Alternate Ego/CAPTCHA sch

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Alternate Ego/CAPTCHA sch

Alternate Ego/CAPTCHA school RP!

So the owners of captchas and AEs have decided it's time for them to go to school. This is a boarding school, and it is rumored to be haunted, although they don't know that. The captchas and AEs do, however, and start freaking out. They get onto the train to take them to the school, not without an unruly struggle. The principal of the school greets them, looking perfectly normal, but their teacher has very pale skin, speaks with a lisp, and has strangely pointy teeth.

Here is the Charrie Sheet:






I will make my Charrie tomorrow. So, have fun! 

submitted by Leafpool, the forest
(May 23, 2016 - 10:36 am)

Whipped cream gun :)

submitted by Ditty
(June 29, 2016 - 4:38 pm)


Get me out of here!!!

I quickly try to summon all ice powers...  GOSH Icy is way better at this. The ice tightens around Igor's throat, choking him... "Who's choking now? Let me out...or else. I can do more with these than just choke you. Ever been impaled by a sword made of Ice?" He opens the rack and I slam my fist into his head, knocking him unconcious. 


Fredrick is staring at me. "What?"

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(June 29, 2016 - 7:09 pm)


Oh no! I never meant for this to happen! The Igor took Frederic and Chilly- and I heard him say something about putting them on the rack! They're going to be tortured! I see Evil Devin gaping at me from across the room. Suddenly my fiery spirit kicks in. I run across the room, grab him, and pull him toward the door. Then I turn and hiss at him, "Listen, buddy, you're going to do what I say. We need to rescue Frederic and Chilly, and you are going to help me. Got it?" He nods. "Good." We race out the doors of the dance room and down the hallway. I stop at one door. I hear sounds of breaking- glass? Ice? Well, whatever it is, I think we've found them. "Come on!" With Evil Devin behind me, I burst into the room. A scene of confusion greets us. Chilly is strangling the Igor with ice, while Frederic is looking slightly amused but also scared. They turn to greet us. "Got any rope?" Chilly asks. Evil Devin pulls a long, thin cord out of his pocket. "Here." She grabs it, and ties the Igor up tight. "There. No torturing students for y'now." She grins. "You were just in time. He had me on the rack-I thought he was actually going to torture me!" Then a voice behind us buts in. "And what is the meaning of all this, students?" A smooth, silky voice says. I turn in horror. A transparent man with long, greasy black hair and long black robes is floating behind us. "I believe you have not seen me before? Ah, I thought not. I, children, am the assistant principle, Several Snap. And I think, my dears, that you had better come with me." He pulls out a long stick from his sleeve and waves it, muttering an incantation. A invisible wall pushes behind us, herding us out of the room, down the hall, and into the principle's office. He opens a door in the office and pushes us in. "You can wait here until the principle comes. He'll 'take care of you.' " He closes the door behind us, and I can hear the grating of the lock. Once I'm sure that he's gone, I turn to Evil Devin, Chilly, and Frederic. "Well, aren't we the lucky ones?" I say sarcastically. "But think for a moment- have any of you read Harry Potter? Well, think who has greasy hair, long black robes, and that awful sneer on his face?" "Severus Snape!" Chilly shouts. "Right! and the name isn't that different, Several Snap, Severus Snape... So this must be his ghost!" Evil Devin sighs. "I told Leeli that this place was haunted. She didn't listen, and now look where it's got us! Locked in a room off of the principle's office, with two teachers that are supposedly from Harry Potter. Oh, joys." Frederic sits up. "You know what we need? A way to escape. What if one of us tells the principle when he gets here that we really need to use the bathroom? He'll take us there, and then there might be someone in the bathroom that we could tell, or one of us could slip out while he's at the bathroom and get help!" "Great idea," I say. "Let's get to it."


