Zekia: The Land

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Zekia: The Land

Zekia: The Land of Anthros

Prologe: Voices

"It's ready sir."

"The Crystal?"

"yes, the Crystal of Power is complete"

"But... has the doorway been found?"

"No, and I don't think we ever will. It is after all a my-

"YOU DARE QUESTION MY PLANS? The Doorway is real and soon I will find it. It is only a matter of time"

"Y-y-yes sir."

Part 1: Daydreams

This is it! The moment I have been waiting for! I Have finally cornered Him. I drive the Sword Pater Iustitae at thier head. I miss, cutting of the hood, revealing.. my math teacher?

"Alexander Richerdson! Do you have your homework?"

What the-


I see my classroom and the fat cow


Ms. Herdberry is a cow anthro, I wonder how she can even sta-

"welcome back to Earth. Now do you have your homework"

"As a matter of fact I do." I hand her the paper

"'Herdberry is a big fat-'"

"uh.. give me that!" ripping the paper I quickly take out my homework... for real this time.

"You know I don't tolerate this behavor Alex. maybe Detenion will help change that."

Mom's gonna be serving fox tonight.

Welcome to Zekia

Home of the Anthrophamorphic Animals.

End Part 1

Welcome! Zekia is kinda like Midevil Europe mixed with Rome. With very few morden touches. The government is a Republic

Open to anyone

so you know there are no humans. so we will begin when there are 5 others

Character Sheet


Gender (Male or Female)


Anthro (basic an animal i with few human features like 5 fingers, walks on 2 legs. Hair is opional.) Hybrids are alouded. adverge height is often like humans. give or take a foot.



My sheet

Name: Alexander Richerdson. Goes by Alex

Gender: Male

age: 12 (this takes place 2 years before Alex went to Kyngdom)

Anthro: Red Fox with some Artic F ox blood.

Discripion: no hair. Orange fur with white around chest area. some white at tip of tail. Blue eyes. 5 foot 2. Slight build. tends to wear green or brown. fur turn completly white a in cold climites. reckless. adventurous. good melee fighter.

Hope to see you here!

submitted by Alex R, age 14
(April 15, 2017 - 12:03 am)

Hi Alex! I'm shadow on Kyngdom...

Name: Lilla Cane

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Anthro: Deer

Description: No hair, no horns. Green eyes. Light brown in color with white spots, and her small tail has a white tip. Tall, but not towering over everybody. She can look most of the boys in the eyes, unlike other girls in her grade. Hehehe. Delicate-looking build, but pretty athletic. Wears whatever she can afford, which is generally boys' clothes. Kind and caring, but if someone tries to pick on her, she won't hold anything back. Good at hand-on-hand combat. Great with a bow and arrow. 


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 15, 2017 - 9:16 am)

Oh! I will join!

Name: Eris Blackstone

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Anthro: Loucan (Lemur-Toucan, I can explain.)

Description: A fuzzy lemur with fur the colors of a rainbow. Acrobatic, very agile. Large cupped ears, and two black wings sprouting out of his back. He's kinda short, about 4' 7". He's a very curious soul, and nothing will stp him from finding something out, even if it means breaking a few rules. Determined, but a little too clumsy. Has few freinds, but is in constant search of them.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(April 15, 2017 - 3:07 pm)
submitted by nudge
(April 15, 2017 - 12:46 pm)

Hi Alex! It's Mina on Kyngdom, and I'll join too. R.I.P. Heather.

Name: Gabrielle "Gabby" Icefall

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Anthro: Cheetah/Snow Leopard mix

Description: No hair. She looks and has the build of exactly a cheetah, but some of her patterns are different because she also has leopard in her. She wears what she wants, but usually something athletic looking or comfortable. She's one of the "jocks" of the school, and she's always in a sport of some kind. She's basically the fastest anthro in the school, second best to only a pure cheetah anthro. Nevertheless, she still tries to beat him. She isn't really intrested in guys, as she's more friends with them because she does sports with them. (But she's still open to shipping.) So you get the point, she's really athletic and good at fighting too. She can use her running power to get away from a fight. Sometimes other cheetah anthros would make fun of her because she's a mix, but at the same time, because she's also a leopard, so she has the speed of a cheetah but much more endurance. She's pretty friendly, really funny, and she can get long with almost everyone.

submitted by Killim
(April 15, 2017 - 1:22 pm)

This looks cool! I'm Connie on Kyngdom, by the way.

