Chatterbox: Inkwell





okay, so  this is like The Hunger Games How to train you dragon and Cinder.

the charries are in a future world where there are dragons, and the dragons mutiply very fast, they steal the food, from Island 9 (like the capital for you hunger games fans) there are two people chosen from each island one girl one boy from the age of twelve to sixteen there are seven islands you can be  from (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) #8 is the dragon one.  if your post has your charrie killing another charrie that you don't have permission to kill you have to end it with something like "Bob's breathing was slowing, I think, there is no way he could survive right?"  the ownere of the charrie could have Bob have a recovery,k or bob could die and become a ghost, but the ghost are still seen, and they can help others. the point isn't to kill other's it's to kill the most dragons the island that does so will get a years supply of food, untell the next game, the game's last a month, or inteel everyone is dead. and your working with the other person that was chossen for your island,. but you can make allies, some people will kill each others to get the compatition out of the way but unless they are yours or you have persission, remember Bob.

Okay here is the Charrie sheet (BTW there can only be two people from island there is a limit to two MCs per person you can make siblings for you sharrie that don't go into the games.)

heres the islands

1 Drákos págou ice age

2 ydatóptosi waterfall

3 asfalés katafýgio  safe haven

4 fthinóporo autumn

5 megálos lefkós great white

6 ouranós heaven

7 fotiá fire

8 pou férnei to thánato death bringer





were they chossen:



weapon of choice:



Here's mine 

name: Mason Osen


Appearence: brown hair with dark brown eyes shorts and tee shirt, bright smile

Personalaty: kinda a wimp when it comes to the games funny sarcastic, kind, loyal

were they chossen: yes

Island: 7

Gender: M

weapon of choice: sword

Other:  is friends with Alexa, has a crush on alexa


name: Alexa (lexi) Hoffson

Age: 14

Appearence: long blonde hair, with slight red freckles grey eyes favorite color is blue and normally wears soccer shorts and tee shirts

Personalaty in her family it's tradition to get chosen and find there true love in the games, she's up beat witty sarcastic Smart feisty

were they chossen: yes

Island: 7


weapon of choice:sword

Other: not...yet

submitted by Annabeth C., age 13, boarding school
(December 19, 2016 - 5:41 pm)
submitted by top
(December 20, 2016 - 9:21 pm)


Name: Charlie Heartfilia

Age: 15

Appearance: White hair, icy blue eyes, tall,edgy usally weres black.

Personalty: Strong, quiet, usally calm, very different for somone on island 3. HATES DRAGONS.

Were they chosen: YES

Isalnd: 3 Safe Haven 

Gender: FEMALE

Weapon of choice : Axe

Other: She grew up without parents because dragons attack her home and she was sent to Isand 3. 

submitted by Erza S., age 15, Japan
(December 20, 2016 - 10:16 pm)
submitted by Erza S., age 15, Japan
(December 21, 2016 - 12:28 pm)

Hi guys, here is my Charrie, sorry for the wait.

name:  Valaya Nightshade

Age: 15

Apperance: Tall and thin with short black hair and dark skin. 

Personality: Quiet and smart, has been planning this for ages.

were they chosen: Yes.

Island:  5

Gender:  Girl

weapon of choice: Bow and arrows, but she is good with any projectile weapons like throwing daggers.

Other: older sister was killed in the games, wants in so she can win it for both of them.


If anyone wants to ship her...? 

submitted by Nebula , age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(December 21, 2016 - 12:56 pm)
submitted by Erza S., age 15, Japan
(December 21, 2016 - 1:18 pm)

Okay... Hey guys I say we start today...I'm a little busy, so I'll post later but if you want to get you charrie to the boat that takes them to the capital and the capital it's self, we can start meeting each other.

Also If anyone wanted to ship someone with Alexa the could ally and then that charrie and mine, mason, could be in a big grudge.


Also also need Ven though we are starting new people can still join, nd for the islands that don't have charrie yet, we'll just have those people in the background Intel someone makes them  


submitted by Annabeth c
(December 21, 2016 - 2:33 pm)
submitted by Erza S., age 15, Japan
(December 21, 2016 - 3:48 pm)



submitted by Starcrosser, age 11, The Universe
(December 21, 2016 - 4:00 pm)

Starcrossee sure you can join

submitted by Annabeth c
(December 21, 2016 - 4:48 pm)
submitted by top
(December 21, 2016 - 8:12 pm)
submitted by top
(December 21, 2016 - 9:54 pm)

Top top top top top top top top top top top top top top

submitted by We start today!
(December 22, 2016 - 11:58 am)

Name: Mike Dearborn

Age: 15

Appearance: Light brown hair, dark brown eyes, a bit lanky.

Personality: Quick thinking and resourceful, is a bit flaky when it comes to friends and trust. Proud and rather selfish, but is flexable, extoverted, and demanding when it comes to attention. Rather rebellious, but doesn't give much care to anything anyways. 

Were they chosen: yes

Island: 4

Gender: Male

Weapon of choice: He knows a bit about every weapon, however a battle axe or hammer suits him best. 

Other: Anyone want to ship him? 

submitted by Danie
(December 22, 2016 - 1:15 pm)

I just realized, I have a lot of things going on already, so if its okay, I'm going to drop out. I hope this rp lasts though, it's a great idea!!!!

submitted by Starbringer
(December 22, 2016 - 1:32 pm)


submitted by AnnabethC, age 13, boarding school
(December 22, 2016 - 9:17 pm)