Werecreature RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Werecreature RP

Werecreature RP

Many of the rps out there that i attend die out, and the only one i am doing right now is the spirit animal rp. Hope this one thrives!

Anyways, let's get onto it!

You wake up in a cell. You have no idea how you got there, and why. You remember your name age and birthday though. Too speed things up, let's suppose you have been living here for a few months now. There are scientists there who tell you what to do, and you always have this urge telling you that you should follow their orders. They make you do things, like for example, lift up this sandbag. Some things you are terribly terrible at, like a normal human would, but some things you are exceptional, like a human wouldn't be able to do. Nobody knows why, but don't usually bother to bother with it. Now, the urge is wearing off, and you begin to question things, but the urge is strong enough to prevent you from doing anything bad, until you get a good reason too. One day, you find a letter in your cell, which is your home, attached to the assignment board. It says:

Dear Reader,

I don't know who you are, and you son't know who I am. I need your help. In case this is intercepted, I'll be using a code name. I can help you as well, for i can give you information. Meet me Midnight, on thurday(three days form now if you forget), in the lounge. If you prefer to visit me, ask the dim-witted guard Rob to visit the M cell. He won't be suspicious and dosen't fill out the suspicious activity forms. DO NOT TELL ANYONE OF THIS!

Sincerely, Peter Scupp

From your knowledge, all of the cells are numbers, not letters, and when you check the assignment board, nobody named Peter Scupp is doing anything. Not even on the special event days where they get to interact.


So for the powers thing, that's their werepowers coming through. Everyone has a were-form. Like a were-wolf, there are were-tigers, were-gazelles, and other werecreatures, but no magical creatures or non-existent ones. I want this to be a bit realistic as possible. Some things:

This is going to work kinda like were-world, a book series. The bite dosen't spread the were-ness, except for this serum the scientists injected into you, which you don't remember. Nobody can have the same were-creature. You can transform into the were-form whenever you like, but it is kinda difficult when you don't know you are one in the first place. The more experienced werepeople can transform entirely into their werecreature, but it will be slightly larger than normal. You are able to harness any ability your animal has, in combination with your own. No magic. Ask any questions you want! Here's the form:


Age (only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement):



Background Info (optional):


Here's my charrie:

Name: Cadman Drake Porosus

Age(only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement): 17

Werecreature: Saltwater Crocodile

Personality: Secretive, and not entirely trusting of everyone, but cares for others. 

Background Info(optional): Cadman was an athlete, he's the star in the school swimming team. Knows some martial arts, and wants to be a navy SEAL. 

Other: He's the one who sent the letter, and is considered so dangerous, he is kept in the special cell M.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(October 24, 2016 - 8:03 pm)

Let's say that they want to put the memory-altering medicine on you again, but want to test you on fighting the guards as one of the tests they do to you first.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(October 30, 2016 - 7:45 pm)

Top? top top top top!

submitted by TOP!, age topest, Top of the world
(October 30, 2016 - 5:06 pm)


I jolt awake and let out a percing scream. Guards come rushing toward my cell. I grimace. Again? "It was nothing," I mumble. "Thought I saw a ghost." That's my usual response, it makes the gaurds laugh and forget, and it covers up the fact of what really happens. I have dreams, something is always coming for me, always in an animal form. This time a crocadile, though to tell the truth, it didn't scare me as much as the other animals. What scared me? It was trying to tell me something, and then.... I can't remember the rest. I finger my feather. I have to be brave. The letter I have recived gives light to the solution. Crocadile trying to tell me something, mysterious Peter Scupp trying to tell me something. They are the same. But something doesn't want me to find out. I know right, dream interpretations? I'm such a weirdo1 But seroisly, it works every time.

(October 30, 2016 - 7:38 pm)

Little note: Cadman's last name is the species name for the saltwater crocodile. 

I also think the schedule should go like this at the lab: Testing 1, Breakfast, Testing 2&3, Lunch, Testing 4&5, Dinner, evening free time, bed. If anyone finnished early, they were taken to their cells to wait.

