The Author Pairs

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Author Pairs

The Author Pairs Movement.


Hello, welcome to 'The Author Pairs Movement.' (TAPM).

A. Q&A

B. Rules

C. Genre Options

D. Sign-up sheets



Q: What exactly is 'The Author Pairs Movement'

A: 'The Author Pairs Movement' otherwise known as the TAPM is a place where authors to come and look for an other similiar to them in level and genre and pair up with them to write a poem, song, short story, chapter story, etc.

Q: are they paired up with their match?

A: Well first the TAPM managers view the forms that authors have filled out, and judging by the quality of the sample story (poem, song, etc) and the type of genre they like, the TAPM managers will pair them up with someone who is on the same level and likes the same genre.

Q: So, in the forms, do you have to give out any real last name, address, know, stuff you could track me down with?

A: Nope! You just have to give out your name (first name only) or your nickname, a sample story (song, poem, etc.), and likes and dislikes!



Be nice!

Follow all cricket rules!

You can have one partner per story! (Song, poem, etc)

If you and your partner don't get along, I can assign you to another one, if you have a good reason, and if their is two other partners avaliable...but even if you don't get along, please be nice!



Story Options





Poem Options






Song Options






(Please fill this out and copy and paste! Then post! ;)

Name (First name or nickname only.)

Song, Poem, or Story sample. (A short 200 words or less sample of a song, poem, or story that YOU wrote.)

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.


submitted by GloWorm
(March 12, 2009 - 12:39 pm)

So, GloWorm, are you going to create each pair's thread or should we do it?


Hi Kinaya! Can't wait to get started!

submitted by Allison P., age 12, Orlando, FL
(March 17, 2009 - 2:04 pm)

I'll start a thread for us to start! :)

submitted by Kinaya, age 12
(March 17, 2009 - 5:00 pm)

This sounds like a lot of fun!! i would like to give it a try.



The wind whistled through the bare, empty tree branches. Vini picked her way through the graveyard. the full moon illuminated a path of clear silvery light. Soon, Vini reached the low graveyard wall and looked out over the vast expanse of plain before her. Small, wind-battered trees dotted the landscape, and a few animals slept under them. Behind them, stood a vast, imposing forest. Vini frowned, that forest was the reason she had been cast out of her home, left to beg and plead for food and money. That forest was the reasin that she was planning this war.

Ok not my best piece of writing but then again I did write in 10 mins.

Favorite genre: Probably fantasy or Fiction.


submitted by Phoenix
(March 18, 2009 - 6:55 am)

Are there any other people interested in the author pairs thingy???

submitted by Phoenix
(March 18, 2009 - 3:48 pm)

That is awesome, Phoenix! I wonder who you'll be paired with. And why did you write at 6:55 A.M!!!!?????? You are so weird and my best friend!

submitted by Horse Rider
(March 18, 2009 - 3:58 pm)

Just call me the early bird!!! Wink

submitted by Phoenix
(March 19, 2009 - 6:44 am)

This sounds really fun!  I'll give it a try.

Name: Megan

Sample: The maiden’s dark curly hair whipped around her face as she ran.  Her legs were longer than the average human’s, and garbed in colors that blended with the forest around her.  Across her back, within easy reach, lay her bow and quiver.  At her right hip was a hunting knife in a leather sheath.  Tears streaked down her face unchecked and unnoticed.  The trees around her seemed to bend slightly towards her, as if attempting to comfort her.  The forest had always been a haven, but this time, it was fraught with danger.  If only she had--
The maiden jerked her mind back to the present.  There would be no use in wallowing in her past mistakes.  She needed to run.  Speed was all that mattered.  The bounty hunters must not catch her.
Somewhere behind her, a dog barked.  The hunters were gaining upon her.  The maiden attempted to increase her speed in vain.  The day’s events had exhausted her.  The dog barked again.  This time, two more joined in. The maiden halted to withdraw her knife, but it was too late.  The hunters had arrived to claim the wolf's head placed upon any elf caught in the Human Realms. 

Favorite Genre: Definitely Fantasy  


submitted by Megan, age 13, Alagaesia
(March 19, 2009 - 8:29 pm)


I have made threads for everyone that I have paired so far. If you can't find it on the first or second page, look at the last page, or the second to last page.


submitted by GloWorm
(March 19, 2009 - 9:38 pm)

Am I too late? I would really like to try!

Name: Dustfingerfan 

Song, Poem, or Story sample: This is about a queen whose country people from our time discovered and it was still stuck in our past and oblivous to the outside world.

