Werecreature RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Werecreature RP

Werecreature RP

Many of the rps out there that i attend die out, and the only one i am doing right now is the spirit animal rp. Hope this one thrives!

Anyways, let's get onto it!

You wake up in a cell. You have no idea how you got there, and why. You remember your name age and birthday though. Too speed things up, let's suppose you have been living here for a few months now. There are scientists there who tell you what to do, and you always have this urge telling you that you should follow their orders. They make you do things, like for example, lift up this sandbag. Some things you are terribly terrible at, like a normal human would, but some things you are exceptional, like a human wouldn't be able to do. Nobody knows why, but don't usually bother to bother with it. Now, the urge is wearing off, and you begin to question things, but the urge is strong enough to prevent you from doing anything bad, until you get a good reason too. One day, you find a letter in your cell, which is your home, attached to the assignment board. It says:

Dear Reader,

I don't know who you are, and you son't know who I am. I need your help. In case this is intercepted, I'll be using a code name. I can help you as well, for i can give you information. Meet me Midnight, on thurday(three days form now if you forget), in the lounge. If you prefer to visit me, ask the dim-witted guard Rob to visit the M cell. He won't be suspicious and dosen't fill out the suspicious activity forms. DO NOT TELL ANYONE OF THIS!

Sincerely, Peter Scupp

From your knowledge, all of the cells are numbers, not letters, and when you check the assignment board, nobody named Peter Scupp is doing anything. Not even on the special event days where they get to interact.


So for the powers thing, that's their werepowers coming through. Everyone has a were-form. Like a were-wolf, there are were-tigers, were-gazelles, and other werecreatures, but no magical creatures or non-existent ones. I want this to be a bit realistic as possible. Some things:

This is going to work kinda like were-world, a book series. The bite dosen't spread the were-ness, except for this serum the scientists injected into you, which you don't remember. Nobody can have the same were-creature. You can transform into the were-form whenever you like, but it is kinda difficult when you don't know you are one in the first place. The more experienced werepeople can transform entirely into their werecreature, but it will be slightly larger than normal. You are able to harness any ability your animal has, in combination with your own. No magic. Ask any questions you want! Here's the form:


Age (only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement):



Background Info (optional):


Here's my charrie:

Name: Cadman Drake Porosus

Age(only ages 11 & up were allowed in the experiement): 17

Werecreature: Saltwater Crocodile

Personality: Secretive, and not entirely trusting of everyone, but cares for others. 

Background Info(optional): Cadman was an athlete, he's the star in the school swimming team. Knows some martial arts, and wants to be a navy SEAL. 

