Kyngdom Revival???

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Kyngdom Revival???

Kyngdom Revival???

I heard talk of reviving Kyngdom again, and I really want to help! I thought it'd be good for anyone who wants to help to have a thread on the CB? Sorry if I am being pushy or if there were other plans, I just got excited!

I think it will be a pretty big project, and so we should make a plan. … But I don't know where to start XD Pangolin had a LOT of great ideas that they posted on the Kyngdom Live Chat. They also have a great RP posted on the RP board you should check out (along with Poinsettia's and my RP, and the Woodland RP if it's still active!)

I believe the plan that the CBers had come up with to revive Kyngdom before was that everything now would take place about ten years later, right? That way we don't delete all of the past Kyngdomer's work, but can also move on and come up with our own new ideas. Please correct me if I'm wrong. There's a lot of things I don't understand about the original plan, does anyone know what the plan was, if there was one?

I'm so excited!!

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Venturing Kyngdom
(December 16, 2023 - 2:02 pm)

Great idea!

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 23, 2024 - 8:41 am)

I love the idea of a festival! Btw, I'm so sorry for just dropping off the face of Kyngdom for so long - things have been pretty busy, but I haven't forgotten about it and as soon as I get a chance I'll be active there again :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(March 21, 2024 - 9:02 pm)

It's okay, Poinsettia! We all get busy. Happy to hear you're still participating! 

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 22, 2024 - 8:58 pm)

first of all, i'm so sorry i haven't been active on Kyngdom lately!! i've had barely any time for the cb, let alone kyngdom ToT as soon as my english class mock trial is over, i'll have a lot more free time and hopefully be a lot more active :D 

second, i'll try to join the new BIG Cadet Academy RP! starts on saturday and the trial is over tuesday, so probably won't be very active until then? but yeah i read through your comments on it and i fully support rebooting the rp! :D 

third, the bog and burrow!! i've been wanting to revive that ever since my first failed attempt to join kyngdom!! so awesome you've actually succeeded in that lol i'll definitely join whenever i have more free time :P

fourth, a kyngdom festival sounds awesome!! i love all of your ideas so far. we can also have all sorts of games and whatever - writing/art contests, trivia games, personality quizzes ("what power are you?"), playlists? - just stuff to get people interested and involved! okay this is an awesome idea let's do it!!

so yeah. i'm very excited about all your ideas, very sorry i haven't been too active lately, and very hopeful that i'll be able to be a lot more active soon :D

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(March 22, 2024 - 6:00 am)

:)) yess personality quizzes would be fun!

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(March 22, 2024 - 10:02 am)

Hey pangolin; good to see you again!

Okay! Don't stress about it; I think it's fine for you to have your experiment character slot even if they all fill up by the time you joined since you had one in the original rp, and anyone can make a character whenever, so feel free to take the time you need. I'd love to see you there; though :D (also maybe consider using Elaide and Nayr in this rp again? I really liked them last time but no pressure ofc do what you want)

Yay! Would love to see you there!

Those are all amazing ideas! I think we should start planning this festival for real so we can hopefully have it up and running in the next few weeks!

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 22, 2024 - 9:04 pm)

Okay, since nobody seemed opposed to the Kyngdom Festival, I say we move forward with it!

One of our first steps, of course, should be deciding how long it will be. One week? Two weeks? A whole month? We should also decide when it will be.

This leads me to another idea I had. What if we had an unofficial "Kyngdom month" every year on the CB, similar to how we have an Admin Appreciation month? Or just did a yearly Kyngdom festival if this one goes well. April or May (depending on when we decide to do this) could be the Kyngdom month, and we could have the festival all of that month. If a month seems like a lot, we could also pick just one or two weeks out of the month and make that the tradition. What do you all think?

I think we should also decide what we're doing, and who's doing what. I think we should have one main thread for the festival in CaC, like a Kyngdom Festival HQ of sorts, explaining what it is and stuff, and why we're reviving Kyngdom in the first place. People can post general stuff about Kyngdom and show art and talk about charries and RPs and stuff, but we should spread out all over the CB to get the most awareness. Artists can post art of their charries on the Art Posting thread here. 

I wouldn't mind hosting a "which Kyngdom roleplay should you join?" Quiz, and/or a "which animal should your next FaFA charrie be?" Quiz. I could also do a playlist thread and host a writing contest. Of course, just because I want to do these things doesn't mean you guys can't do a personality quiz, playlist thread, or writing contest -- we can do similar stuff as long as it all looks a little different! I can also make the Kyngdom Festival HQ thread. 

