Chatterbox City RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Chatterbox City RP!

Chatterbox City RP!

So I had this weird idea-- Chatterbox City! All the CBers live in a city (as do the admins, and you guys can write too if you like) and we all already know each other and we have to team up to save the city from, I don't know, evil vampires or something. You don't have to live in a house in the "city"; you can live in a cave or a cloud or a secret HQ. and there's a building in the center which is like the Admin Center. Also, there is a Starbucks, a Whole Foods, and a Chipotle. You guys can add thinhgs if you like.

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 7, 2015 - 11:44 am)

Is is alright if I join?

submitted by S.E.
(April 20, 2015 - 9:09 am)

Haha I love it........... Except 4 the whipped cream part cuz I HATE whipped cream but whatever. I'm reading this in computer class and Emma (Emma D) and I are cracking up like eggs!!!!! PERCY PANCAKES!!! 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(April 20, 2015 - 10:54 am)

I'm awesome that way! Love that Percy.... Not as much a LEO....miss u guys so much! :(

submitted by MapleSyurp
(April 20, 2015 - 2:20 pm)

I hear a knock at my door, around 4:00 AM. I try to ignore it and fall back asleep, but whoever it is won't stop rapping like a raven.

*sigh* I guess I'll go see who it is.

A shadowy figure stands at the door, his head bent to one side like a confused bird. I can't make out his face in the darkness, but judging by his form, he's not human.

"Who are you? And what could you possibly want at four in the morning?" I say, irritated with this strange... thing.

He replies in a raspy, evil-sounding voice, "What do I want? Well, I want everything we never had. I want power. And for that, we need someone's soul."

Well, I should've shut the door right then and there but something about him was hypnotizing. I tried to move but I felt rooted in place.

The strange being continues, "And you are everything... everything we hoped. But not now. Not yet. Soon, though. I'll be seeing you... soon."

And with one final, creepy grin and a flash of lightning, the strange being disappears.


I stand at the door for nearly 10 minutes, waiting, wondering. Was it all a dream? Was I sleepwalking? It seemed so real...

Well, I won't be sleeping tonight. Better light a candle and catch up on my reading. As I shut the door and head back upstairs, I think I hear a voice, so fragile and faint, whispering "Everything we hoped, everything we hoped..."

