Chatterbox: Inkwell

Inspiart Academy CB Story

You have just enrolled at Inspiart Academy. You were extremely excited to discover the new boarding school for creative people, and immediately filled out all the paperwork. As soon as the limo--yes, limo (what else would a semi-proffessional artist travel in?)--arrives, you will be departing for the academy, along with eleven other artists.

~ ~ ~

Welcome to Inspiart Academy, the all-too-cheerfully named boarding school. On the outside, it's happy and welcoming. But it hides a deep, dark secret….

Will you join?

*Grins maniacally* Oh, wait, you already signed up! Heeheeheehee….

And by the way, this is not a ski lodge, though it might sound like one. It's a CB story, as stated in the title.

~ ~ ~


1) 12 people may join. 6 MCs, 6 Secondaries.

And that's basically it. Oh, and--I would love to admit extra people, like, "Oh, alright...but just for _____." But I will just have to harden my heart and say no. Sorry. :/


CB Name:

Personality: (BTW, I will try to stick with your personalities, but it's likely that you will become a character with its own mind. It just happens.)


Favorite art implement:

Favorite color (s?):

MC or Secondary?:

Would you like to die?:


~ ~ ~

I will post a new part each Saturday unless for some reason I'm unable to, so stick with me!!!...I have resolved to keep this going until the very end, even if no one's reading it, but please do! I tend to get discouraged when no one is reading my things, so please stick with me.


submitted by Leafpool
(February 9, 2017 - 6:50 pm)

Great so far! I'm really curious to what the deep, dark secret is.

Also, your portrayal of Booksy was perfect. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(February 19, 2017 - 9:01 pm)


Don't worry, if you die you most definitely won't just randomly collapse. 

submitted by Leafpool
(February 21, 2017 - 9:08 am)


submitted by Topping Hobbit, Bag End
(February 21, 2017 - 5:07 pm)


submitted by Topping Hobbit
(February 23, 2017 - 8:02 pm)

TOP! Part Two coming tomorrow!

submitted by Leaftop!, The top of the forest
(February 24, 2017 - 2:54 pm)

Ack, sorry I haven't been keeping up with this! It's really cool! Continueeeee!

submitted by Danie
(February 24, 2017 - 3:07 pm)

*clears throat* Thread, may you please top? or poke or whatever it is you do to get higher.*adjusts bowtie*

submitted by Topping Hobbit, Bag End
(February 25, 2017 - 11:26 am)

No more people can join, we will just have 6 MCs and 4 secondaries. Thank you.


Danie stood surveying her green room with satisfaction. She had just finished unpacking all her things.

She turned away from the room and nearly walked into the director.

"Hello! I was just coming to tell you that if you're finished unpacking, I am taking everyone on a tour of the Academy!" He smiled widely, showing off his white teeth. Danie nodded. "Sure!"

~ ~ ~

Leeli trailed along behind the group of CBers as they all tramped down the hall.

They were on the second floor. The man had already shown them the kitchen and dining room on the first floor and told them that they were free to cook in the kitchen--"Cooking is a form of art, too!"--and now he was leading them to the art room.

They turned a corner, and then the director opened a bright, electric-blue door.

The CBers all rushed forward at once to go in, but ended up jammed into the door. Mei-xue was lucky, and darted through before the rest got there, then stood right inside the room grinning as she watched nine other people try to untangle and unwedge themselves from each other and the door.

Finally the all separated and carefully walked one by one into the art room.

It was about half the size of a football field, covered with a flat grey wall-to-wall carpet. It was filled with every art medium imaginable. Oil paints, acrylic paints, normal graphite pencils, different ranges of art pencils, charcoal sticks, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, crayons, watercolor crayons, markers, bits of paper, and other things, along with tablets for digital drawing. They were all spread out in separate areas, with plenty of low tables and stools, easels, and sketchpads scattered around.

Leeli looked at it happily. This could keep her contented for weeks.

The black-haired man noticed the CBers' eager looks, and waved his hand. "Go ahead. Mess around. I'll come get you later, when it's time for dinner."

Danie glanced down at her watch for a split second. Is it really that late already? There were no windows in the art room; it was all lit by bright ceiling lights.

Then she followed the rest of the CBers as they jubilantly explored the room.

She found herself walking with Applejaguar toward the area with collage materials and random scraps.

Danie caught Applejaguar glancing anxiously at her from behind round glasses. She sensed that Applejaguar wanted to say something.

Applejaguar opened her mouth, then quickly closed it again. Then they arrived at the 3D arts section, and Danie sat down at one of the tables.

There was a pile of plain white paper in the middle of the small, round table, and Danie took a piece.

Applejaguar sat down in the chair opposite from her, a basket of bright paper scraps in one hand and a bottle of glue in the other. After seeming to struggle with her words for a moment, she said, looking at Danie, "What are you folding?" Danie held up her small clump of folded paper. "I don't really know."

