CB Camp Solo

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CB Camp Solo

CB Camp Solo Write! 

LilyPad collapsed onto bed and gazed out the open window. Sunlight slanted through the mottled tree leaves and danced across the garden in a twirling pattern. A light breeze drifted through the window. LilyPad's eyes started to feel heavy, and she had almost drifted into a light sleep when she noticed something odd on the windowsill. Curious, she reached out her hand and it closed around a parchment envelope. Suddenly wide awake, the girl sat up with a jolt and tore open the paper, careful not to damage whatever lay inside. 

Dear LilyPad,

All CBers have been invited to an exlusive camp getaway in the countryside. We look forward to hearing your response as soon as possible, as only ten spots are available. Please fill out this short form to join.

CBer Name:

Age (optional):







We hope to see you there.


So, this is an RP that I have done before, and I thought it would be fun to turn into a Sole Write. Please note, this is not a Ski Lodge.


Basically, ten CBers (including me) are invited to a CB camp where they particapate in various different fun activities. About halfway through the camp, one of the CBers goes missing in the woods, possibly kidnapped or held hostige by an unknown villian. The CBers have to work together to find the CBer, led only by a series of riddles and clues. We'll see how we go. 

Here's my charrie sheet:

CBer Name: LilyPad

Age (optional): 12

Gender/pronouns: Girl (she, her)

Personality: fun, friendly and bubbly. Is always looking for adventure. Knows how to look after herself, but works better with other people. 

Appearance: long, strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes. Is average height and wears simple, but colourful clothes. Usually wears hair in two braids. 

Strengths: Good at thinking on her feet and solving puzzles. 

Weaknesses: Sometimes too trusting of other people. 

Other: N/A


So, as I said there are nine spots now available so hurry! Have fun.  


submitted by LilyPad, age 12, Australia
(July 16, 2018 - 9:56 pm)

Thanks for understanding. I promise I'll do a remake later - I won't let you down Wink

submitted by LilyPad
(July 27, 2018 - 6:15 pm)

Woah! What happened while we were at our respective camps in irl?

a lot, it seems. 

Too bad! If this ever shows up on the first or second pages and I remember what it is, I will definetly check it out again though. 

rtp, we might want to save these character sheets.

Good idea! Oh, and yes LilyPad, you can call me RTP. 

submitted by red taileding Flower, nose twitching春乌艾
(August 4, 2018 - 11:58 am)