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 20, 2015 - 1:22 pm)

~~~ (I like tildas.)

The very next night, I hear another loud knock at my door. It's not as late this time -- I wasn't even in bed yet.

"Go away, you heartless broken monster!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Boy, that probably really confused the neighbors.

"Uh, dude?" I hear a voice, muffled but still recognizable, from behind the door. "It's me, Spyro. Would you let me in?"

I stare out the peephole to make sure it's really him, then open the door. There he is, drenched in rain and carrying a pillow and a teddy bear.

I burst out laughing. "What happened to you?!" I exclaim. "You look like you were in a flood!"

Spyro groans and mumbles something about very angry rams taking over his cave. "I need somewhere to sleep tonight," he says, and looks at me with those dang puppy eyes.

"Oh, alright. Fine. Come in before you get struck by lightning."

"Phew, thanks. Now what was all that about a heartless broken monster?" 


(in a dark lair located approximately 70 miles East of CB City...)

"My lord, I have found a perfect city from which to harvest souls."

"Oh, alright Schil, stop with the poetry. Where is it and what's it called?"

"Chatterbox City, about 70 miles west."

"Chatterbox City, hmm? That's an odd name. And what of its... inhabitants?"

"All ripe and bursting with soul and cheer. That will be ripped from them soon enough."


"I knocked on all the doors. I made them all feel unique, spent the night staring into their inner beings, seeing which ones would be suitable."

"And which ones were?"

"All of them."

"Wonderful, wonderful! I'll get to work preparing the Soul Snatcher at once!"

"Er... yes, but... there's one more thing, my lord."

"What is it? Spit it out, Schil!"

"Almost none of them are human." 


Wow, this is really... not what I was planning on doing. It turned out much darker than I was trying for, but I think it's a pretty good plot, no? 

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 21, 2015 - 8:09 am)

Over The Rainbow-

I awake at daybreak. The bluebirds, ever-present on one of my many bedroom windowsills on the blued level of my rainbow, are chirping contentedly. A glimmery haze greets my eyes, created by the misty prisms surrounding my room. I blink once, twice, and then snuggle back into my shimmery blankets. Ahh...

" Yacy!"

" Toto, you silly CAPTCHA you, you shouldn't have!" Toto is gently flitting back and forth across my pillow. In his mouth is a... what is that? Probably one of his CAPTCHA toys.

" Yacy!" He says again.

"What is it, boy? You want me to look at that thingy you've got there?" 


"OK boy. Come'ere so I can take it". Toto slinks around onto my chest, and sits there wide-eyed and expectantly. The thing in his mouth is in my face. I reach out and grab it from him. I blink a couple times before my eyes focus and I snap to attention. "Oh my goodness! This book was due yesterday! When does the library open today?" I tilt my head to look at the library hours scedule I have posted on my wall. I look down at my clock, and then back up to the schedule. " Ten minutes!"

I fling my covers off my bed, throw my nightgown off, throw a tunic and leggings on, dart up to the yellow floor, my kitchen and dining room, and shove a hunk of baguette in my mouth. " C'mon, Toto!" I call, still chewing. Book, Toto, and all, I dash to the purple level and sprint out the door. I jump onto the rainbow and slide...all the way down...and land in a pot, stuffed with pillows.

" Oof!" I say.

" Yacy!" Says Toto.

The book's pages rustle, and I could almost here the book softly wispering " 'Ouch', she said". I jump out of the pot, and race to the town center, where the Admin Center, Chatterbox buildings, restaurant, and library are loacated. I rush to the return box and drop the overdue book in, just as the giant clock tower clangs ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding. That means it's six AM, the opening hour of the library, perfect for early risers like me, who like to start there morning by reading. 

" Whew, that was close. Hey, I wonder if anybody has some cool overdue book stories" I say. I head over to the Inkwell building, made completely of black obsidian. I change my mind and shift my course towards Down to Earth. It is a vine-covered, rotund, mud dome. On my way in, I meet St. Owl.

" Your here early", she says.

" Returning a library book" I reply. " What's your excuse?"

"I just like the CB in the morning. No traffic, so my comments get posted first."

" Uh huh", I say. " Hey, I was just about to submit a great disscussion topic. Wanna hear?"

" Sure."

I tell her my idea. " Cool", Says St. I pull out a piece of my special glittery rainbow paper that I use only for the CB. I also take out a silver-tipped quill pen, and a bottle of glitter ink, Savvy's invention. I neatly write down my disscussion idea, roll it up, and hand it to the nearest Wi-Fi Dragonfly. She takes the scroll, but stares at me until I say "Oh, right", and scoop Toto up. "What's my new CAPTCHA?" I ask him.

" Yacy", He says. 

" No, Toto". Wow, I haven't known a CAPTCHA to forget there recent spam-boxes. " That's the one you've been using all morning".

" Yacy?" He wimpers. " Yes", I say.

" YACY!" He says, frightened.

" Oh, Toto", I whisper. "Are you...broken?"

" Yacy", sighs Toto. I turn back to St. Owl.

