Chatterbox: Inkwell


In a world where it’s possible to collect magic from magical people, beasts and things, criminals have their magic forcefully extracted and given to the magicless by the corrupt government, the Ruthkirn Haefin. Magic can be wonderful, but too much magic can be incredibly dangerous to people with any capacity for magical use- it can drive them mad. So, when a new continent is discovered full of dangerous and magical beasts, the only people they’re willing to send in is the criminals- magicless and completely useless to the government, a mere liability, who cares if they live or die?

In this RP, we’ll be playing people who had their magic extracted due to being accused of crimes and now have to do the dangerous job of collecting magic in an unexplored new land. You can play off this topic slightly- for instance Katydid’s character is slightly different in that she still has a hint of her magic, but she’s still a balanced character because of how weak being blood farmed makes her. If you’re not sure about your character just ask one of us (Danie, Indigo, Katydid) for help.


  1. Please make a balanced character with both strengths and weaknesses. This will make the role play more fun- if your character is so powerful he or she could easily overcome the problem, the role play won’t be very hard or long, and we wouldn’t have to think up any interesting ways for the characters to get around the problem.

  2. Please be respectful of other people. Don’t control what their character does in one of your posts or do something without their permission.

  3. Please, only one person gets a power. Multiple people with the same powers might get kind of boring. However, since we need a relatively balanced ratio of boys and girls, if you want to make a boy character with the same power as a previously made girl character, you can.

  4. One character each, please. This rule is in place because when there are too many characters, it can get confusing. If there’s only one character per person, more people can roleplay than if each person has five or six characters.

  5. Even with the previous rule it’s still likely there may be too many people roleplaying together if we don’t have a rule on how many people can join- so there’s a limit of 10 people, first come first serve- but you can reserve spots and if by the time you’re reading this, this RP has started, you can join if you are up to date on what’s going on in the RP.

  6. We’ll be starting with them just getting off the boat onto the new land of their exile.

  7. If you have read all of these rules, please put the word ‘blue’ in one of your sentences in the pet peeves part of the character sheet.

Character Sheet


Age(15 or older):




Powers they previously possessed:

Pet Peeves:


Backstory (write a short scene where they get caught or imprisoned):




Danie’s Character:

Name: Olive Wilkens

Age(15 or older): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Surprisingly clean fluffy light gray hair in a bob. Large gray blue eyes that never seem to stare straight at you. She has the height of a 12 year old,  and would be average in weight if they actually fed them enough. Her face is speckled with dirt. Her clothes look like someone was desperately trying to clean them but failed in the end.

Personality: Olive is naive and cheerful to the point of cluelessness, and she can’t seem to figure out the seriousness of her situation or of future problems. She can’t hold a grudge either, and people whose morals are less than perfect seem trustworthy to her. She isn’t the brightest either, and can’t seem to understand that a person is sad. Frankly, she doesn’t seem to think that ‘sad’ exists. For example, if she were to see a person in grief or anger, she would just see this as another form of happiness and carry on like usual. This means that she can’t and won’t show sympathy or empathy.

Powers they previously possessed: Complete Invisibility. As simple as that. However, she can only go invisible for as long as she can hold her breath. People can also still hurt her and feel her.

Pet Peeves: She hates people tapping on things, hates nails on chalkboard and other noises similar. Though I suppose hate is a strong word, because she’s literally never down in the blues.

Weaknesses: She’s kleptomaniac, a person with a severe urge to steal and hoard items with little reason. She is weak physically, and even her personality is also a bit of a weakness.

Backstory (write a short scene where they get caught or imprisoned):

The girl was, quite frankly, hard to notice. You would pass by her on the street, give her a second glance, and then she was gone. As well as your hat, your necklace, and the twenty or so wrappers hiding in your purse.

If she had ever thought of a good reason for stealing, it was about as unknown as the whereabouts of those stolen items. She was, to put it simply, a thief, a hoarder, and a problem to the society. At least, to the glorious leaders of Ruthkirn Haefin.

So, in the afternoon of a should be average day, this said girl went on like usual. She inhaled. She stole. She exhaled. Again and again. Until something out of the norm happened. Someone noticed her.