~Cadman Drake Porosus

The guard comes up to my cell, grunts, and takes me down the hallway to one of the many testing rooms, when the guard shoved me in, then slammed the door, I was greeted by scientists seperated by a glass window on one side and a huge pool in the middle of the room. "Welcome to the pool excersize. According to our records, this is a new task for you because of your history. You are to swim from one side to the other as fast as you can. Good luck." the microphone blared. They said this was new because of my history. This is new information. The only memories I had recovered by dreams was going to something called home and school and meeting a bunch of people there. Some of them I've seen in the lounge. "Please change into your swimwear on the room at the side. Please be prompt." It blared again. I spotted a room and went into it. It was relatively small, but there was clothing neatly folded on the side. I unfolded it. It was swimpants, and it was somehow familiar. I put it on, and went to the side of the pool, instintively going into some position that was familiar, yet I never remember doing it before. "Go!" the microphone bleeped, and I dove into the water. I knew how to swim, like everyone who was tested here, but I knew I was faster than all of them. I let in some of the crocodile, and I soon slapped the side of the pool and gasped up for air. The three scientists were talking to eachother, and I took a look at the video. The first one was of a regular human, which looked exactly like me, except it couldn't have been, since it's my first time doing the swimming assignment. The time it took him to reach the end of a pool that looked exactly like this was twenty seconds. Then they showed the video of me doing it. It took fifteen in the second video. "You have certainly improv- er, beaten this person shown on the screen. Thank you for taking the test. More swimming tests may be assigned after an analysis. You will be taken to the lounge for breakfast once you've changed." the announcer bleeped. I was pretty sure it was about to say "improved". I changed, and I looked around. No sensors or cameras, and I stashed the pants in my pocket, and left to the door. The guard was waiting for me, and roughly took my arm to take me to the lounge. He shoved me inside, and closed the door to chat with the other guards also guarding the lounge room door. This was the only room that wasn't under security cameras beside the changing room and the cells, because we weren't allowed to talk, and they thought their memory medicine would do the trick because they would obey them. I opened up my slot in the wall, and out came out my food. It was cereal in colorful "o"s and in milk. I grabbed the tray, and sat down on one table, and glanced around. They were all here, and I was sure they were thinking about my letter.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer, Somewhere over the rainbo
(October 30, 2016 - 8:42 pm)

Sorry I didn't see that this had started!



I called, my voice lost in the mist around me. Raina........

A fugure was still-houted in the mist. I couldn't see what it looked like, except it had the shape of a girl. Lycio........where........are...........you.......?


I woke with start. That dream again. The girl in the mist. Calling. Me waking before I can tell her where I am. Room 39. With extra-stronge iron bars. The girl, Raina. My sister the scientist had told me died a few year ago. You would think I would remember something like that? 

I got up, streching my legs. I yawned, brushing the bare white walls. My bare feet were cold on the stone floor, but I had gotten used to it. Stong calluses lined the bottums of my feet. I saw a girl being walked back to her cell. She was the girl who always got tested before me. I learned to wake right as she was walked back to her cell or else be brutally awaken by a trumpet. As would all of the other children in here. As I walked over to wait by the door for my touge-looking caretaker, I caught sight of a peice of papper stuck to the heavy and thick iron bars of my cage. I ripped it off and read it threw. "The loft? On thursday." I whispered. "At midnight." Well I'm always awake around midnight so that shouldn't be a problum. But one thing is. "Why me?" 

"EUHUM!" Oh dog poop. My caretaker was here! "What is that?" I looked down at the note. DO NO TELL ANYONE OF THIS! Not even my caretaker then. He's harsh on me, he doesnt get to know. I glared at him in the eye and slowly started taring the paper. Protected by the iron bars, he couldn't do anything to me. Not until he found his keys anyway. 

i ripped the note into little shreds and scattered then all around my small room. The gate clicked open and his angery face emerged into the room. "Come on brat. Lets get this over with."

He grabbed my arm and harshly dragged me from my cage before locking to door behind him. I looked down the hall at a cage with extra thick and extra bars. A boy with hungry crocodile eyes glared back at me.

Cell M.

In the cell where they test us from behind a sturdy glass window, which I thought was compleatly unneccicary, where large hevey weighted iron poles and large sandbags on sturdy poles almost nailed into the ground. "Today we'll be testing your strenght. We'll time to to see how long it takes to knock these bags over and lift those weights." 

Oh great. I moaned. I'm never going to get out of here. "Ready? Lift the weights first. GO!"

I ran over to one of the poles and grabbed hold of its not-as-slippery-as-I-expected surface. I lifted up with all my might, teeth grinding, untill it felt like my arms were going to fall off. I turned around, shook out my arms, and grabbed hold of it from behind. I didn't know what I was doing, but before I knew it there was a creaking sound and the full weight of the iron was put onto my back. For a second I felt like I was going to get crushed, and then I felt my knees lock and something in my back changed. I felt bigger. Stronger. The pole was easy to lift now. ANd suddenly I also felt taller. I put the pole down right where it was with no effort and looked out at the sceintists who were bussy jolting down notes. "Next test....knock the sandbags down." The speekers boomed. They didn't even show how I did on the camra. "Ready set go!"

