Chatterbox: Inkwell






Reserving spots for JBE, Noelle C., and Squeak.


Name: Aveleen O'Rourke

Power: Telekinesis

Appearance: Dirty blond hair, BRIGHT green eyes, pale skin

Superhero name: Echo

Personality: Smart, sweet


submitted by Brooke E.
(September 10, 2014 - 6:58 am)

I AM SO SORRY! My Cricket wasn't working! It wasn't able to connect. But I finally got to this rp. SO SORRY! 


My eyebrows furrowed, confused at the scents tingling around in my nose.

I'm not with Aveleen, or with Draco, or with the rest of them... Am I?  

" Wakey, wakey, little kitty."  A voice reached my ears, but it sounded quite muffled, and I soon found out why. My eyes flashed open, glass right up against my face. A man was standing on the outside of the case I was in, a smirk plastered on his lips. I tried to get my hands to press on the glass, to try to get out, but my hands were tied down.

" You ain't getting out, kitty. Neither are your sisters," the man laughed, his eyes flickering to the right and left. I turned my head, and what I saw filled me with fear. To my right was a girl that had blonde hair in a braid. Her eyes were closed as if she were asleep. To my left was a girl with short brown hair, who looked more dead than asleep.

Sisters, what do you mean sisters?! Questions rushed through my mind like a torrent. Another man came out into the room.

" We have to get this done, and now. Number five three nine two is almost dead. We have to start the procedure. Understood?" the man scowled, glaring at the first man, whose smirk was still there. He nodded, then turned back to me.

" Don't worry. You'll have a full reunion with your sisters soon," he laughed darkly as he left. 

This isn't good... Is it?

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(October 24, 2014 - 9:03 am)

Aveleen lost Frank's connection, then found Draco.

Draco! Help!  

submitted by Brooke E.
(October 24, 2014 - 11:45 am)


I try to make myself stop, but my other self says, "NO". Every inch of my body is in pain, creating ice balls at the second. I see Aveleen trying to dodge, but I could see she was growing weaker. 

Bradey, STOP!


No. I'm your mother.

Nice joke, Aveleen. But we are kinda in a tricky situation.

It's not a joke. I'm your mother.

And then I gasp as I see a lady, her hair blondish blue, her green eyes twinkling in the sunlight. I get control of my body and I stop shooting ice, looking at my mother with awe. She starts fighting the squid, aka my father. Aveleen and I run to the exit.

"We need to find the others," Aveleen says as we climb out of the spaceship.

"Well, yeah. But... The squid took their powers?" I reply.

"I know. I'm trying to think. 

submitted by Squeak
(October 28, 2014 - 5:36 pm)

I swallowed as the man came back and pressed a few buttons on the wall near me and the two other girls.

" Wakey, wakey, little kitties," the man chuckled, and the glass was raised while a hissing sound of air was heard. The man walked forward and untied my arms. The instinct to protect myself rushed in. I immediately punched his jaw, and my left leg swiftly swung towards him, knocking him down onto his back. The man groaned as I stepped over him, planning to leave, when suddenly, I heard a soft intake of breath coming from behind me. I turned around, and there were the two girls, one of them blinking, trying to awaken herself, the other still looking like she was dead.

I can't just leave them here!

Yes, but when was the last time you left somebody by themselves?

Do you remember the time when you didn't leave them there? That created problems didn't it, and you tried to run away again and again. Think about it, Layla. What happens if you don't leave them here?

I'll keep running... But I'll keep coming back. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(October 29, 2014 - 8:49 am)

Aveleen barely had time to think before alarms blared. He grabbed Bradey's wrist. 


submitted by Brookeira
(October 29, 2014 - 4:37 pm)

Sorry I didn't explain my last post. Bradey's mom has somehow come, and her powers are telepathy and ice.

submitted by Squeak
(October 29, 2014 - 6:38 pm)

C'mon guys! We gotta keep this rp up! It can't end like this! D:

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 8, 2014 - 5:47 pm)

So, no one has really been posting, so I'm going to post in hopes of bringing this rp back.


