The Author Pairs

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Author Pairs

The Author Pairs Movement.


Hello, welcome to 'The Author Pairs Movement.' (TAPM).

A. Q&A

B. Rules

C. Genre Options

D. Sign-up sheets



Q: What exactly is 'The Author Pairs Movement'

A: 'The Author Pairs Movement' otherwise known as the TAPM is a place where authors to come and look for an other similiar to them in level and genre and pair up with them to write a poem, song, short story, chapter story, etc.

Q: are they paired up with their match?

A: Well first the TAPM managers view the forms that authors have filled out, and judging by the quality of the sample story (poem, song, etc) and the type of genre they like, the TAPM managers will pair them up with someone who is on the same level and likes the same genre.

Q: So, in the forms, do you have to give out any real last name, address, know, stuff you could track me down with?

A: Nope! You just have to give out your name (first name only) or your nickname, a sample story (song, poem, etc.), and likes and dislikes!



Be nice!

Follow all cricket rules!

You can have one partner per story! (Song, poem, etc)

If you and your partner don't get along, I can assign you to another one, if you have a good reason, and if their is two other partners avaliable...but even if you don't get along, please be nice!



Story Options





Poem Options






Song Options






(Please fill this out and copy and paste! Then post! ;)

Name (First name or nickname only.)

Song, Poem, or Story sample. (A short 200 words or less sample of a song, poem, or story that YOU wrote.)

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.


submitted by GloWorm
(March 12, 2009 - 12:39 pm)

Rhyming Top: That was good! 

TOP TOP TOP TOP  TOP TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Olive
(July 17, 2010 - 5:00 pm) did TAPM get up here? Come on, people! I want to do some kind of poem if anyone wants to partner with me....

submitted by CJ
(July 19, 2010 - 11:03 am)

If Gloworm is still here, I hope she\he helps us!!!

submitted by CJ
(July 19, 2010 - 2:44 pm)

And why isn't realistic fiction a catagory?

submitted by CJ
(July 19, 2010 - 2:45 pm)

Name: Olive

Story sample: The water rippled as she cast a pebble into the creek. She sighed in her mind. She wondered if anyone would ever understand her. And if she would ever be able to communicate with them. "Trapped in her own bubble." she had once heard her mother comment. Of course, her mother did not know she was there. "I had always wanted a smart young girl, not an overgrown disabled one." another thing her mother had said. The poor girl sighed again. She threw another pebble into the creek. It's landing was too loud for her sensitive hearing so she screamed. Once the noise settled down, she stopped. 

Asperger's is what she had. Asperger's is what was unwanted by her mother. Asperger's is what had turned Amy's life into a living nightmare.


Favourite genre of story: I would like to either write a romance or fantasy. But can the story not be about talking animals and/or Pokemon? Sorry. Embarassed

((I had to post this twice, since I forgot to hit the send button)  

submitted by Olive
(July 19, 2010 - 3:09 pm)

Yo yo yo I'm da Rapping Top and I don't want this thread to stop! TAPM matters to me like everything there'll ever be! Peace out dawg and never stop you silly thread when you reach da top! WORD!

submitted by Rapping Top
(July 21, 2010 - 7:37 am)