Other: He's the one who sent the letter, and is considered so dangerous, he is kept in the special cell M.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(October 24, 2016 - 8:03 pm)
I'm sorry guys. I know this is annoying, but I'm changing my character's name to Sashenka Burrham. Better known as Sasha.
I'm running. Sprinting through the forest. What forest? Where am I? Why does this place look so familiar? I should be ut f breath, but I'm not. Because I'm dreaming. I know I am. And I have a purpose, just like every night. Where is she? A whisper in the back of my head. Echoing. Where is he? Where is sh-? Where is? Where i-. Where? Where? WheWheWheWhWhWhWhWhere? Whhhhhhhh.... They fade off into wind, whistling through the trees. I see a glimmer of moonlight up ahead. Exactly where it's supposed to be. I pick up speed, hurtling towards the edge of the cliff. Then, I jump. Hurling my body straight over the edge. Then, I feel the strangest sensation in my body. A tingling, magical feeling. It's like a whirlwind has picked me. Me body feels like it's being stretched and compacted at the same time. My stomach is dropping to my toes. Yet, all the while, I'm free falling into the glittering, moonlit ocean below. With a decisive whoosh, I'm no longer a human. I am a lethally beautiful, lithe kestrel. Now, rather than falling, I'm diving beakfirst towards the tumultuous waters below. I let myself falling, arrowing downwards. Then, just I'm about the hit the water, I spread my wings and angle them so that I fishook straight back upwards. A few wingbeats later, I'm flying towards the constellation of Cygnus, the swan.
Silence. Pure, unbroken silence. I've been transported to a dream realm where everything is encased in liquid silver and starlight. I see a peregrine falcon awaiting me. Then, it is gone. In its place is a tall, graceful woman. Her hair is an opalescent, midnight blue, with a crown of delicate, silver spun leaves resting on top of it. A single hint of colour is in a heart shaped, glass pendant with a flower encased within it. Just like the necklace which I wear and refuse to take off. Eyes like ice crystals. Perfectly clear. Piercing. She appears to be in her early twenties, but through previous conversations with her, I've learned that she is actually in her early thirties.
"Sashenka," she greets.
"Gloriana," I reply with a genuine smile. I always look forward to the nights, when I finally get to dream and visit her again. I do not know who she is, for every time I ask, she tells me she cannot allow me to know. But I love her the way I would imagine a daughter would love her mother. At this point in my dreaming, it is no longer dreaming to me. It is more of myself being transported to speak with my... My motherlight, as I  have come to think of her.
"When you awaken, you will find that there is a note hanging on your wall. You must follow the instructions. Do not worry. I will be with you wherever you go. I will make sure you do not get hurt," the woman tells me at the end of our nightly conversation. Now, I must go. I hug the woman goodbye, as always. Then, with a sigh, I become a kestrel once again, and exit the dream world. I open my eyes peacefully when the morning alarm alarm goes off. I am ready to face the day once again. Before the guards arrive, I grab the note, scan it quickly, and stuff it beneath my pillow. Then, I go about my day as if nothing has changed. I go through my testing. I eat my food. When free time comes, I use it just like I always do. The guards are oblivious to my plan. And I keep it that way. When night finally falls, I wait for the guards to nod off, as they always do. With a slight tingle of anxiety, I change into my werecreature-- a kestrel. I'm now small enough to slip between the bars of the cells on either side of me. One by one, the number of cells between mine and Cell M ticks down. When I reach as far as I can go in kestrel form, I switch back to human. Carefully, so as not to wake the owner of this cell, I whistle. A few heartbeats later, a guard that I have befriended comes into sight. She knows what I want, and qickly unlocks the cell door. I have no reason to escape, and she knows that, so I continue on towards Cell M unguarded and alone. If need be, I am capable of defending myself both in human and in kestrel form. I hold my breath as I softly tap on the door to Cell M. The gathering of people that turns to look at me as I enter is absolutely not what I had expected...
Hopefully this is okay:
I was thinking that maybe later in the RP she will discover that the woman in her dreams is her mother, who had also been imprisoned, but escaped somehow. Anyways, I thought that maybe the other charries will discover that they can visit each other in their dreams and meet up that way, because of some genetic malfunction that the scientists didn't know about when they injected the werecreature stuff into them? Let me know what you guys think!
Also, @Admins: I apologise for some of the lengthy posts I've made recently. I'll try to post shorter ones, if you like. 
submitted by Kestrel
(November 2, 2016 - 3:44 pm)


submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 2, 2016 - 5:19 pm)


submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 2, 2016 - 5:19 pm)

I think that's a great idea Kestrel, after all the dream stuff we're having. 

But these posts are starting to get confusing. I'll be posting these "logs" once in a while to clear things up sometimes and reveiw what we have done. They will be seperate from the posts where I do the rping, but today's post will be an exception. Day 3 on the log will be the day of the meeting.

Day 0

Cadman gives the messages to the cells.

Day 1

Some of us are having weird dreams. Everyone does their normal excersizes, and some discover their werecreature just then, while others already know about it. Day goes on as normal, and Sashenka, Kylie, and Tyberious decide to visit cell M.

~Cadman Drake Porosus

Before Kylie could reply, the person who is in the cell next to mine seems to notice the attention in my cell. "psst, HEY!" the person in the cell next to me whispers pretty loudly, and squeezed (his? her? I don't know the gender of your character sorry) way into the room in front of my cell. "Why are you here?" I asked the neighbor, who I recognised was Tyberious, who was supposed to be in cell 23, not one of the letters. "I attacked the guard again." Tyberious said. "So they moved you here." I guessed. "I guess so, anyways, do you anyone called Peter Scupp?" Tyberious asked, seeming to ignore Kylie, or not knowing she was there in the first place and blabbing away. "I happen to be this 'Peter Scupp'. Name's Cadman anyways," I said as the girl Sashenka entered the room. "And Kylie and Sashenka here also seem to want to talk about the letter as well." I look at the three of them. "Look, I'm only going to reveal the real big information I have found so far at the meeting." I said. The crocodile inside me wanted to roar at them, but I kept it under control. I looked at the newcomers, narrowed my eyes, and prepared the crocodile if any were to attack, but they didn't budge, and seemed to want to all ask me something.

