Welcome to ETHOS,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Welcome to ETHOS,

Welcome to ETHOS, the Ethical Triumphant Heroes Of Survival. You may not know it yet, but you are a potential threat to the evil tyranny we call The Parliament. Yes, The Parliament is evil. I thought you'd figured that out by now, after being captured, thrown from prison to prison, and finally shipped...here. To this island. This place will test your survival skills like never before. But don't worry. We are here to help. 

So! This is an RP set in a futuristic, science fictional setting. The government, which is a Parliament, is evil and plans to take over the world. It secretly captures everyone able to resist it and ships them off to an evil island far from the mainland. Nobody else knows of this island's existence. But the captured prisoners formed a secret organization called ETHOS, which is dedicated to defeating the terrible island and training the new prisoners that arrive every month. (Those will be our charries!)

The island is evil. It swarms with monsters and evil creatures, lurking in the shadows of the deep forest, their eyes glimmering. Swamps are found frequently, full of deadly quicksand and poisonous muck. There are pools of lava, hidden crevasses, electric lakes, geysers that shoot acid 50 feet high, walking trees, and of course, tons of monsters. It is unknown why the island is so dreadfully cursed, but if ETHOS can discover its secrets, perhaps we could get back to the mainland and warn the citizens about the evil Parliament. 

One charrie per person, two if you really want to. Here is the sheet:


Appearance and Age: 11-15


Powers and/or secrets: Basically the reason he/she was captured in the first place. They could have a minor power, know something about the government, etc.


I hope this works. :)

submitted by Jarvis, age ???et
(December 25, 2015 - 4:01 pm)

My charrie:
Name: Terabinthia (Trap) Winchester
Age: 12
Personality: Trap is very sarcastic and kind of odd in the fact that when you look at her, you almost always think you recognise her. 
Secrets: She once found out about a major affair between the Parliament and another country. If this was found out, Parliament could be overthrown. She keeps this secret.. hidden.
Backstory: Trap was a weaponmaker's daughter, and so used to visiting the Base of Parliament. She was delivering a box of weapons when she heard voices behind a door that said, "Keep Out Or Else". Being Trap, she listened at the door and wrote everything down.

When the door slammed open, she was knocked out, taken into custody, and shipped to Newstone Prison. There she proved she could make a weapon out of almost anything, and she was shipped off to several other prisons, then to the island.

submitted by Aquina, age 13, Atlantis
(December 25, 2015 - 7:15 pm)

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Topping Atlantean
(December 25, 2015 - 7:18 pm)


submitted by Top
(December 25, 2015 - 7:19 pm)


submitted by Top
(December 25, 2015 - 9:12 pm)

Top Now!

submitted by Top
(December 26, 2015 - 2:30 pm)

Ohhh, this looks awesome, and I can finally use this charrie I've been dying to! I hope you don't mind. If she's too OP or something, I can make a different one. 

Name: Amara. Just Amara.

Appearance and Age: She's rather small for a twelve-year-old, with large chocolate brown eyes and much lighter brown hair. It's kept perfectly straight and long, and perched on her forehead is a single bronze ringlet. Her legs are completely crippled, so she rides on a gigantic bat who has a ringlet just like hers. 

Personality: With a kind of carefree atitude, she's definitely an optimist. She's a bit of a blabbermouth and quick to share her thoughts.

Powers and/or Secrets: She rides on a gigantic, powerful bat that a magic ringlet enables her to communicate with. Kinda dangerous....

Backstory: She can't remember. Her backstory was almost completely brainwashed away right after she was kidnapped by Parliament from.... somewhere.

Again, if Amara is too unrealistic or something, that's okay. I can make a different charrie.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(December 26, 2015 - 3:41 pm)


submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(December 26, 2015 - 7:26 pm)

I'm in way too much stuff already but this sounds so cool...

Name: Morgan

Appearance: has dark brown curly hair, is tallish and very lean and muscular, usually wears an army green tank top and ripped jams or shorts and a bandanna... But also likes those plaid button up shirts with the studs on the shoulders.

Age: 13

Personality: think Clarisse from PJ. Like is kind of mean and rude and sarcastic, but is also kind and compassionate

Powers or secrets: she knows that parliament is evil (duh) and is trying to lead a rebellion against them.

backstory: her dad was a member of parliament, and found out what they were up to. He was caught and killed, and so Morgan is  to stop them. She has narrowly escaped capture countless times, but eventually was and was shipped off to the island

I hope this charrie is ok. If not, I will change it. 

submitted by Leafmist, age 11 moons, Fowl Manor
(December 26, 2015 - 5:34 pm)

OK, I think I will join. But I will let you know if I drop out. 

Name: Dawn Anderson 

Age: 12

Apperance: Long black hair, smart black eyes, tall and thin, tatttered dirty clothes, mysterous expression. 

Personality:  Mysterous and sad, likes to keep by herself but a good friend if she knows the person very well. She doesn't fully trust new people. 

Powers: She can make fire in her palm. ( see backstory) 

Backstory: her parents worked for the Parlament as builders. When she was five she accidentally burned down their house and killed her parents. When the Parliament came and saw her alive in the burned house, they deemed her dangerous and she was sent to all the prisons then the island. 

submitted by Elvina
(December 26, 2015 - 5:46 pm)

Could I reserve a spot? I'll be away the next two days, but I'll have my charrie ready by/on Tuesday.

submitted by Sydney C., age 13
(December 26, 2015 - 10:32 pm)


submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(December 27, 2015 - 8:17 am)

Name: Frans Fife. He goes by Mark because it was his father's name and he doesn't like Frans.

Appearance and Age: 15. He has longish brown hair in need of a haircut, dark eyes that hide many secrets and hardships, he is avarage height and build but surprisingly small feet for his age.  

Personality: He seems harsh and unwelcoming at first but after knowing him he becomes more inviting and approachable. He likes to stick to the task at hand and can get snapish if someone distracts him while he is working on something, however important. He never knew his family so he does not know what love feels like and can't relate to other's feelings of sadness and he never knew a proper home, and simple comforts cannot make him happy. 

Powers and/or Secrets: h]His parents worked against the Parliament (see backstory), his parents taught him everthing they knew and gave him their files before they died so he knows a lot of things he should not. 

Backstory:  His parents were working against the Parliament and they were captured
and killed when he was young.  He decided he wanted revenge and began
plotting against the government. He did good for a couple years, then he
was caught and sent to the island.

submitted by Regina
(December 26, 2015 - 10:58 pm)

@Regina- Could Morgan maybe have one of those weird, unexplainable crushes on Frans?

Misty says fibi. No, I didn't get a Fitbit watch for Christmas..... Did you? 

submitted by Leafmist, age 11 moons, Fowl Manor
(December 27, 2015 - 4:21 pm)

Ok! That could be interesting!

submitted by Regina
(December 27, 2015 - 9:17 pm)

YES! This looks real cool.

Name: Perry Heifsie


Appearance: Electric blue eyes, short black hair, jeans, and a plaid T-shirt.

Personality: Optimistic, bubbly, doesn't care about his looks.

Power/ secret: Is a technichal genius.

Backstory: Was orphaned at a young age, so he spent his life on the run. Has city survival skills, helped by his smartness. He is very smart.

submitted by Queen Elizabeth, age 11, SC
(December 27, 2015 - 4:24 pm)