I opened the container of the first girl, and using my claws, sliced the ropes that were tying down her arms. Her eyes immediately shot open, and she looked down at me. 

" Untie the rest of them, I'll help the other girl," I instructed, and rushed over to the short brown-haired girl. I pressed the button, and the lid started to come off.


submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 13, 2014 - 10:04 am)

YEEEE!!! it's BACK!


We rush toward the door, and open it carefully. I gasp as I notice we are far from ground, WAY far from ground.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, looking at Aveleen.

"I don't know..." She suddenly falls down, groaning.

"Aveleen! You are losing your powers! He's taking your powers!" I screech. I turn into the dog, lifting her up and rushing back into the ship.

"Hurry. We. Must. Get. Our. Powers. Back." Aveleen pants, pointing to a room called, "IMPORTANT". Very creative. I rush toward it, pushing it open. But I feel my powers weakening too. I gasp at the surrondings.

Tubes lay around the room, labeled with a careful hand. I read each one, trying to find the one that holds our powers. I groan, feeling my powers rushing out of my body. I limp toward a few in the back and I sigh. They are labeled with our names, and quickly grabbing our powers.

"What should I do?" I whisper, mostly to myself. Aveleen answers.

"Empty. it. and drin..." She trails off and faints. I crash open mine, and drink it quickly. I feel myself growing powerful. I rush toward Aveleen's, and crack it open. Rushing toward Aveleen, and lift the thing to her lips and allow her to drink it. She opens her eyes, jumping up and rushing out of the room.

"Quickly! Before he drains us again!" Aveleen slams open the door where my mother and the squid are still fighting. I groan as I see my mother on the ground. Though she looks dead, her powers were just drained out of her. The squid is clicking buttons at the back of the room. 

"This is it squid! I can't take it anyMORE!" I bark, sending a bucket load of ice into the squid's back. He turns around quickly, frowning.

"I have other powers. Powers i took from other people." The squid hisses. Suddenly he grows dragon wings (Which looks very strange on a squid body), and breathes fire toward me.

"You took Draco's powers!" I growl, jumping onto him and ripping his wings with my dog teeth. But I feel myself being pushed into the ground. The squid smirks.

"Finally... I got you... Now time for you to BURN." I see the fire building up in his stomach, and I wince. I look toward Aveleen and see her pressing a few buttons in dispair. I look backwards, and see another button that seems stangely familiar. I feel his fire burning into me, and I wince.

"Now son, this button lets me take the powers of young children. I can now have the powers of turning into a squid," my father says, pressing the button and smirking. Soon, I see tentacles form, his human arms shrinking.

"If you listen to me, you can have the powers to turn into a wolf," my father says once more.

I push myself out of the memory, and push myself closer to the button.

"You can get the powers of a wolf if you press this button. Go ahead, press it," he says, smiling.

I go even closer.

"Now, don't even press it again, as it will erase your wolf powers. And my squid powers," Father warns me.

Goodbye wolf me. Goodbye squid. I press the button, and feel myself getting burned with fire.

"Your mother won't ever aprove of this. But she will be soon gone."

I smile slightly as the squid screeches and turns into my real father. I make my ice bundle up in my hand.

"Goodbye father. My mother won't ever approve of this. But she soon never be gone." I shoot the ice at him and chuckle as he dies.

"You mother always says it's good to die a good death. I say it's good to never die." 

submitted by Squeak
(November 14, 2014 - 9:22 pm)

Aveleen gasped. "You just......"

"Yeah," he said proudly, "killed him."

He looked at Aveleen with surprise as she scowled at him. "What happened to mercy???" she screamed. Bradey scowled.

"Look, chick-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Just pilot us down, girl," he said, sending a blast of ice at me.

"Hey!" said Aveleen. Bradey smirked.

Aveleen's eyes flashed with fear. Bradey smirked. "I can whoop you, so don't try anything," he said. 

"It's not you! My powers are strong and.... get out of the way!!"

