
Chatterbox: Inkwell


~The Storymoth~

It flits and floats and flutters and never stops, papery white wings so delicate, so fragile, that you almost miss it…
And perhaps, once, you would’ve missed it.
Once, you couldn't've cared less. 
Once... but once is no more.
You stop and you turn and you watch it, backlit by the lantern, your bike forgotten on the ground besides you. The first stars are twinkling in and you should be getting home, but you stand, and you smile, and you laugh, and you watch the moth, floating around the light, and you remember…
The tears are still drying on your cheeks. You know now they were worth it. You suspect you’ve known from the start. You just had to realize it.

yes, another text adventure, after my writing and ideas declined so spectacularly in the last one. I just don’t know when to give up, do I? :)
But even so, hope you participate, because this time there’s *gaspp* actually a plot (well, some sense of one) and it’s not just me randomly wandering around in a world that only exists cuz one day I was like, hey, this’d be cool to create! :) And to give you proof, this will be… well, a different kind of text adventure??? You’ll start at a place and I’ll hopefully take you (and me) on a moving and inspirational (or really at least just enjoyable) journey, and then somehow using your totally open-ended commands you’ll end up at this scene?? Anyways yeah it makes total sense. So sorry about the formatting (that's why there are all these little dashes/hyphens everywhere).
5 Months Ago:
You wake up in a room. It’s not your room. It’s not even, you realize, your house. The walls are clean and white, bright fluorescent lights blind you, and there’s a weird smell in the air like… dead flowers? You twist around and, sure enough, there’s a pot of dead flowers next to your bed (well, not your bed, but the bed you’re currently in, which is just as well). There’s something oddly sterilized about this place, almost like… you’re in a hospital. You bolt up, leap out of bed, check yourself over. You didn’t get injured, did you? You didn’t roller skate into traffic again? No, no, nothing hurts. You breath a sigh of relief. Good. You left your past of horrific accidents. No need for a repeat of that episode. But then… why are you in a hospital?
You step out the doorway of the room and find a set of stairs. A red carpet descends down the length of them. Weird. You didn’t know they had such ornate staircase in hospitals. But you decide to make the best of it and pad down the stairs like you’re a movie star, pausing every once in a while to smile for the cameras and pose for your adoring fans and sign autographs and-
“Uhhh… what are you doing?”
Surprised, you look up suddenly, into… beautiful chocolate brown eyes, so deep, you could fall into them and never… and, distracted, fall down the stairs thumpity-thump, crash landing in front of Misty Brook’s smirk.
“December, what have you gotten yourself into now?”
What do you do?
Some information about you-
Name: December Woods
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 13
Appearance: long messy brown hair, a splattering of freckles
Personality: everything and anything, a walking oxymoron (though not the moron part… ok, maybe occasionally)
Note: I'm a bit scared to say it... but you have complete control over December. I'm handing you full reigns. Whatever you say, she's gotta do, as long as it's realistically possible and it doesn't interfere with the plot. So, haha, actually, no, you don't have full reigns. But pretty close.
submitted by Text Adventure! :), age Storymoth, TheLittleThings
(November 28, 2023 - 2:52 am)

Command does not compute

What do you do?


sry, I'm just a bit confused. The wall's disappeared. 

submitted by Celine@Moon Wolf, age Storymoth, Scaling the Nonexistent
(December 17, 2023 - 4:06 pm)

May I put a command, then?

Close your eyes, and paint your world out on that blank space, and open your eyes to see if anything has changed. 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(December 17, 2023 - 5:42 pm)

You close your eyes, and paint your world out on that blank space... or, at least, try. But apparently you can't just paint with your hands, and you don't have anything that would do the job. You frown. This just wouldn't do. There had to be a way. If only you hadn't tripped on that horrible whatever and lost the wall- wait. You tripped. You tripped on something, and you're sure it wasn't your shoelaces. You actually don't know what it was. Just that it was. But how could there be anything to trip on in this white canvas of a world? You feel around on the ground by your feet... and come up triumphant! In your hand is a sharp-pointed pencil! Hmm... you wave the pencil experimentally around the air, expecting a few lines to take shape in the world. After all, disappearing walls, dead dogs, seaside towns in a landlocked place... seems anything is possible around here. But- nothing happens. You sigh. Well, it sounded good in theory. So here you are, no way home, with a useless pencil in a useless world and Misty's probably still standing back in the hospital wondering why you just stormed out on her...

What do you do? 

submitted by Towels on the ground, age Badhintsry, Hint:howdouuseapencil
(December 17, 2023 - 7:56 pm)

Draw on the ground (if that's possible)

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(December 17, 2023 - 10:11 pm)

Yayy! That's what I was thinking too! :)


You draw on the ground, if that's possible. Which it is. Yay! You add some lines there, a couple dots there... and the weird thing is, when you reach out and touch them, you can actually feel them! You've mastered the power of the pencil! You can draw your world! Finally, you can be in charge of your own circumstances!

...ok, well. Now there are a few scribbles on the ground. It's not a blank canvas world anymore. Now it's just... a blank canvas world... with pencil marks. Great job! Umm, so what do you do? Or, a better question-

Where do you want to go?

submitted by A change of wind, age scrblnmdly, the edge of genius
(December 17, 2023 - 10:48 pm)

try and touch a "pencil mark"

submitted by Lord Entropy
(December 18, 2023 - 7:32 am)

Reaching down, you try (and succeed) in touching a pencil mark. One of your dots has become a little rubber ball! You bounce it around, giggling for some reason (it's probably the shock catching up to you), when it suddenly bounces away from you. Not knowing what else to do, you follow the ball, which is easy to do because it leaves its own pencil marks wherever it bounces. Interestingly, the pencil marks left behind by the ball also start to become tangible objects, and suddenly you're sliding on a field of balls! 

-Intermission: we will be back shortly (mostly bc I just started ep11 of TOH so yup bye, but also bc I want to describe more in detail where you land)-
submitted by “Sense&Insens”, age Storymoth, Watching PJO Trailer!
(December 19, 2023 - 7:03 pm)

Haha, psyche, it seems that I will not, in fact, be describing more in detail where you land, because I just realized it isn't crucial to the story, and I'm feeling lazy.

Where do you land? Please make it somewhere ridiculous. 

submitted by Um… oops?, age Storymoth, Getting bad sleep
(December 20, 2023 - 1:58 am)

A land where the ground is of white chocolate and candy canes trees and gingerbread buildings and candy land basically. If that's ok. 

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(December 21, 2023 - 1:20 am)