Ilfay RP(Pro

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ilfay RP(Pro

Ilfay RP

(Pronounced ILL-fay)

Long ago, the continent of Ilfay was colonized by a few colonists, who had been shipwrecked upon the island. The island was virtually paradise, except for the wastelands on the right side of the mountains.

The continent had a ridge of mountains running through it, with only two places to cross over without having to travel over the mountains, one at either end of the island. The larger of the two passes was a desert, which few ever returned from. 

However the smaller pass led to ground which was amazingly fertile, and grew anything there. The colonists had been setting forth to colonize a nearby chain of islands, but they had been blow off course and only half of the group survived. 

The Captain and his men perished, as they toiled to save the families lives. They famalies, not lacking common sense, made a list of who had survived. However, the paper was lost long ago, and many were most likely forgotten as their tale was passed on from generation to generation. 

The richer families quickly settled in the richer areas, cultivating the livestock they had brought with them. But before I continue, I'd best describe the nature of the country on the left side of the mountains. You know what it's like? Fine then, tell me.

Yes, the higher country is covered in trees. There were more trees back then, you know. The lowerlands are covered in mud? I say they are covered in clay. Don't just repeat the things your parents say about them. They are a powerful country in their own right.

Yes, I do belive we live in the richest land. Right smackdab in-between those who cut down wood, and those who make clay into bricks. Well, we are the decendants of the richer famlies. Now don't interupt, and let me finish.

Now the richer famlies settled in the richer land, cultivating livestock. The other famlies dispersed, a couple settling amoung the richer folk, much to their displeasure. The families chose where they would live according to their abilities.

But where beauty and prosperity bloom, the weeds of deformity and poverty soon follow. A few of their children were found to have magic, so they were cast out into the wilderness of the mountains.

But the children survived, using magic. They were outcasts, and did everything they good to destroy the colonists. But all had to be done in secret, and only small things, such as inciting unrest, greed, and jelousy.

There wern't many of them, but they survived for generations. And to this day, they lurk about in today's society. The unrest which they sowed in our spirits led to a monarchy. Several, actually.

There are are now five countries, Ilsveth the country of wood, Ilara our beautiful country of pastures and livestock, Ilper the country of clay, Ilmeri the country of stone, and Ilwer the country of the golden crop.

So is that why there is so much political unrest now? Quite right. Quite right. In fact we must pray that you are not in danger, your highness ... (ILL-s-veth, ILL-ara, ILL-per, ill-MEER-ee, and ILL-weer)

So! Did ya like that^? I hope so. I spent an hour on it. So as the teacher mentioned, there is political unrest in Ilfay. Ilara and Ilwer are at war, and Ilper recently agreed to an alliance. Assasins and spies are being sent out into all the kingdoms to ensure an alliance with certain kingdoms, and to destroy certain people in high positions.

Anyhoo, here's the charrie sheet:







Any magic?: 

Backstory: (If applyable)



Name: Rhea Iypera (EE-A-peer-a)

Age: 16

Position: Assasin and spy, when need be.

Kingdom: Ilara

Appearance: She has long wavy black hair, is fairly tall and skinny with palish skin. She wears the typical servant's garb of Ilwer, as she is currently posing as a servant in court.

Personality: Very firey, sarcastic, and very prone to anger, unfortunetly. She is in fear that her anger might one day cost her her position in either/both court(s)

Any magic?: No

Backstory: N/A, as she grew up a regular life.


submitted by Cho Chang
(July 8, 2016 - 10:55 am)

I love this idea!!! Anway, here's my sheet.

Name: Shrike Carst

Age: 15

Position: currently a market girl in Sheafstarn, the capital city of Ilwer

Kingdom: Ilwer

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair usually tucked under a worn market cap, dark hazel eyes, fair skin, impish nose.

Personality: never talks to anyone, moody and sullen to customers. But don't make any first impressions, because nobody knows the real Shrike Carst. 

Any Magic? Who knows...

Backstory: arrived in Ilwer a few days after war was announced.


submitted by Starbringer
(July 8, 2016 - 12:11 pm)

Thank you, Starbringer!

