CB Camp Solo

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CB Camp Solo

CB Camp Solo Write! 

LilyPad collapsed onto bed and gazed out the open window. Sunlight slanted through the mottled tree leaves and danced across the garden in a twirling pattern. A light breeze drifted through the window. LilyPad's eyes started to feel heavy, and she had almost drifted into a light sleep when she noticed something odd on the windowsill. Curious, she reached out her hand and it closed around a parchment envelope. Suddenly wide awake, the girl sat up with a jolt and tore open the paper, careful not to damage whatever lay inside. 

Dear LilyPad,

All CBers have been invited to an exlusive camp getaway in the countryside. We look forward to hearing your response as soon as possible, as only ten spots are available. Please fill out this short form to join.

CBer Name:

Age (optional):







We hope to see you there.


So, this is an RP that I have done before, and I thought it would be fun to turn into a Sole Write. Please note, this is not a Ski Lodge.


Basically, ten CBers (including me) are invited to a CB camp where they particapate in various different fun activities. About halfway through the camp, one of the CBers goes missing in the woods, possibly kidnapped or held hostige by an unknown villian. The CBers have to work together to find the CBer, led only by a series of riddles and clues. We'll see how we go. 

Here's my charrie sheet:

CBer Name: LilyPad

Age (optional): 12

Gender/pronouns: Girl (she, her)

Personality: fun, friendly and bubbly. Is always looking for adventure. Knows how to look after herself, but works better with other people. 

Appearance: long, strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes. Is average height and wears simple, but colourful clothes. Usually wears hair in two braids. 

Strengths: Good at thinking on her feet and solving puzzles. 

Weaknesses: Sometimes too trusting of other people. 

Other: N/A


So, as I said there are nine spots now available so hurry! Have fun.  


submitted by LilyPad, age 12, Australia
(July 16, 2018 - 9:56 pm)

Name: Soren

Age: 11

Gender/pronouns: I am technically female, but I feel more in-between, so just they/them pronouns.

Personality (oh goodness): weird beyond weird, unless I'm around the popular girls at school, then I just sit in the back and don't talk. Very kind and smart, extremely tomboyish, descriptive, gets quiet during respectful, calm things but otherwise a little wild. Poetic in writing, not brave but also not a coward, not very squeamish. Avid reader and writer, obsessed with Harry Potter, Minecraft Story Mode, and Captain America. A teacher's pet, but hates being one.

Appearence: electric blue, Justin Beiber-ish pixie cut, bold eyes same color as hair, Padawan braid, pale,"5'4", freckles, not that pretty, plain grey t-shirt, jean shorts, elictric blue flip-flops, thick, leathery dragon wings and tail, also electric blue.

Strenghts: very good singer and writer, arm wrestling, Harry Potter trivia, school, staying up late

Weaknesses: all physical activity exept arm wrestling, riddles, drawing, handwriting, socializing with people who aren't my friends.

Other: vegetarian. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(July 19, 2018 - 10:02 am)

Ok, here are the cabin groups! Since it is a countryside camp, the cabins are all named after flowers.

Cabin 1 (banksia): 



Spring Flower

Red Tailed Panda


Cabin 2 (poppy)

Soren Infinity





Cabin 3 (Waratah):





Agent Winter


Look up the flower of your cabin group, they are all beautiful. 




submitted by LilyPad
(July 19, 2018 - 5:46 pm)

And of course, I made them all Australian. *Sigh* Admins, sorry but on the post above where I made the Cabin groups, could you please change grevillea to poppy? That would be great, thank you! 

Done. You're welcome.


submitted by LilyPad
(July 19, 2018 - 5:50 pm)

Part One:

It was a beautiful spring morning, and nothing made Dandelion happier than listening to the birds singing and the trees gently swaying in the breeze, Dandelion adjusted the straps on her back and smoothed down her long, wavy hair. She couldn't help feeling slightly uneasy about this camp; from the moment she received her letter, something felt odd about everything to do with it - as if it was different from other camps she'd been on before. But the girl was trying not to let that get in her way. Ever since she could remember, Dandelion had always loved spending time outdoors, and this camp was sure to be full of adventure. And spending a week with some of her friends from the CB, what more could she want? But still...her mind kept wondering back to the tense, edgy feeling she had in her chest every time she layed eyes on that parchment letter.

Suddenly, the group of CBers clustered around the bus stop came into veiw and all unwelcome thoughts were banished from Dandelion's mind. 

"Dandelion!" Called Agent Winter, waving her over. "We're so glad you're finally here."

"We were beginning to think you weren't coming," Added Secret. "The bus will be here soon."

Dandelion bit her lip.  


That was kind of a short post, but I'll try to post part two some time tommorow.  

Any suggestions? Feedback is welcome.  

submitted by LilyPad, Part One
(July 19, 2018 - 7:51 pm)

Hah! Look at that! We're in the same cabin Cuz!

