Fantasy/Ashan RP This

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Fantasy/Ashan RP This

Fantasy/Ashan RP This is similar to middle-earth, but not the same and please read my post to the end. Their are five factions who all live on the continent of Ashan 1. the Elves live in the country of Irolan(like middle-earth Elves) 2. The knights live in the Griffin Empire and are humans(they do have royalty). 3. The necromancers live in Heresh and they are ghosts, vampires, zombies, and some humans. 4. The demons live in Sheogh.5. The wizards live in the Silver Cities and are like people with Gandalf's powers, but they dress like the people in Aladdin.If you would like an artifact I can assign you one. And the demons cannot leave Sheogh unless their is a blood moon eclipse, and when that happens they try to wreck havoc all of Ashan.

Name: Ariana Leone


Faction: Knights

Goal to complete during game: restore my family's honor.

Looks: light brown hair, blue eyes, dressed in this cool armor, rides a Griffin (only a member of the Royal family can do that)

Personality: smart, tough, knows to use a sword, sarcastic

Artifact: an ancient ancestors sword

Other: her father was thought to be on the demons side last blood moon eclipse, her father is the kings brother and she even though she doesn't know she was the heir to the throne when she was little. And every day she goes to the king to seek an audience to clear her family's name.

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In Herbology
(October 8, 2015 - 8:15 am)


I nod. "Thank you, friend. I will prepare myself for any attack we face-"

The lights in the palace blow out. "I don't like this," I whisper. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 15, 2015 - 3:15 pm)

Ariana ~As the room goes dark the wizard true to light the room with her staff, but it won't work it's just sputtering blue sparks. Then I notice a small glowing in the corner of the room. I start walking towards the light when I realize it's one of the elves I mean I don't know any of their names! I pull out my sword from its scabbard just in case. It's still dark except for the elf who sends to be trying to cover it up when I yell at her "Stop trying to cover it up Elf!" She whimpers and stops trying to cover it up. We should leave now I say. "Come on Varkas" I say to my Griffin. Walking out of the room I stop turn and say "We should meet at the Sleeping Stag Inn, after all most of you will be staying there." When I reach the door I saddle Varkas and we fly out.


Note this is a map of where we are. Just look for the initials of your or another's charie.


l      ZS                     kN.             A SR l 

l           G                          SS.               l

l.                             AL.                   L   l

l-----------------------              --------------------

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 15, 2015 - 7:39 pm)

What is the map relative to?


l distrust this Sleeping Stag Inn. Too cheery,  too comfortable. There's no blood stains on the floor or walls, no doors with claw marks or heavy locks. Just wrong. 

l leave Gryo in the stable, he'll spook the other guests. 

At the table, l politly refuse any food. No one asks why.  l'll find someone's blood to drink tonight. They probably find it unnerveing that l'm staring to them. Paranoid. 

"So, ahem, does anyone know exactly what we are doing?"

l am meet with blank looks. "There hasn't been a bloodmoon eclisp for at least fifty years." States one of the elves. "l don't have experiance fighting demons." 

"Oh, l was there. In case you haven't noticed, vampires are immortal."


"But l didn't encounter any demons."

"Yes, but what are we going to do to prepare?"

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 16, 2015 - 5:32 pm)

This is the map of Ashan.          /------------------/

/--------------/   The  Griffin   /       Sheogh       /

/ Irolan.    /        Empire       /                                /


|       Silver.         /        Heresh     /

/                 Cities.     /                          /


.          o    e

D.        B

submitted by Cho C., age 12, In my dormitory
(October 15, 2015 - 7:57 pm)

i will be human if i am does that mean i have dark powers can and can i be part of the royal family or no

scarlet jones

age 14

faction necromancers


aperance has light blue hair  hair grey eyes fair skin almost like a vampire but still has color in it  wears black dress that is long in the back and short in the fornt 

personality firece very loyal dark  


submitted by emij114
(October 16, 2015 - 3:06 pm)

Yes you can have dark powers as a human they usally live for an extended period of time like five hundred years , and do you mean the Royal family of the Griffin Empire or of Heresh. You can be from either if you want. You can even be the daughter of king Nicolai who disappeared for several years and then reappears during the game.

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 16, 2015 - 6:44 pm)

i will be the kid of king Nicolai

submitted by emij114
(October 17, 2015 - 1:08 pm)

Okay, can you just kind of just pop up at the Sleeping Stag Inn?

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 17, 2015 - 3:17 pm)

It WAS the throne room, but we moved to the Sleeping Stag Inn so I will make a new map.