It would be ideal, in my case, for this festival to be during spring break or two weeks after. I'm off all of spring break (duh) and will be available to write stuff, but the week we get back is very busy for me. If we decide to make it two/three weeks or a month long and do it in April, I probably won't be very active for that one week. 

So what does everyone think?

submitted by Peri-festival ideas, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 22, 2024 - 9:19 pm)

That sounds great! I think we could hold it for two weeks, for all the main events, but the rest of the month will still be Kyngdom month, just less events and such. I would enjoy making a which power are you personality quiz (love doing them haha), and maybe making some Kyngdom poetry! Either way, sounds good to me!

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Kyngdom
(March 23, 2024 - 11:06 am)

those are all great ideas!! i like Moon Wolf's idea about having a whole Kyngdom Month with the main activities taking place over two weeks. i could see spring break as being either a great time because there's no school, or not, because people might be travelling. what do you guys think? but honestly i can do it any time in april or may! we should probably finalize a date as soon as we can so we can start advertising and figuring out the actual logistics of it :D 

and yess!! an annual Kyngdom Month would be so awesome!! if this one goes well, we should definitely do that!

hmm, I could host a personality quiz, maybe? or some sort of trivia or scavenger hunt game? or some other sort of game...i'll have to think, ig. i can also do tutorials on how to join or q&a or something that actually helps people understand the plot/how to join, or whatever else you guys need me to do! :D

i'm actually so pumped for this~~ 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(March 24, 2024 - 1:49 pm)


I like your idea, Moon Wolf, about the two week festival but whole month, so how about we do that?

Okay, let's work on finalizing a date. Spring break is a great week for me, but the week after is more busy so if we're going to do it the week of spring break and the week after, I will probably mostly be active for the first one. We could also do the festival the last two weeks of April or in May; I don't think those are too busy for me personally. I'm excited about this and would love to get it going sooner rather than later, but I'm willing to wait if it makes more since. What makes the most since for everyone else? 

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 26, 2024 - 8:32 pm)

Okay, so for me personally, any date is good, but I would imagine that spring break would be the best time, since a lot of people will probably be freer then.

I think I could host pretty much anything you would need me to. I could also do a "what Kyngdom power are you" quiz - something where you take a quiz and see which power you're most similar to - or a Kyngdom SI, perhaps. I'll try to think of some more festival ideas over the next few days :)

I'm very excited for the whole festival! It's such a great idea :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(March 27, 2024 - 9:21 pm)

Hold up, we have an admin appreciation month? When is that? Also this sounds great---i probably can't help much with setup since I'm super busy rn but id love to participate 

submitted by Scuttles
(March 28, 2024 - 8:16 am)

yep, it's August! it used to be a much bigger thing, but it was largely organized by Floof Industries, so once Ella left, it kind of fizzled out. we should definitely bring it back, though! :D

and yeah, spring break would work for me! :D 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(March 28, 2024 - 11:05 am)

Okay, since it doesn't seem like anybody had a problem with doing it for spring break, I think we should finish planning and get it up ASAP (since spring break is starting)

I will host a few Kyngdom events, including the Main Kyngdom Festival Thread.! Once I put up the Main Kyngdom Festival Thread, it'll have officially begun! Then you can all make your own threads.

Uh, the personality quiz idea seemed popular. Multiple people (I think Moon Wolf and Poinsettia, and maybe someone else I missed) want to do a "which power are you?" personality quiz, so I guess you two should decide who will do it.

Other than the main thread, I will do a "which Kyngdom RP should you join?" personality quiz. I think I will also do an art contest (I think it'd just be general Kyngdom art with no real theme other than Kyngdom). I may make some sort of playlist, if I have time and can find enough songs. Ooh and maybe I could do some sort of "Kyngdom Character Builder" although idk if I'll time for all of those… I will participate in y'all's events as well :] Aaand if I have any other ideas for threads during the festival nobody else is doing I guess I'll make those too! I don't want to do too many threads for fear of overwhelming myself, but I'll definitely do the quiz and the art contest, and I will probably do at least one of my other ideas.

submitted by Periwinkle, age 14, Venturing Kyngdom
(March 28, 2024 - 4:24 pm)

I would like to do the power personality quiz, but if Poinsettia really wants to do it, I could also do an SAP personality quiz or which Kyngdom group you are (like Nobyl, traveler, BIG, etc.) Anyways, all that sounds good! Not exactly sure how much time I'll have since my spring break is at a different time but probably no less than usual. Also what about a Kyngdom poetry contest?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Kyngdom
(March 28, 2024 - 5:35 pm)