I looked towards the sandbag. How was I supost to knock that down? I stommped my foot like a hourse would do before it charges and snorted. Wait, did I just snort? I hope noone saw that....

Then I charged. It felt like lightning speed. ANd then I rammed into the sandbag. No, not with my sholder. I rammed into it full on. With my head.

It groaned as I kept pushing, my feet digging into the ground. ANd then it gave way and the iron bar snapped. The sandbag slid to the ground and I looked back up at the scientists. They were staring wide mouthed at me. I looked over to the sandback to see the damage that I did. Two holes were punctured into the plastic and sand was leaking from it.

Those holes weren't there before....

Carefully I raised a hand to feal my head. My fingers traced over two horns sticking from my head. My eyes went wide. I looked down and saw that my feet werent feet anymore.

They were hooves.

And then all at once I shrunk, well it felt like I was shrinking, and the horns vanished. And my feet looked normal.

As if I emagained it. 

submitted by Claaws
(October 30, 2016 - 9:35 pm)



I can hear the guard coming down the hall. I quickly stuff my journal under my pillow and get up to wait for them.

"Come on." the guard grunts while opening the cell.

I follow him down the hall. Looking around for a Cell M.

Help me.....

I wake up with a start, in the gaurds arms.

"What happened?" I ask in a blur.

"Your eyes sort of glazed over... and you just fell." the gaurd says.

"Oh, I didn't sleep well last night." I say.

We arive at the testing grounds. I enter the room to see cones in the middle of the floor. 

In this test you will have to find a grilled cheese sandwich without looking under the cones.

Great. I lift my nose into the air, smelling nothing strange, when suddly I hear a SNAP and the smell of things invade my nose. I can smell the scientists behind the screen, one of them had a fish sandwich for breakfast. Then I smell a grilled cheese sandwich under the middle cone. I walk over and lifted the cone, underneath was a grilled cheese sandwich.

Sorry that's it, I'll do more later.  


submitted by Moonfrost , age Who cares?, Mars
(October 31, 2016 - 6:54 am)


They always come at night.

I am suspended above the floor through use of three rebars, given no access to water but through my caretakers.

A letter flies under my cell door. I strain my foot and create a claw on it, piercing it and bringing it to my face. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 31, 2016 - 10:40 am)

By the way, because Anna is so skinny and small, she can squeeze between bars and end up in other people's cells. But not out of her own cell to freedom, because those bars are stronger and closer together. Is that alright? 


I'm sitting at a table, surrounded by smiling faces. There's a big cake in the middle of the table, and everyone is singing a song. A very familiar song. I know the tune by heart, but I can never quite catch the words. At the end, I blow out the candles on the cake, and make a wish. There are eleven candles; I'd counted them all. 

Arms wrap around me, and someone kisses me, "Anna, happy birthday." 

I laugh, and turn to the little girl. I strain the remember her name, but I can't. Why can't I? I've known her forever. I frown, and she giggles, "Anna, Anna!" 

I hug her, and my heart feels warm and happy. Someone is cutting the cake. Then the doorbell rings, and the door is opened. There is some talk, but I don't listen to it, and I hear someone come in. He walks over into the room, his footfalls heavy, and he's about to come into sight... 

I keep my eyes closed a bit longer, then spring up, then look around, catching sight of a paper on the ground. I make my way toward it, reading it. 

Peter Scupp, midnight, the lounge. Sounds good! I slip it under my pillow, then squeeze between the bars, into Kylie's cell. She's one of the few eleven-year-old's here, but I'm smaller than her. She's nice to me, and she's very loyal and protective of me. I like it. I like to imagine that it's what a mother might feel like. But then, I dont' remember. 

I creep over to her bed, and tap her gently on the shoulder, "Kylie?" 

She opens her eyes, sitting up, "You're here again, Anna? Be careful not to get caught by the guards." 

"I know, I won't!" I hug her, and she smiles. I hear a movement in the hallway, and quickly squeeze into my cell again. Kylie winks at me, and I giggle, as my caretaker unlocks my door, "Annabella Wilanx, come with me." 