The guards were quickly called, for this piece of information spread through the crowd like a wildfire. The girl, oblivious to the attention, continued her tasks, until she found her way blocked. By the guards. They took her arms, emptied her pockets, pushed her, laughed at her, their voices and their hands a hurricane of motion.

She was taken into a dark place, with metal bars and strange people. But she smiled, relaxed, acting as if nothing had happened.

“What’s your name?” She said cheerfully, her eyes darting between scraps on the ground. “I’m Olive.”

The guard was unresponsive.

“This place smells quite nice you know.” She waved her hands about, her eyes still attached to the ground. “Old and rustic and used often.”

No response.

“Don’t you like it here?” She lifted her head. “You must like it, seeing how far away you must be from everyone else.” She smiled.

The guard twitched.




Indigo’s Character:

Name: Madeline Hart

Age(15 or older): 16

Gender: female

Appearance: Madeline has straight black hair that runs down her back almost to her elbows, dull green eyes that make her look like she’s always in deep thought, and a slightly downturned mouth with thin lips. She’s tall and slender, partly from the rough treatment of the exile, but rarely looks very attractive either way, as she often forgets to brush her hair or teeth. She dresses in worn and simple but clean clothes and usually has her hair up in a bun or back in two braids.

Personality: Madeline is serious and quiet; she rarely opens up to people, instead keeping her own counsel. This is not to say she is inarticulate or not a good leader; she’s a good leader, but she’s so serious she doesn’t make for a very good friend, and is rarely any fun to be around. She rarely gets angry, but when she does it’s fearsome. Wary, and well aware of all the dangers in the world, but tries to be optimistic and see the bright side of things. Intelligent and well educated.  

Powers they previously possessed: Madeline used to be able to transform the best of her drawings into art that was three dimensional and real; the art would not be alive, and would be under her control; if she was devoting her energy to controlling it might respond to questions, but if she wasn’t paying much attention, it would just continue doing as she had left it doing and ignore whatever else was going on. For instance, if she made a miniature dragon illusion that sang and danced and someone hit it but she wasn’t paying attention, it would just keep dancing and singing without reacting.

Pet Peeves: She can’t stand people who spit when they speak or chew with their mouth open; she also hates being dirty for long periods of time; she can endure it easily enough for a little while, but past then being grimey will make her very irritable. She’s also very bad with deep water; all that blue wet stuff freaks her out a bit. Bath tubs are okay, but anything much bigger or much deeper than that is an issue for her.

Weaknesses: A bit of a neat freak and a perfectionist. Bad at picking up social cues for jokes and rarely finds anything funny. Makes rash decisions at times; when she’s angry, she often does something without fully thinking it through. Holds grudges for long periods of times and physically weak; she has good endurance when running but otherwise sucks at all types of exercise or fighting aside from that.

Backstory (write a short scene where they get caught or imprisoned):

They had not expected it to be her, even though in hindsight it had been so obvious, the jury whispered amongst themselves as they ran through the sheets of evidence they had been given. It was so, so obvious, so clear; yet they could still hardly believe it.

She had been such a kind, sweet girl, from a good, rich family that wholly supported the government, as all good citizens should, and had gotten such good grades, her tutors protested, confused. She never had seemed at all crazy, her sister testified; and her art had been so beautiful, who would have thought she would use it for evil?

Madeline, sitting in the chair, reflected that while she did not like the fate that awaited her, the waiting she had to endure during the stupid ceremonial trial was even worse. She sat perfectly still, back perfectly straight; looking about as unlike a mad woman as she possibly could with her hair messed up and paint all over her clothes, popping and fizzing with excess magic.

The crowd, that gilded collection of the wealthy and nobility, many of whom Madeline knew as the parents of that girl in her Mathematics class or this boy in her Ancient History class, some even the parents of her closest friends, were being strung up into greater and greater rage. Once, they had looked at her as that girl at school their children knew; but now they looked at her as if she were a little squashed up spider on the bottom of their shoes.


Madeline bowed her head and avoided eye contact with her family as she was dragged out, at last crumpling under the weight of the realization of what this really meant.