Bradey had only a second, and he was thrown off the ship by a blast of telekinesis.

submitted by Brookeira
(November 15, 2014 - 2:35 pm)

I just had to say after reading this... THAT WAS A GOOD ENDING QUOTE! - cries - THAT WAS AWESOME! 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 15, 2014 - 5:46 pm)

Also guys, the squid guy was lying when he said Bradey gets his wolf powers from the button. The squid took his powers a long time ago, and finally gave them back when bradey touched the button! So when he pressed the button again, it didn't erase his powers.


I feel glass pinch into my skin as I crash out of the ship. I look down and wince, knowning death was near. Aveleen breaks open the door, and tries to get me back. But it's no use. As I grew closer to ground, I felt myself stop suddenly. I opened my eyes to see Draco holding me, his wings flapping in the wind. He got his powers back.


submitted by Squeak
(November 17, 2014 - 11:49 pm)

My eyes narrowed as a flood of men came in.

" This shall be fun, yes yes?" I turned to the blonde-haired girl, my eyes glinting. The girl smirked and nodded back. The first came rushed forward, yelling all the way. I easily slammed my fist into his jaw, and he fell. The next one came forward, and aimed a punch at me. I caught his fist right before he hit me, twisted his arm, and kicked him in the stomach. He fell to the floor groaning. Another man ran forward, a horrible look in his eye, when I suddenly fell to the floor. A green syringe was right in the middle of my stomach, and as my eyes started to slowly close, the blonde-haired girl had one right in her arm, and fell down also.

" Put them into the Level 5 containers. Then we shall see if they can get out then."

My eyes started to close, but not before I thought of my last hope of getting out of here.

Contact Aveleen. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(November 18, 2014 - 10:22 am)

I am SO sorry I haven't been here in a while! I've been really busy with nanowrimo and all that.

Draco~ I left Dale's cottage the next morning. He was nice, but I had to find the others before Yetolyx killed them. I couldn't waste any time socializing with a fisherman.

As I walked into town, I realized things were hopeless. Without my powers, it would be impossible to find the other superheroes. 

Suddenly, I heard a faint screaming coming from above. I looked up and saw a figure falling from the sky. It looked like...

"Bradey?" I squinted, and I saw that it was indeed Bradey. "I have to save him!" I screamed. I started jumping up and down in a desperate attempt to fly. People must've thought I looked ridiculous, because a crowd had gathered around me, and they were laughing.

"I... will... FLY!" I screamed. To my complete surprise, I felt a tingling in my gut. It spread through my entire body, and a brilliant flash of light engulfed me. When the light died down, I felt the familiar unfolding of wings on my back. My powers had returned!

The people around me abruptly stopped laughing, and murmurs of "It's the Dragon!" ran through the crowd. A little boy even walked timidly up to me and handed e a baseball and a pen.

"Now is no time for autographs," I told him. "I have a friend to save!" I spread my wings and skyrocketed towards Bradey to the faint sound of applause below me.

I flew faster than I ever had in my life. "I'm coming Bradey!" I yelled. I zoomed under Bradey and caught him just in time.

"Draco!" Bradey gasped. "I killed Yetolyx! Your powers are back!"

"Rescuing now, explaining later!" I replied. "I'm taking you to Edna's mansion."

submitted by J.B.E
(November 22, 2014 - 2:33 pm)

Draco crashed through the door to find Aveleen standing there, fuming.

"Why?" she yelled at Bradey, "WHY??"

"He was evil!"

"My father is PLENTY BAD, and I would NEVER just kill him!!"

"Calm down, telechick."


Draco ran up, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Aveleen," he said, "It's oka-"


A butler ran up. "Yes, madam?"

"Sell my costume, I'm sure someone will want it. I'm done with crimefighting." 

Draco looked at Aveleen hopelessly as she ran into her helicopter and Reeves lifted off. 

(Reeves is Ave's butler, BTW.) 

submitted by Brookeira
(November 22, 2014 - 5:21 pm)