How do you like it? Another teacher from Harry Potter. And I finally got the time to do a longer post. Um, and sorry if you don't want them to be in this predicament, but it was an idea that I had at the moment and I don't want to change it now. 

submitted by Leafpool
(June 30, 2016 - 3:03 pm)

WOW that posted fast. I typed out the CAPTCHA like three minutes ago. I guess the Admins aren't very busy right now! Anyway, sorry I mixed up Icy and Chilly. But Icy said that Chilly was on the rack and Chinchilla saud that Icy was on the rack, sooooooo...

submitted by Leafpool
(June 30, 2016 - 3:08 pm)



I watch as Fredric, Chilly, Arwen, and ED are ushered off to the principal's office. I cock my gun and straighten out my dress. With a deep breath, I slip off around the corner and through to the outside, rounding around to the window for the principal's office. Great. There's only a little strip of window along the top. Of all the days to wear a dress. . . I hurry back inside in time to see Several Snap drifting away. Snape. He's always kind of annoyed me, but I don't know. He seems. . . I pull out the third Harry Potter book from the nearest bookshelf and flip through. No, as far as I've gotten, all Slytherins are still terrible people. 

I sneak around the corner. Rats. Locked door. Without thinking, I whirl around and see the key to the door on Snap's jacket.

"YO, SNAPPY!" I yell, aiming my gun. "COMIN' ATCHA!!!" He turns around just in time for a stream of whipped cream to blind him. I dart forward, snatch the keys off his belt, dash back, and unlock the door. I swing it open.

"Let's go!" I call, ushering the others out and spraying more cream in the face of Snap. Then we run away. I'm loving this school. 

submitted by Ditty
(June 30, 2016 - 7:14 pm)
Icy is my CBer! She's a person! Jeesh. I'm the one who's writing here! Me, the first ever AETCHA! Well, there is a CAPTCHAE, but I'm the first AETCHA!!!
We run through the hallways untill...we pull up. "Wait, this hallway was supposed to lead to the dorms! This hallway always leads to the dorms!" Arwen protests. I look around. "You're right." I say.
But, we haven't come to a dorm hallway at all...we've come into what looks like...
A maze.
A dog captcha runs by. "Huh? Isn't this where the dorms..?" I knock him/her out too. Elle looks at me with a funny look. "Umm...Chilly?" "What? Nobody can know we're here..." I'm actually enjoying being brutal. All the pranksters and popular kids rule the school. "Everyone, grab hands. Except if a boy and girl have to hold hands..then grab their wrist." I say. Everyone starts to protest. "Guys, we can't get seperated."
So we take off, weaving through the maze, untill we walk up to a door...the door of my dorm. I take a key from my pocket, open the door, and we crowd in. Yup. It's me and Elle's dorm. But...there's hallways branching out from it. I run up to one of the windows, mine, with the view of the Snowy Landscape. "A little help here?" I ask, prying it open.
It's still a Snowy Landscape, in the middle of nowhere though. I can't see the school...just a Snowy Landscape. I walk over to Elle's and pry it open... Emerald City. No snowy landscape or school in sight. "What do we do now?"
Do we stay here, go through the tunnels, or go into one of the landscapes?

Let me know if I'm being controlling-I'm sorry if I am. I'll rewrite it if needed.
submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 1, 2016 - 9:58 am)

Don't worry, Icy!

You're not being controlling.

I suppose it's my turn now.....


We're in Chilly's room. The room is split exactly in half, just like mine. Chilly is prying both windows open, one shows a snowy landscape and the other an emerald city.

OH GOSH! I forgot to tell Chilly that Igor wasn't going to kill her. I clear my throat and she glances back at me. "Um, Chilly, I forgot to tell you that Igor wasn't going to torture you...... sorry." I grin sheepishly at her. Everyone stares at me. Chilly walks up to me and asks in a very quiet but somehow frightening tone; "And you couldn't have told me that BEFORE I tried to kill Igor?"

I shrug. Clearly not happy with this response, Chilly stomps back to prying open the Emerald landscape.  