Katydid’s Character:

Name: Faera Ryoko

Age(15 or older): 16

Gender: Female  (Half-dragon)

Appearance: Generally the first thing one would notice about her is the obvious lack of weight.  She looks half starved, and extremely small, though she isn’t that short. The second thing someone might notice about her, if they can meet her gaze, is that her eyes are an icy, almost white blue. They stand out upon her face, which is actually startlingly pretty for her lack of weight. She’s got brown hair constantly back in a messy braid, and pieces always frame her face. Scars cover most of her body, but she hides them well.

Personality: Faera is extremely indecisive with her emotions. They are never really good emotions, but she she snaps back between anger and fear, as well as sarcasm. Even the simplest things get rather big outbursts, so she tries to keep her talking low. She’s a fairly negative person, and lapses into long silences of daydreaming often. She doesn’t trust humans, considering they practically ruined her, and the only thing they have caused her is pain. If she willingly makes contact with someone it’s as close to trust as she will get.

Powers they previously possessed: She had the ability to fly, with large silver wings protruding from her back. She was also slightly fire resistant, but not by much.

Pet Peeves: People. Idiotic people. Mistakes. She gets extremely annoyed very easily, even with the smallest of sounds. The only thing that doesn’t annoy her is well-played music, whether it’s a blueish sad song, or a violent red one.

Weaknesses: She’s extremely weak. There is barely any sense of bravery within her sociopathic soul, so she’s a coward.

Backstory (write a short scene where they get caught or imprisoned):

It had all begun with a crash and a bang. Or, rather, ended. Faera wasn’t ready to admit her life was swept away and she wasn’t even close to being prepared to admit something horrific had begun.

She had expected the moment to come for years. She was wasted hours worrying of different ways they might attempt to capture her, and how she could escape from their grasp. When that dreaded occasion finally arrived, although much too soon, it didn’t take her long to realize there wasn’t even a chance of escape.

The men had trailed behind her for hours on their horses, and even with her wings she couldn’t shake off their trail. They were all trained archers,  and after a few hours of the chase, even when she had flown higher out of their reach, it took (suggested edit: only) one slip-up for an arrow to penetrate her wing.

The cry of victory below her struck fear into her heart and left her paralyzed. The pain was overpowering on it’s own, but the terror she felt made things much worse. She had known they would catch her, but couldn’t simply believe it until she found herself spiraling towards the ground.

The moment she realized there was no going back, the only bit of hope left inside was the hope that they would fail to catch her.

Even that wasn’t granted.

It had been the last thing she had hoped for, because after that they took away everything. They didn’t even wait to carry her off before injecting her with some sort of serum, which she soon discovered helped her blood replenish, and removing her magic.

When they took away the magic, they stole the dragon part of her. The once magnificent silver wings upon her back melted away, leaving burning scars upon her back. Her blood was still magic, but didn’t do any good.

Then they took away whatever part of her was human. They ripped it to shreds, breaking her beyond healing emotionally. She lost hope only four days into imprisonment, though she would have to agree it had been failing the moment an arrow shot through her wing.

Her personality changed and she lost any attempt to care. No one else mattered but her. All hope was gone, swept away in the dust, and all that remained was a skeleton of a person, filled with anger and regret.

She would daydream constantly about possibilities of freedom. But the difference between wishing and hoping, is that you only believe one of them will happen. The other you know is impossible, and will remain a simple dream.

submitted by Indigo, Katy & Danie
(November 22, 2016 - 2:04 pm)

Long story short, l now have to use a Internet browser that doesn't work
very well on my laptop, hence  why l haven’t posted in such a long time
because my laptop is such a pain to work with. Anyways.


remembers something that he was once told a long time ago. Wounded
animals are far, far, more dangerous then a healthy ones. He hadn’t ever
believed this, for how could that possibly be? It’s actually quiet
funny, how things are only useful when you’re about to get killed. Ha.
Oh yes. Now where was he?



red dragon jerks to life as if it is a puppet and its strings have
suddenly been pulled. A  wave of blistering heat washes over the
clearing, blacking the vegetation. Kiepher dives for cover, but sadly
there isn’t any cover to dive for. A smell of smoky, burning metal
washes through the air as the blood evaporates off of the dragon’s
scales. Kiepher is vaguely aware of everything being on fire around him,
even possibly himself. The dragons swings its head around to the only
person stupid enough to still be around.