Ohhh boy. I'm seeing a lot of forced awkward conversations in my future. 

By the way, I'm looking for any other Avatar the Last Airbender fans here at this camp! Or anyone who thinks they can beat me at a game of chess!

I like the flowers you chose LilyPad! So interesting! Are they common where you are? Besides the poppy, I don't think I've ever seen those types before.

We also have a short journal entry from both of us, because SF is trying to bring that back since they used to do it all the time in long-ago solo writes. 

You start, rtp.


I am on the bus. It seems pretty regular. Same leather seats with black tape over the tears that campers have inflicted. Same slight scent of sweat and pine needles. Same windows that no one can seem to get unstuck. But the people around me make the bus a colorful place. Everyone is glad to seem each other. There are no snickerings from the back seat or unsavory words being shouted whenever we hit a bump. It's not overwhelmingly loud or eerily quiet. No, this bus is filled with inteligence and creativity. It's full of people who will always find the color in a black and white movie, who will always hear the music in a soundless film, who will always see the light in a dark tunnel. 

Addmittedly, this is the first time I've been in such an enviornment. My cousin and I are relatively new to the CB. Although I've been to many a chess match, even the brightest players will send you dark looks when you checkmate in a move they didn't even see coming. Although I've geeked out at many a ATLA fan gathering, no one there seems to want to have a decent conversation. No, it's all giggles and talking about how that cute guy in the corner looks so much like Zuko that the room got hotter when he walked in. Although I've commented on many write-ins, the atmosphere is never quite the same. I think this camp will be a good experience. A nice place to share ideas without getting judged. If I play my strategy well, Spring Flower and I will have friends in many places. She might even open up more. And boy is it hard to get my cousin to get out of her shell.

Speaking of which, my introvert cousin is sketching a cow we saw out the window. When I asked her why it was of  of interest, she mumbled something about patterns. Soon she'll be sneaking glances at the people around us and drawing them as well. She takes an interest in drawing people. She does it quite well, imparting a piece of herself and their personality onto the paper. 

If I want to have a good start, I should start introducing myself. I want to get to know the people we'll be spending camp time with. Breath in rtp, you've done this before. Now turn that frown upside down, as Amah would say. You never have another shot at a first impression.




the paper guides the unseen wind

the wind guides the flower

the flower guides the jersey cow

the cow guides my brain power


my brain power guides the pencil

the pencil guides my hand

my hand guides my instinct

to make a picture never planned 


My Cousin

Sits confident,


(At fate,

daring the world)

He is not


To talk to other



Can this




At Me.

(I'm looking away) 

submitted by red taileding Flower, nose twitching春乌艾
(July 20, 2018 - 11:04 am)

Nice! That's a good idea, feel free to write diary entries, but they don't have to be done every day. In fact, you don't even have to do any at all. But if there's a certain way you want your charrie to react to a situation, jot down a short diary entry. 

Thanks, Red Tailed Panda and Flower. Can I call you RTP?

submitted by LilyPad
(July 20, 2018 - 5:53 pm)
submitted by Topper, age Topsy, The top
(July 20, 2018 - 10:26 pm)
submitted by Topperstix!, The Top, duh.
(July 22, 2018 - 9:09 am)

Cool, LilyPad! I don't know if I have any feedback...maybe try to add in more descripition and play the CBer characters true to their personalities? I think you're doing a pretty good job with both of those though.

submitted by Leaftop!, age Top pity!, The TOP of the forest
(July 25, 2018 - 11:08 am)


(July 26, 2018 - 3:21 pm)
submitted by TOP, age STIX, PER
(July 26, 2018 - 4:06 pm)
submitted by I messed that up, lemme try again
(July 26, 2018 - 4:56 pm)

Thanks guys. 

*sigh* just as I started this SW, my life suddenly gets busy again. I don't know when I'll be able to continue it, but possible not for a while. If you guys want I can do a remake later in the year. I'm really sorry about this, and I know it's totally unfair on you guys. I know this is really something a host of a Solo Write should NOT do, especially so early on. I'll eventually get around to it, though, probably around the Summer holidays (your Winter holidays?...I dunno what you call it).

@Leafy, thanks for the feedback. I'll definately take that on board later on. My first post was kinda rushed. *laughs awkwardly* 

Anyway, LilyPad out.  

submitted by LilyPad@everyone
(July 26, 2018 - 8:16 pm)

That's okay; I get it. A remake would be great if it's possible for you, but whatever you feel like doing. 


submitted by Leafpool
(July 27, 2018 - 10:48 am)

Its fine, I understand

Alsooooooooooo I might start a Ski Lodge, any reccomendations for ski lodges to go to for insparation?



submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(July 27, 2018 - 11:01 am)