I retreat to a corner and start to reflect on our predicament when it hits me.

Such a simple idea. But very effective.

I grin and tap Chilly on the back. "What? I'm busy." "Um, we don't have to go through the windows...." Chilly turns to look at me. "Why not?" I grin happily. "I can just use my canesword to destroy the wall. Then we climb out of the hole."

Chilly grins slyly. "I've got a better idea..."  Before she even tells me what she's going toi do, she blasts a giant hole in the wall with a cascade of ice.


Okay, sorry if I controlled too much.  

"raww!" RAW MEAT, FREEDERIC?! *Frederic gobbles up twenty pounds of raw turkey and Chinchilla faints*

submitted by Chinchilla
(July 1, 2016 - 2:39 pm)

Keep posting, please!


Where's Arwen? One moment she was here, at the dance, and then she was gone! So is Evil Devin. I turn around, looking for them. Suddenly, the music stops and the principal's voice blasts over the speakers. "Attention, everyone, attention, please!" Everyone stops what they are doing, trying to dance on the icy floor, eating the poisoned food, or just sitting. "The dance is canceled. Everyone go back to your dorm rooms immediately. I repeat, go back to your dorms imediately." All the AEs and CAPTCHAs grab their things and rush out the doors. In the crowd I bump into Hazel. "There you are! What's going on?" She shakes her head. "IIll tell youu later." As I turn down the hallway going to my dorm, I notice that the hallway seems to go on for a long time before I find the door. Strange, I think. It's not usually like that. 


We are standing in Chilly's room while she tries to pry open her windows. I think I know which one she'll choose- Her name is Chilly, after all. Frederic clears his throat. "Chilly? Uh... the Igor wasn't actually going to torture you..." Chilly turns and glares at him. "Oh? Well, that's nice to know!" She goes back to her job on the windows. Then Frederic whispers something to her, and she pionts her hands at the wall, and a stream of ice blasts it open! I stare at her. "So which way are we going?"

submitted by Leafpool
(July 2, 2016 - 8:03 am)

I'm sorry if I am being over-controlling, but please post! Icy? Chinchilla? Leeli? I know some of you left this RP, but PLEASE POST EVERYONE WHO IS STILL IN!!!!!

submitted by Post, please!, I am Leafpool
(July 2, 2016 - 1:10 pm)

Nah, you're not being controlling, Leafpool!

Yes  I WILL post soon but I'm not sure if it's my turn yet.......


Oooooooooh yes if it IS my turn then tell me so 'cause I'm not always not top of this sorta thing but I'm kinda sick so that actualy gives me a lot of time to post on Cricket. *sniffles*

Wow. I think I've descovered a talent. I JUST VEERED OFF TOPIC IN THE SENTENCE ABOVE!!!!!


Okay, that was random. There I go and make a typo in the 'that'.

Good thing I've fixed it.




(No, seriously it's true. We raise our own chickens and then SLAUGHTER them. Their deaths are practically painless though.) 


submitted by Chinchilla
(July 2, 2016 - 2:22 pm)


Oh, I didn't think we were taking turns. 

submitted by Leafpool
(July 2, 2016 - 5:36 pm)

Don't die! We were going along so nicely, and then everyone just stopped posting... Icy! Chinchilla? Leeli? Anybody?

submitted by Come on! Please post, age Do not die, Post, Everyone!
(July 3, 2016 - 7:45 am)

I might not be part of this RP at all (I saw it just recently) but the story is amazing! Don't let it die, please return everyone!

And top it to the top, please, Admins. Their story is amazing. 

submitted by Please Return!, age We Need, Your Help
(July 3, 2016 - 1:20 pm)


submitted by Leafpool
(July 3, 2016 - 1:22 pm)

Actualy I'm postin' a lot and this is on the first page.






gotta go! 

submitted by Chinchilla
(July 3, 2016 - 2:39 pm)