Instinct kicks in and
he stumbles to his feet,  then he is running, running fast out of that
clearing. The dragon spews fire and it rushes beside him, eating
everything. He comes to a skidding halt, finally starting to breath
again. Dizzy, disorientated, and possibly burned, he feels the air
painfully rush through his lungs and suddenly then he is coughing badly,
coughing as if there is something stuck inside his throat. Kiepher
falls to his knees, still coughing, legs unwilling to support him any

And then the rain comes. Slowly at first,
then faster,
in time forgets the dragon, in fact forgets nearly everything when his
breathing has slows he blinks the water out of his eyes, not thinking
anything in particular and ignoring everything. Time starts to warp, so
it seems that everything has been frozen in time. He doesn’t know how
long it has been. He doesn't care. He doesn't want to go back. He can’t
hear anything and that is when he realizes that he is completely lost
and completely alone.
He starts taking deep breaths and finds to his
surprise a catch in his breath, a thought in his mind threating to
become something far worse.
You’re not a coward.
Not a weakling.
Not a child.
Quit it. Quit it right now.
But he can’t stop.

And tears mix with the rain.
knows that this is stupid, that this is completely ridiculous. But for
an instance, for several seconds really, seconds that could have killed
him, he thought that someone was going to come after him. That someone
cared. And he is stupid because of course they don’t care. No one cares
and no one ever has. And yet he has never been able to get that into his
head. Why did he ever have any expectation of these people, of anyone,

Not like they’d ever know.

Because sometime the loneliest people are the funniest.

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(December 15, 2016 - 4:20 pm)

Again, really sorry this is so short.

Somnia~ Somnia only got a few steps into the wood before she a scream. She wheeled, searching for the source, and then she saw it. Majestic, powerful, and firebreathing. Fire. Why did it have to be fire?

The dragon flapped its dark red wings, and roared, but all Somnia saw was fire engulfing everything and everyone. All she heard was screams of innocents. It couldn’t be happening all over again, could it? She curled into a ball of memories, until she heard another roar. Not a cry of anger, but of anguish.

She looked up, and saw the creature in agony, a spear driven through its side. For a moment her heart was moved with pity, but then the creature reared, and her nightmares became a reality. Somnia wanted to run, wanted to fight, wanted to do something, but all she really did was stare at the flame coming towards her.

“Get out of the way!” A girl pushed her towards the slight safety of the forest, as the spot she was standing was destroyed by fire. The girl urged her to run, and Somnia did, running as fast and as far as she could from the blaze.

submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, The Errant Venture
(December 16, 2016 - 1:58 pm)
I slip through the trees, following closely behind the girl, Faera, and the dragon. I notice other people running, too, but they are making much more noise. I stay back, at the edge of the trees, as we emerge onto the beach and everything seems to slow down. Faera and the dragon stand perfectly still for a heartbeat, eyes locked. Out of nowhere, Siren appears and plunges a strange object deep into the dragon's side, causing blood to come spilling out of it. As the dragon reels, roaring, beautiful scarlet scales glinting in the harsh sunlight, everyone's face holds an expression of awe. Within in seconds, the fire in the dragon's eyes is gone. As everyone stands still, unsure of what to do, I walk over the site of the bloodshed, building up walls around myself as I go. I will not show my weakness to anyone if I can help it.
I kneel where the blood is pooled, glistening eerily and take an old vial that I had found on the beach earlier out of my pocket. I scoop as much of the blood as I can into it, then cap it and store it away. Later, I'll figure out how to harvest the magic, put it back into myself, so I can have just a tiny drop of it back. I long for the blazing heat of my well of fire that I used to have, deep down inside me. I may just have to settle for a small, guttering flame for now, though.
"Hey, Wildfire, have you got anything to collect the blood in?" I start at the use of the name I gave everyone. 
For now, I will be known as Wildfire. Names are dangerous things, and I am shocked that so many people give them so easily.
As I open my mouth to respond, the dragon shifts. Only a few centimeters, but enough that I can see. It’s not dead. Of course the dragon would die that easily. Before I have a chance to shout out a command to run, the dragon snaps up, fury blazing in it's eyes. Everyone scatters. Well, everyone except one. Run! My mind shrieks at him. RUN! But I can’t bring myself to show that I care. Friends are just weapons to be used against you. I watch from the tree line as the dragon notices him. Ears ringing, I silently will him to run. Run. It’s not too late to save yourself.
“Run,” I whisper. Then louder, “Run!”
But my shout is drowned out by the keening roar of the dragon as it lunges, torching a large expanse of the beach. And the boy is gone. I see footprints, and almost sag in relief. The boy lives. The dragon takes off, faster than I thought a creature of that size could move, hunting the boy down. No. The thought echoes through my head as I take off, tearing through the trees, keeping pace with the dragon. I dodge the obstacles of the forest easily, instead focusing on figuring out where the boy went. The dragon soon tires and slows, clearly deciding that the boy was not worth its energy. With a final huff of annoyance, the dragon incinerates a spot of forest about 10 feet in diameter. I don’t stop to marvel at its power, but I do feel a twinge of longing in my chest to have my magic back…
I shake myself. No time for that. I can survive well enough without magic. I crouch, stone still, in the underbrush as the dragon turns and flaps off into the distance. I walk the perimeter of the scorched ground, looking for any sign of the boy’s passage through the area. Nothing. He can’t be far, though. Especially since those burns must be searing with pain, now that the adrenaline is wearing off.
The sun sinks lower, encasing the world in a liquid gold glow, and I grow worried.
How far can a boy that’s just been burnt to a crisp by a massive dragon go? I think, growing frustrated. Then something glinting in the sunlight catches my eye. Slowly, I walk towards it, keeping my step silent and movements smooth. What I see makes me gag. With strained, halting breaths, I carefully turn the body’s head to the side, confirming my suspicion. I find the boy’s pulse. Alive. That’s going to hurt when he wakes. I can’t move him, though. I’m not that cruel. So instead, I set about creating a crude shelter of branches to keep us somewhat hidden for the night.
submitted by Kestrel
(December 16, 2016 - 3:43 pm)