I walk out of my cell, as she leads me to a testing room, leaving me in there. 

submitted by Alexandra
(October 31, 2016 - 4:21 pm)

l'm so sorry, but l don't think l'll be able to post regularly on this because of NaNoWriMo. l'm dropping out, feel free to use my character if you wish :)

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 31, 2016 - 10:28 pm)


I'm still contemplating my dream. Peter Scupp, hmmm. I know he's trying to tell me something, but what? I see Rob walking down the hallway and decide that I'll go. I'll vist Peter Scupp, whoever he is. "Rob!" I shout, and he turns. "Want some company?" He laughs, "Sorry Kylie, I've gotta-" I inturrupt him quickly. "Can you take me to cell M? Please? My dream says I need to meet my fate in Cell M!" He sighs. "Fine, what's with you and dreams?" 


When I reach cell M, I turn to Rob. "You can go now, my dream said there was something waiting in the lounge." He chuckles and leaves. I turn back to cell M, peering into the darkness. "Hello?" I say, fingering my necklace. "I know you're there." Nothing. I start pacing in front of the cell. "It's not feeding time, it's to early to be training time, and everyone knows that we have to wake up at 6:30." Still nothing. I let out a frustruated noise of exasperation. "Come on Scupp! Your crocadile told me that you would tell me something!" From the corner of my eye I see a movement. I take a step closer. A tall boy probably much older than me steps out of the shadows. "That I do, Kylie." I narrow my eyes. "How do you know my name?" He grins, "How do you know I'm a crocadile?" His green eyes search me. I also look at him, searching for any signs of danger. "You came in my dream, trying to say something. But then something else came," I darkened. "It did not want me to know." His brow furrowed in thought, "So you came to see what I was trying to tell you?" I nodded. He sighed, "Well, you see..."


(November 1, 2016 - 8:17 am)

~Ìsabella Romave

*wakes up from a dream of meeting Midnight the mysterious werecreature then realises that she must do that immedietly! She sends a letter to midnight secretly through the mail box in the cell* (this is what it said)


 Dear, Peter Scupp

I  will be glad to meet you i am so very lonley i dont have many friends I am in cell I. This is my first time mailing scince I was a little girl please reply soon.



submitted by Isabella S.
(November 1, 2016 - 2:58 pm)


When I wake up i stick my head out of the bars and see Cell M next to me I look across At least I can talk to the person mentioned in the note.

"psst." He didnt reply "PSST! HEY!" I whisper trying not to be heard by the bulky guards.

he turned to look at me "Why are you here?" he asked suspishusly

"I attacked the guard again." I admitted

"So they moved you here"

"I guess so" I mutter then an idea popps into my head."Hey do you know anyone named peeter scup" I say casuially. at the mention of the name he turned to me.

(srry its so short but im too lazy and i suck at rping) 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 1, 2016 - 5:27 pm)


When I wake up i stick my head out of the bars and see Cell M next to me I look across At least I can talk to the person mentioned in the note.

"psst." He didnt reply "PSST! HEY!" I whisper trying not to be heard by the bulky guards.

he turned to look at me "Why are you here?" he asked suspishusly

"I attacked the guard again." I admitted

"So they moved you here"

"I guess so" I mutter then an idea popps into my head."Hey do you know anyone named peeter scup" I say casuially. at the mention of the name he turned to me.

(srry its so short but im too lazy and i suck at rping) 

submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 1, 2016 - 5:27 pm)

My phone deleted my post. Anyway, it's basically: 

Javier realizes he's crazily fast, like a jaguar. And decides to accept the invitation to meet in the lounge.

Sorry, I'm lazy, but I don't want to type all that again. 

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(November 1, 2016 - 7:02 pm)

The multiple posts are getting a bit confusing. Sorry Tyberious. 

~Cadman Drake Porosus

I looked at Kylie. She was observing me as well, and I could tell she desperatly wanted an answer. "You came in my dream, trying to say something. But then something else came. It did not want me to know. I thought for a moment. "So you came to see what I was trying to tell you?" I asked slowly. She nodded. I sighed. This was not going to be easy. "Well you see, I unintentionally went into your dream, and you were in your were form." i tried to explain. Kylie cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Everyone is a were thing here. You know about werewolves in the story books they leave in the cells right? We're kinda like those werewolves, but we're in control, because we can change whenever we want, and we're not just wolves. I'm a crocodile, which you saw in your dream," I explained. "Anyways, your wereform was a peregrine falcon, and I was trying to tell you that you should immediatly change back because the scientists will make us do worse things. I don't know very much, but that was what I was able to pick up from the occasional talks with the scientists and the guards. Anything else you want to talk about? I prefer not explaining things over and over again, so I'll cover more at the meeting." I growled.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(November 1, 2016 - 7:10 pm)