" Can I borrow your CAPTCHA?"

" Sure", She says, and hands me her cute little CAPTCHA.

" Xrdb", Says the little CAPTCHA helpfully. I repeat it to the dragonfly, who zips out the door to the Admin Center.

" Thanks" I say. I hand St her furball.

I leave the DtE. I'm puzzled, though. What's been happening to Toto? I better go to the Admin Center. I walk the twenty feet, and then enter the HQ of the Admins. The three Admins look up when they see me come in. They smile cheerfully.

" Hi, guys", I say. " Um, I think my CAPTCHA is broken."

" Broken?" Says Admin 2. " What do you mean, broken?"

" Well" I say, " She's stuck on one spam-box".

" Yacy", Says Toto.

" She's been using that one all morning. I submitted a DtE post, and she couldn't give me a new CAPTCHA. I had to borrow St. Owl's."

" Is this the post?" Says Admin 3, holding up a scroll of my signature paper.

" Yup". Admin 3 scans it and gives it back to the dragonfly. " The post is fine" He says. The Wi-Fi fly zooms out the dragonfly sized hole in the wall.

" Do you know what the problem is, though?" I ask.

Admin 1 closes his eyes and sighs. " We were hping not to have to tell all you CBers but, due to circumstances..."

Admin 2 takes a deep breath, her face suddenly unhappy. "We think that there might be a virus in CB City". 

submitted by Over The Rainbow, CB City
(April 20, 2015 - 6:31 pm)

I wake up from a very strange dream. There were levitating donuts, and I was the Queen of Tamaran. Then Starfire came to try to take the throne from me, but I electrocuted her and then Pika fell from the ceiling. Starfire was about to StarBolt me when I woke up. I close my eyes and pretend not to hear my 7:15 alarm. Then Volcano Flame wakes up and it all descends into chaos, and I'm forced to get up. Pika actually does fall from the ceiling. Huh. Eh, probably Shifting Sands' essence around the house. 

Five minutes later we are drinking coffee at Starbucks with a crossaint. I see Carolion over at a different table. She's drinking an iced coffee, or maybe eating it since it's frozen solid, and stroking Carasyia. "Hi Carolion!" I call. She sees my alter egos, pets me and says hi back. Then Over runs into the Starbucks. "There's a virus in Chatterbox City!"


"It's a computer virus!" Over cuts me off.

A collective gasp runs around the Starbucks.  

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 20, 2015 - 8:01 pm)

I was sitting in my surveillance room when the news hit. Literally. The room shook. "Breaking news. A virus may be in CB City!" one of the screens reported. "Oh, crud. OH, CRUD. What are we going to do about this?!" I yelled. I sat straight up and spun around. "I need antivirus programs patrolling the fort and city borders! Tell the spiders to report any glitches in the city!" I watched the hulking antivirus programs tromp out of the base, and towards the border. All of a sudden, there was another quake. A shadowy figure walked into the door. "THIS PLACE IS HIDDEN!" I yelled. It raised a hand, which began to glow eerily. There was an odd draining sensation in the room. I whirled around. "SECURITY!" The automatic defenses rose out of the walls and blew the figure straight out the door. Later, I ran an analysis on the thing, which was laying outside my fort. "What is this thing? It seems to have the ability to drain a currently unknown energy from living beings. Edgeworth, is this stored in your databases?" I turned to my robotic butler. "No record of it whatsoever. Whatever's coming is big." he said in his British accent.

submitted by S.C.C., Earth
(April 21, 2015 - 8:38 am)

I run inside my HQ. "Okay!" I yell. "We have a virus and a Soul Snatcher (thank you Shifting for sensing its dark presence) in town and we gotta stop it! MIRIS! Double th Viral defenses! My Legendaries! Where are my legendaries?"

"Mana Manaphhy!"


"You guys, Shifting, and Magi are on the Soul Snatcher detail. Shifting, see if you can contact Raven, she has experience. Mespri, see if you can get the rest of the Lake Guardians over there! Uxie and Azelf should help."



"Mana manaphy!"

"On it."

They soared out.



"Get out into the city and rally the alter egos! We'll need every ounce of power we can get and the alter egos will listen to you more likely than me or any of the other sanies."


"Pika, Fruity, help me investigate this virus. The rest of you, go warn the other pets and rally them as well."  



submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 21, 2015 - 7:07 pm)

I wake up to the clack of typewriter typebars againest paper. Huh? What in the moon.......? I groggly drag myself out of bed, stumble across the floor to the table where my typewriter sits. I stare at it. The keys are moving as if invisible fingers press them, typing out a message. Puzzled, I touch a key and the typing stops. I take the paper out of the typewriter and go outside as it is too dark in my cave to read it.

