Author Pairs #2?

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Author Pairs #2?

Author Pairs #2?


Does anyone want to continue GloWorm's brilliant idea?  Except that this time we would have a deadline for pairs to be chosen and also a deadline to finish all stories/poems. ***No one would be allowed to start until all the pairs were set up***  --Otherwise there is a lot of chaos.  Afterwards there would be a contest, and the winners would be chosen by judges...  Admins could input if they wanted as well.  So is anyone ready for a fresh start?  If so, please post a writing sample and the type of genre you would like to write: Fantasy, Mystery, Action/Adventure, Hist. fiction, Romance, and Sci-fi.


Hobey-Ho let's go!  *snickers* 

submitted by Trixy
(July 31, 2010 - 6:08 pm)

Hm... I'll do it! Mainly, everyone's just been choposing partners,  I think (as in, "Hey, does anyone want to write a story with me?"), but it would be nice to have some structure, especially if there's a contest involved. I like contests. I can't post anything just yet, though; due to the time, I'm not willing to search for a suitable piece of something I've written.

I'd like to do fantasy or hi-fi, but I'm also willing to do sci-fi.

I'm not really sure how a deadline would work, though. Some people write longer stories than others, and . . .

submitted by Ima
(August 1, 2010 - 12:49 am)

Well we could make a vague word limit and if a team isn't finished by then...  Er, too bad.  I think that would work very well.


I remember the one I did with TNO.  It was in the process of becoming amazing.  *fond memories*

BellaTrix and TNO

submitted by Trixy
(August 1, 2010 - 2:46 pm)

How do we write 2gether if none of us KNOW each other?

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 1, 2010 - 3:07 pm)

@Rachel:Our Characters are Joe and Lena. We make a thread, saying Joe and Lena's story! and then colaborate on the genre, characters, and setting and plot. Stuff like that. Then, one person starts writing it and the next adds on; it's kinda like a round robin, except with only two people. 

@All: I would love to take part in this!  I for one enjoy writing action stories, well, fiction stories, like with characters with magical powers!  

submitted by Jean
(August 1, 2010 - 5:40 pm)

I would like to be paired with another sci-fi writer, please. Writing sample forthcoming. 

submitted by ZNZ
(August 1, 2010 - 4:42 pm)

@Rachel, it's kinda like an RP with only 2 people and you have your own thread, which I believe BellaTrix makes, but it might be you or your partner. You together write this amazing story of the chosen genre. I did one once, and it was really cool

Anyway, I'm still a fantasy nut, so if anyone wants to do a fantasy story with me, I'm willing!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Clair, age 12, Here
(August 1, 2010 - 7:09 pm)
So we have Jean for Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Clair for Fantasy, ZNZ for Sci-Fi, and Ima for Hist. Fiction, Fantasy, or Sci-Fi.
Ok cool!  I'm just gonna need a small writing sample for each of you before I pair you up.  Thanks! 
submitted by Trixy
(August 2, 2010 - 10:02 am)

I would love to join in; pair me up with anybuggy! I don't care what genre. :) Well.....I don't really want to do Romance! ;)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 14, USA! :)
(August 2, 2010 - 11:18 am)

Okay, here's my sample!

A warm wind rushed over the ocean. The sand began to tremble, and an ancient iron statue rose up out of the ocean onto the horizon. It was Posidon's statue, for today was the day one year ago that the Titans had fallen, and now the Gods would gain their power. The loud voice of Posidon spread over the earth. His statue's presence was made known. But he was wise. Posidon cleverly disguised his statue. "We will call it the Statue of our Liberty," said he. 



submitted by Clair, age 12, Here
(August 2, 2010 - 3:07 pm)

Do you think I could be one of the "judges"? I never have enough time to write something with somebody (I've attempted a TAPM twice before) but I would love to be involved.

submitted by Brynne
(August 3, 2010 - 2:15 pm)

Hey Clair, can we be partners? i just found out that out of all the genres I'm best @ writing fantasy. We can start a thread.. .want 2?

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 5, 2010 - 5:31 pm)

I'd LOVE to, but I think you have to do a writing sample first. But after that, I think we can start. I haven't done one of these in a LONG time.

submitted by Clair, age 13!!!!!!!!, Here
(August 6, 2010 - 11:43 am)

Hey, I'd love to do this!  I watched the GloWorm one and thought it looked like great fun.  For genres.... um maybe fantasy or action/adventure or hi-fi... or maybe sci-fi.  *realizes that's most of the list* Um, to narrow it down... I don't know.  I can be flexible.  I will have to hunt for something good to see if I have a nice sample.  A lot of the stuff I write I think is good at the time, and then I go back and it is a disappointment.  I may just have to write something new for this.  I'll get back to you on this.


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 4, 2010 - 11:27 pm)

This excerpt I wrote about a year ago while lifting off in a plane.  The character is not myself, but a person in a similar position.  I dusted it off, revised it a bit, and am now posting it here.  While it may seem okay now, I'll probably look back on it and wonder if I was able to write something that bad. *grimaces*  But I don't want to take the time to come up with something new, which I'd never actually get done, so here you are: 


Elvira stared out the window, her heart pounding fast, like a drum in her ears.  As she watched the jet-black runway disappear before her very eyes, she felt the little tingling of worry she had felt in her chest the whole day intensify.  The plane rose higher and higher, and Elvira, who had been so eagerly staring at the toy houses and miniature cars inching along the surrounding freeway, was thrown violently against her seat.  When she was able to collect herself again, she peered out of the oblong window that was her only escape from the stuffy prison that was carrying her across the country.  A little wisp of air, a gasp, left her mouth soundlessly as the plane banked, and the endless blue of the ocean was all her eyes could see.  Its surface was dotted with sparkles of golden light from the sun that was just waking up and rising to meet the world. Elvira couldn’t help but admire the water, but desperately hoped that this was as close as she’d get to its dangerous depths.  As the plane leveled out a bit more, she beheld the grey mountain peaks that blended beautifully with the coral pink, hazy horizon.  As the plane angled in the other direction, she watched the pale pink merge into a lighter, paler blue.  It was all so spectacular and mind blowing to Elvira, whose comfort levels were more attuned to the hustle and bustle of the city.  


Finally, the wings became parallel again, the tail evened out with the nose, and the vast abyss of water was left far behind.  The new scenery, that of crowded buildings and dusty roads that were gradually becoming more and more congested as the sun journeyed up the sky, was more familiar to Elvira, and the sight of it comforted and soothed her like a warm cup of tea, calming her inner chaos. 


(Sorry if there are any words that are stuck together - some spaces get deleted when I paste things from word.  Also, sorry if it's a bit lengthy... it all looks bigger on here than it does in my word document. :D) 

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 5, 2010 - 7:23 pm)

Sorry - I guess that excerpt wasn't really from the genres that I've selected, which I've narrowed down to fantasy and sci-fi or possibly action/adventure, but I hope it will give you (the judge) enough of my writing style to pair me up. :)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 7, 2010 - 7:48 pm)