Sorry this is a bit long! 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(November 2, 2016 - 5:28 pm)

After I posted I realized that someone already has a peregrine falcon werecreature in the RP. So, the woman in my dream is going to be a gyrfalcon as her werecreature.

submitted by Kestrel
(November 2, 2016 - 8:15 pm)


I blink at all the people. A spark seems to run between us. I go into a trance

Dream dreamer, gleam gleamer, shine with all you can.

Crocodile you have been wise, 

To seek a plan to devise

Your captors who are hiding

Your animal deep residing.

Gryfalcon you are right,

to follow your insight 

Your guider is not a fool

To reject your captors rule

Cougar be aware

Of your every single hair

They are waiting they are watching you,

They are definitely wanting you

Periguine Falcon seek from your friends

They are a power that will never end.

They will guide you like a light

Never escaping from your sight

So weres, I insist

That others will not be missed.

You must spread the word

And your memories must be stirred.


I open my eyes to see the other three staring at me. I clear my thoughts, thought I feel like I've been sleeping. "I'm sorry, did I say something?"  Sashenka glances at the others, "Uh huh..."


continue this. P.S. I haven't figured out my were creature yet. 


(November 2, 2016 - 8:46 pm)

~Cadman Drake Porosus

I look at Kylie in confusion. Where did those words come from? "I'm sorry, did I say something?" Kylie said, glancing at us. "Uh huh." Sashenka said slowly. Tyberious also seemed a bit confused about it, "You said some giant poem about us and stuff." Tyberious said. "So we should spread the message like that poem says, but we shouldn't spread it so much that our plan will be spoiled. I think we should go beyond these walls to get help before getting more people to know about it. That way, we can get more support, information, and maybe power." I growled.

short post. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(November 3, 2016 - 6:45 pm)

Isabella Romave


*goes to meet midnight past the stupid guard and succeeds*



Super Short post 

submitted by Isabella R.
(November 7, 2016 - 3:50 pm)

Hey Admins, can you cange the word Kestrel in my poem to Gryfalcon? Thanks!




(November 4, 2016 - 7:56 am)

I grunted "Kyle, you said something about a crocodile..." a muttered "what could it mean though," I muttered almost to myself "You spoke it but you do not remember it it was as if the words were not your own..." Then a guard came to the sell ignoring kyle and simantha (srry i cant remember your name) 

"You need to come with me we need to run a few more blood tests" I groan getting up. of cource the others were suspicous as i trailed off behind the guard but before he let me out he put handcuffs on my hands and held my habnds behind my back of cource this was no supprise scince my habbit of attacking the guards was growing rapidly he took me into a scientist's chamber and they strapped me to a table i felt like a lab rat, they were sticking needles and then one of them turned and said (the scientist)

"ok tyberious you may go now."

I was rielieved to leave that dreadfull place but when i was being unstraped i heard the scientist tell another scientist,

"Its wearing off he may discover the coug-" he was cut off by the guard that started screaming hystericaly.

"What what is it" both scientists said in unisin.

"S-S-SPIDER" he screeched and fledforgetting to let go of the handcuffs that bound me he ran and ran and eventuially hit a pole i watched him slide down like in a comic wait what is a comic then i have a flashback

Come on tyberious blow out the candles i blew out the candles and they handed me a book wrapped in wrapping papper i tore it open it was a comic guide with all avenger's comics thats where it ended and by the time it ended two guards werre there on was dragging me back to my new cell the other had the one that ran from a spider on his back after i came back the others were stareing at me they must have heard the guard's scream but the scientists were about to say cougar i wonder what that means i must keep all of this to myself i turned away from their seeking eyes and lay by head on my wall and sighed...


submitted by Tyberious Firestone
(November 4, 2016 - 5:29 pm)


I had a normal day after testing and finding the note. The sceintists ushered me to lunch after my testing, like usual, (I never ate breckfest the sceintists thought that i preformed better without eating) we ate in silents with the gaurds hovering over us. Then I was ushered back to my cell. I saw that the shreded note had been picked up.