Chaos. Pure Chaos. The beast shuddered and roared as it bounded through the trees. It was chasing something--No, someone. The girl with pretty turquoise eyes followed the two.

"Magic!" Olive cheered, racing after them. "Adventure!"

As they went farther and farther into the trees, the dragon suddenly stops, steps fire to the ground around him, and flies away. The girl is breathing heavily. Olive stays quiet, which is quite surprising since she really doesn't know how to.

The turquoise eyed girl treads through the bushes, and comes upon the burnt body of the boy. She starts to make a shelter for the two. Olive realizes she has been quiet and starts talking again.

"WOAH! That was cool!" The girl twirls around the faces Olive, holding a stick menacingly. "You're Wildfire, right? And that's Kiepher! Wow, he's burnt! That's funny!"

The girl relaxes and then anger fires up in her eyes. "What are you doing?" She hisses. "Stop yelling, you're going to attract predators!"

"Predators? That's fun to say! What are predators?" Olive flopped down, eyeing Wildfire cheerfully.

"Ugh, nevermind. Just stay here and, keep quiet, okay?"


I didn't know what to write, so I decided to followed Aelin. Sorry if it ruins anything. 

submitted by Danie
(December 16, 2016 - 8:42 pm)

It doesn't ruin anything. I just thought the chase would make for some good action. :)

submitted by Kestrel
(December 16, 2016 - 9:22 pm)


It wasn't dead. That little thought filled her with courage for a split second before someone burst into her cabin, screaming at her to run. She didn't even have time to process things before they were dragging her out into the open world.

She didn't want to be anywhere near the outside world, but when the the atmosphere began heating up, her instincts kicked in. They were foreign instincs, considering fire had never been a problem in the past, but knowing it would easily burn her in her vulnerable state she all out sprinted, not even bothering to check if the person was behind her.

It was obvious that they were, because even with the frantic screaming she could hear their footsteps. Not like she cared anyways.

Soon, after another loud roar from the dragon, they had made it to the forest.There were a few other individuals hanging around one another, and that was when Faera turned around.

What she saw was terrifying and inspiring. Inspiring for her, at least. The dragon was in utter agony, and she could almost feel it's pain, but the damage it had already done was so utterly grand.

She stared in awe, her jaw open as the huts slowly burned. It was only until someone spoke that she snapped back into a little bit of survival mode.

"What do we do now??!" someone cried out. Faera whipped around, looking for whoever spoke, but didn't find the cuplrit.