Applejaguar looked down at her paper scraps, then back at Danie, her brown hair swinging over her eyes. "Did you hear what that man's name was?" Danie cocked her head. "What?" Applejaguar blushed. "I mean, the one with the black hair, and that dumb smile." "Oh! Him! I wasn't quite sure who you meant--and no, I haven't the slightest idea what his name is." She looked at the piece of paper in her hand, then grimaced, crumpled it into a ball, and tossed it away from her. A few tables away, somebody yelled, "Ow! Who threw that?"

Danie smiled ruefully and shrugged at Applejaguar, who was looking at her with a mixed expression of amusement and exasperation.

~ ~ ~

Leeli pulled her wavy blond hair into a ponytail and tried to decide what to do. She was hanging back by the door, watching where everyone else was going. Cockleburr, Booksy Owly, Tuxedo Kitten, and Mei-xue were sitting down at a table in the pencils area, Danie and Applejaguar were chatting in the 3D arts section, Ice Wolf and Elizabeth were huddled up in a corner, scribbling away in notebooks. Killim was--Where is Killim? Leeli thought.

She didn't dwell on it. Probably just in the bathroom or something, she thought.

After another moment of consideration, she walked over to join Cockleburr, Booksy, Tux, and Mei.

She sat down in one of the little seats, smiled at everyone, and grabbed a thick sketchpad.

She tried to draw something, but just couldn't think of anything to draw. Looking over the edge of her sketchbook, she saw that Cockleburr was drawing a winged person and Mei was doodling a girl.

Leeli swept her gaze around the room--

"Ow! Who threw that?" Leeli's hands flew up to her head as a crumpled ball of paper hit the side of her head and bounced off.

"What--who--" She spluttered. Over at the collage table, Danie seemed barely able to keep from laughing.  Leeli glared at her, then turned back to her table, where Cockleburr was smiling and Booksy was pressing both her hands so tightly against her mouth it looked like she was going to burst.

Leeli bit her lip and gripped her pencil tightly. It was hard to stay upset for long, though, and in a minute she started laughing.

All too soon, the black-haired man appeared to escort them to dinner.

Leaving half-finished projects with reluctance, the CBers followed him, excitedly chatting about the art room.

The dining room was set up buffet-style, with a large table against one wall filled with food and drinks. Another table in the middle of the room was for eating, with chairs and silverware.

The director clapped his hands. "Please line up at the buffet table."

Danie was first in line. She took a plate from a pile at the edge of the table, then moved along the buffet table, choosing her favorite foods.

It was all arranged in artful patterns and designs, and went in category from bowls of salad to pizza to chocolate-frosted layer cake.

Danie filled her plate with a pile of pasta salad, a hot dog, and a chocolate chip cookie. Then she took her plate over to the dining table.

Leeli sat down next to her, blond hair spread over her shoulders. The plate she carried contained two slices of pizza, a wedge of chocolate cake, a piece of fudge, and two chocolate chip cookies.

Danie looked at Leeli with her eyebrows raised. "That's...kind of a lot of dessert." Leeli shrugged. "I like sweet stuff!"

"But don't you think that's a little...much?"


Danie dropped the subject and shoveled a forkful of pasta salad into her mouth instead.

The director cleared his throat, all the heads turned to the buffet table that he was leaning against.

"I have a few directions to give!" He smiled. "First of all, everybody must be in their rooms by ten o'clock. All lights must be turned of by eleven o'clock.

"And tomorrow, we're taking a field trip outside, to paint, sketch, write, or anything else--on the patio!" The CBers cheered--or, at least as best as they could with their mouths full. Then Mei-xue raised her hand.

The black-haired man looked at her. "Yes?" "Mr…director, what's your name?"

He froze for a moment, then relaxed and widened his smile. "You may call me Mr. Fredrik." Mei-xue sat back down again, a satisfied expression on her detailed face.


submitted by Leafpool--Part Two!
(February 25, 2017 - 1:56 pm)

Yay! Its out! I love it so much Leafpool. Way to go!

submitted by Tuxedo kitten, Bag End
(February 25, 2017 - 2:06 pm)

Thanks, Tux. TOP!

submitted by Leaftop!, The TOP of the forest
(February 26, 2017 - 3:07 pm)

I can't wait for the next one!!!!!

submitted by Ice Wolf, age Immortal!, MY IMAGINATION
(February 27, 2017 - 7:51 am)

TOP! Continue! 

submitted by Danie
(February 28, 2017 - 10:37 am)

Tip topping

submitted by Esquire of Rohan/Tux, New name people
(February 27, 2017 - 8:07 pm)

Top you dastardly thread!

submitted by Topping Hobbit , Bag End
(February 28, 2017 - 6:02 pm)


submitted by Esquire of Rohan/Tux, New name people
(March 2, 2017 - 5:18 pm)