I finally just

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I finally just

I finally just decided to look up NaNoWriMo, because everyone always talks about it on here and I never had a clue to what is was (besides the fact it had something to do with writing)...(oh and sorry, I know this thread probably shouldn't be here, but it seems all the other places are.... dead).  Anyway, WOW.  Have any of you been able to complete the 50,000 words???  That is amazing, especially in one month.  Oh, whoops, I have to go.  But please tell me about your experiences with this.  Thanks! :)

submitted by R~D~
(June 10, 2010 - 8:44 pm)

I'm going to do it this year. I'm also probably going to do JulNoWriMo next month. But yes, I know that there are people here that have finished the full 50,000. ML did, I think, and TNÖ actually did 100,000. WOW. And I know this because I managed to find both of them on the NaNo site. And (off topic) now I sometimes read ML's blog. 

submitted by ZNZ
(June 11, 2010 - 1:35 pm)

Cool!  Good luck!!  TOP!

submitted by R~D~
(June 11, 2010 - 2:24 pm)

Squee! That made me feel veddy special, ZNZ. :) I didn't know people actually read my blog, even just sometimes. XD

And yes, I did NaNo for the first time this year and got 80,000+ words. It was insanely fun, R~D~, you would love it. I also did Script Frenzy (Screnzy) this past April, and did four 100+page scripts. *will never stop gloating* It was a very different, cool experience. You would enjoy it.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.3, NJ
(June 11, 2010 - 3:18 pm)

@ Mary W.  So in the end, did your story make any sense and did you think it was any good?  I think I would be able to write that much, my only problem is coming up with something to write about!  80,000 words..... wow, that is so amazing.  I feel pretty pathetic right now!  I'm writing a story and it's 16,500 something words, and I thought that was really long.  I guess I could make the story long by lots and lots of dialogue because I'm good at that!  :D

submitted by R~D~
(June 11, 2010 - 5:42 pm)

I just signed up for NaNo and I'm super excited!!  (You could find me as Bookleaf.)  I can't give you any experiences, obviously, but I just wanted to say that I'm going for it.  It should be fun, and I really think that you should at least try R~D~!!  


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(June 12, 2010 - 1:03 pm)

@R~D~: Actually, I was amazed because I thought my story made tons of sense... everything just sort of came together. There were definitely some absolutely terrible parts, of course. And plot holes, there were lots of plot holes... but the bottom line is, I never thought I could write anything that good in that amount of time, but I was able to. To quote the founders, even if you only write 2k words, it's more than you would've written.

@Leaf: I'll buddy you. :)

submitted by Mary W., age 12.3, NJ
(June 12, 2010 - 2:01 pm)

I just sighned up for NaNo!  And sent Leaf words...  XD

submitted by Meadow
(June 12, 2010 - 5:30 pm)

The forums are dead because no one makes threads on them. If they did, people would come back. Trust me...

Anyway, I've never done it before, because I never have time during November, but I just found out about JulNo (the same, basically, but in July), so I'm doing that. Yay! If it turns out to be much easier than I expect, then I might be able to do YWP in November this year, as well, but I don't expect it to be easier than that, obviously... Anyway, yeah. My username is Bibliophile on the JulNo site, not that I've ever posted anything. Well, one question...

submitted by Ima
(June 12, 2010 - 2:22 pm)

Oh yeah, and I'm Evilsilhouette on NaNo.

submitted by Meadow
(June 12, 2010 - 5:30 pm)

Last year I got 100,000 words, and it wasn't complete drivel. There were some WTH moments, but nothing that can't be fixed after I finally finish Draft #2...

I'm doing it again next year, though I'll probably aim for just 50,000 and see if I can't come up with something I actually don't hate by the time December rolls around (not that I hate '09's, but I did by the end).

It's pretty fun, even if you don't reach your goal. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(June 12, 2010 - 6:33 pm)

I don't have any experience, but I might do JulNoWriMo this summer.  The only problem is that you have to lie about your age if you are under 13.  It sounds like a lot of work, so I'm not sure how mine will turn out.  Oh well.

submitted by Cherry☺☻, age 12!
(June 13, 2010 - 7:35 am)

I'm so stalkerish!!  I just looked up everbuggy I who I knew their usernames on NaNo.  So, if this mysterious Evlisilhouette has buddied you, don't be alarmed, that's just me being stalkerish.  XD

submitted by Meadow
(June 13, 2010 - 12:16 pm)

Hee hee. I'm just as bad as you. I had already looked up Leaf and TNÖ and ML. I just looked you up now. Haven't buddied anybody because I'm not signed up on there. I'm not sure whether Mom and Dad'll let me. I should get around to asking sometime soon, huh?  

So, if some mysterious and slightly insane person named ZNZ happens to buddy you, then, "Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!" 

submitted by ZNZ
(June 13, 2010 - 7:54 pm)

I found Meadow. /stalkerism ;)

@ZNZ: When you ask, mutter something dark and mysterious about enriching your educational experience and learning to work with deadlines. ;)

submitted by Mary W.
(June 14, 2010 - 3:06 pm)

Ugh, how do you look someone up?  I was trying to look up Leaf and Meadow and Ima but I don't know how... do you have to be a member?  Do I look you up under blogs?  

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(June 14, 2010 - 5:20 pm)