just like me, was right in between.  Didn't fit in with the older group, didn't fit in with the younger, always in between with no one to talk to.

And of course, my cousin Emily (one of the SWEETEST people I know) said before they left (when she saw me biting my lip to keep from crying) 'Is everything ok?'  'Yes' I squeaked 'it's nothing, I just don't feel like I can go right now.  Really, it's nothing, go!' and she said 'Crying isn't nothing'  Which only made it harder not to cry.  *tears*  Ah.  I'm getting carried away.

Anyway, don't feel bad!  :) 

Er, I didn't proofread, sorry, forgot to feed my bunny, and mom's pressuring me to get out there before she 'starves to death', which isn't possible, because she has plenty of hay, that she never eats cause she's too stubborn, and it might do her some good because she's supposed to eat more hay than pellets anyway.  Right.  Stop stalling.  See you! 

submitted by Laura☮
(December 24, 2009 - 7:25 pm)

Whoa, long post.... *blushes furiously*

submitted by Laura❆❅❄
(December 28, 2009 - 2:34 am)