Thoughts, story excerpts,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Thoughts, story excerpts,

Thoughts, story excerpts, poems, art, photography, ideas, complaints and so many other things. They come to our minds daily, shining stars falling down from the vast skies of imagination. So, we create new threads to share them. However, while individual threads are good for sharing a story, or creating a contest it would be good to just place all these bits and pieces in one place. So, this thread is for you to share those random things that you've made or thought of. No rules or limitations for what you can put (other than the basic CB rules of course), just enjoy!

submitted by Neko Openleaf
(May 27, 2018 - 3:35 pm)

@Abigail.... that is REALLY GOOD! You have the beginings of a real story there! It's really good and I really enjoy your writing style! I love the premise of the story and the way you wrote it - just the way you described - EVERYTHING. I love the way you reimagined the cliche' of never-there parents and a lonely childhood, by making it truly your own. I would love to read more of your stuff! You've really gotten on to something there. Keep going IT'S ARWESOME!


@Alta, interesting..... when I first skimmed over it I thought she was doing a backflip/riding on a hoverboard and was yelling at him when they were in some University about doing stuff - I'm weird =P

BUT WHADEVER this stuff is really good. Seriously this thread is such a great idea. 

Oh! Wanted to share a bit of my world. (I was testing this stuff on PiedPiper she liked it) SO it's like everyone (AS IN EVERYONE INCLUDING NORMAL PEOPLE IN THE REAL WORLD) is born with a certain amount of magic with them. Level Zero if you like. With enough training, literally anyone can become a mage/wizard/magic-worker. Still with me? Good.

Now, some people are born with a bit more power over it at the very beginning. Their natural power will show a bit more than normal people. Normal people are just that - JUST LIKE US. No (Obvious...) magical power until you're trained to use it. However, these people usually burn out because their knowledge of their power and their ability to use it is VERY unequal at the beginning. Usually normal people who are trained in magic are actually better in the long run than people with an innate ability to use their magic at the beginning. 

JUST TO CLARIFY the people I'm talking about DO NOT have more magic than the average person, got that? they are just born able to use it at the beginning. They STILL need to be trained like the rest of us to harness and control their power.

So the basic premsie is that ANYONE, ANYONE can do magic with enough training. Anyone. Sometimes it's harder for more talented people because their power runs away with them. That's not good. That's why their are usually universities and sort of magical apprentisships. It differs from continent to continent, but usually their are a few magic-wanderers wandering around who take an apprenticeship. 

You know what this is so complicated I will continue it in another post - BOY FOR NOW! 

submitted by Chinchilla
(June 9, 2018 - 7:13 pm)

Interesting world! It’s cool how it’s almost opposite of our world where the talented people are actually worse off whereas in our world they’re usually better off. I must read this story.

submitted by CignusMoon, age 148 moons, The Story World
(July 7, 2018 - 10:12 am)
submitted by Neko Toppingtopper
(June 9, 2018 - 12:28 pm)

I'm writing a book about 5 girls named Zendaya, Kitty, Helouise, Willow, and Kinnly. They attened Girls School of Magic, which is in present day England. My characters are all daughters of famous sorceresses and sorcerors, such as Merlin, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Hecate, etc. I'm not so sure on what the plot is, but it has to do with a quest and some old guy named Joe that can hypnotize aggresive wilderness creatures with a trumpet.  


submitted by Caramel Star, age 11, Whatever
(June 10, 2018 - 9:34 am)

That bit about hypnotizing animals with a trumpet rings eerily of the Pied Piper story.... interesting idea.

submitted by Chinchilla
(June 10, 2018 - 3:44 pm)

It was my brother. I personally think it's kinda stupid.

submitted by Caramel Star
(June 19, 2018 - 2:34 pm)
submitted by Neko Toppingtopper
(June 12, 2018 - 4:02 pm)
submitted by Neko Toppingtopper
(June 13, 2018 - 3:08 pm)



I would post more but I need to GO SO see ya later

submitted by TOOOP, age Chinchilla, Dashing Away
(June 14, 2018 - 3:49 pm)

Oh goody-goody. I'm not feeling especially creative today so LET US DO THIS.

I doubt I'll actually do anything with this idea, so you can steal it if you want. Just make big adjustments so we don't sue each other if I use the idea.

So I was listening to 'King and Lionheart" by Of Monster And Men, (WHICH IS SO GOOD) and I thought, 'what if a 'lionheart' is a literal species? Mmm. Maybe they were made to protect princes...? Hmmm...' and this happened.  

SO Lionhearts as they were nicknamed were originally invented to basically be the bodyguard of the heir to the throne. The species was created in a very unstable kingdom, so that would mean that the heir would be safe. Now, the Lionheart, to enable that it was trustworthy, had to be bound by certain spells when it was born/created. It would mean that it was almost literally and emotionally bound to the heir. With added plus of growing up with the heir, the emotional ties would be strengthened even more. It would be LITERALLY impossible for the Lionheart to betray or enable in any way the killing or death of the prince/princess. I mean, you wouldn't really sell off your sibling, but the magic made it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the Lionheart to do that. The Lionheart would literally have to die for the heir. It would do it anyways, but the magic makes it impossible for it not to do so. Then, when the heir has grown up, he'she will always have one person they can completely and utterly and literally trust with their life - the Lionheart. Since it's impossible for the Lionheart to make the prince/princess die wether by action or inaction, there would always be someone the prince could trust literally with his life.