One of the guys was there and several other girls. She recognized Somnia, who just jogged into their cluster.

Sinn had his arms crossed and was glaring at the damage. "We need to kill that dragon, but how can we get close to it?"

Faera shied away, making herself small next to a tree. The flames were beginning to roar, and she was slowly realizing how bad things would be if they didn't get out of there and put a stop to it. She paled a bit, the urge to flee growing by the second.

Aelin, or at least that is what she thought the girl's name was, spoke up. "What about her? She can get close to the dragon." They pointed to her, and the result was a spurt of anger.

"There is no way in the world of the living I will ever help in killing that thing, or risk my life in doing so," she fired back, turning away from that group and back to the fire.  If dragons liked caves as much as the fairytales claimed they did, there were bound to be some on the island.

It might be more safe then the clumsy huts.


Is this confusing? Yes? I figured....

So the dragon is alive, and burning everything. Keipher is injured, and we all need to somehow get back into a group so we can either defeat it or run?


Lets....WING it! Hahahahaha. Haha. Ha. 

(Did anyone notice my other pun hidden in there? ;)

submitted by Katydid
(December 16, 2016 - 8:47 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 18, 2016 - 7:13 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 18, 2016 - 9:20 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(December 19, 2016 - 12:45 pm)

The rain was coming down in torrents, fizzing and popping with chaotic magic. A dragon’s roar rent the air. Madeline flinched aside reflexively as the dragon girl stalked past to sit near the dying fire (which was currently blazing an odd blue-green due to the magical rain), looking furious.

Her eyes were narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. It wasn’t obvious what was

wrong, but regarding the events of the past half hour anyone could really guess. People  

were already whispering amongst themselves as of  how to defeat the dragon, and she wanted  no part in the discussions.

“What’s going on,” Madeline asked, more to herself than anyone. But the dragon girl, seeming to flinch with each drop of rain, replied.

Faera let out a sigh, glancing over her shoulder at the innocent-looking girl. “What part of it?” she muttered before turning back to watched the slowly diminishing flames. They were still dancing, but the rain was slowing them to a stop.

Madeline’s eyes flicked to the odd colored flames for an instant, as if wondering what Faera was seeing that she could not. “Um, well.” There were so many questions Madeline didn’t think she could articulate any properly at all. And either way, dragon girl probably didn’t have the answers. “What’s with the rain?” Madeline tilted her head as the angry girl flinched away from another drop. Sort of like the dragon had. Is.

“I….” even as Faera was going to explain another drop landed on her arm. It felt like a pinch from long fingernails. “I think it’s magical rain. It is obviously hurting the dragon….” She gestured lazily to the poor creature, who twisted and turned as the rain continued to fall, before quickly withdrawing her hand again.

Madeline half nodded, then let the awkward silence stretch between them for a few seconds, uncertain of what to say. Did the girl have magic blood or something? It was unlikely she would answer truthly either way, so there was no point in asking. “We might be able to use the rain to get it to leave everyone alone,” Madeline suggested shyly, glancing through her rain flecked lashes to gauge the other, more dangerous girl’s reaction.

With a frown Faera lowered her gaze. She felt too weak to lash out against anything and it was pointless either way. “Are you suggesting we hurt it? He’s already in enough pain as it is. He will…”  she paused and lifted her elbow to cough into, shaking her head and pulling up her knees to her chest afterwards. “He will die eventually if we leave him.”

“Well,” Madeline reasoned slowly, “unless this place is more magical than I thought, they need rain. If the rain hurts the dragon, the dragon has to have somewhere to go to shelter from the rain. Probably we’re on the dragon’s hunting grounds, so he feels he has to defend them. But if the dragon is alarmed by the magical rain, he might go back to wherever he shelters. I don’t know, but…” She trailed off uncertainly.

“That’s not too bad…” Faera glanced sideways at the curious girl. She then slowly rose to her feet, shuddering as yet another few drops hit her head and shoulders. Her clothes had provided some protection but they were beginning to soak through. “How do suggest we….alarm it?”

“Well, I was collecting some of the rain. I figured if it’s too magical to drink, we could try to give it to… them… for food, and if not, well, we need to get water somehow. If we show the dragon that we have some of the rain stored up, he might fly off.” Madeline nodded to the various containers she had spread out across the little clearing, most of them almost full of the oddly fizzing and bubbling water.

