Chatterbox: Inkwell



Hello there children of earth, I am your new leader, ~Blue Fairy~

Sorry, I had a lot of sugar today...Tongue out

How about an RP where people get trapped in a different world, place, or time. The places will change every 2 weeks. I will say a deadline when the place will change, unless it's a good place and the story is going on very nicely. I shall now rip up pieces of paper with location ideas on it and will be right back!

I'm Back!!!!!!!

First my profile!!!!!

Name: Alyss-Mae (Alice-May) Chestnut

Age: 16

Phyiscal description: Long curly auburn hair, gray Eiffel Tower shirt with white jean shorts (like my book charrie of a book I'm writing...), sneakers, purple eyes

Weapon (only used sometimes): Bow and arrow and dagger

Personality: Sarcastic, caring, friendly, funny, smart, can be rude if in a bad mood.

Family Background: Her dad disappeared while visiting another world, Mother lives with her but works a lot.

Other: She has no knowledge of ancestors, is a good biker and swimmer, thought her dad died in a boating accident, until now.

You can start your story from how your character got there or just start in the world.


"Honey, wake up." Mom shook me from my sleep.

"What?" I mumbled, still asleep.

"It's about dad."

When I heard his name, I woke up fully and sat up on my bed. "Yes?" I said

"He didn't die in a boating accident..." my mom said, looking down. "He's a traveler."

I had no idea what that meant until my mom told me. A traveler is a person who can travel to another world or time or place any moment. These people are special, and there must be one from each generation of picked families. They are picked by a group of people from different worlds, and they only pick people who have magic in their blood. My dad was picked and now, me. As these thoughts processed in my mind, my mom told me my dad was taken to another world right before my brother got married. He never came back. She also told me that there are bad people, looking for us travelers, trying to kill us (BLUE FAIRY NOTE!!! PLOT IS RIGHT THERE!!!) and go searching for us in all different places. My mom got up and got me a bow, arrow, and dagger.

"These were your father's," she said, tears in her eyes.

"No, this can't be true!" I said. I ran near the basement door.

"Honey, come bac-"

That was all I heard; I had traveled into a different world already.

That was my intro. And now time you were waiting for... They are in.....

A MURDER MYSTERY PLACE!!!!! So, they are in the middle of a murder mystery. WHODUNNIT?!?!?!


submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(October 16, 2013 - 5:14 pm)

Kiari ~

"Hi," Samu replied, looking around. "Where..., oh never mind. We'll find out soon enough." We climbed down the hay stack, looking around. We stood in an immense bar, like the size of a warehouse. Animal stalls lined both sides, but there were no animals to be seen. We walked outside, the sun searing down on us. I could instantly feel it warming my skin. We wandered out a ways, looking for any of the others. Suddenly I spotted a lone figure which I instantly recognized as...

"Alyss-Mae!" I called, walking up. She seemed grateful to see others here too. After hugs were exchanged, I asked her if she knew where we were.

"No, just that I....I am...Hot and.....thirsty," she said, and fell to her knees.

"Alyss, what's wrong?" Samu asked. She started to reply, but passed out before she could finish.

"The sun," I said, feeling her forehead which was covered in sweat. "We need to move her, back to the barn." Samu gripped her arms, while I grabbed her legs, and we managed to carry her into the barn, leaning her against a stack of hay.

"We need water," I muttered. I too was starting to get warm to a dizzying point. But I was determined not to pass out. I gripped a handful of hay. It was relatively fresh. Which meant if this place had hay, they grew it. Which meant water. I stood up, looking around. I moved to the door, gazing out across the plain. Finally, my eyes rested on the silhouette of...

"A well!" I said excitedly. I turned and grabbed a bucket out of one of the empty stalls. 

"Be careful," Samu cautioned as I headed toward the door. "Alyss-Mae was only out there a few minutes, and became dehydrated." I nodded, and hurried out.

The distance was farther than I'd first thought. When I finally reached it, my skin felt like it was on fire. I tied the bucket to the rope, and turned the crank to lower it. 

"How does anyone live here?" I wondered aloud and I cranked. Finally, I had the bucket back up, filled with cool clear water. I picked it up, wondering at it's heaviness. I lugged it back across the field, into the barn. I placed it on the ground and fell to my knees panting. 

"I wonder where the others are," I said quietly as Samu revived Alyss and got her to drink.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Not sure...
(November 22, 2013 - 5:04 pm)

I am really sorry that I haven't posted for two weeks or so. I'm really busy and I've got a big test soon but I promise to post after that. Top! 

submitted by Elizabeth, age 14, Germany
(November 25, 2013 - 10:12 am)

@ Elizabeth: That's okay! I'm trying to keep this alive too! TOP!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 1, 2013 - 4:02 pm)

Oh my gosh! The thread is dying!! TOP!! 


Kiari's question was answered shortly after when Lara and Zira landed in different places in the barn. Alyss-Mae woke up seconds later, parched and still a little dazed from the sun but healthy enough. 

"We're in a desert," said Zira, in such a way that I couldn't tell if it was a question or a statement. 

"Don't stay out in the sun too long. It knocked Alyss-Mae out in just minutes." Kiari said, coming out from behind a hay bail. 

"But if it's too hot to go out, how are we supposed to get out of here?" Zira asked.

"I think I have the answer to that." Penelope, who until that moment I'd forgotten about, was standing near the entrance to the barn. Her straight hair in a ponytail and dressed in a flouncy polka-dot dress.  


submitted by Elizabeth, age 14, Germany
(December 5, 2013 - 12:27 pm)

TOP! Please don't die!

Kiari ~

I glanced up at Penelope, who was still dressed like she was still going to a party in 1952. She walked over to the side of the barn, and kicked away some hay. We moved closer, to discover a door in the floor. She bent down, trying to pry it up, though it was stuck fast. Even when Samu and I tried helping, it still wouldn't budge.

"How about this?" Lara offered, holding a pitchfork that had been hanging on the wall along with several other tools. We shoved it as far beneath the door as we could get it to go, then Samu, Penelope and I each pulled together on its long handle. After several minutes, and I did a great deal of mental swearing, then flung open, sending us crashing against the floor.

"Oh great, well that worked," I said, sitting up. Samu helped me up, and we stared into the down the door. Below, a long tunnel stretched in either direction. It would have been pitch black if not for the lanterns hanging at periodic intervals, casting warm pools of light.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Penelope asked, and jumped down. I jumped down next, followed by Zira, Samu, and Lara. 

"Which way?" Zira asked.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Again, not sure...
(December 9, 2013 - 9:14 pm)