After a normal day of more testing and dinner we had that freetime. I kept looking at Cell M, but concluded to go to sleep early and get extra rest.

Lycio.......Lycio.....where are you....?

 Raina..... I yelled into the mist around me. Oh Raina.........?

A girl shadow apeared in the mist. Black sourounded by grey. And then...

the mist parted, revealing a latino girl that looked three years older then me. Lycio! Lycio! Oh its so good to see you!

She ran foward and inbraced me in a warm hug. Oh Raina! Look how much you've grown! 

She pulled away and smiled sadley. Do you know how long I've been trying to reach you? They put some sort of a serum that made you forget me, forget everything but a few simple things that you need too fill out forms. Lycio I've missed you se much!

She hugged me again and I felt warm tears running down my face and a feaing deep inside of longing and lonely. Where have you been? I asked solemly.

Where have I been? Lycio, I'm safe at home! I escaped the awful place you're in years ago! Little did I know they were going to take my brother in place of me.

What do you mean?

Oh Lycio.... 

I woke with a start to the sound of screaming. It sounded like the word SPIDER. Must be one of the scientists. I drowsly looked around. I had rolled off my bed and was hugging my pillow. I dropped it and brushed myself off. Something iched on my face and I scrached at it, finding my cheeks wet with tears. I sheepishly wipped them away before anyone could see. And then I thought back to my dream. I had finally seen my sister again. But what did she mean this wasn't home? That she escaped? What did she mean they made me forget everything but a few things? These few things are all that I ever needed to know!

And how did I see her in my dreams?

Was it really her?

Suddenly a gaurd came marching past my cell, knocking his wepon on the metal bars. "Boy, oh you're awake. Come with me they need to run more tests." More tests? But the test period has ended?

What were they, the sceintists, playing at?


Alright so I was thinking that there was a group before us that had been tested on and had the serum used on them, but they found out about it a year before the sceintist were to put another shot of serum into them, and they got togeather, collaberated for awhile, found out their Werecreature, and escaped. I was thinking the sceintists got another person from their family to continue running the tests on the same DNA. Their family member has been trying to reach them but couldn't get a hold of them until recently, when the serum started to wear off.

What do you all think? 


submitted by Claaws
(November 5, 2016 - 7:39 pm)

Ignore the last part of my last post. She's reading her letter right now.  


I read the letter, a tiny smile on my face. It sounds like something fun! I look up, and see the guard walking over. In a second, I flit over, smiling widely. 


He blinks, then yawns, "Be quiet, little girl." 

I stomp my foot. I hated being called a little girl! He was about to go on, when I stopped him, "Wait! D-do you know anyone named Peter Scupp?" 

He shakes his head, "Nope." 

He walks on, and I sit down, disappointed. I look over to the empty cell beside mine, where Kylie used to be. She hasn't yet returned from wherever she went. "Peter Scupp..." I mutter, realizing that a tall male in cell M, faraway, but still in sight, is looking at me. 

I stare back at him, frowning. Why is he placed in a letter cell? Doesn't that mean... I furrow my brow, thinking. Oh! The dangerous ones are put in there. I examine him. How is he dangerous? I tilt my head to a side, thinking. 

I walk up to the bars, and put my forehead against them, wishing I could just squeeze out. Out, away from this place. I know I didn't come from here. In my dreams, I see trees, and grass, and sunshine. And people. Lots of people. Smiles, hugs, kisses. There's never any of that here! 

I grab the bars, still staring at the letter cells. Then, so quickly that I almost think I imagine it, the person beckons to me with his hand, two times, quick and urgent. I frown, and he does it again. Who is he? He looks at my letter, then back at me. 

I tilt my head to one side, then, hesitantly, nod. He smiles, and turns away. 