Faera narrowed her eyes and attempted to count some of the containers. She gave up after realizing it would be a waste of time, muttering to herself. “Where on earth did you find the time…”

“There’s a dump,” Madeline said bluntly. “I found a dump behind one of the cabins, full of old stuff. Bent up cooking pots of and ripped tarps and all. Not much, but it’s useful for at least this.” She picked up one of the pots and swished it around, glancing nervously at the greenish sheen to the water. “I don’t think this is drinkable, anyway.”

“Someone without magic might be able to drink it,” Faera sighed. When the girl shrugged in response she glanced upwards, pinching her nose before quickly realizing that was a mistake. A small whimper escaped her throat when a raindrop hit her cheek, dangerously close to her eye. “So should we try to scare the dragon then? If we do manage to do so….and assuming it has a cave...we might be able to follow it?” Tucking her hands in her pockets she turned on her heels to face the girl, leaning in to study the water. “I’m surprised he has lasted this long anyways. We might be able to find a cave to stay in.”  

“Yeah,” Madeline mumbled, poking a finger in the small pot of water experimentally. It fizzed and bubbled against her fingers, but didn’t hurt. She swished the water so it bubbled more and more, then yelled, “HEY, DRAGOOOOON!” at the top of her lungs. The dragon turned, it’s long scaled neck snaking over.

Faera covered her ears at the sudden yell, flinching at the volume of it. Despite her annoyance it seemed to work, much to her surprise, and she moved to stand next to the girl as he stretched his neck down to them. She didn’t feel as much heat radiating off of him as before, probably due to the rain. His warped scales were glistening with the liquid and she felt a pang of sorrow for the poor thing.

Despite the cooling touch of the rain, sweat glazed Madeline’s forehead from both the dragon’s heat and her fear as she yelled again, slightly quieter this time. “DRAGON! I’m going to douse you with this water if you don’t leave. It’s scary water! It might hurt you! Don’t you want to go back to your nice, warm cave?” She swished the water so it bubbled up even more, and flicked a few drops at the dragon threateningly. The dragon retreated slightly, eyeing her oddly.

Faera almost summed up enough amusement to laugh. Her face was still set like stone despite the slightly humorous situation, that despite all odds seemed to be working. He was watching the girl with large, narrowed eyes, and it was when he seemed to inch a bit closer that Faera drew another sharp breath. She realized she had been holding  it, but whether it was out of awe towards the magnificent creature or fear she didn’t know.

Madeline refused to flinch back, instead forcing herself to scoot her feet forward slowly and yell even louder. “YOU BETTER GO, DRAGON. I’M REALLY SCARY AND I HAVE RAIN AND STUFF.” Madeline knew it was the tone and posture, not the words that mattered, so she said whatever was on her mind. “THIS COOKING POT IS UGLY AND YOU DON’T WANT WATER THAT’S BEEN IN IT TO TOUCH YOU. FLY OFF, LITTLE DRAGONY DRAGON.” Madeline was sure the dragon girl was going to kill her for this... if the dragon didn’t.

Despite whatever Madeline thought, Faera actually chuckled a bit. It sounded more like a cough, but the extremely small smile that blessed her face was enough to say otherwise. It didn’t last long though, and she took another breath to straighten herself. THe rain continued to get thicker, and she knew the dragon was just as uncomfortable as her, if not more so. “Yes….” she gestured to Madeline. “She will dump that on you if you don’t fly back home.” Her voice took on an odd tone, and the dragon tilted its head.

Suddenly the dragon turned, its tail sweeping the grass, and flew off into the rain-darkened sky. Madeline cheered, putting down the bubbling cooking pot. Her face, which had been tense with fear and was still coated in rain and sweat, relaxed into a loose, easy grin of relief.

And just as quickly, as if seeing her smile somehow and unwilling to let Madeline be happy, the dragon turned and swiped clumsily at the two of them, almost closing around Faera but clasping around Madeline instead. As Madeline was pulled into the air, she accidently dropped the cooking pot and incoherently shrieked, batting at the dragon as if trying to let it go from the cage it’s claws made around her lower body. Slowly she stopped struggling, realizing she was too high to suffer no damage from the long fall.