Ariana ~This vampire is so annoying. I resolve to kill him when we're done. "There is nothing to do to prepare!" I yell at everyone. Instantly mortified I quiet down and ask: "Well we could start by introducing ourselves?"

The elves seen to enjoy this idea. I roll my eyes at this. "I am Ariana Leon" I announce. One of the elves looks curious at this. She introduces herself. "I am Serin Rose." She says rather primly."You must be related rather closely to King Nicolai if you ride a Griffin, but I have never seen your name in any of the books at the Scholarhouse which I studied at, and its one of the finest in all of Irolan. " She says.

I tense up. And then promptly ignore her. One of the other elves seems to notice my discomfort and introduces herself. "I am Anyenna." She says gesturing to the next elf. The other elf glares at her and pulls on her bangs nervously. "I'm Skya." She mumbles.

The wizard pipes up and says "My name is Lydiana!" The vampire glares at all of us and says "My name is Zachary." With a sigh he starts looking gloomy again.

submitted by Cho C., age 12, In potions
(October 17, 2015 - 8:41 am)


"Ah, so one of the royal family?" l say to Ariana. "l always knew that they were all so higher and better then the rest of us. Especially a mere vampire."

She flinches.  l know that she doesn't like me. Just cause l'm a vampire. Paranoid.

"So." Says  Lydiana. "Does anyone know anyhing about fighting demons or dark powers?"

One of the elves rasies a hand. "l have not, however l have read up a large amount of information about demons."

l smile, smugly. "l have dark powers." Ariana looks like she might slap me. 

"Should we be training, or something?" Skya asks. 

"Maybe you do, but l am-"

Ariana cuts me off.

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 17, 2015 - 6:32 pm)

I'm sorry for using your charries, but if otherwise we would NEVER have been introduced. I'm sorry again. :-(

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In transfiguration
(October 17, 2015 - 2:31 pm)

Ariana ~ That vampire is going to drive me nuts, before I can kill him. "You, you, it's you who thinks your so much better then the rest of US. And I'm scarcely even considered Royal. My father, brother to King Nicolai"-the elf Serin I think stops me. " Wait the king of the Griffin Empire, doesn't have a brother. " "But my father is King Nicolai brother! And I am his own daughter!" I protest. Zachary prods me on. "What about your father?" I finally settle down. "It's none of your business." I mumble. The door opens and a strange girl, with light blue hair and a black dress comes in and the whole room goes quiet. She also appears to have skeleton warriors by her side. Only Zachary doesn't look freaked out. She goes up to Rolly, the owner of this establishment and says "Rolly do you have a room for me to stay in?" She seems to be quite familiar with this place. "I don't even know who you are and how you know my name." Rolly stuttered. "Oh Rolly it can't have been that long it's me. Scarlet."

submitted by Cho C., age 12, In my dormitory
(October 18, 2015 - 7:15 am)


I eye the necromancer warily. "Join me in the other room," I whisper to the others. The elves nod. The vampire and supposedly royal girl look dubious, but I give them my "don't cross me right now this is important," look. The royal gives me a "fine" look and the vampire gives me a "I would kill you if I could but whatever" look. I'm accustomed to both.

We walk into the other room and I shut the door. "That woman is a necromancer," I mutter, "I don't think we should stay here."


submitted by Brookeira
(October 18, 2015 - 4:30 pm)

Ariana ~ "I for one agree with Serin, all-ooh sorry most necromancers try to ruin everything," I said sarcastically. Zachary glares at me. "Let's pack up," I say. The door flys open and Scarlet walks in. "Hello," she says pleasantly. She makes a motion with her hand and the zombies block the door. "Let's have a little chat," she says in the same tone.

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, In my dormitory
(October 18, 2015 - 4:50 pm)

Sorry i haven't posted yet. I will start where we are. 


I don't saw anything. I don't really. I am the be quiet and observe type of person. The other people are discusing there plans. I take out a rag and pollish my bow. We are going move to another place to night because they don't trust the nicromance. I don't care I Pick up my arows and follow the others out of the room. When we leave the Inn the I see the nicromancer is still talking to the owner. He looks disapointed to see us go. WHen we get outside i breath in thenight air deeply. Some of our company go to the table for horses. I am going to run. i don't like to ride. It makes me to stiff. As i streack i an arrow falls out of my quiver. i bend to pick it up. As i do, my hair slides back and my star is exposed. At that moment o ne of the boy in our company comes around from the stables. He sees my star befor i can hide it. I wait for him to yell' Monster! " but he only gives me a strange look. 

submitted by Elvina
(October 18, 2015 - 8:51 pm)