Hello. I am

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello. I am

Hello. I am here to take over the world. Please do not resist. If you resist you will be decapitated and / or eaten.

No, I am not just here to talk about books and smiley faces. I have been looking for people to recruit to my world-taking-over team. I need people who are both evil and intelligent, and I had heard that there are many people like that on this website. My investigations have proved that this information was correct. Would you be interested in joining me? When we succeed (as surely we will) I shall give each of you a country to rule over. Please respond.

Thank you. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 12
(February 27, 2010 - 10:08 am)

ZNZ, why do you even want to take over the world? I'm with Ima. 


submitted by Nita B.
(June 18, 2010 - 9:31 am)

Good thing that's just an SI!

submitted by CJ, age sdfsdgs, Evil rabbit hol
(June 19, 2010 - 6:35 am)





Dentists are on our side! They have agreed to use PiePaste as their defauld toothpaste because it tastes just like pie!!!! :)


Vcik says hctd. If it was 'hctc' it could be 'Hectic'...or Huctid! We have a Huctid on our side! Wait, wuts a Huctid....?



submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(June 21, 2010 - 4:19 pm)

(No one on ZNZ's team can see this.)

A Huctid is... em... A species of extremely intelligent preying mantis found on Jupiter's moon Europa (we sent a space probe there to see if there was any life)! It can change the temperature of things things just by looking at them, so, if properly trained (and I've trained it), it can eliminate the need for an oven! And I've convinced it to persuade other Huctids to join us, too. They can also burn (and therefore destroy) jellybeans.

(Everyone can see this.) So, when will we make a decision about separate threads? Maybe I should just make a thread for my team, and ZNZ should make one for hers? And we should use this thread for communication between both sides? Maybe? Am I the only one who wants to move forward with this?

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(June 21, 2010 - 11:14 pm)

I agree with Ima. We each have our own threads for secret stuff, and this thread is for fighting! ZNZ, if you let our team do this, I can give you:

* As many books as you want,your choice

* A jellybean liquifier

* A jellybean gasifier ( it turns the air into the gas form of jellybeans)

* A hardcover copy of A History Of Taking Over The World

* A bunch of movies about jellybeans to play in front of people and hypnotize them

* Plane tickets to the Bahamas

* Some new warriors for our side

* 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 jellybeans- of course!

Think about it, and I'll create a contract!

P.S. All that stuff is for the virtual world only. Sorry.

submitted by CJ the Evil, age Evil age, Evil rabbit hol
(June 22, 2010 - 10:21 am)

What? Someone say my name? Oh -- team threads. Excellent idea. I'll go start one for us, shall I? 

submitted by ZNZ
(June 24, 2010 - 9:15 am)

*Feels awkward* I haven't really been posting since I haven't felt like it. *blushes* yeah that sounds really lame. TODAY WE WENT TO THE ZOO! As I am not crude, I didn't feed jellybeans to the animals. (they're pretty much all lazy pigs anyway, no, I'm not kidding) But I did study each animal and looked at their behavior and wrote their habits down, then I assigned each species a job (in my notebook) then I snuck away from my group and loaded myself into a helicopter, then I took a trip to Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia and got all the animals I need. (They were loaded onto a following plane.) Don't worry all you animal lovers, they will be released once we, ZNZ's team, wins this war. (But you could always surrender right now also.) Did I mention that we have stingrays on our team? More specifically V-Cut! (a stingray who has a v-shaped cut in his fin who happens to like me) They haven't been fed jellybeans, nor hypnotized, but they're immune to that. Oh! My ride's here! *hops onto plane* *goes to America* *gets animals on ZNZ's side* *goes to Canada* *gets animals on ZNZ's side* *goes home* Now if you're wondering why I put *gets animals on ZNZ's side* instead of *does exact same thing as I did in America* is because I have different tactics for each species. Laterz!

 P.S. (I was reading all the posts to see which ones I haven't read) I'm a girl too in case anyone was wondering.

 APC says TAIA. That's a nice name. Is she someone special??? *oooOOO* 

submitted by Olive
(June 22, 2010 - 8:21 pm)

OLIVE! I forgot to tell you, but TAIA is a (virtual\fake, just for this game) person. Taia is a highly trained girl. Ever since she was a baby, she could smell jellybeans being created in China! She can crawl between tight spaces, jump off high buildings, and do anything to get that Jelly Belly candy. And, an added bonus: SHE HATES PIE! =)

Taia and I happen to know each other. I went to her house, and she has a whole room full of jellybean-related gadgets. All of her extended family works in the CIA, including her parents. Taia informed me about some classified information: another take-over-the-world-group has formed! Their name is HUGS, short for Hypnotisim Using Game Shows. On July 4th, they are taking over Jeopardy! I love Jeopardy, AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN WATCH IT! More info later...

submitted by cj, age Du du du.., Some-where.. ov
(June 23, 2010 - 6:33 pm)

@CJ: RE: HUGS: That is brilliant. I'd never've thought of that. 

submitted by ZNZ
(June 27, 2010 - 7:45 pm)

Olive, WolfGirl already got most animals onto our side. Of course some can work for you, but not as many as already do for me, just because of the sheer number. And especially crows. We have every crow in the world on our side.

ZNZ, I saw the title of your thread, and would like to remind you, once again, that you have not taken over the world, and may not succeed, yet you continue to say that you are taking over the world despite the odds. +Remember that, as of right now, you are trying to take over the world. That's all.

submitted by Ima
(June 24, 2010 - 10:44 pm)

CJ, when will you post the other information about HUGS? This Official Organization is Dedicated to Any Form of Domination of the Planet Earth, so we're just as against them as we are against you. Technically, it would benefit you to say it here so that I could get rid of them, so the fact that it would also benefit us doesn't matter. Just te me. Please.

submitted by ❀ⒾℳǞ❄♬
(July 2, 2010 - 5:58 pm)

Sorry, I've been busy. will post soon

submitted by cj
(July 3, 2010 - 5:53 pm)

Never mind; I've devised a plan to get rid of HUGS after all. Still, though, I need to know whether or not you've told ZNZ's team anything about HUGS, because I'm going to their HQ, and I don't plan on getting anything wrong. That would complicate. So just tell me whether ZNZ's team knows anything not mentioned here, and if so, what.

submitted by ❀ⒾℳǞ❄♬
(July 2, 2010 - 7:11 pm)

I can not see any harm in telling you that, and anyway you are right -- it is good for us to have the opposition eliminated. I have not seen anything posted on my team HQ about HUGS. 

submitted by ZNZ
(July 3, 2010 - 8:38 pm)

@Ima: But I didn't get, like, all the animals in the world on our side-just our armies. Here is the list:


Starspirit's: Wolverines.

Mine: Wolves.

Mew's: Eagles.

Vivian's: Anacondas (sometimes. Right now we have them).

Laputi's: Lynx.

Bagheera's: Grizzly Bears.


There are more, but I'm not gonna post them just now. Bye!


Andy P. C. says gtoy.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, Battlefield!
(July 4, 2010 - 12:01 pm)