I felt it coming. I don't know how, but I knew we wouldn't be here long. The troops were coming, and coming fast.

We had only just moved and our old town, Willison, was already overun by them. My current residence was next. These people, if they could be called that, were taking over my world. I needed protection, but at this point it was every man for himself.

I didn't know why they were chasing me. They were conquering my kindom as they chased me. Taking down entire villages with their foreign weapons that could kill someone like me faster than any knife. They were coming for me.

They arrived at dawn. I did not sleep well that night. No one did. We were looking for the soilders, the beasts. The men fought the battle and were killed like flies. After that, they took everyone hostage, including me.

I knew they could tell I was the queen. Someone looked back at me every once in a while. They had captured me, but I would not give up.

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.: Fantasy, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction

submitted by Dustfingerfan, age 11, Inkheart
(March 21, 2009 - 9:39 am)

Name: Ema

The autumnal breeze flows through my hair as I watch my pet sail through the air.

Her name is Klia, I decide. Such a beautiful beast deserves an elegant name.

Klia has soft, sea-green scales and stunning aqua horns that glimmer in the sunlight. Her claws are shaded golden, with rings of amethyst around them.

“Klia,” I call, loudly, because she is up high in the air and she might not be able to hear me.

Klia roars, a mighty sound. I am glad we are in a prairie in nowhere.

In Dragonian, Klia responds, “Hello, Lana! Did you see that flip I just did? I’ve been practicing for months now!”

I laugh. “You haven’t been practicing for months, Klia! Only for about a week!”

“I know, I know,” Klia responds happily. “It just seems like it’s been an extremely long time because I’ve been doing this all day.”

“Oh,” I say, surprised. “I had no idea you’ve been doing this for so long. Aren’t you tired?”

“Now that you think about it, I’m pooped,” Klia exclaims. “And cold. I’ll go torch up a fire for us.”

Blue fire protrudes from her snout and lights on the kindling in our fire pit. I snatch up a log and shove it onto the fire.

Klia, in case you are wondering, is a dragon.

Genre: Fantasy

submitted by Ema, age 11, NY
(March 21, 2009 - 10:38 am)

This is only a part of a story, and I wrote it in about 15 minutes, so it is anything but my best work.

submitted by Ema, age 11, NY
(March 22, 2009 - 5:21 pm)

Name: Annie

Sample: Story

Adawna peered out of the stream into the night. The  lead wood sprite and his tree warriors were still there, and with vines tangled in their wild hair, they looked like savages. Her father, a warrior of the water sprites looked weary. Many of her people appeared the same. They were on the defense, that much was clear. The powerful wood sprites were angry, speaking to one another in a low, moaning language, the language of the trees. The council was holding much longer than usual, and Adawna knew that the river warriors could not survive out of the river much longer. The warriors appeared to think the same, and were whispering amongst themselves in the quick, caressing rush of words that was her language. The leader of the wood sprites was angered. He straightened and bellowed so loudly, it shook the forest in his rage. The tree-warriors charged, and came the rumbling roar of the one word of tree-speak she knew- "Kill!"

Genre: FANTASY!!

submitted by Annie, age Immortal, Deep in the Mys
(March 21, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

How do we find out who were paired with? And what happens if we finish the story? Do we start another one?

submitted by Annie, age Ageless, Faerieland
(March 23, 2009 - 6:07 pm)

Hey, Annie!  Nice to meet you. I'm Megan!

I don't know why, but it seems that the person who paired everyone up *coughcoughGlowormcoughcough* has disappeared.  Gloworm?

*walks off into distance, calling for Gloworm*

*returns an hour later, looking disappointed*

OK, so maybe we can pair ourselves up.  Right now we have Phoenix, me, Dustfingerfan, Ema, you and Maggie.  Everyone except Maggie (sorry Maggie!) wants to do some sort of Fiction.  That's all I can do now; I have to go to sleep *yawns*  'Night, everyone!

submitted by Megan, age 13, Alagaesia
(March 25, 2009 - 4:46 pm)

Name: Maggie S.

Sample: Poem

Spring is here?


I woke up, and rushed to my window,

I looked outside for sunny sunshine, 

but all I could see was the fluffy white snow, 

still on the ground from a snowfall last night.


Later that day, the snow had melted, 

but then it started to rain. 

I looked out my window, 

fearful for spring, 

because spring had never came. 


submitted by Maggie S., age 13, St. Paul, MN :D
(March 23, 2009 - 7:24 pm)