RP time!!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

RP time!!!!!!!!

RP time!!!!!!!!


In the world of Maisilluie (may SUE ill EEE), the land is separated into different clans of a tribe. It may seem like a basic world split into tribes, but no. It goes much further then that. There are six clans, to form the tribe of Maliu. There is also the royal Lemni, which are the Monarch's personal guards. The Monarch is the queen leader of the clans, and she is a woman with the gifts of every clan. Now you may think, what gifts? Well, every clan is born with a magical gift of powers. it depends on what tribe you are, to have certain powers. here are the tribes and their locations and powers:


The Mohaken live in the mountains, and have powers consisting of snow and ice.


The Lehite live in the tropical islands and boats,  and have the powers of the sea and tropical growing. 


The Clayolm live in the dry deserts and swamplands, and have the powers of sand and clay.


The Egilis live in the lush jungles, and have the powers of animals and woodweaving.


The Leavez live in the forests and have the power of nature.


The Airel live on a cliff high in the clouds, and have the power of air.


Charrie sheet:

Name :

Age : 

Gender : 

Apperance : 

Personality : 

Clan :

Powers :

Shipping :

Backstory :

Other :


My charrie:

Name :  Layora Melkiski 

Age : 15

Gender : Female

Apperance : nice brown hair with little bunches of olive colored hair throughout, deeply tanned skin with fading dark green and dark blue makings flowing up her arms, a green dress woven from reeds, barfoot, sachel slung over shoulder.

Pesonality : timid, brave, smart, quick

Clan : Hehehe... shes half Lehite - half Egilis.

Powers : Sea and tropical growing, animals and woodweaving.

Shipping : Open only if they are the perfect match.

Backstory : Her mom was a Lehite and her dad was a Egilis, and her dad had a passion for exploring the world, so he traveled to Lehite and met my mom, got married had me, and so on. she grew up, and has hiddern her cross powers, and lives with her fam on Lihite.

Other : Nothing!


Pls join, startig on december 20th, pausing for chrismas! 


submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Bon Voyage
(December 17, 2020 - 7:16 pm)



"That was rough" Iclyn thought as she reviewed her outfit for the day. A knit grey sweater, khaki pants, a fur lined white parka and a pink cashmere hat. Inconspicuos yet a statement of its own with a hat that differed from the whites, grays and greens Mohaken usually wore. She slipped on to the roof, made sure no one was watching then shot a thin line of ice to a far off tree house and sculpted using her powers a zipline trolley. She hopped on grinning. This would be the highlight of her day. The zipline melted behind her leaving not a trace of where Iclyn Ruinitz might be at that particular time of the day. She unhooked the melting trolley and reviewed her suroundings on the platform. As usual the sun had risen, no one was watching her and the air was frigid. She climbed a fraying rope ladder up the tall oak tree. When she got to the top she breathed a sigh of relief. Same Beware sign that was made to look like it was painted in blood when really it was a just a twelve year old's attempt to scare off others, same fraying ladders that all led to dead ends, same ratty beanbag chair. She opened the beanbag chair and took the key out of it, then she unlocked a small compartment built into the oak tree. She took the real ladder and hooked it to a pulley which she pulled up. She then began climbing the rope. When she got to the top she smiled and waved at her friends. She was ready for this meeting of the Mohaken secret society.

submitted by Princess Juniper, age 10, The eternal Forest
(December 31, 2020 - 5:55 pm)

I accidentally forgot about this roleplay, sorry.


As always, dinner passed without his parents mentioning him once. They were far more focused on his younger sister Sora being chosen to sculpt the new ice statue for the town plaza, his older brother Vechi's prize for winning the river-freezing competition, and his younger brother Malo's new snow-shaping abilities. There was also his older sister Reka's wedding, and his other younger brother Cinnadi's birthday. Nobody seemed to care that Lixue had the top grades in his class, or that he'd scored a 100 on his algebra test--they didn't care, because he was almost powerless, and the Gwenyth family only cared about powers.

He got up and left during the middle of the meal, as usual, and nobody said a word. Sometimes Lixue felt like he was invisible to his family, though he didn't mind. He wasn't sure he'd want his parents to spoil him like they had done to his siblings. 

The outside air was sharp and freezing, as always. The streets were nearly empty and the skies turning dark. Lixue was walking towards the woods, when suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder.


submitted by Sybill, age ?, Ikea
(January 2, 2021 - 11:33 am)


submitted by top,
(January 4, 2021 - 4:23 pm)
submitted by dont let this die!!!
(January 11, 2021 - 9:38 am)
submitted by TOP, age TOPtopTOP, don't let this die!
(January 21, 2021 - 2:22 pm)
submitted by DON'T LET THIS DIEEE
(January 24, 2021 - 4:53 pm)

Hello everyone, i was wondering if we could try to bring this back? i know its probubly forgotten, by i would like to try. also, TOP TOP TOP PLEASE!!!!!!!

submitted by NoOneKnows, age ???, Everywhere
(February 5, 2021 - 3:44 pm)


submitted by NoOneKnows
(February 5, 2021 - 8:43 pm)

TOP PLEASE!!!!!!!! i understand if you dont want to do thsi but pls pls pls top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by NoOneKnows, age PLS TOP, GUYS IM RESTARTING IT!!!!
(February 8, 2021 - 6:23 pm)