I didn't really know what to write. So, their all supposed to meet at midnight? How will Annabella get out, again?  

submitted by Alexandra
(November 6, 2016 - 10:37 am)

@Annabella: We will meet in the lounge, which I guess you can get out by using your werecreature powers if you've discovered them, but I'll have Cadman check to see if you will join him by coming over and freeing you. ;)

~Cadman Drake Porosus

Tyberious left the space in front of my cell because of a guard that came in. But the guard mysteriously seemed to not notice Tyberious was in the wrong cell, and there was a gathering going on in here. I spotted Annabella in one of the far cells. She frowns, tilts her head to the side, then banged her head against the cell bars. She grabs the bars, and I beckoned her over. "Hey, I think Annabella is going to join us in here." I whispered to the others. I look at the letter, then at her, hoping she would understand that she could come. She nods, and I smile, then look away. "I beleive we're going to have another visitor, or someone who is definitely going to join us." I say to Kylie and Sashenka. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(November 7, 2016 - 11:02 am)

Name: Kato M. Larsh.

Age: 17.

Werecreature: A male silverback gorilla.

Appearance [as human]: Kato has dark brown hair, almost black, that is cut to the nape of his neck. The strands themselves are roughly one-inch long, and are quite thick. His skin is tan, and his eyes are a deep blue. He stands at six foot one, and as a lithe, limber build. He also has a strong jaw and high cheekbones, complete with a slightly crooked nose.

Appearance [as werecreature]:  As a werecreature Kato is a large male silverback gorilla. In this form he is six feet tall, very muscular, very strong, and weighs 300 pounds.

Personality: Kato always seems cool, calm, and nonchalant... on the outside. On the inside, he is a cyclone of whirling, chaotic emotions. He also acts sarcastic, even snarky at times, and flirtatious. The young man is the exact opposite of selfless; meaning that he is only in or does anything for himself.

Other 1: Kato is very, very strong; at least three-times as strong as a human his age. 

Other 2: Kato is simply biding his time; waiting for the right chance to escape. 

Back-round Info: . . . 

submitted by Hylas
(November 7, 2016 - 2:33 pm)

I sit on my bunk, back resting against the metal wall behind me, while I prop my feet up on the steel chair that I'd moved closer to the bed earlier. The mysterious letter lay shredded a my feet, strips of paper scattered around the chair legs. I'd only skimmed through it before tearing it to shreds; I had no interest in talking to some mystery man. I scrub the palm of one hand over my bloodshot eyes, thinking back to the dreams that had been recently haunting my sleep. I close my eyes, a low groan escaping my lips. The sound of approaching footsteps soon causes my eyes to snap open. I give a cheeky little grin almost as soon as I recognize the guard. "Well, well, well.. if it's not my favorite guard." The grin quickly transforms into a smirk as I hop off the bed. I then saunter over to the bars, raking one hand through my touslded hair after coming to a stop.

Lily was by far the youngest guard in the batch; only a few years older then me. We'd established a friendship of sorts, built mostly off my flirting and the fact we were about the same age. I held no hard feeling against her, something tells me that she's only doing her job. The young woman now smiled slightly, slidding a tray of food through the slot near the floor. "Hmm... of course I am." She rolled her eyes with  a light chuckle, straightening once more. "How's it going, Kato?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest.

I haul my shoulders up in a shrug, resting me elbows on the bar that ran across the cell door. "Ehh... it's not really going. I'm bored out of my mind." I shrug again, rolling my shoulders. "How 'bout you? And it's the truth." I toss in a chuckle of my own, flashing her a quick wink.

Lily rolled her eyes once more when she caught the wink, though the smile remained. "It's going. And I'm sorry to here that."  She nodded with a slight smirk, uncrossing her arms. "Well. Enjoy your meal. I'll stop by later. See ya." She flashed me a wink of her own before turning around a strolling back the way she came. 

I grin, shaking my had as I bend down to scoop up the tray. I then carry it over to the small, metal table, tossing it down with a soft 'plunk'. I suddenly remember the torn up leter, and I turn to face it with narrowed eyes. Another way earn their trust, I think before calling after Lily. "You might want to check cell M today."



Kato normally wears a black hoodie, grey combat boots, dark blue jeans, and a daark red T-shirt under the hoodie. 

submitted by Kato, age 17
(November 7, 2016 - 3:17 pm)