The moon is shining full and bright tonight. Before I can read the paper I see a movement in a grove of trees. I shove the paper in my cloak pocket and run after it. When I get there I don't see anything."Raven...." The soft, questioning word seems to float in the air. I jerk to  attention with alarm one thought coming to my mind. There are only four people in the world who know that is my real name. All of them dead. Or so I thought. Could one of them be alive? Dare I hope that? "Raven...." I ran to the voice with all my might to the owner of that voice. "Kalider!"  I said, out of breath. "I thought you were dead! Where in the moon have you been?" "Shh" he says in a hurried tone. "I can't explain everything right now. I have to hurry. They'll come after me soon." "Who?' I ask but he does not answer.  "Raven, listen to me: They are not dead, They are coming to your city. I'm warning you, you have to leave." "B-but They died in the blast didn't they?" Kalider shakes his head. "Well then I"m not leaving, I"ve got to warn the others." "You know then They will  recognize you and They know what you did to Them." "I know" I say. "I've stayed to long, I have to go." Kalider looks me in my eyes,"Good-bye Raven good-bye." Then he turns and walks away without glancing back.

I run back to my cave with one thought: I have to warn the others about Them. I must warn them.


submitted by Shadow Draegon, age 11, CB City
(April 21, 2015 - 9:26 pm)

"Pick on someone your own size!" I shout at the dark thing. It hisses and recoils, still trying to suck my soul.

"TAKE THAT, YOU PSIONIC DONUT!" MP yells, swinging from a bannister (how are there bannisters in the library?) and pies it a few times.

Baelfire may be the most terrifying. He rises into the air, eyes glowing red, and lets out a banshee scream. Fire ripples from his hands and slams into the figure. The CBers in the library run to join the fight... 

submitted by Brookeira
(April 22, 2015 - 7:04 am)

I grab a bunch of donuts from sunny donuts, wanting to go to the library. Squeak is following close behind, eating a cheese flavored donut.

"I didn't even know these existed," Squeak says between bites.

"What do yo-"

"TAKE THAT, YOU PSIONIC DONUT!" I whirl around, watching MP swing from the banisters.

"Okkkayyy," I mutter. I watch Baelfire scream.

"WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?" I screech. Everyone stops where they are.

"Oh, we're just fighting this weird black soul taking thingy," Brooke says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okkkayyyy." Squeak rolls his eyes.

"Is there ANY place where we can eat donuts in peace?" I groan as they continue fighting.

"No clue. I'm gonna go grab some popcorn." Squeak runs away.

"Fine. Leave me with lunatic cbers." I grab my raygun, aiming at the thing.

"AEEEYYYEEEAAAAAAAA!!!" I shoot the gun, closing my eyes against the impact. "YEEEAHHHAHHYYEEE!  EEEYAYAAEEEYA!"

"Weeeeell then. Nice sining," Squeak says, coming back with a bang a pop corn. "You stop with your terrible accent of a Western country dude."

"But I'm soooo good at that accent!" I moan. Squeak rolls his eyes. But before he can say anything, a rather large cave-looking-spaceship came from the sky. Squeak swears under his breath.

"Watch your mouth!" I growl to Squeak. The spaceship nearly lands on Baelfire, who runs away. I stroll up to the spaceship. Then came these weird black caped dark things from the cave.

"Hello stranges beings from space! I hope you come in peace! Spock for life, by the way." I wink. 

"We do not come from space," one of them says.

"Oh. Um.... From starbucks?"


"Oh! You're the people from the pizza place! I think I remember a face like that....No?"


"Oh," I sigh. "Awwww, man. I wish some excitement would happen."

"We come from the cave by the giant hill, home of the D.E.R.P. Dangerous soul-Eating Reproachful Palefaces."

"Palefaces? I would say darkfaces," Squeak mumbles.

"We are called palefaces because darkfaces doesn't start with P."

"Hehe. Derp," I giggle.

"Stop your foolish blabbering, young human with genes of a platypus."

"...How do you know?" I whisper. 

"I didn't know that!" Squeak whispers back.

"Come with us, nonhuman beings. We must take your souls."

"Oh! that sounds fun!" I go into the spaceship with a few other cbers following.

"I do-"

"Look, I want some adventure. Okay?" 

submitted by Danie
(April 22, 2015 - 10:59 am)

Nora is the one who originally thought up the idea to make cber stories, so you can all thank her!! And no I'm not Nora I just thought she deserved a lil credit!!! Ok. Bye now :))

submitted by Declaration
(April 22, 2015 - 11:42 am)

Screams of Savvy and Maple wake me up. "He's mine!" "Mine!" "Guys! Leo is fictional. Fictional. He can't marry any of you!" "That's not all true!" Savvy screams. "Guys!" I put on my glasses and get out of bed. I lock the bathroom door. I can still hear the fighting. I sigh. I wash my hands and go into the kitchen. I prep a McMuffin, then sit down on the carpeted dining room chair. The doorbell rings. The Leo lovers don't notice, so I have to answer it. Gordon comes up next to me, and I can hear Bubbles. Over is standing there.

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of CB City
(April 22, 2015 - 12:58 pm)

I didn't finish my part, so that's why I'm posting twice in a row.


"Ellie! Help!" she says. "You need help? I'm the one who needs help. They just won't stop arguing over Leo! It's driving me insane! Not that I'm not already--" "Ellie, this is serious! Savvy! Maple!" She calls. The girls are still battling. "Gordon, go get Maple and Savvy." He nods and the walks away. "What is it?" I ask Over. "There's a computer virus, and Danie and Squeak have been kidnapped!" "Really?! By who?" "D.E.R.P.s." "What's that?"

submitted by Ellie, age 12 , Place of CB city
(April 22, 2015 - 1:58 pm)