The Elf RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Elf RP

The Elf RP

Okay, so my Everlasting RP started eight days ago, and we voted for genres, and then for plot ideas. However, two plot ideas tied.

Normally, in this situation, there would be a runoff between the two, and I'm also aware that I said this would be the case. However, I fear that we are at serious risk of losing th people that have joined, because, quite frankly, this is taking a very long time. =)

Also, there are clearly enough people interested in both RPs to make them both work. This is a good thing! Two for the price of one!

Brookeira submittedthe following idea, and it tied for first with four votes.


We are all either a) Elves or b) Fairies. There is a war in our lands. The elf races are;

Frost elves. Typically peaceful. They are the most powerful and are either druids, clerics, bards, or, rarely, fighters. They are all very wise and intelligent.

Sun elves. Typically war-like. They are fighters and rogues, sometimes barbarians. They are very war-like, athletic, and barbaric.

Wood elves. These are diverse in personality. They can be druids, fighters, rogues, clerics, and bards.

The fairy races are:

Tinania's court: They are kind. Titania is powerful, and kind, but also very tough. They use plants and sunlight magic.

Oberon's court: They are cruel. Oberon is powerful, but not as powerful as Titania. His liuetenent Puck makes up for it. Oberon is cruel, serious, and cunning. Puck is mischievious and, though he just looks like a dirty woodland sprite, is very dangerous.


I will be leaving management of this RP to Brookeira, as it was her idea. However, this is still part of the Everlasting RP! Make it . . . erm . . . last!


submitted by Alias
(April 20, 2015 - 12:31 am)

Is there going to be a character form?

submitted by Shadow Draegon, age Alive!, A Cave
(April 20, 2015 - 12:00 pm)

Thanks, Alias! We will have a 7 ppl max.

Here is the form:


Name: Frost Byte

Appearance: Platinum blonde hair, white skin, teal eyes.

Personality: Calm, collected, a genius.

Class: Druid

Race: Frost elf

Worst enemy: Oberon's Court.


Name: Robin Goodfellow (aka Puck)

Appearance: Basically a satyr.

Personality: Mischievous, cunning.

Class: Oberon's #1 assistant.

Race: Oberon's court.

Worst Enemy: Frost elves. 


submitted by Brookeira
(April 20, 2015 - 4:48 pm)



Name: Carric Green

Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, white skin, and a streak of blue on his left hand covered by a long leather glove.

Personality: Very intelligent and peaceful, but a skilled archer and tough to beat.

Class: Ranger

Race: Wood Elf

Worst Enemy: Oberon's court.



Name: Eric Fireflare

Appearance: Bright red hair, grey eyes, bronze skin, and always wears chainmail armor under a red robe.

Personality: Has a short temper, but is a prankster and jokes around and is overall fun to be around.

Class: Fighter

Race: Sun Elf

Worst Enemy: Frost Elves. 

submitted by NatureWriter, age 12
(April 20, 2015 - 6:03 pm)

Wow. I can't remember that I turned 13 yesterday, and if I can't be a ranger, then rogue.

submitted by NatureWriter, age 13
(April 20, 2015 - 7:31 pm)

Auggh! I have to keep editing my characters!

Eric also just has a grudge against the Frost Elves, and hates the Oberon's Court almost as much. 

submitted by NatureWriter, age 13
(April 20, 2015 - 7:38 pm)

Name: Faren Solanah

Race: Sun Elf, rogue 

Gender: M

Age: 213 (elves live waaay longer than humans, if my lore knowledge is correct)

Appearence: Bronze skin, Long black hair pulled out of face, tall and slender, wears ebony leather armor with lots and lots of daggers (rogue stuff, duh)

Personality:  Quiet but incredibly high strung, very charming until he opens his mouth. Always first to take action and make enemies. Doesn't seem to be on either side.

Skills: very stealthy and can sometimes act diplomatic and charming (unless provoked and then he will most certainly not be charming)

Enemies: He has many, it seems not to matter the race


One more charrie :)

Name: Mint

Race: Fairy, renegade (doesn't show complete hatred/respect of either court)

Age: relatively young

Gender: M

Appearance: 7 and a half inches tall, close cropped glittery whitish blonde hair (not from age), pale skin with hints of lavender if blushing, tiny handcrafted silver sword, armor that bears resemblance to mint leaves and mithril.

Personality: Mint is a rare type of fairy that sides with neither court. Of the present, he is on mutually "fine" terms with either court. He is witty and sweet but struggles to keep his mouth in check. Example:


Enemies: He doesn't really like elves very much, but truly hates Oberon and Titania, both equally. 

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(April 20, 2015 - 5:33 pm)

Name: Lumení

Appearance: Silver hair that looks exactly like moonlight. Star white eyes. Tall and slender. Quite delicate. Pointy ears. A black jumpsuit.

Personality: Kind and good-natured. Very loyal to Titania.

Class: Member of Titania's court; mostly goes around helping people, reinforcing protections, stuff like that.

Race: Titania's court.

Worst Enemy: ??????? 

If it's OK, can I add on a few facts about fairies?:
Lower-ranking fairies are small and almost exactly like in the stories, but higher-ranking are a different matter. They are the same size as normal humans, and unless they choose to they don't have wings; they can fly without them.

Also, Titania's Court works with plants by singing (yep, Inheritance Cycle reference).  


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 20, 2015 - 6:26 pm)

Name: Venus Flietrap (get it??)

Appearance: Green eyes, dark green hair and lips. She wears a green leaf outfit, but it isn't a dress. It's a shirt, pants, gloves and high boots.

