Hello! Hola! Hurrah!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello! Hola! Hurrah!

Hello! Hola! Hurrah!

Boy am I glad the Chatterbox is finally open! I have been checking every day since the beginning of June. Which is why I am wondering, if the Chatterbox only opened today, why on earth are there multiple posts from June 18th and 19th? Anyway, about the Creation/Evolution debate, I am a creationist. But unlike Piccadilly M. and Megan C. and Victoria and Mary A., from the Jan. 05 and Feb. 06 and December 05 issues, I believe that God created the world in six literal days. There is absolutely no need to compromise the Genesis record with Evolutionary rubbish. It doesn't work. Apple trees were created before jellyfish, birds were created before dinosaurs, and all plants were created before the sun! It must have been six literal days or the plants would never have survived. To Telly K. (September 2006): I want to know exactly what studies have shown that the earth is 4.6 billion years old because I'll bet they are false. Secondly, the only reason people think the fossil record is that old is because scientists who use unreliable testing methods say so. And the time line is completely made up and not at all based on fossil depth. It is people arranging the fossils into a convenient order. Also, the third point in her letter is fairly weak. If you believe in creation, then it is easy to see that the moth was created with an 11 inch proboscis to be able to feed out of the particular flower. Lastly, viruses were created to mutate and so survive.  

submitted by Emily L., age 13, Washington
(July 29, 2008 - 6:30 pm)

okay... whoa, has the CB ever changed! It's practicallly a different site on this thread. I wonder how it gradually acquired the culture it has today.

submitted by Poinsettia, age immortal, a sea of crystal waters
(June 18, 2023 - 9:17 pm)