Faera felt frozen in time for a moment, watching it fly away. She had seen it turning around and knew what would come instinctively, probably from the body language of the dragon, but didn’t have enough time to do anything. The girl had shrieked, and her own shout of pain had followed when the pot nailed her on the shoulder, the liquid splashing all over her. She had already been in enough pain as it was, but then it felt like her whole body was slowly burning.

She growled and glared down at the pot before looking up at the dragon. The girl struggled against him and Faera felt the sudden urge to follow. Not because of the need to save her newfound “friend”, but rather to find a cave for her and the others. Saving someone in the process might be a little bit of a bonus as well.


Katy and I took turns writing this post, each writing one paragraph and then giving the other person a turn (except for the last four paragraphs, where we did two for me, then two for Katy “BABY A DOUBLE” Katy says). What was that Katy… SEE WHAT I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH XD XD  “You have the pleasure of enjoying my company, oui oui!” *whacks Katy* Write in your own paragraph!  

Fine. Better? This is mine capiche. “As much mine was yours, yours will be mine!” Indigo shut up  “Katy is so sweet, right? :) Just makes me melt inside! Like Faera and Madeline’s lovely friendship!” Yup! My love is like acid. I just bombard people with buckets of it ;) Anyway we got this done today! Whoot!

Just to clarify, the rain is magical. Because of magical magicalness. Happy, Katy? “Very much so!” It hurts Faera because she’s got magic in her blood. This means if you want to give your character magical blood like Faera has, we can make it rain! Hopefully this will make things a bit harder for those of you with characters that have what, abilities to speak to dragons?

Heh y’know. Just, casual dragon-speak or whatevs. And just to clarify again Faeradoesn’ttechnicallyhavebloodherbloodisliterallymagicsoyeypeeps. “Whatever she says, I guess. Even though that’s kind of like saying that the rain isn’t water even though it’s magical, just because it’s magical doesn’t make it stop being water…” OKay I get your point. But kind alike aliens have weird colored blood? I GUESS WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT HER BLOOD IS NOT INFUSED WITH MAGIC IT IS MAGIC. “WHATEVER. We should post it.” Fine.

submitted by Indigo and Katy
(December 19, 2016 - 2:36 pm)




ever so slowly, he wakes to a world that is crying, to a sky that is
torn apart, to a land that is dying. The rain is relentless, giving him a
strange sort of slow, cold pain. The dragon is gone. he notes, but does
not note the importance of it. He seems to be partly unaware, of
everything going on around him, caught in a dream, in a nightmare that
he is never going to wake up from.

At first
he doesn't think that anything is wrong. He is not in any pain, or at
least he thinks so. He can't really tell at this point. He sits up
slowly, blood rushing to his head and making it spin. His eyes sting as
some warm liquid starts to run down his face. Blood, he thinks.

finally notices the forms of two girls--the smaller, chatty, annoying
one, Olive, as she has introduced herself to him previously, and another
that he's pretty sure he doesn't know. Olive opens her mouth. "Wildfire
says that you're gonna die. I think--" The older one--presumably
Wildfire--clamps a hand over Olive's mouth with a glare.

l hope that no one else is going to die." He mumbles vaguely. His face
and hands feel strange, numb and cold and not responding, which Kiepher
feels very annoyed about until Wildfire points out the color of his
skin, which is normally a far lighter color but is now blackened in
mottled patches. 

"You look realllllly creepy!" Olive pipes up. "All covered in blood and stuff!"

Wildfire snorts.

Oh, that's right, he thinks. This is what happens when people start to die. No, that's not right.....

Ah, yes. Dragon. Fire. Why is fire not painful, he wonders.

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(December 19, 2016 - 8:49 pm)
submitted by top
(December 20, 2016 - 9:41 pm)
submitted by top
(December 21, 2016 - 10:01 am)
submitted by top top
(December 21, 2016 - 10:01 am)

AHA! Finals are FINALLY OVER! If you all could catch me up on the recent posts, and maybe give a sujestion to where Siren should be, that would be extreamly helpful! I'll try and post after people clarafy what's happening. ;)

submitted by Claaws
(December 21, 2016 - 4:14 pm)