Personality: A little dark for a Titania's Courtian, but nice enough. She can lie well, but rarely does, and though she has a short temper, she is empathetic and loves all wildlife. She uses lasers (refracted light) and toxic and carnivorous plants in combat. Her favorite flower is a thistle.

Class: Warrior

Race: Titania's Court 

Worst enemy: Oberon's Court.

Name: Redwoode Traii (Tree) (get this one??)

Appearance: Pointed ears, blue eyes, brown hair. She wears a green outfit with leather boots, gloves, a shirt, leggings, one of those cool bandana thingies that you wrap around your nose and moth to obscure them, and always has her bow and arrows on her. The arrows are made of--you guessed it-- redwood.

Personality: Tricksy, good-natured, mischievous, short-tempered, stealthy, empathetic.

Class: Rouge

Race: Wood elf

Worst enemy: Sun elves 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 20, 2015 - 6:51 pm)


Name: Wind Flower (Everyone calls her Wind Flower. Nothing else.)

Appearance: Yellowish white hair, crystal blue eyes. Pointed ears (Duh) and delicate hands. Blue markings on her left arm.

Personality: Shy, kind, calm. Very friendly, hates to see pain, and is sensitive. However, she has a big opinion and will argue for her case. 

Class: uhhh... Druid!

Race: Hybrid of Wood and Frost. Lives in Frost land.

Enemy: Not really anything, but technically, Oberon. 


Name: Petal Pluck 

Appearance: Pinkish hair, light blue eyes, short. Clear yellow pink wings.

Personality: Laughs easily, fun to be with, popular. Slighty mischievious, but makes allies easily.

Class: Healer, ahd spy. 

submitted by Danie
(April 20, 2015 - 7:00 pm)

No more people! We can start.

submitted by Brookeira
(April 20, 2015 - 9:23 pm)


submitted by Brookeira
(April 22, 2015 - 6:55 am)

This has been inactive for too long!!!



There is a war in the forests I call home. Elves and fairies are paranoid, and nowhere is completely safe from harm. Most of us blame Oberon's Court, which is logical, since they are the people who participate in battles the most. Next are the sun elves, who are typically warlike, but I believe this claim wrong. I also believe the sun elves who blame the frost elves are thinking illogically. It is the cruel fairies of Oberon's Court who are leading the evil-hearted people through these lands, which is why I am sneaking up on a sun elf who has been spotted nearing the frost elf and Oberon's court camps in this area. I sneak up on him, and try to make sure he does not know I am here. I mean to come back soon.



I am aware that I am being followed. I mutter under my breath about the sun elf spies being misunderstood, and veer to the left, trying to catch the man off guard. I sigh, realizing that being somwhere between neutral and on the wood elf and Titania's court side is highly exhausting. I wish I had a better job to try and get rid of Oberon's court. Also, as my family has a grudge against them, the frost elves would be nice. I decide to take the path back to the sun elf camp and try again soon. I am still aware of being followed, also, and I don't want to get on the bad side of some elves. Finally, he turns around, and I take a direct path toward the sun elf camp.

submitted by NatureWriter, age 12
(April 22, 2015 - 6:54 pm)


This war is a nuisiance.

All I really care about is keeping the civilans safe, those poor, tiny little fairies that, while having magic, aren't that strong. They have to rely on us, the larger ones, to protect them, but there are not a lot of us. 

With this war, the civilians are in danger, along with every other person. Oberon's Court and the SUn Elves attack whenever they get the chance. The Wood Elves are plenty prepared to fight. We tried to ally with the others who care, the Frost Elves, but we didn't get an answer. Not yet.

I walk along the small path in the middle of the village, greeting others, just keeping the calm. We are safe for now- no one is attacking.


The wooden doors at the front of town suddenly burst open. Warriors stream in. I can't tell which race, and I don't care, except for the fact that they are knocking down the homes and attacking my people.

I begin to sing.

The plants around me grow legs and start to run as others join me. They dash up to the front lines and attack with their tiny little weapons, the thorns, the tough bark. Others control the light and some are blinded.

It isn't enough.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 25, 2015 - 9:41 am)


As I sit on a large silvertree leaf, I suddenly hear shouting coming from a village of Titania's followers.

How sweet of you Oberon

I couldn't care less about the courts. We're all faeries aren't we? I guess not everyone's as great as me at getting along. But I guess I'll help anyway, it might be some of those nuisances that call themselves Sun Elves.

As I flutter into town, I immediately key in on the ring-leader of the defenders. A pixie as myself, with hair that reminded me of moonlight itself, but rather tall for one of us.

"Hey you!" I yell, waving my little sword, "Moonlight hair! What's going on?"

"It's Luminí!" She screams angrily, "And our town is being destroyed if you haven't noticed."

"Just checking." I turn to slice at an invader. "My name is Mint."

"A boy named Mint?" She rolled her eyes. "I've never heard of such a thing."

I dodge a blow that would have taken a wing off, "Well then, my friend, you'venever met me." 

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(April 25, 2015 - 4:51 pm)


I saw Eric long before Eric saw me. After a few moments of thinking it over, I Decided to follow him. It was absolutely hilarious to see my old friend nervously glancing over his shoulder, expecting to see a renegade frost elf with a knife drawn.

Not until he had returned to camp did I call, "Are you afraid of your friends now?"

Eric turned around abruptly. "Really Faren?"

"Did you gather any useful information? Or was it a normal day?" I laughed.

"A few renegades are destroying a village of Titania's to the east." He shook his head. "I wish their war would stop."

"Come on Eric." I rolled my eyes carelessly, "Let the fairies make each other extinct. The sun elven empire will never fall." 

submitted by Cloudy Dweller
(April 25, 2015 - 5:08 pm)