However, even from birth, their personalities might not click. They might not like each other. Now, that is pretty bad, mostly because wizards/magic users know that even in the most tight enchantment there is always a loophole, so mostly for the heir's sake, there was another added spell in the magic. While it was young, if there was something that the heir was especially annoyed about - let's say the Lionheart had a habit of pacing when it thought, and the heir didn't like that - then the magic would respond to that and LITERALLY CHANGE THE LIONHEART'S PERSONALITY. Now, it usually worked best when the Lionheart was still pretty young, it's personality was still very easily influenced, when it is older the magic still works, just to a lesser extent. Also, it the Lionheart didn't really like the Prince/Princess, the magic would literally change the fact. However after preschool age, the magic doesn't work quite as well. The Lionheart may not do the annoying habit as much, but overall the personality will stay the same.


Also, at the beginning, to make those special emotional ties that would make the Lionheart imprint on the heir, there would be an.... unexpected side-effect. The Lionheart would take on the aspects of Were. (Hah ha how totally not creative of me) It would have lion ears and a small lion tail, and have the ability to transform into a lion. This at first sort of nonplussed the magic users who created the Lionheart, but they went with it. After all, they reasoned, wouldn't a protective Lionheart baby who can turn into a small lion cub be so much more useful if the heir was going to be kidnaped or attacked? Better a were-wolf-like creature than just a creature mostly magic. So, when the magical practices evolved and they could seperate the Were-affects from the imprinting magic, they kept it. So now the heir has a lion-transforming bodygaurd rather than having to train a little kid in karati to protect the heir. Everyone's happy, except perhaps the entire species that was created for the sole purpose of being slave to human politics. 

The Lionheart is usually either regarded with scorn and suspicion - it's not even a real creature, it's half magic as it is - or openly admired. Depends on the amount of inner turmoil in the kingdom with Lionhearts. Since they're not naturally found in the wild and are completely human made, usually they're only found in human kingdoms. The king's Lionheart usually either marries another Lionheart made around the same time for, I dunnow, just in case they need extras of a different gender, and they have a cute lil' furry Lionheart kid. Then that kid is taken to be the constant bodyguard/playmate of the newborn heir. If, of course, the King's Lionheart marries a human, then their cute little baby has certan spells cast over it to make sure that none of that lovely magic-adulterated blood is lost on the human's/Lionheart's offspring. It's unlikely that all of the imprint-spells will be dulled by the human father/mother's blood, but no one wants to take the chance that the Lionheart wll actually love the heir just by being brought up together as siblings. I mean, who would trust those freaks with the life of an heir?!

However, not all Kingdoms look at it that way and usually Lionhearts in general are treated humanely.  

SO hope that was good. 

submitted by Chinchilla
(June 15, 2018 - 3:39 pm)

I love that song! Have you seen the Warroirs MAP on it? Also great!

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(July 5, 2018 - 5:52 pm)

I have a short story that I can’t find a good first sentence for. The one I have I like, but it doesn’t really set the right feeling. Here’s some I’ve been trying out, starting with the working one:

”Elevators are strange, just like people- and elevators can be magic, just like people.”

And some others:

”This is a story of two girls who weren’t allowed to name themselves, and a boy who never got a chance to.” I like this one, but the rest of the story is in third person personal, so a sort of overreaching narrator in this first sentence might not work.

”Kai drummed his fingers on the car door, bored out of his mind.” This is another working one that fits easily with the story but doesn’t give you the sort of sad, metaphorical feel that the rest does- I’m trying to write a prologue, while this would be a first chapter. 

“Sometimes, there are times when one does not want to be particularly honest or kind- however, there are also times when one is forced to be honest and kind by the use of large sticks.” This is similar to the last sentence, same vibe, but different character’s perspective. 

Which one do you guys think is best? I know you haven’t read the story, and I’m not going to post it because the Admins might not approve, but I would appreciate your advice. The story is about three kids- two girls called Laurie and Jackie, and a boy named Kai. Kai is very passive at the beginning and spends most of his time playing video games or reading. He knows about struggles and does nothing to stop them. Then he comes across this place, (courtesy of a magic elevator) and meets two girls who despite being forced to be passive are still trying to do things and help the world. Their differences make them, after a while of talking in secret, change for the better. And I cannot find a good start for it. 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(June 17, 2018 - 2:21 pm)

Here's a hint. Don't get stuck on the first sentence. Keep writing, and as you do that, you'll start getting more of a feel for the story. Then, maybe you'll come up with something. 

submitted by Neko Darkpoison
(June 18, 2018 - 10:09 am)

Yeah! Like titles. Itès very rare that you will think of a great title before you start writing the story. Sometimes a title can inspire one, but just write, and as Neko says, just write and itèll come!

submitted by Chinchilla
(June 18, 2018 - 4:40 pm)

I've written it, Im just revising. This is the only part ii havent figured out yet, the rest is done ann Im considering posting  it on Wattpad. thankss for  th advice, but ii am done woth it! I just need some help with details :)

submitted by Blue Moon
(June 18, 2018 - 11:17 pm)