Name: Niva Tigris

Gender (Male or Female (but I think you should amend this to make it all inclusive, so nobody feels left out since the Chatterbox is not a place for opinions or arguments, but for people to be themselves)): Female

Age: 14

Anthro: Snow Tiger, no hair

Description: White with black stripes, loves snow, piercing crystal blue eyes. Often wears clothing the color of her eyes or camouflage with her fur.

submitted by SopranoTwo
(April 15, 2017 - 2:16 pm)
submitted by JUST 1 MORE!!!!!! XD
(April 15, 2017 - 6:11 pm)

Name: Lupa Amoux

Gender: Female


Anthro: Wolf

Description: No hair, dark grey fur that turns silver in moonlight, silver blaze down her nose, one amber and one silver eye, wears mostly black or dark colors, has a dark grey beanie that she is almost always wearing, more of a lone wolf with a few friends, fast with high endurance, good at all aspects of fighting, quiet but very protective, book worm, smart, resourceful

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(April 15, 2017 - 10:04 pm)

Hi Epic Fangirl! Are you new? I saw some of your other posts, but not before today...

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 16, 2017 - 7:46 am)

Part2: The Day When Things Went Boom

"So Alex," My friend Eris says at the end of the school day "Me and Lilla are gonnago in The Cave today. Wanna come?" yesterday there was a sinkhole that revealed a huge cave. Of course Eris would want to explore it. He the kind that wants to figure out every thing. must be the Lemur in him. He's a Hybrid, in his case he's half lemur, half toucan.... yeah. sometimes I forget which part is from the mother and which part is from the father since they both work. I believe scientists but I forgot what kind.

"sorry can'. have detenion with The Cow"

"What did you do?" Lilla walks up. Kinda hard to miss her since she's the tall one of the group, even for a deer. She is kind and all. Kinda tomboyish. But cross her and you might end up with an arrow to the head. She is so good with the bow she once shot an acorn off my head.

"She may have found my list of insults..."

They laugh

"I told you she would end up finding it!" Lilla chuckles "you should've burned it!"

I roll my eyes "I was almost at the 100th mark too. wait for me. I should be there in a hour."

We exchanged hifive then we split.

25 minutes later

we sat there in the room. me and Ms. Herdberry. The Cow. I had my fair share in this room. mostly for my lists. And once for for beating up Tobis Draco. A dragon anthro. He gets away with everything. Mostly due to luck. the fight was over who gets to ask Kelsi Hopkins out. The most beautyful vixen in possably the world. I was going to but then he had the same idea. blood was on both of us. Then when the teachers came he made up some lie saying I attacked him because I can.

they believed him and had to gag me just so I would shut up. later I fond out that Kelsi turned him down. asking him to "find someone blind. because those are the only ones that can't see all the **** he is" I like girls like that. those who say what they want. She even had a blank face when she said that. Just when I thought about her silky black hair...


The room shook (along with other things) and boy did The Cow panic! then the wall broke open by a boulder.


"Now Alex it is my d- ALEXANDER GET BACK HERE!!!"

No way am I doing that.

The Town is on fire!

I am not going to lose another

not after He died.

submitted by Alex R, age 12
(April 16, 2017 - 3:23 am)

So is this basically like a modern town but instead of humans there are anthros? 


Right in the middle of track practice, there's a huge boom.

Rosie, the German Shepard anthro, sniffs the air and yells, "There's a fire!"

Instantly the students freak out, and my brother Ben's ears perk up.

"Stop! Where is the fire?"

"I'm guessing the town, kids," Coach says. "Let's get a move on. Get inside. Practice is canceled."

Instantly Ben and I look at each other, and with a flash, we're off. Mom's taking care of this lion cub we're fostering, and they're in the town, in our house. We ignore the yells of our coach to come back. 

I reach the town first, and within a second, Ben is right beside me. The sight is horrific. A lot of houses are on fire, and I can't see much in the forest in front of us because of the opaque black smoke. 

I sense someone behind me, and I turn to see a fox...what was his name? I've seen him a few times around school...oh yeah. Alexander. He's the fox that always gets yelled at in Herdberry's class.

"Oh my- When did this happen?" he yells.

"I don't know! We just got here," I shout back.

It's so loud. There are alarms blaring, people shouting, and the wind and fire howling. 

