
Chatterbox: Inkwell



You have likely already gathered that my name is, in fact, Lisha. Lisha is what you may call me. Some other fairly obvious facts are that I enjoy reading and writing.

However. I am not random, eccentric, or strange. I do not like to make up exotic names for my characters like Allinaraine, or Jessamina. I am not posessed with demon spirits, as so many online claim. I have no mental disorders or phobias, aside from a dislike of walnuts. I am precise, and what I say, I mean.

On a lighter note, my favorite color is green. Fascinating, no?

submitted by Lisha
(February 9, 2010 - 8:58 am)

Ah, but walnuts are so tastless when you first chew them. And they stick in your teeth. and they leave a horrible taste in your mouth. The only fun part is cracking them.

submitted by Lisha
(February 10, 2010 - 11:20 am)

I guess. But if you have ever had a CHOCOLATE-COATED walnut, I think it would taste a little better. Say, have you ever had a Ferrero Rocher chocolate. There those circleish chocolates wrapped in gold foil. Well, the nuts in those are hazelnuts. (Yep. Alexa here. I and Olive have braces and we have hazelnuts. Well, they're probably the small ones. I think you're talking about the big)ish(ones.) So back to me. Since you don't like hazelnuts, and we gave you a rose last time, here, have some pie. {]. Wink

~Olive~ (and Alexa!) 

P.S. My code says HIYA! (without the exclamation mark) 

submitted by Alexa and Olive, age 12 and 12, The fantastical
(February 11, 2010 - 10:44 am)

I appreciate all the warm welcomes, and the frightening ones. You may relax- it will take a lot to scare me off. Thank you all!

submitted by Annie
(February 10, 2010 - 11:24 am)

Hi Lisha!  That is so copol that your favorite color is green!

I am, as you've probably figured out, Lauren M.  I don't come on here very often though.  I don't like yappy dogs, or cats that are mean(like most of mine). 

This is kinda off the topic, but is Zoot from the comics anyone else's favorite character?  He is so funny!


submitted by Lauren M., age 13, Washington
(February 10, 2010 - 11:39 am)

I absolutely adore the color green! This is a great thread.

submitted by Hummingbird
(February 10, 2010 - 1:51 pm)

HI! welcome. Lisha is a pretty name. (And I am not possessed by demon spirits)

submitted by Katie
(February 10, 2010 - 4:00 pm)

How is nobody possessed by demonic spirits??! Just kidding, it's a rare and special affliction.

So, about this thread, Lisha, are we supposed to talk about you all the time???

submitted by Hummingbird
(February 10, 2010 - 10:14 pm)

Note: Sesquipedalian can also mean a person who enjoys using long words.

Anyway, welcome, Lisha! It is fascinating that you like the color green. So do I, in fact. ;)

I don't really remember what walnuts taste like. It's been a while since I have eaten any. I can't with braces. However, I think I liked them, although I did prefer pecans.

You'll definitely enjoy posting here. That I can already tell.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(May 1, 2010 - 11:12 am)