Season 1, Episode

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Season 1, Episode

Season 1, Episode 1: A Solo Write

Production Title: Untitled Project (TBD) 

Production Type: Pre-Produced 

Production Length: Television Series (Undetermined) 

Director: Mina Cartwright  

Producer: Mina Cartwright 

Casting Director: Mina Cartwright 

Audition Location: San Francisco, California 

Shooting Location: Undetermined  

Contact Information: Ms. Cartwright may be reached through this casting notice. Any comments posted shall be forwarded to her immediately. The password is season 1 

Key Dates: (See Below) 

Auditions: February 17, 2018 - February 24, 2018  

(Please note that no other applications will be accepted outside of this window.) 

Call Backs: February 25, 2018 (Cast list will be posted the evening of the 25th) 

Shooting Starts: February 26, 2018 

Shooting Ends: Undetermined 

Synopsis: Production details will be disclosed to actors when cast

Character Parts: 

Lead (Male): 

Lead (Female): 

Supporting Actors (4):

Supporting Actresses (4): 

Any other availiable roles will be determined upon review of your application. There are 14 spots open. 


Full Name: 


Date of Birth:

Place of Residence:






Default Expression: 

Personality Details:

Personality Strengths:

Personality Weaknesses: 

Greatest Motivation:

Greatest Flaw:  

Greatest Fear: 

Highest Level of Education:


Prior Experience: 




Please keep in mind that your ethnicity, age, and gender, will not factor into your ability to fufill the roles in this production. Please also prepare an original 1,000 word (or less) monologue to perform. This should be attached with your application. Good luck. We thank you for applying to Untitled Project: Season 1, Episode 1. 



submitted by Mina C., age Director
(February 18, 2018 - 12:44 am)

Hi Mina,

Your name says Results but I'm not seeing a cast list? The screenshot you posted cuts off at "INT. APARTMENT - DAY." I'm not sure if this was intended or not, but I wanted to let you know.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(February 27, 2018 - 5:02 pm)

Hm, I did mean to post the character details and cast lists, but apparently, that didn't show up. . . I'll retry. . .

submitted by @St.Owl
(February 27, 2018 - 7:44 pm)

Here it is! Attached is also the text in case the image doesn't show 


Season 1, Episode 1: “Toeing the Line”


Aurelia Sanchez: 20-25F. Latin American Prima Ballerina. Aurelia is an immigrant facing an uncertain future when she makes her big break. Must be able to or willing to learn to dance.

David Sanchez: 30-35M. Biology Professor; Aurelia’s older brother. Lives far away and rarely keeps in touch with his family.

Elise Hadi: 20-25F. Understudy to Aurelia Sanchez. Arrogant; believes herself to be a better dancer than Aurelia. Determined, focused, to say that she would kill for a lead part is not too much of a stretch.

Nicholas Yun: 25-30M. Head of the New York Ballet. Strict, bitter, and seemingly emotionless; cares only for his company. Oversees dance program as well. Was once a world-renowned dancer, but a car accident in his 20’s ended his career.

Katherine Burke: 15-18F. Student at New York Ballet. Doting, oblivious, sweet, naive, and absolutely adores Aurelia. Daughter of Caroline Burke.

Caroline Burke: 40-45F. World renowned dance instructor looking for the perfect. Constantly disappointed in her daughter; often brushes her off to the side.

Lauren Kelly: 25-30F. Aurelia’s dance agent. Believes that Aurelia is her big break, focuses all attention on her.  

Sophie Stevens: 20-25F. Former gymnast is now an intern at the New York Ballet. Serves as Nicholas Yun’s personal secretary.

Alice Connors: 25-30F. Hotshot talent agent who lives for the fame and glamour of her job.

Noah Mason: 20-25M. Aurelia’s best friend. Blunt, occasionally rude, but always forthright and honest.


Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 3.02.36 PM.png
submitted by Results: Characters!
(February 27, 2018 - 7:48 pm)

Wow! This seems really cool! However, I don't see the casting results. Maybe this was intentional, but I think you might be attaching the wrong screenshot...?

submitted by @Mina C.
(February 27, 2018 - 9:58 pm)

Hi Admins, do you know why the same screenshot keeps popping up everytime I try to post an image? Thank you! 

No, I don't. Sorry.


submitted by @Admins , Ms. Cartwright
(February 27, 2018 - 10:16 pm)

Cool! So, will you choose the characters that our characters will play, or will we get a vote, or will we do some sort of 'audition' or something else entirely?

submitted by Leeli
(February 27, 2018 - 10:48 pm)

Please refer to the casting call. Casting lists will be posted shortly, as soon as I can deal with all these technical difficulties 

submitted by @Leeli
(February 27, 2018 - 11:59 pm)

Ah, I see. Sorry. 

submitted by Leeli
(February 28, 2018 - 6:59 pm)

One more try! 

Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 9.54.26 PM.png
submitted by Ms.Cartwright
(February 27, 2018 - 10:21 pm)

Success! Casting lists shall be posted shortly 

submitted by Ms. Cartwright
(February 27, 2018 - 11:59 pm)
Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 9.00.21 PM.png
submitted by Cast List
(February 28, 2018 - 12:01 am)
submitted by Cast Lists are up!
(March 1, 2018 - 12:31 am)
submitted by Topity top top!
(March 4, 2018 - 10:31 pm)

Due to the fact that Ms. Cartwright is currently being swamped, she will be postponing production until next week;. 

submitted by @Cast & Crew
(March 5, 2018 - 8:55 pm)
submitted by TOP
(March 11, 2018 - 11:37 am)