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 8, 2016 - 1:18 pm)

Name: Kir Lia (pronounced keer leea)

Age: 15

Position: A librarian and scholar

Kingdom: Ilsveth (because libraries and books are made of trees?)

Appearance: Long brown hair, green eye, very pale

Personality: Smart, studious, and solitary

Any magic?: Yes, has telekinesis but hides it well.

Backstory: (If applicable) Born into the librarian families, became a well-versed scholar but lives in fear of being discovered.

Other: Cats seem to flock to her; it could be part of her magic.

submitted by Brookeira
(July 8, 2016 - 1:52 pm)

Name: Silvia DeForest

Age: 16

Position: Daughter of a nobleman

Kingdom: llara

Appearance: Short, long silvery-blond hair dyed blue at the tips, grey eyes, delicate and bony. Tends to wear fancy dresses. 

Personality: Emotionally unstable, she can go from happy to breaking down with tears in a second, a bit of a spoiled brat, but she's pretty intelligent and considorate. She is very careful in planning, and tends to like everything going her way. She isn't a complete snotty rich girl, she is clever and ambitious in a way that tends to scare people. She is passive agressive, firey, and pretty dark, but she never shows it. She ususally acts mild and quite.

Any magic?: Ice powers, but she doesn't know she has then.

Backstory: She was adopted by the DeForests after being found alone on thier doorstep. Her biological mother froze to death after delivering Silva to their house, she had no food or shelter and could not care for her children. 

Other: Frostbone's sister. 


Name: Frostbone

Age: 18

Position: Spy/assassin 

Kingdom: llwer.

Appearance: Fairly tall, slivery-blond hair and grey-blue eyes.

Personality: Kind of distant, quite, direct and swift. He tends to keep to himself, but gets in fights easily. He's kind of heartless, and doesn't care for anyone. Blunt, he wouldn't lie about anything, 

Any magic?: Ice powers. He does know of them, but he doesn't really use them.

Backstory: See Silva's. He was rasied by a family that was later to be killed in the war. 

Other: Silva's lost brother, neither of them know it.

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Here To Stay
(July 8, 2016 - 3:50 pm)
Name: Hecate (I love greek myth names!!!)
Age: somewhere around ten?
Kingdom: she believes she is from Ilara, but doesn't know.
Appearance: Long braided ginger hair, hunters outfit. Her eyes are purple and huge.
Personality: I don't quite know yet...
Any magic?: She can sometimes run VERY strangely wickedly fast...
Backstory: she lives in the wild in a HUGE hollow tree at the top of a mountain...that's all she knows. 
submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 8, 2016 - 5:27 pm)

Short, wavy, red hair, Caucasian skin, blue eyes.

submitted by Barclay .Q, age Thirteen, Ilara
(July 8, 2016 - 6:56 pm)

Excuse me, Barclay, may you please fill out the whole charrie sheet? I will not accept any halfway filled out sheets. You may still join, but only if you finish filling out the sheet.

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 9, 2016 - 7:54 am)

I'll join, but I can't post a charrie sheet now.

submitted by September
(July 8, 2016 - 8:58 pm)

I reserve a spot!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(July 8, 2016 - 10:54 pm)

This might seem a little strange, posting a charrie sheet as a photo, but my WiFi is spotty and when I tried to submit this, it didn't work and I lost the post. If you can't see all of it, let me know. 

Koda says mkue. I think she's trying to say hi to you, Mei-xue. 

submitted by Curio
(July 9, 2016 - 12:01 am)

Okay! Also, haha, I'm so glad some one saw it as Catan! (Because it is. But with a combo of Dominon, another board game I play.) BTW, I love your charrie! Very well written.

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 9, 2016 - 1:46 pm)

I love Settlers of Catan and Dominion!

submitted by Brookeira
(July 9, 2016 - 4:04 pm)

Same here! I play both! Awesome!!

submitted by Curio
(July 9, 2016 - 10:24 pm)


Sorry. :D

I'm just so happy/excited. My family is extremely big on strategy board games. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(July 10, 2016 - 7:27 am)

Same! Well maybe not my parents. But my siblings are total board game enthusiasts. 

Example: every year, my 4 brothers and I have a Risk tournament. IT. IS. AMAZING.


submitted by board game lover
(July 10, 2016 - 12:11 pm)