"txt" Talk

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

"txt" Talk

"txt" Talk

How does everybody feel about the level of Text Talk on the Chatterbox? Do you want to use the text phrase "ppl" instead of people and so on? And what about numbers as substitutes for letters? Personally, it's kind of annoying, but.... I want to know what YOU think! Write your answers here.

submitted by CJ
(August 3, 2010 - 1:58 pm)

I use gtg the most.

submitted by Kenzie
(August 15, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

For the most part, I avoid it. In online games I occasionally use "brb" or "gtg," but in general it just sounds immature. I don't care if other people use it.




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(August 5, 2010 - 10:16 am)

Yes, please, Rachel, don't get offended.  Seriously, it's not like we're saying: The amount of "txt talk" by Rachel on this website....  HAHA! No!  We aren't pointing fingers at you.  IF it's "who you are", okay then, use it.  But I don't think "txt talk" makes YOU.  We are all being who we want to be by writing the way we like.  We can't make you stop, because, frankly, none of us know where you live.  hee hee :)  But, if you want to continue "txt talk" (which is fine) I think what we're trying to say is: try to make it a little more understandable.  That's all.  You have skill if you can read "txt talk" with out a problem but most of us on here can't.  :)




How about, as a general rule (using "rule" in the broadest possible sense, of course) - for longer posts and RPs, try and minimize the more difficult abbreviations. If you're just chatting and it's a casual post of a few lines, don't worry about it. (Interesting tidbit from my dork friend...apparently l33t speak (what has kind of degenerated into more simple "txt speak") was originally for the elite (el33t, see?) - it was generally thought that those who could decode it with no problem were the smartest, coding their own language. Just a weird interesting other perspective!) - Admin 

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(August 5, 2010 - 11:25 am)

@ Admin: Good idea. Also, about Leet speak: I think it's actually 1337. Why the 'T' went from 't' to 7 instead of, say, +, I've no idea. It's odd... I'd never heard of it until I saw something on MuseBlog, where it seems occasionally to be talked about. I think it originated in games like World of Warcraft or something... But I only know what MB says, and it is just an online forum... Wow. I seem to have accidentally gotten your entire post into my location box. Odd...

@ Rachel: Please understand that we're not trying to be offensive! We're only saying that it can be hard to decipher. That's most of why we say it can be annoying, most of the time—it's frustrating, really. Surely you understand? We don't mean to criticize you or the way we speak. You said, "sry that i assumed that lots of ppl these days know txt lanuage." Well, a lot of people do. But as you'll learn once you've been here for a while, we Chatterboxers are not most people. We are a bunch of strange, eccentric, insane, grammar-obsessed people, a few of of whom, such as myself, are sometimes somewhat oblivious to what the rest of the world is doing. Speak however you want; if you prefer chatspeak, go ahead. Just please try to have patience with us and not to make it so that we can't understand you (or have to strain to do so), because we want to hear what you have to say! Really! Please don't take offense at our earlier complaints; we don't mean any rudeness. Honestly. There's no need to think we're trying to be rude or shut you out, because we're just not. Another thing you'll have to learn is that we often disagree on many things, but that by saying so, we don't mean to offend each other. If we don't remember that, misunderstandings and often very heated arguments ensue, but this isn't what the first people who speak have in mind when they voice their opinions at all. You are a person who likes chatspeak, and some of us are people who are confused by chatspeak. We need a compromise of some sort, I think. Just... Text talk is fine. However, please try not to make it too complicated, alright? And we're not trying to be rude in our objections.


 I'm sure you're right that it's 1337, Ima. I too know nothing about it except what my friend told me. -Admin

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(August 5, 2010 - 3:24 pm)

@Ima: "Strange, eccentric, insane, grammar-obsessed people..." Yup, that describes me. 

@lav: "...wordwonks who love the English languages and occasionally correct the grammar of their teachers..." *loves the word wordwonk* And, yup, that's me too. I *like* saying things that make my teachers go off for their dictionaries. (Mrs. F: So who can give me a synonym for "gigantic"? Student A: Huge! Mrs. F: *writes "huge" on the board* ZNZ: Titanic. Mrs. F: That's not a word. ZNZ: Yes, it is. Mrs. F: I don't think so. *gets out dictionary* *looks it up* *discovers that it is a word* Well, okay, yes, it is, but don't write it in your notebooks because it's not the sort of word that *normal* sixth graders use. ZNZ: *grins quietly to herself* *writes "titanic" in her notebook*) And yes, that last actually happened when I was in sixth grade (No, I'm not in sixth grade anymore. I'm going into eighth.)  
@Rachel: Please understand, we're not attacking you personally. Like lav and Ima said, we are people who care deeply about English, and it means a great deal to us that words are used and/or spelled correctly. None of us dislike you. On the contrary, I, at least, like you very much. We understand that you like to type in a certain way, and that is fine, and we are simply asking you to tone it down a little so that we can understand what you are saying. Okay? 
submitted by ZNZ
(August 5, 2010 - 6:29 pm)

@ZNZ: My Spanish teacher used to give out candy if anyone could find mistakes in her grammer or spelling. That was mainly for Spanish, but I think it happened in English occasionally too. And the fun part is, she was often really distracted when writing things down.

Spammy says wrkg. Working? Working on what?

submitted by Emily L., age 15, WA
(August 6, 2010 - 6:42 pm)

I wish my 6th grade English teacher had done that... I would've had more candy during that school year than I had for much of my life, probably. Not that I've had very much. But she even made (unintentional) errors in her grammar exercises. *imagines*

submitted by Ima
(August 8, 2010 - 2:08 pm)

@Ima and Rachel: Well said, Ima!  I think you put it wonderfully.  I wholeheartedly agree in that we are not trying to offend you, Rachel, at all.  And you should see some of those old posts with religious, political, environmental debates.  Phew!  Those were... well... the people sometimes got heated, but they meant no harm.  They didn't want to offend anyone and maybe sometimes got carried away.  But we respect you and your views and that's how the CB works.  Maybe we all have differing views, but we try not to focus on that and talk about things we do like.  And if we do have debates, (which are inevitable) we try to make them the best experience possible for all sides.  Feel free to talk in text talk if that's what feels the most comfortable to you.


Also, yes Ima.  We aren't like most people. *laughs*  A lot of us are strange, eccentric, insane, and grammar-obsessed!  But we are also people who don't want to cause offense to any other CBer or make them feel bad.  That is not the point here, and so we really hope you don't feel that way.   Hope that clears it up!  


Oh dear, that was a bit cheesy.  But hope that clears it up anyway! :)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 5, 2010 - 6:48 pm)

Yeah I'm really, REALLY sorry if I was harsh. I woke up early 2day so I was crabby. :(

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 5, 2010 - 5:55 pm)

Sorry. I tend to do that a lot. I'll tone it down a bit.

submitted by Katie, age 12, outside looking
(August 5, 2010 - 9:59 pm)

That's okay, Rachel!  I know we all have those days. :) :)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 5, 2010 - 11:48 pm)

Thx, Leaf. I feel a lot better now. :)

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 6, 2010 - 1:07 pm)

Great!  I'm glad to hear that. :)  


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 9, 2010 - 6:53 pm)

That is interesting, Admin!  Lavendershy, I like the way you put it.  Especially "wordwonks," which I like so much that I think it should be in the dictionary.

submitted by Allison, age 14, FL
(August 10, 2010 - 7:59 pm)

idk i think its ttly stoopid when ppl tlk lyk dis. its not any easyr 2 type & it makes u look rly dum.  c what i mean?


submitted by Kenzie
(August 14, 2010 - 1:05 am)