I sprint away to our house with Ben.

"Do you see mom?" I yell when we get there.

The house hasn't sustained as much damage as other houses, but the door is still knocked down and some of the roof has caved in.

"No, but I'm going in," Ben gasps, starting towards the door.

I grab his arm. "Ben. Wait. It could cave in on you. Wait for Aidan to come back."

"Aidan told me that his flight back was delayed. Let me go."

"No, Ben, I can't-"

But he ignores me and runs in the house.


The house, as if right on time, explodes into flames.

I'm taken aback and can't see in front of me before scream and attempt to run inside. But I can't even get past the doorway. All I can see are flames.

"BEN!" I scream. "BENJAMIN!"

No response, only the roar of both flames and trucks.

I run around the back, looking desperately for any sign of my brother. Maybe he went up the second floor?

Right as I think that, the top of my house collapses onto the bottom floor, and my head floods with pain and red light.

I stumble towards the nearest firefighter, but he's struggling to help other people like all the rest of them are.

The streets have many anthros running around desperately, trying to find anyone that will help them.

I spot a firefighter writing something on a clipboard, so I run for her.

"Ma'am, please, can you come help me? My house―my brother―I-"

She holds up a hand. "Calm down sweetie. Right now we're trying to list all of the damages. I have to call for backup, but I'm sure someone will get to you soon. Just stay calm and don't panic."

I yell in frustration and anxiously go around for any free firefighter, but I can't find a single one.

Suddenly I spot Lupa, and I run towards her.

"Lupa!" I yell. "Please, come help!"

I realise that I'm crying, but it's so hot and there's so much smoke in the air that the tears slowly dry up.

She whips around, her dark grey fur up.

I bolt for my house, and within seconds, she arrives.

"What is i- Oh my Zekia, Gab, I didn't realise-"

"B-B-Ben," I gasp out, breathing frantically through the thick smoke. "H-He's― I-I can't-"

She gasps and heads for the house when suddenly it completely explodes. In what seems like slow motion, Lupa and I are blown back by debris, ashes, and the cap of my brother.

I land hard on my leg, and I scream. I reach for my brother's cap when a wood plank lands on me and everything goes black. 

submitted by Killim
(April 16, 2017 - 2:30 pm)

to answer your question, Zekia is more Midevil Europe crossed with Anchent Rome with sprinkles of today. For example Zekia's education system is kinda like ours but since they mostly lack our tech. there wouldn't such thing as computer lab. another example is that the two languages that are often spoken is English (newer) and Latin (older).

submitted by Alex R, age 14
(April 17, 2017 - 1:05 am)

though the way this can be interprited (me nu spel gud) it could still work

"...There are alarms blaring..."

bells. lots of bells ringing

"Aidan told me that his flight was delayed..."

messengers, for the letter to get there. and even if Aidan is not a bird Anthro, there could like this company runned by flying Anthros. I think youcould figure out the rest.

and the firefighters? easy. Elephants.

I must sound like a young child.... or should I say pup? (drum gag)

submitted by Alex R, age 12
(April 17, 2017 - 1:23 am)


Eris and I are exploring the Cave when the world shakes.

Specifically, we're transcribing Alex's list of insults onto the wall of it.

The shaking makes it harder to write #46 on the stone with an enchanted sword, and we end up turning the word '****' into something resembling 'shnitzel.'

"The Cow is a big fat ball of shnitzle?" I say, holding back laughter, "Not one of Alex's finest."

"What's causing that shaking?" Asks Eris, his ears perking towards the mouth of the cave. 

"I dunno," I say, "Can't be good, though."

We gather our things, preparing to set off back to the surface. I don my baseball cap, which was originally made for snow leapords. I may have had to cut some bigger ear holes.

We walk to the place where the world beneath the surface meets the land above. 

And I see that the world is on fire. 

Eris curses.

I do too. 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 16, 2017 - 4:21 pm)

NAME: Ava Evenwoods

GENDER: female


DESCRIPTION: see picture below

aaak I am so bad at hands!

i was considering putting her hair in a braid but I didn't have time. 

Might be sideways, sorry guys. 

submitted by unsuspectingstrytllr
(April 17, 2017 - 7:58 am)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!you are the first member to make an Anthro with hair. you get...To be a part of a great thread.... wait everyone gets that :P

submitted by Alex R, age 14
(April 17, 2017 - 3:15 pm)